* Classes Donnan
* Class Donnan contains the primary methods for
* calculating a Donnan Potential between two
* partitions of different electrical permittivity
* (dielectric constant) between which any number of
* ionic species may be partitioned and, in one
* partition only, may bind to a neutral ionophore.
* Class Donnan requires Class DonnanMinim and Class DonnanConcn
* that implement interfaces to the required minimisation methods
* WRITTEN BY: Michael Thomas Flanagan
* DATE: November 2004
* LAST UPDATE: 1 December 2004, 5-7 July 2008
* See Michael Thomas Flanagan's JAVA library on-line web page:
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/Donnan.html
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/
* Copyright (c) November 2004
* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
* NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
* to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga, appears in all copies.
* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
* or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
* Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
* as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
package flanagan.physchem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import flanagan.physprop.IonicRadii;
import flanagan.io.*;
import flanagan.math.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Donnan{
private ArrayList<Object> arrayl = new ArrayList<Object>(); // vector holding:
// element 0: name of first ion
// element 1: initial concentration of first ion in partition A (enter as M)
// element 2: initial concentration of first ion in partition B (enter as M)
// element 3: association constant with ionophore (enter as M^-1)
// element 4: radius of first ion (metres)
// element 5: charge of first ion
// element 6: partition coefficient if provided by the user
// -1 if not; partition coefficient to be calculated later
// element 7: name of second ion
// etc
private int numOfIons = 0; // number of ionic species
private int numOfAnions = 0; // number of anionic species
private int numOfCations = 0; // number of cationic species
private String[] ionNames = null; // names of the ions
private double[] concnA = null; // concentration of ions in partition A (moles per cubic metre)
private double[] concnB = null; // concentration of ions in partition B (moles per cubic metre)
private double[] molesT = null; // total moles of an ion
private double[] complex = null; // concentration of complex in partition B (moles per cubic metre)
private double[] excessConcnA = null; // excess concentration of ions in partition A in interfacial charge (moles per cubic metre)
private double[] excessConcnB = null; // excess concentration of ions in partition B in interfacial charge (moles per cubic metre)
private double[] excessComplex = null; // excess concentration of complex in partition B in interfacial charge (moles per cubic metre)
private int[] indexC = null; // ion index of ionic species with non zero total concentrations
private int nonZeroConcns = 0; // number of ionic species with a non-zero total concentration
private double[] assocConsts = null; // association constants of the ions with the ionophore (cubic metres per mole)
private int[] indexK = null; // ion index of ionic species with non zero assocConsts
private int nonZeroAssocK = 0; // number of ionic species with affinity for the ionophore
private double[] radii = null; // radii of ions
private boolean radiusType = true; // if = true - hydrated radii are taken from Class IonicRadii
// if = false - bare radii are taken from Class IonicRadii
private double[] charges = null; // charge of ions
private double tol = 1e-6; // fractional tolerance in checking for overall charge neutrality
// when multiplied by total concentration of species of lowest concentration
// gives limit for considering overall neurtality achieved
private String ionophore = "ionophore"; // name ionophore for output texts
private double ionophoreConcn = 0.0D; // ionophore concentration - entered as molar, converted to moles per cubic metre
private double freeIonophoreConcn = 0.0D; // ionophore concentration - all complex concentrations
private double ionophoreRad = 0.0D; // ionophore radius (metres)
private boolean ionophoreSet = false; // = true when ionophore concentration and radius have been set
private double volumeA = 0.0D; // volume of partition A (cubic metres)
private double volumeB = 0.0D; // volume of partition B (cubic metres)
private double interfacialArea = 0.0D; // onterfacial area between Partitions A and B(square metres)
private boolean volumeSet = false; // = true when volumeA and volumeB have been set
private double epsilonA = 0.0D; // relative electrical permittivity of partition A
private double epsilonB = 0.0D; // relative electrical permittivity of partition B
private double epsilonSternA = 0.0D; // relative electrical permittivity of partition A Stern layer
private double epsilonSternB = 0.0D; // relative electrical permittivity of partition B SternLayer
private boolean epsilonSet = false; // = true when epsilonA and epsilonB have been set
private double temp = 25.0-Fmath.T_ABS; // Temperature (degrees Kelvin) [Enter temperature in degrees Celsius]
private boolean tempSet = false; // = true when temperature has been set
private double[] deltaMu0 = null; // difference in Born charging energy (partitionB - partitionA)
private double[] partCoeff = null; // partition coefficients in absence of inter-partition, e.g. Donnan, potential
private double[] partCoeffPot = null; // partition coefficients in presence of inter-partition, e.g. Donnan, potential
private boolean[] indexPC = null; // partition coefficient (pc) index
// = true if pc provided by user
// = false if pc calculated from Born charging
private double donnanPotential = 0.0D; // Donanan potential with respect to partition A (psiB - psiA) [volts]
