* Class Fmath
* USAGE: Mathematical class that supplements java.lang.Math and contains:
* the main physical constants
* trigonemetric functions absent from java.lang.Math
* some useful additional mathematical functions
* some conversion functions
* WRITTEN BY: Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan
* DATE: June 2002
* AMENDED: 6 January 2006, 12 April 2006, 5 May 2006, 28 July 2006, 27 December 2006,
* 29 March 2007, 29 April 2007, 2,9,15 & 26 June 2007, 20 October 2007, 4-6 December 2007
* 27 February 2008, 25 April 2008, 26 April 2008, 13 May 2008, 25/26 May 2008, 3-7 July 2008
* See Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java library on-line web pages:
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/Fmath.html
* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2008
* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
* NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
* to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga, appears in all copies.
* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
* or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
* Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
* as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
package flanagan.math;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Fmath{
public static final double N_AVAGADRO = 6.0221419947e23; /* mol^-1 */
public static final double K_BOLTZMANN = 1.380650324e-23; /* J K^-1 */
public static final double H_PLANCK = 6.6260687652e-34; /* J s */
public static final double H_PLANCK_RED = H_PLANCK/(2*Math.PI); /* J s */
public static final double C_LIGHT = 2.99792458e8; /* m s^-1 */
public static final double R_GAS = 8.31447215; /* J K^-1 mol^-1 */
public static final double F_FARADAY = 9.6485341539e4; /* C mol^-1 */
public static final double T_ABS = -273.15; /* Celsius */
public static final double Q_ELECTRON = -1.60217646263e-19; /* C */
public static final double M_ELECTRON = 9.1093818872e-31; /* kg */
public static final double M_PROTON = 1.6726215813e-27; /* kg */
public static final double M_NEUTRON = 1.6749271613e-27; /* kg */
public static final double EPSILON_0 = 8.854187817e-12; /* F m^-1 */
public static final double MU_0 = Math.PI*4e-7; /* H m^-1 (N A^-2) */
public static final double EULER_CONSTANT_GAMMA = 0.5772156649015627;
public static final double PI = Math.PI; /* 3.141592653589793D */
public static final double E = Math.E; /* 2.718281828459045D */
// HashMap for 'arithmetic integer' recognition nmethod
private static final Map<Object,Object> integers = new HashMap<Object,Object>();
integers.put(Integer.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
integers.put(Long.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE));
integers.put(Byte.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE));
integers.put(Short.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE));
integers.put(BigInteger.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(-1));
// Log to base 10 of a double number
public static double log10(double a){
return Math.log(a)/Math.log(10.0D);
// Log to base 10 of a float number
public static float log10(float a){
return (float) (Math.log((double)a)/Math.log(10.0D));
// Base 10 antilog of a double
public static double antilog10(double x){
return Math.pow(10.0D, x);
// Base 10 antilog of a float
public static float antilog10(float x){
return (float)Math.pow(10.0D, (double)x);
// Log to base e of a double number
public static double log(double a){
return Math.log(a);
// Log to base e of a float number
public static float log(float a){
return (float)Math.log((double)a);
// Base e antilog of a double
public static double antilog(double x){
return Math.exp(x);
// Base e antilog of a float
public static float antilog(float x){
return (float)Math.exp((double)x);
// Log to base 2 of a double number
public static double log2(double a){
return Math.log(a)/Math.log(2.0D);
// Log to base 2 of a float number
public static float log2(float a){
return (float) (Math.log((double)a)/Math.log(2.0D));
// Base 2 antilog of a double
public static double antilog2(double x){
return Math.pow(2.0D, x);
// Base 2 antilog of a float
public static float antilog2(float x){
return (float)Math.pow(2.0D, (double)x);
// Log to base b of a double number and double base
public static double log10(double a, double b){
return Math.log(a)/Math.log(b);
// Log to base b of a double number and int base
public static double log10(double a, int b){
return Math.log(a)/Math.log((double)b);
// Log to base b of a float number and flaot base
public static float log10(float a, float b){
return (float) (Math.log((double)a)/Math.log((double)b));
// Log to base b of a float number and int base
public static float log10(float a, int b){
return (float) (Math.log((double)a)/Math.log((double)b));
// Square of a double number
public static double square(double a){
return a*a;
// Square of a float number
public static float square(float a){
return a*a;
// Square of a BigDecimal number
public static BigDecimal square(BigDecimal a){
return a.multiply(a);
// Square of an int number
public static int square(int a){
return a*a;
// Square of a long number
public static long square(long a){
return a*a;
// Square of a BigInteger number
public static BigInteger square(BigInteger a){
return a.multiply(a);
// factorial of n
// argument and return are integer, therefore limited to 0<=n<=12
// see below for long and double arguments
public static int factorial(int n){
if(n<0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be a positive integer");
if(n>12)throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must less than 13 to avoid integer overflow\nTry long or double argument");
int f = 1;
for(int i=2; i<=n; i++)f*=i;
return f;
// factorial of n
// argument and return are long, therefore limited to 0<=n<=20
// see below for double argument
public static long factorial(long n){
if(n<0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be a positive integer");
if(n>20)throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must less than 21 to avoid long integer overflow\nTry double argument");
long f = 1;
long iCount = 2L;
iCount += 1L;
return f;
// factorial of n
// Argument is of type BigInteger
public static BigInteger factorial(BigInteger n){
if(n.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO)==-1)throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
BigInteger one = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger f = one;
BigInteger iCount = new BigInteger("2");
f = f.multiply(iCount);
iCount = iCount.add(one);
one = null;
iCount = null;
return f;
// factorial of n
// Argument is of type double but must be, numerically, an integer
// factorial returned as double but is, numerically, should be an integer
// numerical rounding may makes this an approximation after n = 21
public static double factorial(double n){
if(n<0.0 || (n-Math.floor(n))!=0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
double f = 1.0D;
double iCount = 2.0D;
iCount += 1.0D;
return f;
// factorial of n
// Argument is of type BigDecimal but must be, numerically, an integer
public static BigDecimal factorial(BigDecimal n){
if(n.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)==-1 || !Fmath.isInteger(n))throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
BigDecimal one = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal f = one;
BigDecimal iCount = new BigDecimal(2.0D);
f = f.multiply(iCount);
iCount = iCount.add(one);
one = null;
iCount = null;
return f;
// log to base e of the factorial of n
// log[e](factorial) returned as double
// numerical rounding may makes this an approximation
public static double logFactorial(int n){
if(n<0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
double f = 0.0D;
for(int i=2; i<=n; i++)f+=Math.log(i);
return f;
// log to base e of the factorial of n
// Argument is of type double but must be, numerically, an integer
// log[e](factorial) returned as double
// numerical rounding may makes this an approximation
public static double logFactorial(long n){
if(n<0L)throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
double f = 0.0D;
long iCount = 2L;
iCount += 1L;
return f;
// log to base e of the factorial of n
// Argument is of type double but must be, numerically, an integer
// log[e](factorial) returned as double
// numerical rounding may makes this an approximation
public static double logFactorial(double n){
if(n<0 || (n-Math.floor(n))!=0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nn must be a positive integer\nIs a Gamma funtion [Fmath.gamma(x)] more appropriate?");
double f = 0.0D;
double iCount = 2.0D;
iCount += 1.0D;
return f;
/* returns -1 if x < 0 else returns 1 */
// double version
public static double sign(double x){
if (x<0.0){
return -1.0;
return 1.0;
/* returns -1 if x < 0 else returns 1 */
// float version
public static float sign(float x){
if (x<0.0F){
return -1.0F;
return 1.0F;
/* returns -1 if x < 0 else returns 1 */
// int version
public static int sign(int x){
if (x<0){
return -1;
return 1;
/* returns -1 if x < 0 else returns 1 */
// long version
public static long sign(long x){
if (x<0){
return -1;
return 1;
// Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a and b
// i.e. sqrt(a*a+b*b) [without unecessary overflow or underflow]
// double version
public static double hypot(double aa, double bb){
double amod=Math.abs(aa);
double bmod=Math.abs(bb);
double cc = 0.0D, ratio = 0.0D;
cc=amod*Math.sqrt(1.0 + ratio*ratio);
cc=bmod*Math.sqrt(1.0 + ratio*ratio);
