Package flanagan.control

Source Code of flanagan.control.HighPassPassive

/*      Class HighPassPassive
*       This class contains the constructor to create an instance of
*       a low pass filter:
*           V(out) = V(in)RCjomega/(1 +RCjomega)
*       and the methods needed to use this process in simulation
*       of control loops.
*       This class is a subclass of the superclass BlackBox.
*       Author:  Michael Thomas Flanagan.
*       Created: 21 May 2005
*       Updated:  2 July 2006, 6 April 2008, 2 December 2008
*       See Michael T Flanagan's JAVA library on-line web page:
*       Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008 Michael Thomas Flanagan
*       Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is
*       provided that an acknowledgement to the author, Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan at, appears in all copies
*       and associated documentation or publications.
*       Redistributions of the source code of this source code, or parts of the source codes, must retain the above copyright notice,
*       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
*       Redistribution in binary form of all or parts of this class must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
*       the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution and requires written permission
*       from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
*       Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
*       Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software
*       or its derivatives.

package flanagan.control;
import flanagan.complex.Complex;
import flanagan.complex.ComplexPoly;

public class HighPassPassive extends BlackBox{

    private double resistance = 0.0D;       // Resistance value, R ohms
    private double capacitance = 0.0D;      // Capacitance value, C farads
    private double timeConstant = 0.0D;     // Time constant, RC seconds
    private boolean setR = false;           // = true when resistance set
    private boolean setC = false;           // = true when capacitance set

    // Constructor
    // Sets time constant and order to unity
    public HighPassPassive(){
        super("Passive High Pass Filter");
        super.sZeros = Complex.oneDarray(1);
        super.sPoles = Complex.oneDarray(1);
        super.setSnumer(new ComplexPoly(0.0D, 1.0D));
        super.setSdenom(new ComplexPoly(1.0D, 1.0D));
        this.timeConstant = 1.0D;

    public void setResistance(double res){
        this.resistance = res;
        this.timeConstant = res*this.capacitance;
        super.sNumer = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sZeros);
        for(int i=0; i<=super.sNumerDeg;i++)super.sNumer.resetCoeff(i, super.sNumer.coeffCopy(i).times(Math.pow(this.timeConstant, i)));
        super.sDenom = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sPoles);
        this.setR = true;

    public void setCapacitance(double cap){
        this.capacitance = cap;
        this.timeConstant = cap*this.resistance;
        super.sNumer = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sZeros);
        for(int i=0; i<=super.sNumerDeg;i++)super.sNumer.resetCoeff(i, super.sNumer.coeffCopy(i).times(Math.pow(this.timeConstant, i)));
        super.sDenom = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sPoles);
        this.setC = true;

    public void setTimeConstant(double tau){
        this.timeConstant = tau;
        super.sNumer = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sZeros);
        for(int i=0; i<=super.sNumerDeg;i++)super.sNumer.resetCoeff(i, super.sNumer.coeffCopy(i).times(Math.pow(this.timeConstant, i)));
        super.sDenom = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sPoles);

    public double getResistance(){
            return this.resistance;
            System.out.println("Class; HighPassPassive, method: getResistance");
            System.out.println("No resistance has been entered; zero returned");
            return 0.0D;

    public double getCapacitance(){
            return this.capacitance;
            System.out.println("Class; HighPassPassive, method: getCapacitance");
            System.out.println("No capacitance has been entered; zero returned");
            return 0.0D;

    public double getTimeConstant(){
        return this.timeConstant;

    // Calculate the zeros and poles in the s-domain
    protected void calcPolesZerosS(){

    // Deep copy
    public HighPassPassive copy(){
            return null;
            HighPassPassive bb = new HighPassPassive();

            bb.resistance = this.resistance;
            bb.capacitance = this.capacitance;
            bb.timeConstant = this.timeConstant;
            bb.setR = this.setR;
            bb.setC = this.setC;

            bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
            bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
            bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
            bb.time = this.time.clone();
            bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
            bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
            bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
            bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
            bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
            bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
            bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
            bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
            bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
            bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
            bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
            bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
            bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
            bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
            bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
            bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
            bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
            bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
            bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
            bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
            bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
            bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
            bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
            bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
            bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
            bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
            bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
            bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
            bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
            bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
            bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
            bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
            bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
            bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;

            return bb;

    // Clone - overrides Java.Object method clone
    public Object clone(){
        Object ret = null;

            HighPassPassive bb = new HighPassPassive();

            bb.resistance = this.resistance;
            bb.capacitance = this.capacitance;
            bb.timeConstant = this.timeConstant;
            bb.setR = this.setR;
            bb.setC = this.setC;

            bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
            bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
            bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
            bb.time = this.time.clone();
            bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
            bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
            bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
            bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
            bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
            bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
            bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
            bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
            bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
            bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
            bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
            bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
            bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
            bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
            bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
            bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
            bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
            bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
            bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
            bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
            bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
            bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
            bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
            bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
            bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
            bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
            bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
            bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
            bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
            bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
            bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
            bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
            bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
            bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;

            ret = (Object) bb;
        return ret;



Related Classes of flanagan.control.HighPassPassive

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