/* Class BlackBox
* This class contains the constructor to create an instance of
* a generalised BlackBox with a single input, single output
* and a gain. It contins the methods for obtaining the
* transfer function in the s-domain and the z-domain.
* This class is the superclass for several sub-classes,
* e.g. Prop (P controller), PropDeriv (PD controller),
* PropInt (PI controller), PropIntDeriv (PID controller),
* FirstOrder, SecondOrder, AtoD (ADC), DtoA (DAC),
* ZeroOrderHold, DelayLine, OpenLoop (Open Loop Path),
* of use in control engineering.
* Author: Michael Thomas Flanagan.
* Created: August 2002
* Updated: 17 July 2003, 18 May 2005, 6 April 2008
* See Michael T Flanagan's JAVA library on-line web page:
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/BlackBox.html
* http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/java/
* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2008 Michael Thomas Flanagan
* Permission to use, copy and modify this software and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes is granted, without fee,
* provided that an acknowledgement to the author, Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga, appears in all copies
* and associated documentation or publications.
* Redistributions of the source code of this source code, or parts of the source codes, must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
* and the following disclaimer and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
* Redistribution in binary form of all or parts of this class must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
* the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution and requires written permission from the Michael Thomas Flanagan:
* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan makes no representations about the suitability or fitness of the software for any or for a particular purpose.
* Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software
* or its derivatives.
package flanagan.control;
import flanagan.math.Fmath;
import flanagan.complex.*;
import flanagan.plot.Plot;
import flanagan.plot.PlotGraph;
import flanagan.plot.PlotPoleZero;
public class BlackBox{
protected int sampLen = 3; // Length of array of stored inputs, outputs and times
protected double[] inputT = new double[this.sampLen]; // Array of input signal in the time domain
protected double[] outputT = new double[this.sampLen]; // Array of output signal in the time domain
protected double[] time = new double[this.sampLen]; // Array of time at which inputs were taken (seconds)
protected double forgetFactor = 1.0D; // Forgetting factor, e.g. in exponential forgetting of error values
protected double deltaT = 0.0D; // Sampling time (seconds)
protected double sampFreq = 0.0D; // Sampling frequency (Hz)
protected Complex inputS = new Complex(); // Input signal in the s-domain
protected Complex outputS = new Complex(); // Output signal in the s-domain
protected Complex sValue = new Complex(); // Laplacian s
protected Complex zValue = new Complex(); // z-transform z
protected ComplexPoly sNumer = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function numerator in the s-domain
protected ComplexPoly sDenom = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function denominator in the s-domain
protected ComplexPoly zNumer = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function numerator in the z-domain
protected ComplexPoly zDenom = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function denominator in the z-domain
protected Complex[] sPoles = null; // Poles in the s-domain
protected Complex[] sZeros = null; // Zeros in the s-domain
protected Complex[] zPoles = null; // Poles in the z-domain
protected Complex[] zZeros = null; // Zeros in the z-domain
protected int sNumerDeg = 0; // Degree of transfer function numerator in the s-domain
protected int sDenomDeg = 0; // Degree of transfer function denominator in the s-domain
protected int zNumerDeg = 0; // Degree of transfer function numerator in the z-domain
protected int zDenomDeg = 0; // Degree of transfer function denominator in the z-domain
protected double deadTime = 0.0D; // Time delay between an input and the matching output [in s-domain = exp(-s.deadTime)]
protected int orderPade = 2; // Order(1 to 4)of the pade approximation for exp(-sT)
// default option = 2
protected ComplexPoly sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function numerator in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected ComplexPoly sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(1.0D); // Transfer function denominator in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected Complex[] sPolesPade = null; // Poles in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected Complex[] sZerosPade = null; // Zeros in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected int sNumerDegPade = 0; // Degree of transfer function numerator in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected int sDenomDegPade = 0; // Degree of transfer function denominator in the s-domain including Pade approximation
protected boolean maptozero = true; // if true infinity s zeros map to zero
// if false infinity s zeros map to minus one
protected boolean padeAdded = false; // if true Pade poles and zeros added
// if false No Pade poles and zeros added
protected double integrationSum=0.0D; // Stored integration sum in numerical integrations
protected int integMethod = 0; // numerical integration method
// = 0 Trapezium Rule [default option]
// = 1 Backward Rectangular Rule
// = 2 Foreward Rectangular Rule
protected int ztransMethod = 0; // z trasform method
// = 0 s -> z mapping (ad hoc procedure) from the continuous time domain erived s domain functions
// = 1 specific z transform, e.g. of a difference equation
protected String name = "BlackBox"; // Superclass or subclass name, e.g. pid, pd, firstorder.
// user may rename an instance of the superclass or subclass
protected String fixedName = "BlackBox"; // Super class or subclass permanent name, e.g. pid, pd, firstorder.
