* Copyright (C) 2011 Stephane Godbillon
* This file is part of BytecodeParser. See the README file in the root
* directory of this project.
* BytecodeParser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* BytecodeParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with BytecodeParser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package bytecodeparser.analysis.stack;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javassist.CtBehavior;
import javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode;
import javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator;
import bytecodeparser.CodeParser;
import bytecodeparser.Context;
import bytecodeparser.OpHandler;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.Opcodes;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.decoders.DecodedBranchOp;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.decoders.DecodedMethodInvocationOp;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.decoders.DecodedOp;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.decoders.DecodedSwitchOpcode;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.opcodes.BranchOpCode;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.opcodes.ExitOpcode;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.opcodes.Op;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.opcodes.SwitchOpcode;
import bytecodeparser.analysis.stack.Stack.StackElementLength;
* A class to analyze a behavior.
* Any statement can be inserted after or before the frames produced by the analysis using the FrameIterator.
* @author Stephane Godbillon
public class StackAnalyzer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(StackAnalyzer.class);
* Context of this analysis.
public final Context context;
final Stack stack;
final Frame[] frames;
* Constructs an analyzer for the given behavior.
* @param behavior
public StackAnalyzer(CtBehavior behavior) {
this.context = new Context(behavior);
this.stack = new Stack();
this.frames = new Frame[context.behavior.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute().getCodeLength()];
* Analyzes the behavior and returns the frames of its code.
* @return the frames of the bytecode.
* @throws BadBytecode thrown by javassist if the bytecode of this method is wrong.
public Frames analyze() throws BadBytecode {
if(frames[0] == null) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("Start analyzis of " + context.behavior.getLongName());
analyze(0, new Stack());
LOGGER.debug("Analyzis ended, took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
return new Frames(context.behavior, frames);
void init() throws BadBytecode {
new CodeParser(context.behavior).parse(new OpHandler() {
public void handle(Op op, int index) {
Frame frame = frames[index] = new Frame();
frame.index = index;
void parseCatchBlocks() throws BadBytecode {
for(int index : context.exceptionHandlers) {
analyze(index, new Stack().push(new Whatever()));
void analyze(int from, Stack stack) throws BadBytecode {
StringBuffer trace = new StringBuffer();
try {
if(frames[from].isAccessible) // already parsed
CodeIterator iterator = context.behavior.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute().iterator();
Stack currentStack = stack.copy();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
int index = iterator.next();
Op op = Opcodes.OPCODES.get(iterator.byteAt(index)).init(context, index);
trace.append("\n").append(index).append(":").append(op.getName()).append(" --> ");
Frame frame = frames[index];
frame.isAccessible = true;
frame.stackBefore = currentStack.copy();
frame.decodedOp = op.decode(context, index);
if(frame.decodedOp instanceof DecodedBranchOp)
trace.append(" [jump to ").append(((DecodedBranchOp)frame.decodedOp).getJump()).append("] ");
if(frame.decodedOp instanceof DecodedMethodInvocationOp)
trace.append(" [params = ").append(StackElementLength.add(((DecodedMethodInvocationOp)frame.decodedOp).getPops())).append(" -> ").append(Arrays.toString(((DecodedMethodInvocationOp)frame.decodedOp).getParameterTypes())).append("] ");
frame.stackAfter = currentStack.copy();
if( !(op instanceof ExitOpcode || (op instanceof BranchOpCode && !((BranchOpCode)op).isConditional()) || op instanceof SwitchOpcode) )
trace.append(". Next is ").append(iterator.lookAhead());
if(op instanceof ExitOpcode)
if(op instanceof BranchOpCode) {
BranchOpCode branchOpCode = op.as(BranchOpCode.class);
int jump = branchOpCode.decode(context, index).getJump();
analyze(jump, frame.stackAfter);
if(op instanceof SwitchOpcode) {
SwitchOpcode switchOpcode = op.as(SwitchOpcode.class);
DecodedSwitchOpcode decodedSwitchOpcode = switchOpcode.decode(context, index);
for(int offset : decodedSwitchOpcode.offsets)
analyze(offset, frame.stackAfter);
analyze(decodedSwitchOpcode.defaultOffset, frame.stackAfter);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("BCLIBS ERROR !! " + trace.toString(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* A bytecode frame. A frame instance holds a reference of the stack (before and after it).
* @author Stephane Godbillon
public static class Frame {
* The state of the stack before the frame is run.
public Stack stackBefore;
* The state of the stack after the frame is run.
public Stack stackAfter;
* The index of this frame in the bytecode. A frame produced by the StackAnalyzer gets its index updated if any bytecode is inserted.
public int index;
* The decoded op.
public DecodedOp decodedOp;
* States if the frame is accessible.
* Generally, a frame which isAccessible field is false denotes a wrong bytecode.
public boolean isAccessible = false;
* A String representation of this frame.
public String toString() {
return "Frame " + index + " (" + decodedOp.op.getName() + "):" + stackBefore + " -> " + stackAfter + " " + (isAccessible ? "" : " NOT ACCESSIBLE");
* An collection of Frame, allowing to iterate over the frames and insert some bytecode if needed.
* @author Stephane Godbillon
public static class Frames implements Iterable<Frame> {
* The backed frames.
public final Frame[] frames;
* The behavior containing these frames.
public final CtBehavior behavior;
public Frames(CtBehavior behavior, Frame[] frames) {
this.frames = frames;
this.behavior = behavior;
public FrameIterator iterator() {
return new FrameIterator();
* An iterator of Frames allowing to insert some bytecode before or after the iterated frames.
* The indexes of the backed frames always get updated after an insertion.
* @author Stephane Godbillon
public class FrameIterator implements Iterator<Frame> {
private int i = -1;
private FrameCodeIterator iterator = new FrameCodeIterator(behavior
.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute(), frames);
* Should never be used, this operation is not supported.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns the next frame.
* @return the next frame.
public Frame next() {
int nextIndex = nextIndex();
if (nextIndex > -1) {
i = nextIndex;
return frames[nextIndex];
throw new IllegalStateException();
* States if there is a next frame.
* @return true if there is at least one remaining frame, false if not.
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextIndex() > -1;
* States if the iterator is at the start of the backed frames array.
* @return true if at the start of the backed frames array, false if not.
public boolean isFirst() {
return i == 0;
* States if the iterator is at the end of the backed frames array.
* @return true if at the end of the backed frames array, false if not.
public boolean isLast() {
return !hasNext();
* Gets the next frame, but does not update the iterator cursor. This operation is indempotent.
* @return the next frame.
public Frame lookAhead() {
if (nextIndex() != -1)
return frames[nextIndex()];
return null;
private int nextIndex() {
for (int j = i + 1; j < frames.length; j++)
if (frames[j] != null)
return j;
return -1;
* Inserts the given bytecode before or after the current Frame.
* @param code Bytecode.
* @param after true if after, false if before the current Frame.
* @throws BadBytecode if the given bytecode is wrong.
public void insert(byte[] code, boolean after) throws BadBytecode {
int index = 0;
if (!after && i != -1)
index = frames[i].index;
if (after && lookAhead() != null)
index = lookAhead().index;
static class FrameCodeIterator extends CodeIterator {
final Frame[] frames;
public FrameCodeIterator(CodeAttribute codeAttribute, Frame[] frames) {
this.frames = frames;
protected void updateCursors(int pos, int length) {
super.updateCursors(pos, length);
for (Frame frame : frames) {
if (frame != null && frame.index > pos)
frame.index += length;