private double diffPotentialA = 0.0D; // Double layer potential difference - compartment A [volts]
private double diffPotentialB = 0.0D; // Double layer potential difference - compartment B [volts]
private double sternPotential = 0.0D; // Stern potential difference [volts]
private double estimate = 0.0D; // Initial Estimate of the Donanan potential with respect to partition A (psiB - psiA) [volts]
private double step = 0.0D; // Initial step size in the estimation of the Donanan potential with respect to partition A (psiB - psiA) [volts]
private double tolerance = 1.0e-20; // tolerance in exiting estimation of the Donanan potential with respect to partition A (psiB - psiA)
private int nMaxIter = 10000; // maximum number of iterations allowed in estimation of the Donanan potential with respect to partition A (psiB - psiA)
private int numIterations = 0; // number of iterations taken
private double minimum = 1.0e300; // value of function to be minimised at the minimum
private double sternCap = 0.0D; // Stern layer capacitance [F]
private double diffCapA = 0.0D; // diffuse double layer capacitance in partition A [F]
private double diffCapB = 0.0D; // diffuse double layer capacitance in partition B [F]
private double donnanCap = 0.0D; // total interfacial capacitance [F]
private double sternDeltaA = 0.0D; // Stern layer thickness in partition A [m]
private double sternDeltaB = 0.0D; // Stern layer thickness in partition B [m]
private double chargeValue = 0; // Absolute value of the charge valency if all are the same, i.e. symmetric electrolytes of the same valency
private boolean chargeSame = true; // = false if chargeValue not the same for all ions
private double interfacialChargeDensity = 0.0D;// interface Charge Density [C per square metre]
private double interfacialCharge = 0.0D; // interface Charge [C]
private boolean includeIc = true; // = true - interface charge included in the calculation of the Donnan potential
// = false - interface charge ignored in the calculation of the Donnan Poptential
private double[] ratioA = null; // ratio of excess to bulk concentrations - compartment A
private double[] ratioB = null; // ratio of excess to bulk concentrations - compartment B
private double[] ratioC = null; // ratio of excess to bulk concentrations - complex
private double recipKappaA = 0.0D; // Debye length - compartment A
private double recipKappaB = 0.0D; // Debye length - compartment B
// Constructor
public Donnan(){
// Method for setting ionic radii taken from Class IonicRadii to hydrated radii
// This is the default option
public void setHydratedRadii(){
this.radiusType = true;
// Method for setting ionic radii taken from Class IonicRadii to bare radii
public void setBareRadii(){
this.radiusType = false;
// Method for setting Donnan Potential calculatiom method to ignore interfacial charge
public void ignoreInterfaceCharge(){
this.includeIc = false;
// Method for setting Donnan Potential calculatiom method to include interfacial charge
// This is the default option
public void includeInterfaceCharge(){
this.includeIc = true;
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient to be calculated from Born charging equation
// Concentrations - Molar, assocK - M^-1, radius - metres, charge - valency e.g. +1
public void setIon(String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double assocK, double radius, int charge){
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(assocK));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(radius));
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charge));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(-1.0D));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient supplied by user
// Concentrations - Molar, assocK - M^-1, radius - metres, charge - valency e.g. +1
public void setIon(double partCoeff, String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double assocK, double radius, int charge){
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(assocK));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(radius));
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charge));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(partCoeff));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient to be calculated from Born charging equation
// Concentrations - Molar, radius - metres, charge - valency e.g. +1
// association constant = 0.0D
public void setIon(String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double radius, int charge){
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(0.0D));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(radius));
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charge));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(-1.0D));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient to be supplied by user
// Concentrations - Molar, radius - metres, charge - valency e.g. +1
// association constant = 0.0D
public void setIon(double partCoeff, String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double radius, int charge){
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(0.0D));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(radius));
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charge));
this.arrayl.add(new Double (partCoeff));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient to be calculated from Born charging equation
// default radii and charge taken from class IonicRadii
// if radii not in Ionic Radii, Donnan potential calculated with interface charge neglected
// Concentrations - Molar
public void setIon(String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double assocK){
IonicRadii ir = new IonicRadii();
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(assocK));
double rad = 0.0D;
rad = ir.hydratedRadius(ion);
rad = ir.radius(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " radius is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter radius in metres\n";
