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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException;
import play.mvc.Http;
import play.mvc.results.Status;
import play.utils.Utils;


* Parse url-encoded requests.
public class UrlEncodedParser extends DataParser {

    // Sets the maximum count of accepted POST params - protection against Hash collision DOS attacks
    private static final int maxParams = Integer.parseInt(Play.configuration.getProperty("http.maxParams", "1000")); // 0 == no limit
    boolean forQueryString = false;
    public static Map<String, String[]> parse(String urlEncoded) {
        try {
            final String encoding = Http.Request.current().encoding;
            return new UrlEncodedParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(urlEncoded.getBytes( encoding )));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
            throw new UnexpectedException(ex);
    public static Map<String, String[]> parseQueryString(InputStream is) {
        UrlEncodedParser parser = new UrlEncodedParser();
        parser.forQueryString = true;
        return parser.parse(is);

    public Map<String, String[]> parse(InputStream is) {
        // Encoding is either retrieved from contentType or it is the default encoding
        final String encoding = Http.Request.current().encoding;
        try {
            Map<String, String[]> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int bytesRead;
            while ( (bytesRead = > 0 ) {
                os.write( buffer, 0, bytesRead);

            String data = new String(os.toByteArray(), encoding);
            if (data.length() == 0) {
                //data is empty - can skip the rest
                return new HashMap<String, String[]>(0);

            // data is o the form:
            // a=b&b=c%12...

            // Let us parse in two phases - we wait until everything is parsed before
            // we decoded it - this makes it possible for use to look for the
            // special _charset_ param which can hold the charset the form is encoded in.
            // NB: _charset_ must always be used with accept-charset and it must have the same value

            String[] keyValues = data.split("&");

            // to prevent the Play-server from being vulnerable to POST hash collision DOS-attack (Denial of Service through hash table multi-collisions),
            // we should by default not parse the params into HashMap if the count exceeds a maximum limit
            if(maxParams != 0 && keyValues.length > maxParams) {
                Logger.warn("Number of request parameters %d is higher than maximum of %d, aborting. Can be configured using 'http.maxParams'", keyValues.length, maxParams);
                throw new Status(413); //413 Request Entity Too Large

            for (String keyValue : keyValues) {
                // split this key-value on the first '='
                int i = keyValue.indexOf('=');
                String key=null;
                String value=null;
                if ( i > 0) {
                    key = keyValue.substring(0,i);
                    value = keyValue.substring(i+1);
                } else {
                    key = keyValue;
                if (key.length()>0) {
                    Utils.Maps.mergeValueInMap(params, key, value);

            // Second phase - look for _charset_ param and do the encoding
            String charset = encoding;
            if (params.containsKey("_charset_")) {
                // The form contains a _charset_ param - When this is used together
                // with accept-charset, we can use _charset_ to extract the encoding.
                // PS: When rendering the view/form, _charset_ and accept-charset must be given the
                // same value - since only Firefox and sometimes IE actually sets it when Posting
                String providedCharset = params.get("_charset_")[0];
                // Must be sure the providedCharset is a valid encoding..
                try {
                    charset = providedCharset; // it works..
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Logger.debug("Got invalid _charset_ in form: " + providedCharset);
                    // lets just use the default one..

            // We're ready to decode the params
            Map<String, String[]> decodedParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>(params.size());
            URLCodec codec = new URLCodec();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> e : params.entrySet()) {
                String key = e.getKey();
                try {
                    key = codec.decode(e.getKey(), charset);
                } catch (Throwable z) {
                    // Nothing we can do about, ignore
                for (String value : e.getValue()) {
                    try {
                        Utils.Maps.mergeValueInMap(decodedParams, key, (value == null ? null : codec.decode(value, charset)));
                    } catch (Throwable z) {
                        // Nothing we can do about, lets fill in with the non decoded value
                        Utils.Maps.mergeValueInMap(decodedParams, key, value);

            // add the complete body as a parameters
            if(!forQueryString) {
                decodedParams.put("body", new String[] {data});

            return decodedParams;
        } catch (Status s) {
            // just pass it along
            throw s;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new UnexpectedException(e);


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