// user must NOT change fixedName in any instance of the superclass or subclass
// fixedName is used as an identifier in classes such as OpenPath, ClosedLoop
protected int nPlotPoints = 100; // number of points used tp lot response curves, e.g. step input response curve
// Constructor
public BlackBox(){
// Constructor with name supplied
public BlackBox(String name){
this.name = name;
this.fixedName = name;
// Set the transfer function numerator in the s-domain
// Enter as an array of real (double) coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setSnumer(double[] coeff){
this.sNumerDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.sNumer = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
// Method to set extra terms to s-domain numerator and denominator and
// to calculate extra zeros and poles if the dead time is not zero.
protected void addDeadTimeExtras()
this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg;
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.copy();
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg;
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.copy();
// Set the transfer function numerator in the s-domain
// Enter as an array of Complex coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setSnumer(Complex[] coeff){
this.sNumerDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.sNumer = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
// Set the transfer function numerator in the s-domain
// Enter as an existing instance of ComplexPoly
public void setSnumer(ComplexPoly coeff){
this.sNumerDeg = coeff.getDeg();
this.sNumer = ComplexPoly.copy(coeff);
// Set the transfer function denominator in the s-domain
// Enter as an array of real (double) coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setSdenom(double[] coeff){
this.sDenomDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.sDenom = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
// Set the transfer function denomonator in the s-domain
// Enter as an array of Complex coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setSdenom(Complex[] coeff){
this.sDenomDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.sDenom = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
// Set the transfer function denominator in the s-domain
// Enter as an existing instance of ComplexPoly
public void setSdenom(ComplexPoly coeff){
this.sDenomDeg = coeff.getDeg();
this.sDenom = coeff.copy();
// Set the dead time
public void setDeadTime(double deadtime){
this.deadTime = deadtime;
// Set the dead time and the Pade approximation order
public void setDeadTime(double deadtime, int orderPade){
this.deadTime = deadtime;
System.out.println("BlackBox does not support Pade approximations above an order of 4");
System.out.println("The order has been set to 4");
System.out.println("Pade approximation order was less than 1");
System.out.println("The order has been set to 1");
this.orderPade = orderPade;
// Set the Pade approximation order
public void setPadeOrder(int orderPade){
System.out.println("BlackBox does not support Pade approximations above an order of 4");
System.out.println("The order has been set to 4");
System.out.println("Pade approximation order was less than 1");
System.out.println("The order has been set to 2");
this.orderPade = orderPade;
// Get the dead time
public double getDeadTime(){
return this.deadTime;
// Get the Pade approximation order
public int getPadeOrder(){
return this.orderPade;
// Resets the s-domain Pade inclusive numerator and denominator adding a Pade approximation
// Also calculates and stores additional zeros and poles arising rfom the Pade approximation
protected void pade(){
ComplexPoly sNumerExtra = null;
ComplexPoly sDenomExtra = null;
Complex[] newZeros = null;
Complex[] newPoles = null;
case 1: this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg + 1;
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg + 1;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(sNumerDegPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(sDenomDegPade);
sNumerExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, -this.deadTime/2.0D);
sDenomExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, this.deadTime/2.0D);
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.times(sNumerExtra);
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.times(sDenomExtra);
newZeros = Complex.oneDarray(1);
newZeros[0].reset(2.0/this.deadTime, 0.0D);
newPoles = Complex.oneDarray(1);
newPoles[0].reset(-2.0/this.deadTime, 0.0D);
case 2: this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg + 2;
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg + 2;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(sNumerDegPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(sDenomDegPade);
sNumerExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, -this.deadTime/2.0D, Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/12.0D);
sDenomExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, this.deadTime/2.0D, Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/12.0D);
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.times(sNumerExtra);
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.times(sDenomExtra);
newZeros = sNumerExtra.roots();
newPoles = sDenomExtra.roots();
case 3: this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg + 3;
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg + 3;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(sNumerDegPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(sDenomDegPade);
double[] termn3 = new double[4];
termn3[0] = 1.0D;
termn3[1] = -this.deadTime/2.0D;
termn3[2] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/10.0D;
termn3[3] = -Math.pow(this.deadTime, 3)/120.0D;
sNumerExtra = new ComplexPoly(termn3);
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.times(sNumerExtra);
newZeros = sNumerExtra.roots();
double[] termd3 = new double[4];
termd3[0] = 1.0D;
termd3[1] = this.deadTime/2.0D;
termd3[2] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/10.0D;
termd3[3] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 3)/120.0D;
sDenomExtra = new ComplexPoly(termd3);
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.times(sDenomExtra);
newPoles = sDenomExtra.roots();
case 4: this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg + 4;
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg + 4;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(sNumerDegPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(sDenomDegPade);
double[] termn4 = new double[5];
termn4[0] = 1.0D;
termn4[1] = -this.deadTime/2.0D;
termn4[2] = 3.0D*Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/28.0D;
termn4[3] = -Math.pow(this.deadTime, 3)/84.0D;
termn4[4] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 4)/1680.0D;
sNumerExtra = new ComplexPoly(termn4);
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.times(sNumerExtra);
newZeros = sNumerExtra.roots();
double[] termd4 = new double[5];
termd4[0] = 1.0D;
termd4[1] = this.deadTime/2.0D;
termd4[2] = 3.0D*Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/28.0D;