rad = Db.readDouble(mess1+mess2);
this.arrayl.add(new Double(rad));
int charg = 0;
charg = ir.charge(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " charge is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter charge, e.g +2";
charg = Db.readInt(mess1+mess2);
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charg));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(-1.0D));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficient to be supplied by user
// default radii and charge taken from class IonicRadii
// Concentrations - Molar
public void setIon(double partCoeff, String ion, double concnA, double concnB, double assocK){
IonicRadii ir = new IonicRadii();
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(assocK));
double rad = 0.0D;
rad = ir.hydratedRadius(ion);
rad = ir.radius(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " radius is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter radius in metres\n";
String mess3 = "Enter 0.0 if you wish interfacial charge to be neglected";
rad = Db.readDouble(mess1+mess2+mess3);
if(rad==0.0D)this.includeIc = false;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(rad));
int charg = 0;
charg = ir.charge(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " charge is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter charge, e.g +2";
charg = Db.readInt(mess1+mess2);
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charg));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(partCoeff));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficients to be calculated from Born charging equation
// default radii and charge taken from class IonicRadii
// association constant = 0.0D
// Concentrations - Molar
public void setIon(String ion, double concnA, double concnB){
IonicRadii ir = new IonicRadii();
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(0.0D));
double rad = 0.0D;
rad = ir.hydratedRadius(ion);
rad = ir.radius(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " radius is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter radius in metres\n";
rad = Db.readDouble(mess1+mess2);
if(rad==0.0D)this.includeIc = false;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(rad));
int charg = 0;
charg = ir.charge(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " charge is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter charge, e.g +2";
charg = Db.readInt(mess1+mess2);
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charg));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(-1.0D));
// Method to add an ionic species to the Donnan Equilibrium
// Partition coefficients to be supplied by the user
// default radii and charge taken from class IonicRadii
// association constant = 0.0D
// Concentrations - Molar
public void setIon(double partCoeff, String ion, double concnA, double concnB){
IonicRadii ir = new IonicRadii();
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnA));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(concnB));
if(concnA>0.0D || concnB>0.0)this.nonZeroConcns++;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(0.0D));
double rad = 0.0D;
rad = ir.hydratedRadius(ion);
rad = ir.radius(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " radius is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter radius in metres\n";
String mess3 = "Enter 0.0 if you wish interfacial charge to be neglected";
rad = Db.readDouble(mess1+mess2+mess3);
if(rad==0.0D)this.includeIc = false;
this.arrayl.add(new Double(rad));
int charg = 0;
charg = ir.charge(ion);
String mess1 = ion + " charge is not in the IonicRadii list\n";
String mess2 = "Please enter charge, e.g +2";
charg = Db.readInt(mess1+mess2);
this.arrayl.add(new Integer(charg));
this.arrayl.add(new Double(partCoeff));
// Method to add an ionophore to the partition B
// Concentration = Molar, radius = metres
public void setIonophore(double concn, double radius){
this.ionophoreConcn = concn*1e3;
this.ionophoreRad = radius;
this.ionophoreSet = true;
// Method to add an ionophore to the partition B
// Concentration = Molar, radius = metres
// Ionophore name can be added for output text
public void setIonophore(String ionophore, double concn, double radius){
this.ionophore = ionophore;
this.ionophoreConcn = concn*1e3;
this.ionophoreRad = radius;
this.ionophoreSet = true;
// Method to add an ionophore to the partition B
// No radius added - calculation of Donnan potential will neglect interface charge
// Concentration = Molar
// Ionophore name can be added for output text
public void setIonophore(String ionophore, double concn){
this.ionophore = ionophore;
this.ionophoreConcn = concn*1e3;
this.includeIc = false;
this.ionophoreSet = true;
// Method to add an ionophore to the partition B
// No radius added - calculation of Donnan potential will neglect interface charge
// Concentration = Molar
public void setIonophore(double concn){
this.ionophoreConcn = concn*1e3;
this.includeIc = false;
this.ionophoreSet = true;
// Method to set partition volumes (m^3) and interfacial area
public void setVolumes(double volA, double volB, double area){
this.volumeA = volA;
this.volumeB = volB;
this.interfacialArea = area;
this.volumeSet = true;
// Method to set partition volumes (m^3)
// No interfacial area entered - calculation of Donnan potential will neglect interface charge
public void setVolumes(double volA, double volB){
this.volumeA = volA;
this.volumeB = volB;
this.includeIc = false;
this.volumeSet = true;
// Method to set partition relative permittivities
public void setRelPerm(double epsA, double epsB, double epsSternA, double epsSternB){
this.epsilonA = epsA;
this.epsilonB = epsB;
this.epsilonSternA = epsSternA;
this.epsilonSternB = epsSternB;
this.epsilonSet = true;
// Method to set partition relative permittivities
// No Stern layer permittivities included - interface charge cannot be calculated
public void setRelPerm(double epsA, double epsB){
this.epsilonA = epsA;