return cc;
// Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a and b
// i.e. sqrt(a*a+b*b) [without unecessary overflow or underflow]
// float version
public static float hypot(float aa, float bb){
return (float) hypot((double) aa, (double) bb);
// Angle (in radians) subtended at coordinate C
// given x, y coordinates of all apices, A, B and C, of a triangle
public static double angle(double xAtA, double yAtA, double xAtB, double yAtB, double xAtC, double yAtC){
double ccos = Fmath.cos(xAtA, yAtA, xAtB, yAtB, xAtC, yAtC);
return Math.acos(ccos);
// Angle (in radians) between sides sideA and sideB given all side lengths of a triangle
public static double angle(double sideAC, double sideBC, double sideAB){
double ccos = Fmath.cos(sideAC, sideBC, sideAB);
return Math.acos(ccos);
// Sine of angle subtended at coordinate C
// given x, y coordinates of all apices, A, B and C, of a triangle
public static double sin(double xAtA, double yAtA, double xAtB, double yAtB, double xAtC, double yAtC){
double angle = Fmath.angle(xAtA, yAtA, xAtB, yAtB, xAtC, yAtC);
return Math.sin(angle);
// Sine of angle between sides sideA and sideB given all side lengths of a triangle
public static double sin(double sideAC, double sideBC, double sideAB){
double angle = Fmath.angle(sideAC, sideBC, sideAB);
return Math.sin(angle);
// Sine given angle in radians
// for completion - returns Math.sin(arg)
public static double sin(double arg){
return Math.sin(arg);
// Inverse sine
// Fmath.asin Checks limits - Java Math.asin returns NaN if without limits
public static double asin(double a){
if(a<-1.0D && a>1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fmath.asin argument (" + a + ") must be >= -1.0 and <= 1.0");
return Math.asin(a);
// Cosine of angle subtended at coordinate C
// given x, y coordinates of all apices, A, B and C, of a triangle
public static double cos(double xAtA, double yAtA, double xAtB, double yAtB, double xAtC, double yAtC){
double sideAC = Fmath.hypot(xAtA - xAtC, yAtA - yAtC);
double sideBC = Fmath.hypot(xAtB - xAtC, yAtB - yAtC);
double sideAB = Fmath.hypot(xAtA - xAtB, yAtA - yAtB);
return Fmath.cos(sideAC, sideBC, sideAB);
// Cosine of angle between sides sideA and sideB given all side lengths of a triangle
public static double cos(double sideAC, double sideBC, double sideAB){
return 0.5D*(sideAC/sideBC + sideBC/sideAC - (sideAB/sideAC)*(sideAB/sideBC));
// Cosine given angle in radians
// for completion - returns Java Math.cos(arg)
public static double cos(double arg){
return Math.cos(arg);
// Inverse cosine
// Fmath.asin Checks limits - Java Math.asin returns NaN if without limits
public static double acos(double a){
if(a<-1.0D || a>1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fmath.acos argument (" + a + ") must be >= -1.0 and <= 1.0");
return Math.acos(a);
// Tangent of angle subtended at coordinate C
// given x, y coordinates of all apices, A, B and C, of a triangle
public static double tan(double xAtA, double yAtA, double xAtB, double yAtB, double xAtC, double yAtC){
double angle = Fmath.angle(xAtA, yAtA, xAtB, yAtB, xAtC, yAtC);
return Math.tan(angle);
// Tangent of angle between sides sideA and sideB given all side lengths of a triangle
public static double tan(double sideAC, double sideBC, double sideAB){
double angle = Fmath.angle(sideAC, sideBC, sideAB);
return Math.tan(angle);
// Tangent given angle in radians
// for completion - returns Math.tan(arg)
public static double tan(double arg){
return Math.tan(arg);
// Inverse tangent
// for completion - returns Math.atan(arg)
public static double atan(double a){
return Math.atan(a);
// Inverse tangent - ratio numerator and denominator provided
// for completion - returns Math.atan2(arg)
public static double atan2(double a, double b){
return Math.atan2(a, b);
// Cotangent
public static double cot(double a){
return 1.0D/Math.tan(a);
// Inverse cotangent
public static double acot(double a){
return Math.atan(1.0D/a);
// Inverse cotangent - ratio numerator and denominator provided
public static double acot2(double a, double b){
return Math.atan2(b, a);
// Secant
public static double sec(double a){
return 1.0/Math.cos(a);
// Inverse secant
public static double asec(double a){
if(a<1.0D && a>-1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("asec argument (" + a + ") must be >= 1 or <= -1");
return Math.acos(1.0/a);
// Cosecant
public static double csc(double a){
return 1.0D/Math.sin(a);
// Inverse cosecant
public static double acsc(double a){
if(a<1.0D && a>-1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("acsc argument (" + a + ") must be >= 1 or <= -1");
return Math.asin(1.0/a);
// Exsecant
public static double exsec(double a){
return (1.0/Math.cos(a)-1.0D);
// Inverse exsecant
public static double aexsec(double a){
if(a<0.0D && a>-2.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("aexsec argument (" + a + ") must be >= 0.0 and <= -2");
return Math.asin(1.0D/(1.0D + a));
// Versine
public static double vers(double a){
return (1.0D - Math.cos(a));
// Inverse versine
public static double avers(double a){
if(a<0.0D && a>2.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("avers argument (" + a + ") must be <= 2 and >= 0");
return Math.acos(1.0D - a);
// Coversine
public static double covers(double a){
return (1.0D - Math.sin(a));
// Inverse coversine
public static double acovers(double a){
if(a<0.0D && a>2.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("acovers argument (" + a + ") must be <= 2 and >= 0");
return Math.asin(1.0D - a);
// Haversine
public static double hav(double a){
return 0.5D*Fmath.vers(a);
// Inverse haversine
public static double ahav(double a){
if(a<0.0D && a>1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ahav argument (" + a + ") must be >= 0 and <= 1");
return Fmath.acos(1.0D - 2.0D*a);
// Unnormalised sinc (unnormalised sine cardinal) sin(x)/x
public static double sinc(double a){
return 1.0D;
return Math.sin(a)/a;
// Normalised sinc (normalised sine cardinal) sin(pi.x)/(pi.x)
public static double nsinc(double a){
return 1.0D;
return Math.sin(Math.PI*a)/(Math.PI*a);
//Hyperbolic sine of a double number
public static double sinh(double a){
return 0.5D*(Math.exp(a)-Math.exp(-a));
// Inverse hyperbolic sine of a double number
public static double asinh(double a){
double sgn = 1.0D;
sgn = -1.0D;
a = -a;
return sgn*Math.log(a+Math.sqrt(a*a+1.0D));
//Hyperbolic cosine of a double number
public static double cosh(double a){
return 0.5D*(Math.exp(a)+Math.exp(-a));
// Inverse hyperbolic cosine of a double number
public static double acosh(double a){
if(a<1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("acosh real number argument (" + a + ") must be >= 1");
return Math.log(a+Math.sqrt(a*a-1.0D));
//Hyperbolic tangent of a double number
public static double tanh(double a){
return sinh(a)/cosh(a);
// Inverse hyperbolic tangent of a double number
public static double atanh(double a){
double sgn = 1.0D;
sgn = -1.0D;
a = -a;
if(a>1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("atanh real number argument (" + sgn*a + ") must be >= -1 and <= 1");
return 0.5D*sgn*(Math.log(1.0D + a)-Math.log(1.0D - a));
//Hyperbolic cotangent of a double number
public static double coth(double a){
return 1.0D/tanh(a);
// Inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a double number
public static double acoth(double a){
double sgn = 1.0D;
sgn = -1.0D;
a = -a;
if(a<1.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("acoth real number argument (" + sgn*a + ") must be <= -1 or >= 1");
return 0.5D*sgn*(Math.log(1.0D + a)-Math.log(a - 1.0D));
//Hyperbolic secant of a double number
public static double sech(double a){
return 1.0D/cosh(a);
// Inverse hyperbolic secant of a double number
public static double asech(double a){
if(a>1.0D || a<0.0D) throw new IllegalArgumentException("asech real number argument (" + a + ") must be >= 0 and <= 1");
return 0.5D*(Math.log(1.0D/a + Math.sqrt(1.0D/(a*a) - 1.0D)));
//Hyperbolic cosecant of a double number
public static double csch(double a){
return 1.0D/sinh(a);
// Inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a double number
public static double acsch(double a){
double sgn = 1.0D;
sgn = -1.0D;
a = -a;
return 0.5D*sgn*(Math.log(1.0/a + Math.sqrt(1.0D/(a*a) + 1.0D)));
// returns a value of xDouble truncated to trunc decimal places
public static double truncate(double xDouble, int trunc){
double xTruncated = xDouble;
String xString = ((new Double(xDouble)).toString()).trim();
xTruncated = Double.parseDouble(truncateProcedure(xString, trunc));
return xTruncated;
// returns a value of xFloat truncated to trunc decimal places
public static float truncate(float xFloat, int trunc){
float xTruncated = xFloat;
String xString = ((new Float(xFloat)).toString()).trim();
xTruncated = Float.parseFloat(truncateProcedure(xString, trunc));
return xTruncated;
// private method for truncating a float or double expressed as a String
private static String truncateProcedure(String xValue, int trunc){
String xTruncated = xValue;
String xWorking = xValue;
String exponent = " ";
String first = "+";
int expPos = xValue.indexOf('E');
int dotPos = xValue.indexOf('.');
int minPos = xValue.indexOf('-');
xWorking = xWorking.substring(1);
first = "-";
exponent = xWorking.substring(expPos);
xWorking = xWorking.substring(0,expPos);
String xPreDot = null;
String xPostDot = "0";
String xDiscarded = null;
String tempString = null;
double tempDouble = 0.0D;
xPreDot = xWorking.substring(0,dotPos);
xPostDot = xWorking.substring(dotPos+1);
int xLength = xPostDot.length();