termd4[3] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 3)/84.0D;
termd4[4] = Math.pow(this.deadTime, 4)/1680.0D;
sDenomExtra = new ComplexPoly(termd4);
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.times(sDenomExtra);
newPoles = sDenomExtra.roots();
default: this.orderPade = 2;
this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg + 2;
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg + 2;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(sNumerDegPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(sDenomDegPade);
sNumerExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, -this.deadTime/2.0D, Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/12.0D);
sDenomExtra = new ComplexPoly(1.0D, this.deadTime/2.0D, Math.pow(this.deadTime, 2)/12.0D);
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.times(sNumerExtra);
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.times(sDenomExtra);
newZeros = sNumerExtra.roots();
newPoles = sDenomExtra.roots();
// store zeros and poles arising from the Pade term
if(this.sNumerPade!=null && this.sNumerDegPade>0){
sZerosPade = Complex.oneDarray(sNumerDegPade);
for(int i=0; i<sNumerDeg; i++){
sZerosPade[i] = sZeros[i].copy();
for(int i=0; i<this.orderPade; i++){
sZerosPade[i+sNumerDeg] = newZeros[i].copy();
if(this.sDenomPade!=null && this.sDenomDegPade>0){
sPolesPade = Complex.oneDarray(sDenomDegPade);
for(int i=0; i<sDenomDeg; i++){
sPolesPade[i] = sPoles[i].copy();
for(int i=0; i<this.orderPade; i++){
sPolesPade[i+sDenomDeg] = newPoles[i].copy();
this.padeAdded = true;
// Copies s-domain poles and zeros from the s-domain arrays to the s-domain Pade arrays
// used when deadTime is zero
protected void transferPolesZeros(){
this.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDeg;
this.sNumerPade = this.sNumer.copy();
this.sZerosPade = Complex.oneDarray(this.sNumerDeg);
for(int i=0; i<this.sNumerDeg; i++)this.sZerosPade[i] = this.sZeros[i].copy();
this.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDeg;
this.sDenomPade = this.sDenom.copy();
this.sPolesPade = Complex.oneDarray(this.sDenomDeg);
for(int i=0; i<this.sDenomDeg; i++)this.sPolesPade[i] = this.sPoles[i].copy();
this.padeAdded = true;
// Get the Pade approximation order
public int orderPade(){
return this.orderPade;
// Warning message if dead time greater than sampling period
protected boolean deadTimeWarning(String method){
boolean warning = false; // warning true if dead time is greater than the sampling period
// false if not
System.out.println(this.name+"."+method+": The dead time is greater than the sampling period");
System.out.println("Dead time: "+this.deadTime);
System.out.println("Sampling period: "+this.deltaT);
System.out.println("!!! The results of this program may not be physically meaningful !!!");
warning = true;
return warning;
// Perform z transform for a given delta T
// Uses maptozAdHoc in this class but may be overridden in a subclass
public void zTransform(double deltat){
// Perform z transform using an already set delta T
// Uses maptozAdHoc in this class but may be overridden in a subclass
public void zTransform(){
// Map s-plane zeros and poles of the transfer function onto the z-plane using the ad-hoc method
// for a given sampling period.
// References:
// John Dorsey, Continuous and Discrete Control Systems, pp 490-491, McGraw Hill (2002)
// J R Leigh, Applied Digital Control, pp 78-80, Prentice-Hall (1985)
public void mapstozAdHoc(double deltaT){
this.deltaT = deltaT;
// Map s-plane zeros and poles of the transfer function onto the z-plane using the ad-hoc method
// for an already set sampling period.
// References:
// John Dorsey, Continuous and Discrete Control Systems, pp 490-491, McGraw Hill (2002)
// J R Leigh, Applied Digital Control, pp 78-80, Prentice-Hall (1985)
public void mapstozAdHoc(){
// Calculate z-poles
this.zDenomDeg = this.sDenomDegPade;
ComplexPoly root = new ComplexPoly(1);
this.zDenom = new ComplexPoly(this.zDenomDeg);
this.zPoles = Complex.oneDarray(this.zDenomDeg);
for(int i=0; i<this.zDenomDeg; i++){
this.zDenom = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(zPoles);
// Calculate z-zeros
// number of zeros from infinity poles
int infZeros = this.sDenomDegPade;
// check that total zeros does not exceed total poles
// total number of zeros
this.zNumerDeg = this.sNumerDegPade + infZeros;
this.zNumer = new ComplexPoly(zNumerDeg);
this.zZeros = Complex.oneDarray(zNumerDeg);
// zero values
for(int i=0; i<this.sNumerDegPade; i++){
for(int i=this.sNumerDegPade; i<this.zNumerDeg; i++){
for(int i=this.sNumerDegPade; i<this.zNumerDeg; i++){
this.zNumer = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.zZeros);
// Match s and z steady state gains
boolean testzeros = true;
testzeros = false;
for(int i=0; i<this.sDenomDegPade; i++){
if(!testzeros && this.sNumerDegPade>0){
for(int i=0; i<this.sDenomDegPade; i++){
if(!testzeros && this.zDenomDeg>0){
for(int i=0; i<this.zDenomDeg; i++){
if(!testzeros && this.zNumerDeg>0){
for(int i=0; i<this.zDenomDeg; i++){
this.sValue = this.sValue.plus(Complex.plusJay()).truncate(3);
this.zValue = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(this.deltaT).truncate(3));
Complex gs = this.evalTransFunctS(this.sValue);
Complex gz = this.evalTransFunctZ(this.zValue);
Complex constant = gs.over(gz);
ComplexPoly constantPoly = new ComplexPoly(constant);
this.zNumer = this.zNumer.times(constantPoly);
// Set the map infinity zeros to zero or -1 option
// maptozero: if true infinity s zeros map to zero
// if false infinity s zeros map to minus one
// default value = false
public void setMaptozero(boolean maptozero){
this.maptozero = maptozero;
// Set the transfer function numerator in the z-domain
// Enter as an array of real (double) coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setZnumer(double[] coeff){
this.zNumerDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.zNumer = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
this.zZeros = this.zNumer.roots();
// Set the transfer function numerator in the z-domain
// Enter as an array of Complex coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setZnumer(Complex[] coeff){
this.zNumerDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.zNumer = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
this.zZeros = this.zNumer.roots();
// Set the transfer function numerator in the z-domain
// Enter as an existing instance of ComplexPoly
public void setZnumer(ComplexPoly coeff){
this.zNumerDeg = coeff.getDeg();
this.zNumer = ComplexPoly.copy(coeff);
this.zZeros = this.zNumer.roots();
// Set the transfer function denominator in the z-domain
// Enter as an array of real (double) coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setZdenom(double[] coeff){
this.zDenomDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.zDenom = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
this.zPoles = this.zDenom.roots();
// Set the transfer function denomonatot in the z-domain
// Enter as an array of Complex coefficients of the polynomial a + bs +c.s.s + d.s.s.s + ....