this.epsilonB = epsB;
this.includeIc = false;
this.epsilonSet = true;
// Method to set temperature (enter as degrees Celsius)
public void setTemp(double temp){
this.temp = temp - Fmath.T_ABS;
this.tempSet = true;
// Method to set initial estimate of the Donnan potential (V)
public void setEstimate(double pot){
this.estimate = pot;
// Method to set initial step size of the Donnan potential Estimations (V)
public void setStep(double step){
this.step = step;
// Method to set tolerance in exiting the Donnan potential calculation
public void setTolerance(double tol){
this.tolerance = tol;
// Method to set maximum number of iterations in calculating the Donnan potential calculation
public void setMaxIterations(int nMax){
this.nMaxIter = nMax;
// Method to get the Donnan potential [volts]
public double getDonnanPotential(){
return this.donnanPotential;
// Method to get the diffuse double layer potential in partition A [volts]
public double getDiffuseLayerPotentialA(){
return this.diffPotentialA;
// Method to get the diffuse double layer potential in partition B [volts]
public double getDiffuseLayerPotentialB(){
return this.diffPotentialB;
// Method to get the Stern layer potential [volts]
public double getSternLayerPotential(){
return this.sternPotential;
// Method to get the bulk concentrations of the ionic species, in partition A, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getConcnA(){
double[] concn = this.concnA.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the bulk concentrations of the ionic species, in partition B, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getConcnB(){
double[] concn = this.concnB.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the bulk concentrations of the complex species, in partition B, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getComplex(){
double[] concn = this.complex.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the excess concentrations of the ionic species, in partition A, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getExcessConcnA(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getExcessConcnA\nThe values of the excess concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
double[] concn = this.excessConcnA.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the excessConcentrations of the ionic species, in partition B, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getExcessConcnB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getExcessConcnA\nThe values of the excess concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
double[] concn = this.excessConcnB.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the excess concentrations of the complex species, in partition B, at the minimum [M]
public double[] getExcessComplex(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getExcessConcnA\nThe values of the excess concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
double[] concn = this.excessComplex.clone();
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++)concn[i] *= 1e-3;
return concn;
// Method to get the ratio of excess concentrations over bulk concentrations of the ionic in partition A
public double[] getRatioA(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getRatioA\nThe values of the excess to bulk concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
return this.ratioA;
// Method to get the ratio of excess concentrations over bulk concentrations of the ionic but not complex species, in partition B
public double[] getRatioB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getRatioB\nThe values of the excess to bulk concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
return this.ratioB;
// Method to get the ratio of excess concentrations over bulk concentrations of the complex species
public double[] getRatioComplex(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getRatioComplex\nThe values of the excess to bulk concentrations have not been calculated\nzeros returned");
return this.ratioC;
// Method to get the partition coefficients at equilibrium
public double[] getPartitionCoefficients(){
return this.partCoeffPot;
// Method to get the partition coefficients in the absence of a Donnan Potential
public double[] getPartitionCoefficientsZero(){
return this.partCoeff;
// Method to get the difference in Born Charging energy between partitions A and B
public double[] getDeltaMu0(){
return this.deltaMu0;
// Method to get the total interfacial charge
public double getInterfaceCharge(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getInterfaceCharge\nThe value of the interface charge has not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.interfacialCharge;
// Method to get the interfacial charge density
public double getInterfaceChargeDensity(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getInterfaceChargeDensity\nThe value of the interface charge density has not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.interfacialCharge;
// Method to get the Stern Capacitance
public double getSternCapacitance(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getSternCapacitance\nThe value of the Stern capacitance has not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.sternCap*this.interfacialArea;
// Method to get the diffuse layer Capacitance in Partition A
public double getDiffuseLayerCapacitanceA(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getDiffuseLayerCapacitanceA\nThe values of the diffuse layer capacitances have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.diffCapA*this.interfacialArea;
// Method to get the diffuse layer Capacitance in Partition B
public double getDiffuseLayerCapacitanceB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getDiffuseLayerCapacitanceB\nThe values of the diffuse layer capacitances have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.diffCapB*this.interfacialArea;
// Method to get the Donnan Capacitance