xDiscarded = xPostDot.substring(trunc);
tempString = xDiscarded.substring(0,1) + ".";
tempString += xDiscarded.substring(1);
tempString += "0";
tempDouble = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(tempString));
int[] xArray = new int[trunc+1];
xArray[0] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<trunc; i++){
xArray[i+1] = Integer.parseInt(xPostDot.substring(i,i+1));
boolean test = true;
int iCounter = trunc;
xArray[iCounter] += 1;
test = false;
test = false;
int preInt = Integer.parseInt(xPreDot);
preInt += xArray[0];
xPreDot = (new Integer(preInt)).toString();
tempString = "";
for(int i=1; i<=trunc; i++){
tempString += (new Integer(xArray[i])).toString();
xPostDot = tempString;
xPostDot = xPostDot.substring(0, trunc);
int preInt = Integer.parseInt(xPreDot);
xPreDot = (new Integer(preInt)).toString();
xPostDot = "0";
xTruncated = first + xPreDot.trim() + "." + xPostDot.trim() + exponent;
return xTruncated.trim();
// Returns true if x is infinite, i.e. is equal to either plus or minus infinity
// x is double
public static boolean isInfinity(double x){
boolean test=false;
if(x==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY || x==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)test=true;
return test;
// Returns true if x is infinite, i.e. is equal to either plus or minus infinity
// x is float
public static boolean isInfinity(float x){
boolean test=false;
if(x==Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || x==Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)test=true;
return test;
// Returns true if x is plus infinity
// x is double
public static boolean isPlusInfinity(double x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is plus infinity
// x is float
public static boolean isPlusInfinity(float x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is minus infinity
// x is double
public static boolean isMinusInfinity(double x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is minus infinity
// x is float
public static boolean isMinusInfinity(float x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is 'Not a Number' (NaN)
// x is double
public static boolean isNaN(double x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is 'Not a Number' (NaN)
// x is float
public static boolean isNaN(float x){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y
// x and y are double
// x may be float within range, PLUS_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, or NaN
// NB!! This method treats two NaNs as equal
public static boolean isEqual(double x, double y){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y
// x and y are float
// x may be float within range, PLUS_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, or NaN
// NB!! This method treats two NaNs as equal
public static boolean isEqual(float x, float y){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y
// x and y are int
public static boolean isEqual(int x, int y){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y
// x and y are char
public static boolean isEqual(char x, char y){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y
// x and y are Strings
public static boolean isEqual(String x, String y){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are double
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(double x, double y, double limit){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are float
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(float x, float y, float limit){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are long
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(long x, long y, long limit){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are int
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(int x, int y, int limit){
boolean test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are BigDecimal
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal y, BigDecimal limit){
boolean test=false;
if(((x.subtract(y)).abs()).compareTo(limit.abs())<=0)test = true;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within limits plus or minus limit
// x and y are BigInteger
public static boolean isEqualWithinLimits(BigInteger x, BigInteger y, BigInteger limit){
boolean test=false;
if(((x.subtract(y)).abs()).compareTo(limit.abs())<=0)test = true;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are double
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(double x, double y, double perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((x+y)*perCent/200.0D);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are float
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(float x, float y, float perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((x+y)*perCent/200.0F);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are long, percentage provided as double
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(long x, long y, double perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((x+y)*perCent/200.0D);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are long, percentage provided as int
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(long x, long y, long perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((double)(x+y)*(double)perCent/200.0D);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are int, percentage provided as double
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(int x, int y, double perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((double)(x+y)*perCent/200.0D);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are int, percentage provided as int
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(int x, int y, int perCent){
boolean test=false;
double limit = Math.abs((double)(x+y)*(double)perCent/200.0D);
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are BigDecimal
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal y, BigDecimal perCent){
boolean test=false;
BigDecimal limit = (x.add(y)).multiply(perCent).multiply(new BigDecimal("0.005"));
if(((x.subtract(y)).abs()).compareTo(limit.abs())<=0)test = true;
limit = null;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are BigDInteger, percentage provided as BigDecimal
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(BigInteger x, BigInteger y, BigDecimal perCent){
boolean test=false;
BigDecimal xx = new BigDecimal(x);
BigDecimal yy = new BigDecimal(y);
BigDecimal limit = (xx.add(yy)).multiply(perCent).multiply(new BigDecimal("0.005"));
if(((xx.subtract(yy)).abs()).compareTo(limit.abs())<=0)test = true;
limit = null;
xx = null;
yy = null;
return test;
// Returns true if x equals y within a percentage of the mean
// x and y are BigDInteger, percentage provided as BigInteger
public static boolean isEqualWithinPerCent(BigInteger x, BigInteger y, BigInteger perCent){
boolean test=false;
BigDecimal xx = new BigDecimal(x);
BigDecimal yy = new BigDecimal(y);
BigDecimal pc = new BigDecimal(perCent);
BigDecimal limit = (xx.add(yy)).multiply(pc).multiply(new BigDecimal("0.005"));
if(((xx.subtract(yy)).abs()).compareTo(limit.abs())<=0)test = true;
limit = null;
xx = null;
yy = null;
pc = null;
return test;
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are double
public static int compare(double x, double y){
Double X = new Double(x);
Double Y = new Double(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are int
public static int compare(int x, int y){
Integer X = new Integer(x);
Integer Y = new Integer(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are long
public static int compare(long x, long y){
Long X = new Long(x);
Long Y = new Long(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are float
public static int compare(float x, float y){
Float X = new Float(x);
Float Y = new Float(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are short
public static int compare(byte x, byte y){
Byte X = new Byte(x);
Byte Y = new Byte(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns 0 if x == y
// Returns -1 if x < y
// Returns 1 if x > y
// x and y are short
public static int compare(short x, short y){
Short X = new Short(x);
Short Y = new Short(y);
return X.compareTo(Y);
// Returns true if x is, arithmetically, an integer
// Returns false if x is not, arithmetically, an integer
public static boolean isInteger(double x){
boolean retn = false;
double xfloor = Math.floor(x);
if((x - xfloor)==0.0D) retn = true;
return retn;
// Returns true if all elements in the array x are, arithmetically, integers
// Returns false if any element in the array x is not, arithmetically, an integer
public static boolean isInteger(double[] x){
boolean retn = true;
boolean test = true;
int ii = 0;
double xfloor = Math.floor(x[ii]);
if((x[ii] - xfloor)!=0.0D){
retn = false;
test = false;
return retn;
// Returns true if x is, arithmetically, an integer
// Returns false if x is not, arithmetically, an integer
public static boolean isInteger(float x){
boolean ret = false;
float xfloor = (float)Math.floor(x);
if((x - xfloor)==0.0F) ret = true;
return ret;
// Returns true if all elements in the array x are, arithmetically, integers
// Returns false if any element in the array x is not, arithmetically, an integer
public static boolean isInteger(float[] x){
boolean retn = true;
boolean test = true;
int ii = 0;
float xfloor = (float)Math.floor(x[ii]);
if((x[ii] - xfloor)!=0.0D){
retn = false;
test = false;
return retn;
public static boolean isInteger (Number numberAsObject){
boolean test = integers.containsKey(numberAsObject.getClass());
if(numberAsObject instanceof Double){