public void setZdenom(Complex[] coeff){
this.zDenomDeg = coeff.length-1;
this.zDenom = new ComplexPoly(coeff);
this.zPoles = this.zDenom.roots();
// Set the transfer function denominator in the z-domain
// Enter as an existing instance of ComplexPoly
public void setZdenom(ComplexPoly coeff){
this.zDenomDeg = coeff.getDeg();
this.zDenom = ComplexPoly.copy(coeff);
this.zPoles = this.zDenom.roots();
// Set the sampling period
public void setDeltaT(double deltaT ){
// Set the forgetting factor
public void setForgetFactor(double forget){
this.forgetFactor = forget;
// Set the sampling frequency
public void setSampFreq(double sfreq ){
// Set the Laplacian s value (s - Complex)
public void setS(Complex s){
this.sValue = Complex.copy(s);
// Set the Laplacian s value (s - real + imaginary parts)
public void setS(double sr, double si){
// Set the Laplacian s value (s - imag, real = 0.0)
public void setS(double si){
this.sValue.reset(0.0D, si);
// Set the z-transform z value (z - Complex)
public void setZ(Complex z){
this.zValue = Complex.copy(z);
// Set the z-transform z value (z - real + imaginary parts)
public void setZ(double zr, double zi){
// Set the z transform method
// 0 = s to z mapping (ad hoc procedure)
// 1 = specific z transform, e.g. z transform of a difference equation
public void setZtransformMethod(int ztransMethod){
if(ztransMethod<0 || ztransMethod>1){
System.out.println("z transform method option number " + ztransMethod + " not recognised");
System.out.println("z tr methodansform option number set in BlackBox to the default value of 0 (s -> z ad hoc mapping)");
this.integMethod = 0;
this.ztransMethod = ztransMethod;
// Set the integration method [number option]
// 0 = trapezium, 1 = Backward rectangular, 2 = Foreward rectangular
public void setIntegrateOption(int integMethod){
if(integMethod<0 || integMethod>2){
System.out.println("integration method option number " + integMethod + " not recognised");
System.out.println("integration method option number set in BlackBox to the default value of 0 (trapezium rule)");
this.integMethod = 0;
this.integMethod = integMethod;
// Set the integration method [String option]
// trapezium; trapezium, tutin. Backward rectangular; back backward. Foreward rectangular; foreward, fore
// Continuous time equivalent: continuous, cont
public void setIntegrateOption(String integMethodS){
if(integMethodS.equals("trapezium") || integMethodS.equals("Trapezium") ||integMethodS.equals("tutin") || integMethodS.equals("Tutin")){
this.integMethod = 0;
if(integMethodS.equals("backward") || integMethodS.equals("Backward") ||integMethodS.equals("back") || integMethodS.equals("Back")){
this.integMethod = 1;
if(integMethodS.equals("foreward") || integMethodS.equals("Foreward") ||integMethodS.equals("fore") || integMethodS.equals("Fore")){
this.integMethod = 2;
System.out.println("integration method option " + integMethodS + " not recognised");
System.out.println("integration method option number set in PID to the default value of 0 (trapezium rule)");
this.integMethod = 0;
// Reset the length of the arrays storing the times, time domain inputs and time domain outputs
public void setSampleLength(int samplen){
this.sampLen = samplen;
this.time = new double[samplen];
this.inputT = new double[samplen];
this.outputT = new double[samplen];
// Reset the name of the black box
public void setName(String name){
// Enter current time domain time and input value
public void setInputT(double ttime, double inputt){
for(int i=0; i<this.sampLen-2; i++){
// Reset s-domain input
public void setInputS(Complex input){
// Reset all inputs, outputs and times to zero
public void resetZero(){
for(int i=0; i<this.sampLen-1; i++){
this.outputT[i] = 0.0D;
this.inputT[i] = 0.0D;
this.time[i] = 0.0D;
this.outputS = Complex.zero();
this.inputS = Complex.zero();
// Calculate the zeros and poles in the s-domain
// does not include Pade approximation term
protected void calcPolesZerosS(){
if(this.sNumer.getDeg()>0)this.sZeros = this.sNumer.roots();
if(this.sDenom.getDeg()>0)this.sPoles = this.sDenom.roots();
// Eliminates identical poles and zeros in the s-domain
protected void zeroPoleCancellation(){
boolean check = false;
boolean testI = true;
boolean testJ = true;
int i=0;
int j=0;
if(this.sNumerDegPade==0 || this.sDenomDegPade==0)testI=false;
for(int k=j+1; k<this.sDenomDegPade; k++)this.sPolesPade[k-1] = this.sPolesPade[k].copy();
for(int k=i+1; k<this.sNumerDegPade; k++)this.sZerosPade[k-1] = this.sZerosPade[k].copy();
check = true;
this.sNumerPade = new ComplexPoly(1.0D);
this.sNumerPade = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sZerosPade);
this.sDenomPade = new ComplexPoly(1.0D);
this.sDenomPade = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(this.sPolesPade);
// Evaluate the s-domain tranfer function for the present value of s
public Complex evalTransFunctS(){
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return num.over(den).times(lagterm);
// Evaluate the s-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of s
public Complex evalTransFunctS(Complex sValue){
this.sValue = Complex.copy(sValue);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return num.over(den).times(lagterm);
// Evaluate the s-domain tranfer function for a sine wave input at a given frequency (s^-1)
public Complex evalTransFunctS(double freq){
