/* Class ClosedLoop
* This class supports the creation of a path of Black Boxes
* i.e. of instances of BlackBox and of any of its subclasses,
* e.g. PropIntDeriv, FirstOrder, and the methods to combine
* these into both a single instance of BlackBox and a Vector
* of analogue segments, digital segments and converters,
* with a feedback path from the last box on the forward path to the first box on the forward path
* Author: Michael Thomas Flanagan.
* Created: August 2002
* Updated: 14 May 2005, 6 April 2008, 5 July 2008
* See Michael T Flanagan's JAVA library on-line web page:
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/OpenLoop.html
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/
* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2008 Michael Thomas Flanagan
* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for
* NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee, provided that an acknowledgement
* to the author, Michael Thomas Flanagan at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga, appears in all copies.
* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability
* or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
* Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered
* as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.
package flanagan.control;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import flanagan.complex.Complex;
import flanagan.complex.ComplexPoly;
import flanagan.control.OpenLoop;
public class ClosedLoop extends BlackBox{
private OpenLoop forwardPath = new OpenLoop(); // forward path boxes
private OpenLoop closedPath = new OpenLoop(); // full closed path boxes
private ArrayList<BlackBox> feedbackPath = new ArrayList<BlackBox>(); // feedback path boxes
private int nFeedbackBoxes = 0; // number of boxes in feedback path
private boolean checkPath = false; // true if segment has been called
private boolean checkNoMix = true; // true - no ADC or DAC
private boolean checkConsolidate = false; // true if consolidate has been called
// Constructor
public ClosedLoop(){
super("Closed Loop");
// Add box to the forward path
public void addBoxToForwardPath(BlackBox box){
// Add box to the open path
public void addBoxToFeedbackPath(BlackBox box){
// Consolidate all boxes into appropriate segments and
// combine all boxes into either on forward path box or one closed loop box
public void consolidate(){
// add feedback boxes to forward path boxes
this.closedPath = this.forwardPath.copy();
for(int i=0; i<this.nFeedbackBoxes; i++){
// combine forward path boxes
// combine closed path boxes
// Calculate transfer function
ComplexPoly fpNumer = this.forwardPath.getSnumer();
ComplexPoly fpDenom = this.forwardPath.getSdenom();
ComplexPoly cpNumer = this.closedPath.getSnumer();
ComplexPoly cpDenom = this.closedPath.getSdenom();
super.sNumer = fpNumer.copy();
this.sDenom = (cpNumer.plus(fpDenom)).copy();
super.sNumer = fpNumer.times(cpDenom);
super.sDenom = cpNumer.plus(cpDenom.times(fpDenom));
this.checkConsolidate = true;
// Return number of boxes in the forward path
public int getNumberOfBoxesInForwardPath(){
return this.forwardPath.getNumberOfBoxes();
// Return number of boxes in the closed path
public int getNumberOfBoxesInClosedLoop(){
return this.closedPath.getNumberOfBoxes();
// Return segment ArrayList for forward path
public ArrayList<Object> getForwardPathSegmentsArrayList(){
return this.forwardPath.getSegmentsArrayList();
// Return segment Vector for forward path
public Vector<Object> getForwardPathSegmentsVector(){
return this.forwardPath.getSegmentsVector();
// Return segment ArrayList for closed path
public ArrayList<Object> getClosedLoopSegmentsArrayList(){
return this.closedPath.getSegmentsArrayList();
// Return segment Vector for closed path
public Vector<Object> getClosedLoopSegmentsVector(){
return this.closedPath.getSegmentsVector();
// Return number of segments in the forward path
public int getNumberOfSegmentsInForwardPath(){
return this.forwardPath.getNumberOfSegments();
// Return number of segments in the closed path
public int getNumberOfSegmentsInClosedLoop(){
return this.closedPath.getNumberOfSegments();
// Return name of all boxes in forward path
public String getNamesOfBoxesInForwardPath(){
return this.forwardPath.getNamesOfBoxes();
// Return name of all boxes in closed path
public String getNamesOfBoxesInClosedLoop(){
return this.closedPath.getNamesOfBoxes();
// Remove all boxes from the path
public void removeAllBoxes(){
// Deep copy
public ClosedLoop copy(){
return null;
ClosedLoop bb = new ClosedLoop();
bb.nFeedbackBoxes = this.nFeedbackBoxes;
bb.checkPath = this.checkPath;
bb.checkNoMix = this.checkNoMix;
bb.checkConsolidate = this.checkConsolidate;
bb.forwardPath = this.forwardPath.copy();
bb.closedPath = this.closedPath.copy();
bb.feedbackPath = new ArrayList<BlackBox>();
for(int i=0; i<feedbackPath.size(); i++)bb.feedbackPath.add((this.feedbackPath.get(i)).copy());
bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
bb.time = this.time.clone();
bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
bb.name = this.name;
bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;
return bb;
// Clone - overrides Java.Object method clone
public Object clone(){
Object ret = null;
ClosedLoop bb = new ClosedLoop();
bb.nFeedbackBoxes = this.nFeedbackBoxes;
bb.checkPath = this.checkPath;
bb.checkNoMix = this.checkNoMix;
bb.checkConsolidate = this.checkConsolidate;
bb.forwardPath = this.forwardPath.copy();
bb.closedPath = this.closedPath.copy();
bb.feedbackPath = new ArrayList<BlackBox>();
for(int i=0; i<feedbackPath.size(); i++)bb.feedbackPath.add((this.feedbackPath.get(i)).copy());
bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
bb.time = this.time.clone();
bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
bb.name = this.name;
bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;
ret = (Object) bb;
return ret;