double dd = numberAsObject.doubleValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
if(numberAsObject instanceof Float){
float dd = numberAsObject.floatValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
if(numberAsObject instanceof BigDecimal){
double dd = numberAsObject.doubleValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
return test;
public static boolean isInteger (Number[] numberAsObject){
boolean testall = true;
for(int i=0; i<numberAsObject.length; i++){
boolean test = integers.containsKey(numberAsObject[i].getClass());
if(numberAsObject[i] instanceof Double){
double dd = numberAsObject[i].doubleValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
if(!test)testall = false;
if(numberAsObject[i] instanceof Float){
float dd = numberAsObject[i].floatValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
if(!test)testall = false;
if(numberAsObject[i] instanceof BigDecimal){
double dd = numberAsObject[i].doubleValue();
test = Fmath.isInteger(dd);
if(!test)testall = false;
return testall;
// Returns true if x is an even number, false if x is an odd number
// x is int
public static boolean isEven(int x){
boolean test=false;
if(x%2 == 0.0D)test=true;
return test;
// Returns true if x is an even number, false if x is an odd number
// x is float but must hold an integer value
public static boolean isEven(float x){
double y=Math.floor(x);
if(((double)x - y)!= 0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the argument is not an integer");
boolean test=false;
if(((double)(x/2.0F)-y) == 0.0D)test=true;
return test;
// Returns true if x is an even number, false if x is an odd number
// x is double but must hold an integer value
public static boolean isEven(double x){
double y=Math.floor(x);
if((x - y)!= 0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the argument is not an integer");
boolean test=false;
if((x/2.0D-y) == 0.0D)test=true;
return test;
// Returns true if x is an odd number, false if x is an even number
// x is int
public static boolean isOdd(int x){
boolean test=true;
if(x%2 == 0.0D)test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is an odd number, false if x is an even number
// x is float but must hold an integer value
public static boolean isOdd(float x){
double y=Math.floor(x);
if(((double)x - y)!= 0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the argument is not an integer");
boolean test=true;
if(((double)(x/2.0F)-y) == 0.0D)test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if x is an odd number, false if x is an even number
// x is double but must hold an integer value
public static boolean isOdd(double x){
double y=Math.floor(x);
if((x - y)!= 0.0D)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the argument is not an integer");
boolean test=true;
if((x/2.0D-y) == 0.0D)test=false;
return test;
// Returns true if year (argument) is a leap year
public static boolean leapYear(int year){
boolean test = false;
if(year%4 != 0){
test = false;
if(year%400 == 0){
if(year%100 == 0){
return test;
// Returns milliseconds since 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds on 1 Jan 1970
public static long dateToJavaMilliS(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec){
long[] monthDays = {0L, 31L, 28L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L};
long ms = 0L;
long yearDiff = 0L;
int yearTest = year-1;
yearDiff += 365;
yearDiff *= 24L*60L*60L*1000L;
long monthDiff = 0L;
int monthTest = month -1;
monthDiff += monthDays[monthTest];
monthDiff *= 24L*60L*60L*1000L;
ms = yearDiff + monthDiff + day*24L*60L*60L*1000L + hour*60L*60L*1000L + min*60L*1000L + sec*1000L;
return ms;
// Several methods have been revised and moved to classes ArrayMaths, Conv or PrintToScreen
// ARRAY MAXIMUM (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Maximum of a 1D array of doubles, aa
public static double maximum(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double aamax=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamax;
// Maximum of a 1D array of floats, aa
public static float maximum(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float aamax=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamax;
// Maximum of a 1D array of ints, aa
public static int maximum(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int aamax=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamax;
// Maximum of a 1D array of longs, aa
public static long maximum(long[] aa){
long n = aa.length;
long aamax=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamax;
// Minimum of a 1D array of doubles, aa
public static double minimum(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double aamin=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamin;
// Minimum of a 1D array of floats, aa
public static float minimum(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float aamin=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamin;
// ARRAY MINIMUM (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Minimum of a 1D array of ints, aa
public static int minimum(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int aamin=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamin;
// Minimum of a 1D array of longs, aa
public static long minimum(long[] aa){
long n = aa.length;
long aamin=aa[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
return aamin;
// MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Maximum distance between elements of a 1D array of doubles, aa
public static double maximumDifference(double[] aa){
return Fmath.maximum(aa) - Fmath.minimum(aa);
// Maximum distance between elements of a 1D array of floats, aa
public static float maximumDifference(float[] aa){
return Fmath.maximum(aa) - Fmath.minimum(aa);
// Maximum distance between elements of a 1D array of long, aa
public static long maximumDifference(long[] aa){
return Fmath.maximum(aa) - Fmath.minimum(aa);
// Maximum distance between elements of a 1D array of ints, aa
public static int maximumDifference(int[] aa){
return Fmath.maximum(aa) - Fmath.minimum(aa);
// MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Minimum distance between elements of a 1D array of doubles, aa
public static double minimumDifference(double[] aa){
double[] sorted = Fmath.selectionSort(aa);
double n = aa.length;
double diff = sorted[1] - sorted[0];
double minDiff = diff;
for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
diff = sorted[i+1] - sorted[i];
if(diff<minDiff)minDiff = diff;
return minDiff;
// Minimum distance between elements of a 1D array of floats, aa
public static float minimumDifference(float[] aa){
float[] sorted = Fmath.selectionSort(aa);
float n = aa.length;
float diff = sorted[1] - sorted[0];
float minDiff = diff;
for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
diff = sorted[i+1] - sorted[i];
if(diff<minDiff)minDiff = diff;
return minDiff;
// Minimum distance between elements of a 1D array of longs, aa
public static long minimumDifference(long[] aa){
long[] sorted = Fmath.selectionSort(aa);
long n = aa.length;
long diff = sorted[1] - sorted[0];
long minDiff = diff;
for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
diff = sorted[i+1] - sorted[i];
if(diff<minDiff)minDiff = diff;
return minDiff;
// Minimum distance between elements of a 1D array of ints, aa
public static int minimumDifference(int[] aa){
int[] sorted = Fmath.selectionSort(aa);
int n = aa.length;
int diff = sorted[1] - sorted[0];
int minDiff = diff;
for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
diff = sorted[i+1] - sorted[i];
if(diff<minDiff)minDiff = diff;
return minDiff;
// REVERSE ORDER OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Reverse the order of the elements of a 1D array of doubles, aa
public static double[] reverseArray(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[n-1-i];
return bb;
// Reverse the order of the elements of a 1D array of floats, aa
public static float[] reverseArray(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[n-1-i];
return bb;
// Reverse the order of the elements of a 1D array of ints, aa
public static int[] reverseArray(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[n-1-i];
return bb;
// Reverse the order of the elements of a 1D array of longs, aa
public static long[] reverseArray(long[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[n-1-i];
return bb;
// Reverse the order of the elements of a 1D array of char, aa
public static char[] reverseArray(char[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
char[] bb = new char[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[n-1-i];
return bb;
// ABSOLUTE VALUE OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// return absolute values of an array of doubles
public static double[] arrayAbs(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = Math.abs(aa[i]);
return bb;
// return absolute values of an array of floats
public static float[] arrayAbs(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = Math.abs(aa[i]);
return bb;
// return absolute values of an array of long
public static long[] arrayAbs(long[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = Math.abs(aa[i]);
return bb;
// return absolute values of an array of int
public static int[] arrayAbs(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = Math.abs(aa[i]);
return bb;
// MULTIPLY ARRAY ELEMENTS BY A CONSTANT (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// multiply all elements by a constant double[] by double -> double[]
public static double[] arrayMultByConstant(double[] aa, double constant){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[i]*constant;