this.sValue.reset(0.0D, 2.0D*Math.PI*freq);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return num.over(den).times(lagterm);
// Evaluate the magnitude of the s-domain tranfer function for the present value of s
public double evalMagTransFunctS(){
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).abs();
// Evaluate the magnitude of the s-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of s
public double evalMagTransFunctS(Complex sValue){
this.sValue = Complex.copy(sValue);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).abs();
// Evaluate the magnitude of the s-domain tranfer function for a sine wave input at a given frequency (s^-1)
public double evalMagTransFunctS(double freq){
this.sValue.reset(0.0D, 2.0D*Math.PI*freq);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).abs();
// Evaluate the phase of the s-domain tranfer function for the present value of s
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(){
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).arg();
// Evaluate the phase of the s-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of s
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(Complex sValue){
this.sValue = Complex.copy(sValue);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).arg();
// Evaluate the phase of the s-domain tranfer function for a sine wave input at a given frequency (s^-1)
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(double freq){
this.sValue.reset(0.0D, 2.0D*Math.PI*freq);
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex lagterm = Complex.plusOne();
if(this.deadTime!=0)lagterm = Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime));
return (num.over(den).times(lagterm)).arg();
// Evaluate the z-domain tranfer function for the present value of z
public Complex evalTransFunctZ(){
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(this.zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(this.zValue);
return num.over(den);
// Evaluate the z-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of z
public Complex evalTransFunctZ(Complex zValue){
this.zValue = Complex.copy(zValue);
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(zValue);
return num.over(den);
// Evaluate the magnitude of the z-domain tranfer function for the present value of z
public double evalMagTransFunctZ(){
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(this.zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(this.zValue);
return num.over(den).abs();
// Evaluate the magnitude of the z-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of z
public double evalMagTransFunctZ(Complex zValue){
this.zValue = Complex.copy(zValue);
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(zValue);
return num.over(den).abs();
// Evaluate the phase of the z-domain tranfer function for the present value of z
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ(){
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(this.zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(this.zValue);
return num.over(den).arg();
// Evaluate the phase of the z-domain tranfer function for a given Complex value of z
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ(Complex zValue){
this.zValue = Complex.copy(zValue);
Complex num = this.zNumer.evaluate(zValue);
Complex den = this.zDenom.evaluate(zValue);
return num.over(den).arg();
// Get the integration method option
public int getIntegMethod(){
return this.integMethod;
// Get the z transform method option
public int getZtransformMethod(){
return this.ztransMethod;
// Get the length of the time, input (time domain) and output (time domain) arrays
public int getSampleLength(){
return this.sampLen;
// Get the forgetting factor
public double getForgetFactor(){
return this.forgetFactor;
// Get the current time
public double getCurrentTime(){
return this.time[this.sampLen-1];
// Get the time array
public double[] getTime(){
return this.time;
// Get the current time domain input
public double getCurrentInputT(){
return this.inputT[this.sampLen-1];
// Get the time domain input array
public double[] getInputT(){
return this.inputT;
// Get the s-domain input
public Complex getInputS(){
return this.inputS;
// Get the sampling period
public double getDeltaT(){
return this.deltaT;
// Get the sampling frequency
public double getSampFreq(){
return this.sampFreq;
// Get the Laplacian s value
public Complex getS(){
return this.sValue;
// Get the z-transform z value
public Complex getZ(){
return this.zValue;
// Get the degree of the s-domain numerator polynomial
public int getSnumerDeg(){
return this.sNumerDegPade;
return this.sNumerDeg;
// Get the degree of the s-domain denominator polynomial
public int getSdenomDeg(){
return this.sDenomDegPade;
return this.sDenomDeg;
// Get the s-domain numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSnumer(){
return this.sNumerPade;
return this.sNumer;
// Get the s-domain denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSdenom(){
return this.sDenomPade;
return this.sDenom;
// Get the degree of the z-domain numerator polynomial
public int getZnumerDeg(){
return this.zNumerDeg;
// Get the degree of the z-domain denominator polynomial
public int getZdenomDeg(){
return this.zDenomDeg;
// Get the z-domain numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZnumer(){
return this.zNumer;