public double getDonnanCapacitanceB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getDonnanCapacitance\nThe value of the Donnan capacitance has not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.donnanCap*this.interfacialArea;
// Method to get the Stern layer thickness in Partition A
public double getSternThicknessA(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getSternThicknessA\nThe values of the Stern layer thicknesses have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.sternDeltaA;
// Method to get the Stern layer thickness in Partition B
public double getSternThicknessB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getSternThicknessB\nThe values of the Stern layer thicknesses have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.sternDeltaB;
// Method to get the Debye length in Partition A
public double getDebyeLengthA(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getDebyeLengthA\nThe values of the Debye lengths have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.recipKappaA;
// Method to get the Debye length in Partition A
public double getDebyeLengthB(){
System.out.println("Class: Donnan\nMethod: getDebyeLengthB\nThe values of the Debye lengths have not been calculated\nzero returned");
return this.recipKappaB;
// Method to get the minimised function (square of charge in B) value at the minimum
public double getMinimum(){
return this.minimum;
// Method to calculate the Donnan potential (V)
public double calcPotential(){
// check all information needed is present and check overall charge neutrality
// Repack to eliminate zero concentration ions
double numOfIonsHold = this.numOfIons;
double[] assocConstshold = null;
double[] radiihold = null;
double[] chargeshold = null;
double[] deltaMu0hold = null;
double[] partCoeffhold = null;
assocConstshold = this.assocConsts.clone();
radiihold = this.radii.clone();
chargeshold = this.charges.clone();
deltaMu0hold = this.deltaMu0.clone();
partCoeffhold = this.partCoeff.clone();
boolean test = true;
int jj = 0;
for(int k=jj+1; k<this.numOfIons; k++){
this.concnA[k-1] = this.concnA[k];
this.concnB[k-1] = this.concnB[k];
this.complex[k-1] = this.complex[k];
this.molesT[k-1] = this.molesT[k];
this.assocConsts[k-1] = this.assocConsts[k];
this.radii[k-1] = this.radii[k];
this.charges[k-1] = this.charges[k];
this.deltaMu0[k-1] = this.deltaMu0[k];
this.partCoeff[k-1] = this.partCoeff[k];
// Obtain Donnan potential by miminimising
// the square of the net charge in partition B
// Check if interface charge is to be include
// if it is - perform calculation first without interface charge
// to obtain workable initial estimates for calculation with interface charge included
boolean includeIcHold = false;
includeIcHold = true;
this.includeIc = false;
//Create instance of Minimisation
Minimisation minPot = new Minimisation();
// Create instace of class holding function to be minimised
DonnanMinim functD = new DonnanMinim(this.numOfIons);
// Initialise function functD variable
functD.numOfIons = this.numOfIons;
functD.concnA = this.concnA;
functD.concnB = this.concnB;
functD.molesT = this.molesT;
functD.complex = this.complex;
functD.excessConcnA = this.excessConcnA;
functD.excessConcnB = this.excessConcnB;
functD.excessComplex = this.excessComplex;
functD.assocConsts = this.assocConsts;
functD.indexK = this.indexK;
functD.nonZeroAssocK = this.nonZeroAssocK;
functD.radii = this.radii;
functD.charges = this.charges;
functD.ionophoreConcn = this.ionophoreConcn;
functD.ionophoreRad = this.ionophoreRad;
functD.volumeA = this.volumeA;
functD.volumeB = this.volumeB;
functD.interfacialArea = this.interfacialArea;
functD.epsilonA = this.epsilonA;
functD.epsilonB = this.epsilonB;
functD.epsilonSternA = this.epsilonSternA;
functD.epsilonSternB = this.epsilonSternB;
functD.temp = this.temp;
functD.partCoeff = this.partCoeff;
functD.partCoeffPot = this.partCoeffPot;
functD.sternCap = this.sternCap;
functD.sternDeltaA = this.sternDeltaA;
functD.sternDeltaB = this.sternDeltaB;
functD.chargeValue = this.chargeValue;
functD.chargeSame = this.chargeSame;
functD.interfacialCharge = this.interfacialCharge;
functD.interfacialChargeDensity = this.interfacialChargeDensity;
functD.includeIc = this.includeIc;
// initial estimate
double[] start = {this.estimate};
// initial step size
double[] step = {this.step};
// Nelder and Mead minimisation procedure
minPot.nelderMead(functD, start, step, this.tolerance, this.nMaxIter);
// get values of the Donnan potential at minimum
double[] param = minPot.getParamValues();
this.donnanPotential = param[0];
// Repeat with interface charge included if this is required
this.includeIc = true;
// initial estimate
start[0] = this.donnanPotential;
// initial step size
step[0] = this.step;
// Nelder and Mead minimisation procedure
minPot.nelderMead(functD, start, step, this.tolerance, this.nMaxIter);
// get values of the Donnan potential at minimum
param = minPot.getParamValues();
this.donnanPotential = param[0];
// Calculate concentartions at the minimum
// Repack if zero concentration ions were present
boolean test = true;
int jj = 0;
for(int k=jj; k<this.numOfIons; k++){
this.concnA[k+1] = this.concnA[k];
this.concnB[k+1] = this.concnB[k];
this.complex[k+1] = this.complex[k];
this.excessConcnA[k+1] = this.excessConcnA[k];
this.excessConcnB[k+1] = this.excessConcnB[k];
this.excessComplex[k+1] = this.excessComplex[k];
this.molesT[k+1] = this.molesT[k];
this.assocConsts[k+1] = this.assocConsts[k];
this.radii[k+1] = this.radii[k];
this.charges[k+1] = this.charges[k];
this.deltaMu0[k+1] = this.deltaMu0[k];
this.partCoeff[k+1] = this.partCoeff[k];
this.partCoeffPot[k+1] = this.partCoeffPot[k];
this.concnA[jj] = 0.0D;
this.concnB[jj] = 0.0D;
this.complex[jj] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnA[jj] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnB[jj] = 0.0D;
this.excessComplex[jj] = 0.0D;
this.molesT[jj] = 0.0D;
this.assocConsts[jj] = assocConstshold[jj];