return bb;
// multiply all elements by a constant int[] by double -> double[]
public static double[] arrayMultByConstant(int[] aa, double constant){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)aa[i]*constant;
return bb;
// multiply all elements by a constant double[] by int -> double[]
public static double[] arrayMultByConstant(double[] aa, int constant){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = aa[i]*(double)constant;
return bb;
// multiply all elements by a constant int[] by int -> double[]
public static double[] arrayMultByConstant(int[] aa, int constant){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)(aa[i]*constant);
return bb;
// LOG10 OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Log to base 10 of all elements of an array of doubles
public static double[] log10Elements(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = Math.log10(aa[i]);
return bb;
// Log to base 10 of all elements of an array of floats
public static float[] log10Elements(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = (float)Math.log10(aa[i]);
return bb;
// NATURAL LOG OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Log to base e of all elements of an array of doubles
public static double[] lnElements(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = Math.log10(aa[i]);
return bb;
// Log to base e of all elements of an array of floats
public static float[] lnElements(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = (float)Math.log10(aa[i]);
return bb;
// SQUARE ROOT OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Square root all elements of an array of doubles
public static double[] squareRootElements(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = Math.sqrt(aa[i]);
return bb;
// Square root all elements of an array of floats
public static float[] squareRootElements(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = (float)Math.sqrt(aa[i]);
return bb;
// POWER OF ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Raise all elements of an array of doubles to a double power
public static double[] raiseElementsToPower(double[] aa, double power){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = Math.pow(aa[i], power);
return bb;
// Raise all elements of an array of doubles to an int power
public static double[] raiseElementsToPower(double[] aa, int power){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = Math.pow(aa[i], power);
return bb;
// Raise all elements of an array of floats to a float power
public static float[] raiseElementsToPower(float[] aa, float power){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = (float)Math.pow(aa[i], power);
return bb;
// Raise all elements of an array of floats to an int power
public static float[] raiseElementsToPower(float[] aa, int power){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = (float)Math.pow(aa[i], power);
return bb;
// INVERT ARRAY ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// invert all elements of an array of doubles
public static double[] invertElements(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = 1.0D/aa[i];
return bb;
// invert all elements of an array of floats
public static float[] invertElements(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)bb[i] = 1.0F/aa[i];
return bb;
// FIND INDICES OF ARRAY ELEMENTS EQUAL TO A VALUE (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of doubles
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(double[] array, double value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of floats
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(float[] array, float value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of longs
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(long[] array, long value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of ints
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(int[] array, int value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of shorts
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(short[] array, short value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of bytes
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(byte[] array, byte value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of chars
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(char[] array, char value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of Strings
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(String[] array, String value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// finds the indices of the elements equal to a given value in an array of Objectss
// returns null if none found
public static int[] indicesOf(Object[] array, Object value){
int[] indices = null;
int numberOfIndices = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> arrayl = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
arrayl.add(new Integer(i));
indices = new int[numberOfIndices];
for(int i=0; i<numberOfIndices; i++){
indices[i] = (arrayl.get(i)).intValue();
return indices;
// FIND FIRST INDEX OF ARRAY ELEMENT EQUAL TO A VALUE (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of doubles
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(double[] array, double value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of floats
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(float[] array, float value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of longs
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(long[] array, long value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of ints
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(int[] array, int value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of bytes
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(byte[] array, byte value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of shorts
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(short[] array, short value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of chars
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(char[] array, char value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of Strings
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(String[] array, String value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the index of the first occurence of the element equal to a given value in an array of Objects
// returns -1 if none found
public static int indexOf(Object[] array, Object value){
int index = -1;
boolean test = true;
int counter = 0;
index = counter;
test = false;
if(counter>=array.length)test = false;
return index;
// finds the value of nearest element value in array to the argument value
public static double nearestElementValue(double[] array, double value){
double diff = Math.abs(array[0] - value);
double nearest = array[0];
for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++){
if(Math.abs(array[i] - value)<diff){
diff = Math.abs(array[i] - value);
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestElementIndex(double[] array, double value){
double diff = Math.abs(array[0] - value);
int nearest = 0;
for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++){
if(Math.abs(array[i] - value)<diff){
diff = Math.abs(array[i] - value);
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// finds the value of nearest lower element value in array to the argument value
public static double nearestLowerElementValue(double[] array, double value){
double diff0 = 0.0D;
double diff1 = 0.0D;
double nearest = 0.0D;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
double min = array[0];
if(array[ii]<min)min = array[ii];
if((value - array[ii])>=0.0D){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = array[ii];
test = false;
nearest = min;
diff0 = min - value;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = value - array[i];
if(diff1>=0.0D && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest lower element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestLowerElementIndex(double[] array, double value){
double diff0 = 0.0D;
double diff1 = 0.0D;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
double min = array[0];
int minI = 0;
min = array[ii];
minI = ii;
if((value - array[ii])>=0.0D){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = ii;
test = false;
nearest = minI;
diff0 = min - value;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = value - array[i];
if(diff1>=0.0D && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// finds the value of nearest higher element value in array to the argument value
public static double nearestHigherElementValue(double[] array, double value){
double diff0 = 0.0D;
double diff1 = 0.0D;
double nearest = 0.0D;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
double max = array[0];
if(array[ii]>max)max = array[ii];
if((array[ii] - value )>=0.0D){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = array[ii];
test = false;
nearest = max;
diff0 = value - max;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = array[i]- value;
if(diff1>=0.0D && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest higher element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestHigherElementIndex(double[] array, double value){
double diff0 = 0.0D;
double diff1 = 0.0D;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
double max = array[0];
int maxI = 0;
max = array[ii];
maxI = ii;
if((array[ii] - value )>=0.0D){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = ii;
test = false;
nearest = maxI;