// Get the z-domain denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZdenom(){
return this.zDenom;
// Get the s-domain zeros
public Complex[] getZerosS(){
System.out.println("Method BlackBox.getZerosS:");
System.out.println("There are either no s-domain zeros for this transfer function");
System.out.println("or the s-domain numerator polynomial has not been set");
System.out.println("null returned");
return null;
return this.sZerosPade;
// Get the s-domain poles
public Complex[] getPolesS(){
System.out.println("Method BlackBox.getPolesS:");
System.out.println("There are either no s-domain poles for this transfer function");
System.out.println("or the s-domain denominator polynomial has not been set");
System.out.println("null returned");
return null;
return this.sPolesPade;
// Get the z-domain zeros
public Complex[] getZerosZ(){
System.out.println("Method BlackBox.getZerosZ:");
System.out.println("There are either no z-domain zeros for this transfer function");
System.out.println("or the z-domain numerator polynomial has not been set");
System.out.println("null returned");
return null;
return this.zZeros;
// Get the z-domain poles
public Complex[] getPolesZ(){
System.out.println("Method BlackBox.getPolesZ:");
System.out.println("There are either no z-domain poles for this transfer function");
System.out.println("or the z-domain denominator polynomial has not been set");
System.out.println("null returned");
return null;
return this.zPoles;
// Get the map infinity zeros to zero or -1 option
// maptozero: if true infinity s zeros map to zero
// if false infinity s zeros map to minus one
public boolean getMaptozero(){
return this.maptozero;
// Get the name of the black box
public String getName(){
return this.name;
// Plot the poles and zeros of the BlackBox transfer function in the s-domain
public void plotPoleZeroS(){
if(this.sNumerPade==null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("s domain numerator has not been set");
if(this.sDenomPade==null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("s domain denominator has not been set");
PlotPoleZero ppz = new PlotPoleZero(this.sNumerPade, this.sDenomPade);
// Plot the poles and zeros of the BlackBox transfer function in the z-domain
public void plotPoleZeroZ(){
PlotPoleZero ppz = new PlotPoleZero(this.zNumer, this.zDenom);
if(this.zNumer==null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("z domain numerator has not been set");
if(this.zDenom==null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("z domain denominator has not been set");
// Bode plots for the magnitude and phase of the s-domain transfer function
public void plotBode(double lowFreq, double highFreq){
int nPoints = 100;
double[][] cdata = new double[2][nPoints];
double[] logFreqArray = new double[nPoints+1];
double logLow = Fmath.log10(2.0D*Math.PI*lowFreq);
double logHigh = Fmath.log10(2.0D*Math.PI*highFreq);
double incr = (logHigh - logLow)/((double)nPoints-1.0D);
double freqArray = lowFreq;
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++){
PlotGraph pgmag = new PlotGraph(cdata);
pgmag.setGraphTitle("Bode Plot = magnitude versus log10[radial frequency]");
pgmag.setXaxisLegend("Log10[radial frequency]");
pgmag.setYaxisLegend("Magnitude[Transfer Function]");
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++){
PlotGraph pgphase = new PlotGraph(cdata);
pgphase.setGraphTitle("Bode Plot = phase versus log10[radial frequency]");
pgphase.setXaxisLegend("Log10[radial frequency]");
pgphase.setYaxisLegend("Phase[Transfer Function]");
// Get the current time domain output for a given input and given time
// resets deltaT
public double getCurrentOutputT(double ttime, double inp){
if(ttime<=time[this.sampLen-1])throw new IllegalArgumentException("Current time equals or is less than previous time");
this.deltaT = ttime - this.time[this.sampLen-1];
this.sampFreq = 1.0D/this.deltaT;
for(int i=0; i<this.sampLen-2; i++){
return this.getCurrentOutputT();
// Get the current time domain output for the stored input
public double getCurrentOutputT(){
Complex[][] coeffT = BlackBox.inverseTransform(this.sNumerPade, this.sDenomPade);
Complex tempc = Complex.zero();
for(int j=0; j<coeffT[0].length; j++){
tempc.plusEquals(BlackBox.timeTerm(this.time[this.sampLen-1], coeffT[0][j], coeffT[1][j], coeffT[2][j]));
double outReal = tempc.getReal();
double outImag = tempc.getImag();
double temp;
boolean outTest=true;
System.out.println("output in Blackbox.getCurrentOutputT() has a significant imaginary part");
System.out.println("time = " + this.time[this.sampLen-1] + " real = " + outReal + " imag = " + outImag);
System.out.println("Output equated to the real part");
for(int i=0; i<this.sampLen-2; i++)this.outputT[i]=this.outputT[i+1];
this.outputT[this.sampLen-1] = outReal*this.inputT[this.sampLen-1];
return this.outputT[this.sampLen-1];
// Get the time domain output array
public double[] getOutputT(){
return this.outputT;
// Get the s-domain output for the stored input and s value.
public Complex getOutputS(){
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
this.outputS = num.over(den).times(this.inputS);
if(this.deadTime!=0)this.outputS = this.outputS.times(Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime)));
return this.outputS;
// Get the s-domain output for a given s value and input.
public Complex getOutputS(Complex svalue, Complex inputs){