this.radii[jj] = radiihold[jj];
this.charges[jj] = chargeshold[jj];
this.deltaMu0[jj] = deltaMu0hold[jj];
this.partCoeff[jj] = partCoeffhold[jj];
// get the minimum value
this.minimum = minPot.getMinimum();
// get the number of iterations
this.numIterations = minPot.getNiter();
// Calculate excess to bulk ratios
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
this.ratioA[i] = this.excessConcnA[i]/this.concnA[i];
this.ratioB[i] = this.excessConcnB[i]/this.concnB[i];
this.ratioC[i] = this.excessComplex[i]/this.complex[i];
// Calculate overall and diffuse layer capacitances
this.diffCapA = this.interfacialCharge/this.diffPotentialA;
this.diffCapB = this.interfacialCharge/this.diffPotentialB;
this.donnanCap = this.interfacialCharge/this.donnanPotential;
// Calculate Debye lengths
double preterm = 2.0D*Fmath.square(Fmath.Q_ELECTRON)*Fmath.N_AVAGADRO/(Fmath.EPSILON_0*Fmath.K_BOLTZMANN*this.temp);
double pretermA = preterm/this.epsilonA;
double pretermB = preterm/this.epsilonB;
this.recipKappaA = 0.0;
this.recipKappaB = 0.0;
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
this.recipKappaA += this.concnA[i]*charges[i]*charges[i];
this.recipKappaB += (this.concnB[i] + this.complex[i])*charges[i]*charges[i];
this.recipKappaA = 1.0D/Math.sqrt(this.recipKappaA*pretermA);
this.recipKappaB = 1.0D/Math.sqrt(this.recipKappaB*pretermB);
// Calculate deltaMu0s for user supplied partition coefficients
// and scale all deltaMu0s to per mole
for(int ii=0; ii<this.numOfIons; ii++){
this.deltaMu0[ii] = Math.log(this.partCoeff[ii])*(Fmath.N_AVAGADRO*Fmath.K_BOLTZMANN)*this.temp;
this.deltaMu0[ii] *= Fmath.N_AVAGADRO;
// Calculate partition coefficients at equilibrium
for(int ii=0; ii<this.numOfIons; ii++){
this.partCoeffPot[ii] = this.partCoeff[ii]*Math.exp((-this.donnanPotential*this.charges[ii]*Fmath.Q_ELECTRON)/(Fmath.K_BOLTZMANN*this.temp));
return this.donnanPotential;
// Unpacks the ion storage ArrayList and fills the appropriate arrays
// Checks all relevant data has been entered
private void unpack(){
if(!this.volumeSet)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The volumes of the partitions have not been set");
if(this.numOfIons==0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No ions have been entered");
if(this.nonZeroConcns==0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("No non-zero ionic concentrations have been entered");
if(!this.epsilonSet)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The relative permittivities of the partitions have not been set");
if(!this.tempSet)System.out.println("The temperature has not been entered\na value of 25 degrees Celsius has been used");
System.out.println("The ionophore has not been entered\na concentration value of zero has been used");
System.out.println("and the interface charge option has been set to neglect the interface charge");
// change concentrations to moles per cubic metre
// fill primitive data arrays
// calculate total moles
// check if the electrolyte is charge symmetric
this.ionNames = new String[this.numOfIons];
this.concnA = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.concnB = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.molesT = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.complex = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.excessConcnA = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.excessConcnB = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.excessComplex = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.ratioA = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.ratioB = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.ratioC = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.assocConsts = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.radii = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.charges = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.deltaMu0 = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.partCoeff = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.partCoeffPot = new double[this.numOfIons];
this.indexK = new int[this.nonZeroAssocK];
this.indexC = new int[this.numOfIons];
this.indexPC = new boolean[this.numOfIons];
Double hold = null;
Integer holi = null;
int ii = 0;
this.chargeValue = 0;
this.chargeSame = true;
for(int i=0; i<numOfIons; i++){
// ion name
this.ionNames[i]= (String)this.arrayl.get(0+i*7);
// concentration in compartment A
hold = (Double)this.arrayl.get(1+i*7);
this.concnA[i] = hold.doubleValue()*1e3;
hold = (Double)this.arrayl.get(2+i*7);
// concentration in compartment B
this.concnB[i] = hold.doubleValue()*1e3;
// total moles of ion i
this.molesT[i] = this.concnA[i]*volumeA + this.concnB[i]*volumeB;
indexC[i] = 1;
indexC[i] = 0;
// association constant
hold = (Double)this.arrayl.get(3+i*7);
this.assocConsts[i] = hold.doubleValue()*1e-3;
indexK[ii] = i;
// ion radius
hold = (Double)this.arrayl.get(4+i*7);
this.radii[i] = hold.doubleValue();
// ion charge
holi = (Integer)this.arrayl.get(5+i*7);
this.charges[i] = holi.intValue();
// running check for all ions having same absolute charge
this.chargeValue = Math.abs(this.charges[0]);
// partition coefficient
hold = (Double)this.arrayl.get(6+i*7);
this.partCoeff[i]= hold.doubleValue();
this.indexPC[i] = true;
this.indexPC[i] = false;
// calculate partition coefficient from Born charging equation
// calculate differences in Born charging energies between the two partitions
this.deltaMu0[i] = this.BornChargingEnergy(this.radii[i], this.charges[i], this.epsilonB) - this.BornChargingEnergy(this.radii[i], this.charges[i], this.epsilonA);
// calculate partition coefficients
this.partCoeff[i] = Math.exp((this.deltaMu0[i])/(Fmath.K_BOLTZMANN*this.temp));
// calculate number of anionic and cationic species
if(this.ionophoreConcn==0.0D)this.nonZeroAssocK = 0;
// Calculate overall charge
double overallCharge = 0.0D;
double positives = 0.0D;
double negatives = 0.0D;
for(int i=0; i<numOfIons; i++){