diff0 = value - max;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = array[i]- value;
if(diff1>=0.0D && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// finds the value of nearest element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestElementValue(int[] array, int value){
int diff = Math.abs(array[0] - value);
int nearest = array[0];
for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++){
if(Math.abs(array[i] - value)<diff){
diff = Math.abs(array[i] - value);
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestElementIndex(int[] array, int value){
int diff = Math.abs(array[0] - value);
int nearest = 0;
for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++){
if(Math.abs(array[i] - value)<diff){
diff = Math.abs(array[i] - value);
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// finds the value of nearest lower element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestLowerElementValue(int[] array, int value){
int diff0 = 0;
int diff1 = 0;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
int min = array[0];
if(array[ii]<min)min = array[ii];
if((value - array[ii])>=0){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = array[ii];
test = false;
nearest = min;
diff0 = min - value;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = value - array[i];
if(diff1>=0 && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest lower element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestLowerElementIndex(int[] array, int value){
int diff0 = 0;
int diff1 = 0;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
int min = array[0];
int minI = 0;
min = array[ii];
minI = ii;
if((value - array[ii])>=0){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = ii;
test = false;
nearest = minI;
diff0 = min - value;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = value - array[i];
if(diff1>=0 && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// finds the value of nearest higher element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestHigherElementValue(int[] array, int value){
int diff0 = 0;
int diff1 = 0;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
int max = array[0];
if(array[ii]>max)max = array[ii];
if((array[ii] - value )>=0){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = array[ii];
test = false;
nearest = max;
diff0 = value - max;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = array[i]- value;
if(diff1>=0 && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;
// finds the index of nearest higher element value in array to the argument value
public static int nearestHigherElementIndex(int[] array, int value){
int diff0 = 0;
int diff1 = 0;
int nearest = 0;
int ii = 0;
boolean test = true;
int max = array[0];
int maxI = 0;
max = array[ii];
maxI = ii;
if((array[ii] - value )>=0){
diff0 = value - array[ii];
nearest = ii;
test = false;
nearest = maxI;
diff0 = value - max;
test = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
diff1 = array[i]- value;
if(diff1>=0 && diff1<diff0 ){
diff0 = diff1;
nearest = i;
return nearest;
// SUM OF ALL ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Sum of all array elements - double array
public static double arraySum(double[]array){
double sum = 0.0D;
for(double i:array)sum += i;
return sum;
// Sum of all array elements - float array
public static float arraySum(float[]array){
float sum = 0.0F;
for(float i:array)sum += i;
return sum;
// Sum of all array elements - int array
public static int arraySum(int[]array){
int sum = 0;
for(int i:array)sum += i;
return sum;
// Sum of all array elements - long array
public static long arraySum(long[]array){
long sum = 0L;
for(long i:array)sum += i;
return sum;
// Sum of all positive array elements - long array
public static long arrayPositiveElementsSum(long[]array){
long sum = 0L;
for(long i:array)if(i>0)sum += i;
return sum;
// PRODUCT OF ALL ELEMENTS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Product of all array elements - double array
public static double arrayProduct(double[]array){
double product = 1.0D;
for(double i:array)product *= i;
return product;
// Product of all array elements - float array
public static float arrayProduct(float[]array){
float product = 1.0F;
for(float i:array)product *= i;
return product;
// Product of all array elements - int array
public static int arrayProduct(int[]array){
int product = 1;
for(int i:array)product *= i;
return product;
// Product of all array elements - long array
public static long arrayProduct(long[]array){
long product = 1L;
for(long i:array)product *= i;
return product;
// CONCATENATE TWO ARRAYS (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// Concatenate two double arrays
public static double[] concatenate(double[] aa, double[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
double[] cc = new double[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two float arrays
public static float[] concatenate(float[] aa, float[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
float[] cc = new float[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two int arrays
public static int[] concatenate(int[] aa, int[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
int[] cc = new int[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two long arrays
public static long[] concatenate(long[] aa, long[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
long[] cc = new long[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two short arrays
public static short[] concatenate(short[] aa, short[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
short[] cc = new short[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two byte arrays
public static byte[] concatenate(byte[] aa, byte[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
byte[] cc = new byte[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two char arrays
public static char[] concatenate(char[] aa, char[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
char[] cc = new char[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two String arrays
public static String[] concatenate(String[] aa, String[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
String[] cc = new String[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// Concatenate two Object arrays
public static Object[] concatenate(Object[] aa, Object[] bb){
int aLen = aa.length;
int bLen = bb.length;
int cLen = aLen + bLen;
Object[] cc = new Object[cLen];
for(int i=0; i<aLen; i++){
cc[i] = aa[i];
for(int i=0; i<bLen; i++){
cc[i+aLen] = bb[i];
return cc;
// RECAST ARRAY TYPE (deprecated - see Conv class)
// recast an array of float as doubles
public static double[] floatTOdouble(float[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of int as double
public static double[] intTOdouble(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of int as float
public static float[] intTOfloat(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (float)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of int as long
public static long[] intTOlong(int[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (long)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of long as double
public static double[] longTOdouble(long[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of long as float
public static float[] longTOfloat(long[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (float)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of short as double
public static double[] shortTOdouble(short[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (double)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of short as float
public static float[] shortTOfloat(short[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (float)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of short as long
public static long[] shortTOlong(short[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (long)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of short as int
public static int[] shortTOint(short[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (int)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of byte as double
public static double[] byteTOdouble(byte[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (int)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of byte as float
public static float[] byteTOfloat(byte[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (float)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of byte as long
public static long[] byteTOlong(byte[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (long)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of byte as int
public static int[] byteTOint(byte[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (int)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of byte as short
public static short[] byteTOshort(byte[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
short[] bb = new short[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (short)aa[i];
return bb;
// recast an array of double as int
public static int[] doubleTOint(double[] aa){
int n = aa.length;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
bb[i] = (int)aa[i];
return bb;
// PRINT ARRAY TO SCREEN (deprecated - see PrintToScreen class)