this.inputS = inputs;
this.sValue = svalue;
Complex num = this.sNumerPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
Complex den = this.sDenomPade.evaluate(this.sValue);
this.outputS = num.over(den).times(this.inputS);
if(this.deadTime!=0)this.outputS = this.outputS.times(Complex.exp(this.sValue.times(-this.deadTime)));
return this.outputS;
// Reset the number of points used in plotting a response curve (default value = 100)
public void setNplotPoints(int nPoints){
this.nPlotPoints = nPoints;
// Return the number of points used in plotting a response curve (default value = 100)
public int getNplotPoints(){
return this.nPlotPoints;
// Plots the time course for an impulse input
public void impulseInput(double impulseMag, double finalTime){
// Multiply transfer function by impulse magnitude (impulseMag)
ComplexPoly impulseN = new ComplexPoly(0);
impulseN.resetCoeff(0, Complex.plusOne().times(impulseMag));
ComplexPoly numerT = this.sNumerPade.times(impulseN);
ComplexPoly denomT = this.sDenomPade.copy();
String graphtitle1 = "Impulse Input Transient: Impulse magnitude = "+impulseMag;
String graphtitle2 = this.getName();
BlackBox.transientResponse(this.nPlotPoints, finalTime, this.deadTime, numerT, denomT, graphtitle1, graphtitle2);
// Plots the time course for a unit impulse input
public void impulseInput(double finalTime){
this.impulseInput(1.0D, finalTime);
// Plots the time course for a step input
public void stepInput(double stepMag, double finalTime){
// Multiply transfer function by step magnitude (stepMag)/s
ComplexPoly stepN = new ComplexPoly(0);
stepN.resetCoeff(0, Complex.plusOne().times(stepMag));
ComplexPoly numerT = this.sNumerPade.times(stepN);
ComplexPoly stepD = new ComplexPoly(1);
stepD.resetCoeff(0, Complex.zero());
stepD.resetCoeff(1, Complex.plusOne());
ComplexPoly denomT = this.sDenomPade.times(stepD);
String graphtitle1 = "Step Input Transient: Step magnitude = "+stepMag;
String graphtitle2 = this.getName();
BlackBox.transientResponse(this.nPlotPoints, finalTime, this.deadTime, numerT, denomT, graphtitle1, graphtitle2);
// Plots the time course for a unit step input
public void stepInput(double finalTime){
this.stepInput(1.0D, finalTime);
// Plots the time course for an nth order ramp input (a.t^n)
public void rampInput(double rampGradient, int rampOrder, double finalTime){
// Multiply transfer function by ramp input (rampGradient)(rampOrder!)/s^(ramporder+1)
ComplexPoly rampN = new ComplexPoly(0);
rampN.resetCoeff(0, Complex.plusOne().times(rampGradient*Fmath.factorial(rampOrder)));
ComplexPoly numerT = this.sNumerPade.times(rampN);
Complex[] ramp = Complex.oneDarray(rampOrder+1);
ComplexPoly rampD = ComplexPoly.rootsToPoly(ramp);
ComplexPoly denomT = this.sDenomPade.times(rampD);
String graphtitle1 = "";
graphtitle1 += "nth order ramp (at^n) input transient: a = "+rampGradient+" n = "+rampOrder;
graphtitle1 += "First order ramp (at) input transient: a = "+rampGradient;
graphtitle1 += "Unit ramp (t) input transient";
graphtitle1 += "nth order ramp (t^n) input transient: n = "+rampOrder;
String graphtitle2 = this.getName();
BlackBox.transientResponse(this.nPlotPoints, finalTime, this.deadTime, numerT, denomT, graphtitle1, graphtitle2);
// Plots the time course for an nth order ramp input (t^n)
public void rampInput(int rampOrder, double finalTime){
double rampGradient = 1.0D;
this.rampInput(rampGradient, rampOrder, finalTime);
// Plots the time course for a first order ramp input (at)
public void rampInput(double rampGradient, double finalTime){
int rampOrder = 1;
this.rampInput(rampGradient, rampOrder, finalTime);
// Plots the time course for a unit ramp input (t)
public void rampInput(double finalTime){
double rampGradient = 1.0D;
int rampOrder = 1;
this.rampInput(rampGradient, rampOrder, finalTime);
// Plots the time course for a given transfer function from time t = zero for a quiescent system
public static void transientResponse(int nPoints, double finalTime, double deadTime, ComplexPoly numerT, ComplexPoly denomT, String graphtitle1, String graphtitle2){
// Obtain coefficients and constants of an partial fraction expansion
Complex[][] coeffT = BlackBox.inverseTransform(numerT, denomT);
// Calculate time course outputs
int m = denomT.getDeg(); // number of Aexp(-at) terms
double incrT = finalTime/(double)(nPoints-1); // plotting increment
double cdata[][] = new double [2][nPoints]; // plotting array
double temp = 0.0D; // working variable
Complex tempc = new Complex(); // working variable
double outReal = 0.0D; // real part of output
double outImag = 0.0D; // imaginary part of output (should be zero)
boolean outTest = true; // false if outImag=zero
for(int i=1; i<nPoints; i++){
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++){
outTest= true;
tempc = Complex.zero();
for(int j=0; j<m; j++){
tempc.plusEquals(BlackBox.timeTerm(cdata[0][i], coeffT[0][j], coeffT[1][j], coeffT[2][j]));
outReal = tempc.getReal();
outImag = tempc.getImag();
System.out.println("output in Blackbox.stepInput has a significant imaginary part");
System.out.println("time = " + cdata[0][i] + " real = " + outReal + " imag = " + outImag);
System.out.println("Output equated to the real part");
// Plot
PlotGraph pg = new PlotGraph(cdata);
// Returns the output term for a given time, coefficient, constant and power
// for output = A.time^(n-1).exp(constant*time)/(n-1)!