positives += this.molesT[i]*charges[i];
negatives += this.molesT[i]*charges[i];
overallCharge = positives + negatives;
String quest0 = "Class: Donnan, method: unpack()\n";
String quest1 = "Total charge = " + overallCharge + " mol/dm, i.e. is not equal to zero\n";
String quest2 = "Positive charge = " + positives + " mol/dm\n";
String quest3 = "Do you wish to continue?";
String quest = quest0 + quest1 + quest2 + quest3;
int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, quest, "Neutrality check", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
// Calculate Born charging energy
public double BornChargingEnergy(double radius, double charge, double epsilon){
return Fmath.square(Fmath.Q_ELECTRON*charge)/(8.0*Math.PI*radius*Fmath.EPSILON_0*epsilon);
// Method that calculate partitions A and B and ionophore complex concentrations
// of the iith ion for a given trans partition, e.g. Donnan potential
public void ionConcns(double potential){
// calculate partition coefficients for given potential
for(int ii=0; ii<this.numOfIons; ii++){
this.partCoeffPot[ii] = this.partCoeff[ii]*Math.exp((-potential*this.charges[ii]*Fmath.Q_ELECTRON)/(Fmath.K_BOLTZMANN*this.temp));
// Interface charge ignored
// Only one or none of the ions with an affinity for the ionophore
// More than one ion competes for the ionophore
// obtain ionic and complex concentrations for a given Donnan potential
// by miminimising the sum of the squares of the equations describing each equilibrium
// interface charge included
// obtain ionic and complex concentrations for a given Donnan potential
// by miminimising the sum of the squares of the equations describing each equilibrium
// Method to calculate ionic concentrations when only one ion or no ions bind to the ionophore
public void calcConcnsSingleK(double potential){
for(int ii=0; ii<this.numOfIons; ii++){
if(this.assocConsts[ii]==0.0D || this.ionophoreConcn==0.0D){
// ion ii not present
this.concnB[ii] = 0.0D;
this.concnA[ii] = 0.0D;
this.complex[ii] = 0.0D;
// No ionophore present or ion ii has no affinity for the ionophore
this.concnB[ii] = this.molesT[ii]/(this.volumeA*this.partCoeffPot[ii] + this.volumeB);
this.concnA[ii] = this.concnB[ii]*this.partCoeffPot[ii];
this.complex[ii] = 0.0D;
// ion ii is the single ionic species with an affinity for the ionophore which is present
// solve quadratic equilibrium equation
// calculate quadratic terms
double aa = this.assocConsts[ii]*(this.volumeB + this.volumeA*this.partCoeffPot[ii]);
double bb = this.volumeB + this.volumeA*this.partCoeffPot[ii] + this.volumeB*this.assocConsts[ii]*ionophoreConcn - this.assocConsts[ii]*this.molesT[ii];
double cc = -this.molesT[ii];
// solve quadratic equatiom
double root = bb*bb - 4.0D*aa*cc;
System.out.println("Class: DonnanMinim\nMethod: ionConcns\nthe square root term (b2-4ac) of the quadratic = "+root);
System.out.println("this term was set to zero as the negative value MAY have arisen from rounding errors");
root = 0.0D;
double qq = -0.5*(bb + Fmath.sign(bb)*Math.sqrt(root));
double root1 = qq/aa;
double root2 = cc/qq;
double limit = this.molesT[ii]/(this.volumeA*this.partCoeffPot[ii] + this.volumeB);
if(root1>=0.0D && root1<=limit){
if(root2<0.0D || root2>limit){
this.concnB[ii] = root1;
this.concnA[ii] = this.concnB[ii]*this.partCoeffPot[ii];
this.complex[ii] = this.assocConsts[ii]*this.ionophoreConcn*this.concnB[ii]/(1.0D + this.assocConsts[ii]*this.concnB[ii]);
//this.complex[ii] = (this.molesT[ii] - this.concnA[ii]*this.volumeA - this.concnB[ii]*this.volumeB)/this.volumeB;
System.out.println("Class: DonnanMinim\nMethod: ionConcns");
System.out.println("error1: no physically meaningfull root");
System.out.println("root1 = " + root1 + " root2 = " + root2 + " limit = " + limit);
if(root2>=0.0D && root2<=limit){
if(root1<0.0D || root1>limit){
this.concnB[ii] = root2;
this.concnA[ii] = this.concnB[ii]*this.partCoeffPot[ii];
//this.complex[ii] = (this.molesT[ii] - this.concnA[ii]*this.volumeA - this.concnB[ii]*this.volumeB)/this.volumeB;
this.complex[ii] = this.assocConsts[ii]*this.ionophoreConcn*this.concnB[ii]/(1.0D + this.assocConsts[ii]*this.concnB[ii]);
System.out.println("Class: DonnanMinim\nMethod: ionConcns");
System.out.println("error2: no physically meaningfull root");
System.out.println("root1 = " + root1 + " root2 = " + root2 + " limit = " + limit);
System.out.println("Class: DonnanMinim\nMethod: ionConcns");
System.out.println("error3: no physically meaningfull root");
System.out.println("root1 = " + root1 + " root2 = " + root2 + " limit = " + limit);
// Method to obtain ionic and complex concentrations for a given Donnan potential
// when more than one ion competes for the ionophore
// by miminimising the sum of the squares of the equations describing each equilibrium
public void calcConcnsMultiK(double potential){
// calculate initial estimates of ionic concentration
double[] start = new double[this.numOfIons];
double[] step = new double[this.numOfIons];
for(int ii=0; ii<this.numOfIons; ii++){
// ion ii not present
this.concnB[ii] = 0.0D;
this.concnA[ii] = 0.0D;
this.complex[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnA[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnB[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessComplex[ii] = 0.0D;
// ion ii present
this.concnB[ii] = this.molesT[ii]/(this.volumeA*this.partCoeffPot[ii] + this.volumeB);
this.concnA[ii] = this.concnB[ii]*this.partCoeffPot[ii];
this.complex[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnA[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessConcnB[ii] = 0.0D;
this.excessComplex[ii] = 0.0D;
start[ii] = concnB[ii];
step[ii] = 0.05*start[ii];
// obtain ionic and complex concentrations for a given Donnan potential
// by miminimising the sum of the squares of the equations describing each equilibrium
//Create instance of Minimisation
Minimisation minConcn = new Minimisation();
// Create instace of class holding function to be minimised