// print an array of doubles to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(double[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of doubles to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(double[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of floats to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(float[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of floats to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(float[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of ints to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(int[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of ints to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(int[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of longs to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(long[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of longs to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(long[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of char to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(char[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of char to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(char[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of String to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(String[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of Strings to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(String[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of shorts to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(short[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of shorts to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(short[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of bytes to screen
// No line returns except at the end
public static void print(byte[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.print(aa[i]+" ");
// print an array of bytes to screen
// with line returns
public static void println(byte[] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
System.out.println(aa[i]+" ");
// print a 2D array of doubles to screen
public static void print(double[][] aa){
for(int i=0; i<aa.length; i++){
// SORT ELEMENTS OF ARRAY (deprecated - see ArryMaths class)
// sort elements in an array of doubles into ascending order
// using selection sort method
// returns Vector containing the original array, the sorted array
// and an array of the indices of the sorted array
public static Vector<Object> selectSortVector(double[] aa){
ArrayList<Object> list = Fmath.selectSortArrayList(aa);
Vector<Object> ret = null;
int n = list.size();
ret = new Vector<Object>(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)ret.addElement(list.get(i));
return ret;
// sort elements in an array of doubles into ascending order
// using selection sort method
// returns ArrayList containing the original array, the sorted array
// and an array of the indices of the sorted array
public static ArrayList<Object> selectSortArrayList(double[] aa){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
double holdb = 0.0D;
int holdi = 0;
double[] bb = new double[n];
int[] indices = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
ArrayList<Object> arrayl = new ArrayList<Object>();
return arrayl;
// sort elements in an array of doubles into ascending order
// using selection sort method
public static double[] selectionSort(double[] aa){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
double hold = 0.0D;
double[] bb = new double[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
return bb;
// sort elements in an array of floats into ascending order
// using selection sort method
public static float[] selectionSort(float[] aa){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
float hold = 0.0F;
float[] bb = new float[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
return bb;
// sort elements in an array of ints into ascending order
// using selection sort method
public static int[] selectionSort(int[] aa){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int hold = 0;
int[] bb = new int[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
return bb;
// sort elements in an array of longs into ascending order
// using selection sort method
public static long[] selectionSort(long[] aa){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
long hold = 0L;
long[] bb = new long[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
return bb;
// sort elements in an array of doubles into ascending order
// using selection sort method
// aa - the original array - not altered
// bb - the sorted array
// indices - an array of the original indices of the sorted array
public static void selectionSort(double[] aa, double[] bb, int[] indices){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
double holdb = 0.0D;
int holdi = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of doubles into ascending order with matching switches in an array of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(double[] aa, double[] bb, double[] cc, double[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
double holdx = 0.0D;
double holdy = 0.0D;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of floats into ascending order with matching switches in an array of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(float[] aa, float[] bb, float[] cc, float[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
float holdx = 0.0F;
float holdy = 0.0F;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an longs of doubles into ascending order with matching switches in an array of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(long[] aa, long[] bb, long[] cc, long[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
long holdx = 0L;
long holdy = 0L;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of ints into ascending order with matching switches in an array of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(int[] aa, int[] bb, int[] cc, int[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
int holdx = 0;
int holdy = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of doubles into ascending order with matching switches in an array of long of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(double[] aa, long[] bb, double[] cc, long[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
double holdx = 0.0D;
long holdy = 0L;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of long into ascending order with matching switches in an array of double of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(long[] aa, double[] bb, long[] cc, double[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
long holdx = 0L;
double holdy = 0.0D;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of doubles into ascending order with matching switches in an array of int of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(double[] aa, int[] bb, double[] cc, int[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
double holdx = 0.0D;
int holdy = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of int into ascending order with matching switches in an array of double of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(int[] aa, double[] bb, int[] cc, double[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
int holdx = 0;
double holdy = 0.0D;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of long into ascending order with matching switches in an array of int of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(long[] aa, int[] bb, long[] cc, int[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
long holdx = 0L;
int holdy = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort the elements of an array of int into ascending order with matching switches in an array of long of the length
// using selection sort method
// array determining the order is the first argument
// matching array is the second argument
// sorted arrays returned as third and fourth arguments respectively
public static void selectionSort(int[] aa, long[] bb, int[] cc, long[] dd){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(n!=m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ") and the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be the same length");
int nn = cc.length;
if(nn<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, cc, (length = " + nn + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int mm = dd.length;
if(mm<m)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth argument array, dd, (length = " + mm + ") should be at least as long as the second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ")");
int holdx = 0;
long holdy = 0L;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// sort elements in an array of doubles (first argument) into ascending order
// using selection sort method
// returns the sorted array as second argument
// and an array of the indices of the sorted array as the third argument
// same as corresponding selectionSort - retained for backward compatibility
public static void selectSort(double[] aa, double[] bb, int[] indices){
int index = 0;
int lastIndex = -1;
int n = aa.length;
int m = bb.length;
if(m<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The second argument array, bb, (length = " + m + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
int k = indices.length;
if(m<n)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The third argument array, indices, (length = " + k + ") should be at least as long as the first argument array, aa, (length = " + n + ")");
double holdb = 0.0D;
int holdi = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
while(lastIndex != n-1){
index = lastIndex+1;
for(int i=lastIndex+2; i<n; i++){
// COPY OF AN OBJECT (deprecated - see Conv class)
// Returns a copy of the object
// An exception will be thrown if an attempt to copy a non-serialisable object is made.