public static Complex timeTerm(double ttime, Complex coeff, Complex constant, Complex power){
Complex ret = new Complex();
int n = (int)power.getReal() - 1;
ret = coeff.times(Math.pow(ttime,n));
ret = ret.over(Fmath.factorial(n));
ret = ret.times(Complex.exp(constant.times(ttime)));
return ret;
// Returns the coefficients A, the constant a and the power n in the f(A.exp(-at),n) term for the
// the inverse Laplace transform of a complex polynolial divided
// by a complex polynomial expanded as partial fractions
// A and a are returnd as a 2 x n Complex array were n is the number of terms
// in the partial fraction. the first row contains the A values, the second the a values
public static Complex[][] inverseTransform(ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly denom){
int polesN = denom.getDeg(); // number of poles
int zerosN = numer.getDeg(); // numer of zeros
if(zerosN>=polesN)throw new IllegalArgumentException("The degree of the numerator is equal to or greater than the degree of the denominator");
Complex[][] ret = Complex.twoDarray(3, polesN); // array for returning coefficients, constants and powers
Complex[] coeff = Complex.oneDarray(polesN); // coefficient array
Complex[] poles = denom.roots(); // roots array
int[] polePower = new int[polesN]; // power, n, of each (s - root)^n term
int[] poleIdent = new int[polesN]; // same integer for identical (s-root) terms; integer = index of first case of that root
boolean[] poleSet = new boolean[polesN]; // true if root has been identified as equal to another root
boolean[] termSet = new boolean[polesN]; // false if n in (s-root)^n is greater than 1 and less than maximum value of n for that root
double identicalRootLimit = 1.0e-2; // roots treated as identical if equal to one part in identicalRootLimit
// Find identical roots within identicalRootLimit and assign power n [ (s-a)^n]
int power = 0;
Complex identPoleAverage = new Complex();
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++)poleSet[i]=false;
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++)termSet[i]=true;
for(int i=0; i< polesN; i++){
for(int j=i+1; j<polesN; j++){
// Set termSet to false if pole is recurring but not the recurring root term with the highest power
for(int k=power-1; k>0; k--){
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
if(poleIdent[j]==i && polePower[j]==k)termSet[j]=false;
// Replace roots within identicalRootLimit with average value
int kk=0;
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
// calculate coefficients for non-recurring poles and highest order power of recurring poles
// by substituting pole values ito the partial fraction equations
int ndone=0;
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++){
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
if(i!=j && termSet[j]){
coeff[i]=coeff[i].over(Complex.pow(poles[i].minus(poles[j]), polePower[j]));
// calculate coefficients for lower order powers of recurring poles
Complex denhold = new Complex(); // holds value of the denominator during calculations
// calculate exponent of the average of absolute values of poles
double poleAv = 0.0D;
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++)poleAv += poles[i].abs();
poleAv /= polesN;
poleAv = Math.pow(10.0D,Math.floor(Fmath.log10(poleAv)));
// fill simultaneous array matrix of partial fraction equations
// with substituted s values that are not pole values but are of the same magnitude
// as the above pole average
int nsimul=polesN-ndone;
Complex[][] mat = Complex.twoDarray(nsimul, nsimul);
Complex[] vec = Complex.oneDarray(nsimul);
Complex sValue=Complex.zero();
double sValueReal=0.0D;
boolean testpole1=true;
boolean testpole2=true;
Complex temp = new Complex();
// set up matrix to solve linear set giving lower power recurring root coefficients
for(int i=0; i<nsimul; i++){
// Find a value of s not equal to a pole and not already used
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
sValueReal += 1.0D;
sValue.reset(sValueReal, 0.0D);
// evaluate vector of (denominator - sum of known coefficients*s terms)
denhold = denom.evaluate(sValue);
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
// evaluate matrix of sums of unknown coefficients s terms
int k=0;
for(int j=0; j<polesN; j++){
sValueReal += 1.0D;
// Solve the set of linear equations
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++){
ComplexMatrix cmat = new ComplexMatrix(mat);
Complex[] terms = cmat.solveLinearSet(vec);
int j=-1;
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++){
if(!termSet[i])coeff[i]= terms[++j];
// calculate constant converting product of pole terms to the value of the denominator
// calculate mean of the poles
Complex mean = new Complex(0.0D, 0.0);
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++)mean = mean.plus(poles[i]);
mean = mean.over(polesN);
// check that mean != a pole; increase mean by 1.5 till != any pole
boolean test = true;
int ii=0;
mean = mean.times(1.5D);
if(ii>polesN-1)test = false;
// calculate product of poles-mean
Complex product = new Complex(1.0D, 0.0);
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++)product = product.times(mean.minus(poles[i]));
// evaluate the denominator at mean value
Complex eval = denom.evaluate(mean);
// Calculate constant
Complex conversionConstant = product.over(eval);
// fill ret for returning
for(int i=0; i<polesN; i++){
return ret;
// Deep copy
public BlackBox copy(){
return null;
BlackBox bb = new BlackBox();
bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
bb.time = this.time.clone();
bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
bb.name = this.name;
bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;
return bb;
// Clone - overrides Java.Object method clone
public Object clone(){
Object ret = null;
BlackBox bb = new BlackBox();
bb.sampLen = this.sampLen;
bb.inputT = this.inputT.clone();
bb.outputT = this.outputT.clone();
bb.time = this.time.clone();
bb.forgetFactor = this.forgetFactor;
bb.deltaT = this.deltaT;
bb.sampFreq = this.sampFreq;
bb.inputS = this.inputS.copy();
bb.outputS = this.outputS.copy();
bb.sValue = this.sValue.copy();
bb.zValue = this.zValue.copy();
bb.sNumer = this.sNumer.copy();
bb.sDenom = this.sDenom.copy();
bb.zNumer = this.zNumer.copy();
bb.zDenom = this.zDenom.copy();
bb.sPoles = Complex.copy(this.sPoles);
bb.sZeros = Complex.copy(this.sZeros);
bb.zPoles = Complex.copy(this.zPoles);
bb.zZeros = Complex.copy(this.zZeros);
bb.sNumerDeg = this.sNumerDeg;
bb.sDenomDeg = this.sDenomDeg;
bb.zNumerDeg = this.zNumerDeg;
bb.zDenomDeg = this.zDenomDeg;
bb.deadTime = this.deadTime;
bb.orderPade = this.orderPade;
bb.sNumerPade = this.sNumerPade.copy();
bb.sDenomPade = this.sDenomPade.copy();
bb.sPolesPade = Complex.copy(this.sPolesPade);
bb.sZerosPade = Complex.copy(this.sZerosPade);
bb.sNumerDegPade = this.sNumerDegPade;
bb.sDenomDegPade = this.sDenomDegPade;
bb.maptozero = this.maptozero;
bb.padeAdded = this.padeAdded;
bb.integrationSum = this.integrationSum;
bb.integMethod = this.integMethod;
bb.ztransMethod = this.ztransMethod;
bb.name = this.name;
bb.fixedName = this.fixedName;
bb.nPlotPoints = this.nPlotPoints;
ret = (Object)bb;
return ret;