DonnanConcn functC = new DonnanConcn();
// Initialise function functC variable
functC.numOfIons = this.numOfIons;
functC.concnA = this.concnA;
functC.concnB = this.concnB;
functC.molesT = this.molesT;
functC.complex = this.complex;
functC.excessConcnA = this.excessConcnA;
functC.excessConcnB = this.excessConcnB;
functC.excessComplex = this.excessComplex;
functC.assocConsts = this.assocConsts;
functC.indexK = this.indexK;
functC.nonZeroAssocK = this.nonZeroAssocK;
functC.radii = this.radii;
functC.charges = this.charges;
functC.ionophoreConcn = this.ionophoreConcn;
functC.ionophoreRad = this.ionophoreRad;
functC.volumeA = this.volumeA;
functC.volumeB = this.volumeB;
functC.interfacialArea = this.interfacialArea;
functC.epsilonA = this.epsilonA;
functC.epsilonB = this.epsilonB;
functC.epsilonSternA = this.epsilonSternA;
functC.epsilonSternB = this.epsilonSternB;
functC.temp = this.temp;
functC.partCoeffPot = this.partCoeffPot;
functC.sternCap = this.sternCap;
functC.sternDeltaA = this.sternDeltaA;
functC.sternDeltaB = this.sternDeltaB;
functC.chargeValue = this.chargeValue;
functC.chargeSame = this.chargeSame;
functC.interfacialCharge = this.interfacialCharge;
functC.interfacialChargeDensity = this.interfacialChargeDensity;
functC.potential = potential;
functC.includeIc = this.includeIc;
// Nelder and Mead minimisation procedure
minConcn.nelderMead(functC, start, step, 1e-20, 10000);
// get values of the Partition B concentrations at minimum
double[] param = minConcn.getParamValues();
this.freeIonophoreConcn = this.ionophoreConcn;
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
this.concnB[i] = param[i];
this.concnA[i] = this.concnB[i]*this.partCoeffPot[i];
this.freeIonophoreConcn -= this.complex[i];
this.interfacialCharge = functC.interfacialCharge;
this.interfacialChargeDensity = functC.interfacialChargeDensity;
this.sternCap = functC.sternCap;
this.sternDeltaA = functC.sternDeltaA;
this.sternDeltaB = functC.sternDeltaB;
this.sternPotential = functC.sternPotential;
this.diffPotentialA = functC.diffPotentialA;
this.diffPotentialB = functC.diffPotentialB;
// Print calculated potential and concentrations to a text file
// File title provided by user
public void printToFile(String title){
FileOutput fout = new FileOutput(title);
fout.print("Donnan potential = ");
fout.print("Compartment A double layer potential difference = ");
fout.print("Compartment B double layer potential difference = ");
fout.print("Stern potential difference = ");
fout.println("Ionic concentrations expressed as mol per cubic decimetre (M)");
fout.println("Total = equivalent concentration with all ions in compartment A");
fout.println("Bulk concentrations / M Excess concentrations / M total / M");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.println("A B complex A B complex ");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
fout.println("A B complex total");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
fout.println("mols of each ionic species");
fout.println("Bulk mols Excess mols total mols");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.println("A B complex A B complex ");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
fout.println("A B complex total mols");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
fout.println("Ratios of excess concentration over bulk concentration");
fout.println("A B complex");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
fout.print("Total ionophore concentration = ");
fout.print("Free ionophore concentration = ");
fout.print("Total ionophore moles = ");
fout.print("Ionophore radius = ");
fout.print("Interface charge density = ");
fout.println("C per square metre");
fout.print("Total interface charge = ");
fout.print("Overall interfacial capacitance = ");
fout.printsp("F ");
fout.print(" -> ");
fout.println("Farads per square metre");
fout.print("Diffuse double layer capacitance (Compartment A) = ");
fout.printsp("F ");
fout.print(" -> ");
fout.println("Farads per square metre");
fout.print("Diffuse double layer capacitance (Compartment B) = ");
fout.printsp("F ");
fout.print(" -> ");
fout.println("Farads per square metre");
fout.print("Stern capacitance = ");
fout.printsp("F ");
fout.print(" -> ");
fout.println("Farads per square metre");
fout.print("Stern thickness (Compartment A) = ");
fout.print("Stern thickness (Compartment B) = ");
fout.print("Debye length (Compartment A) = ");
fout.print("Debye length (Compartment B) = ");
fout.println("Compartment thicknesses assuming cubes with one side equal to the interfacial area");
fout.print("Compartment A thickness = ");
fout.print("Compartment B thickness = ");
fout.print("Volume of compartment A = ");
fout.println("cubic metres");
fout.print("Volume of compartment B = ");
fout.println("cubic metres");
fout.print("Interfacial area = ");
fout.println("square metres");
fout.print("Relative electrical permittivity of compartment A = ");
fout.print("Relative electrical permittivity of compartment B = ");
fout.print("Relative electrical permittivity of compartment A Stern layer= ");
fout.print("Relative electrical permittivity of compartment B Stern layer= ");
fout.print("Temperature= ");
fout.println("degrees Celsius");
fout.printtab("Radius ");
fout.println("Ion-Ionophore ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" m ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab("Coefficient ");
fout.printtab("Coefficient ");
fout.printtab("/ J per mol");
fout.println("associaion ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab("at ");
fout.printtab("at zero ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.printtab("equilibrium ");
fout.printtab("potential ");
fout.printtab(" ");
fout.println("mol per cubic dm");
for(int i=0; i<this.numOfIons; i++){
// Print calculated potential and concentrations to a text file
// Default file title
public void printToFile(){
String title = "DonnanOutputFile.txt";