// Taken, with minor changes, from { Java Techniques }
// http://javatechniques.com/blog/
public static Object copyObject(Object obj) {
Object objCopy = null;
try {
// Write the object out to a byte array
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
// Make an input stream from the byte array and
// read a copy of the object back in.
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()));
objCopy = ois.readObject();
catch(IOException e) {
catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
return objCopy;
// UNIT CONVERSIONS (deprecated - see Conv class)
// Converts radians to degrees
public static double radToDeg(double rad){
return rad*180.0D/Math.PI;
// Converts degrees to radians
public static double degToRad(double deg){
return deg*Math.PI/180.0D;
// Converts frequency (Hz) to radial frequency
public static double frequencyToRadialFrequency(double frequency){
return 2.0D*Math.PI*frequency;
// Converts radial frequency to frequency (Hz)
public static double radialFrequencyToFrequency(double radial){
return radial/(2.0D*Math.PI);
// Converts electron volts(eV) to corresponding wavelength in nm
public static double evToNm(double ev){
return 1e+9*C_LIGHT/(-ev*Q_ELECTRON/H_PLANCK);
// Converts wavelength in nm to matching energy in eV
public static double nmToEv(double nm)
return C_LIGHT/(-nm*1e-9)*H_PLANCK/Q_ELECTRON;
// Converts moles per litre to percentage weight by volume
public static double molarToPercentWeightByVol(double molar, double molWeight){
return molar*molWeight/10.0D;
// Converts percentage weight by volume to moles per litre
public static double percentWeightByVolToMolar(double perCent, double molWeight){
return perCent*10.0D/molWeight;
// Converts Celsius to Kelvin
public static double celsiusToKelvin(double cels){
return cels-T_ABS;
// Converts Kelvin to Celsius
public static double kelvinToCelsius(double kelv){
return kelv+T_ABS;
// Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit
public static double celsiusToFahren(double cels){
return cels*(9.0/5.0)+32.0;
// Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
public static double fahrenToCelsius(double fahr){
return (fahr-32.0)*5.0/9.0;
// Converts calories to Joules
public static double calorieToJoule(double cal){
return cal*4.1868;
// Converts Joules to calories
public static double jouleToCalorie(double joule){
return joule*0.23884;
// Converts grams to ounces
public static double gramToOunce(double gm){
return gm/28.3459;
// Converts ounces to grams
public static double ounceToGram(double oz){
return oz*28.3459;
// Converts kilograms to pounds
public static double kgToPound(double kg){
return kg/0.4536;
// Converts pounds to kilograms
public static double poundToKg(double pds){
return pds*0.4536;
// Converts kilograms to tons
public static double kgToTon(double kg){
return kg/1016.05;
// Converts tons to kilograms
public static double tonToKg(double tons){
return tons*1016.05;
// Converts millimetres to inches
public static double millimetreToInch(double mm){
return mm/25.4;
// Converts inches to millimetres
public static double inchToMillimetre(double in){
return in*25.4;
// Converts feet to metres
public static double footToMetre(double ft){
return ft*0.3048;
// Converts metres to feet
public static double metreToFoot(double metre){
return metre/0.3048;
// Converts yards to metres
public static double yardToMetre(double yd){
return yd*0.9144;
// Converts metres to yards
public static double metreToYard(double metre){
return metre/0.9144;
// Converts miles to kilometres
public static double mileToKm(double mile){
return mile*1.6093;
// Converts kilometres to miles
public static double kmToMile(double km){
return km/1.6093;
// Converts UK gallons to litres
public static double gallonToLitre(double gall){
return gall*4.546;
// Converts litres to UK gallons
public static double litreToGallon(double litre){
return litre/4.546;
// Converts UK quarts to litres
public static double quartToLitre(double quart){
return quart*1.137;
// Converts litres to UK quarts
public static double litreToQuart(double litre){
return litre/1.137;
// Converts UK pints to litres
public static double pintToLitre(double pint){
return pint*0.568;
// Converts litres to UK pints
public static double litreToPint(double litre){
return litre/0.568;
// Converts UK gallons per mile to litres per kilometre
public static double gallonPerMileToLitrePerKm(double gallPmile){
return gallPmile*2.825;
// Converts litres per kilometre to UK gallons per mile
public static double litrePerKmToGallonPerMile(double litrePkm){
return litrePkm/2.825;
// Converts miles per UK gallons to kilometres per litre
public static double milePerGallonToKmPerLitre(double milePgall){
return milePgall*0.354;
// Converts kilometres per litre to miles per UK gallons
public static double kmPerLitreToMilePerGallon(double kmPlitre){
return kmPlitre/0.354;
// Converts UK fluid ounce to American fluid ounce
public static double fluidOunceUKtoUS(double flOzUK){
return flOzUK*0.961;
// Converts American fluid ounce to UK fluid ounce
public static double fluidOunceUStoUK(double flOzUS){
return flOzUS*1.041;
// Converts UK pint to American liquid pint
public static double pintUKtoUS(double pintUK){
return pintUK*1.201;
// Converts American liquid pint to UK pint
public static double pintUStoUK(double pintUS){
return pintUS*0.833;
// Converts UK quart to American liquid quart
public static double quartUKtoUS(double quartUK){
return quartUK*1.201;
// Converts American liquid quart to UK quart
public static double quartUStoUK(double quartUS){
return quartUS*0.833;
// Converts UK gallon to American gallon
public static double gallonUKtoUS(double gallonUK){
return gallonUK*1.201;
// Converts American gallon to UK gallon
public static double gallonUStoUK(double gallonUS){
return gallonUS*0.833;
// Converts UK pint to American cup
public static double pintUKtoCupUS(double pintUK){
return pintUK/0.417;
// Converts American cup to UK pint
public static double cupUStoPintUK(double cupUS){
return cupUS*0.417;
// Calculates body mass index (BMI) from height (m) and weight (kg)
public static double calcBMImetric(double height, double weight){
return weight/(height*height);
// Calculates body mass index (BMI) from height (ft) and weight (lbs)
public static double calcBMIimperial(double height, double weight){
height = Fmath.footToMetre(height);
weight = Fmath.poundToKg(weight);
return weight/(height*height);
// Calculates weight (kg) to give a specified BMI for a given height (m)
public static double calcWeightFromBMImetric(double bmi, double height){
return bmi*height*height;
// Calculates weight (lbs) to give a specified BMI for a given height (ft)
public static double calcWeightFromBMIimperial(double bmi, double height){
height = Fmath.footToMetre(height);
double weight = bmi*height*height;
weight = Fmath.kgToPound(weight);
return weight;