package writers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ConstructorDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ExecutableMemberDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.FieldDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ParamTag;
import com.sun.javadoc.Parameter;
import com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.SeeTag;
import com.sun.javadoc.Tag;
public class BaseWriter {
// Some utilities
public final static String MODE_JAVASCRIPT = "js";
public BaseWriter()
protected static boolean needsWriting(ProgramElementDoc doc){
if( (doc != null) && Shared.i().isWebref(doc) )
return hasXMLDocument( doc );
return false;
protected static BufferedWriter makeWriter(String anchor) throws IOException
return makeWriter(anchor, false);
protected static String getWriterPath( String anchor, Boolean isLocal )
if (!isLocal) {
return Shared.i().getOutputDirectory() + "/" + anchor;
} else
return Shared.i().getLocalOutputDirectory() + anchor;
protected static BufferedWriter makeWriter(String anchor, Boolean isLocal) throws IOException {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( getWriterPath( anchor, isLocal ) );
return new BufferedWriter(fw);
protected static String getAnchor(ProgramElementDoc doc)
String ret = getAnchorFromName(getName(doc));
if(doc.containingClass() != null && !Shared.i().isRootLevel(doc.containingClass()))
ret = doc.containingClass().name() + "_" + ret;
//add package name to anchor
String[] parts = doc.containingPackage().name().split("\\.");
String pkg = parts[parts.length-1] + "/";
ret = "libraries/" + pkg + ret;
return ret;
protected static String getLocalAnchor(ProgramElementDoc doc)
String ret = getAnchorFromName(getName(doc));
if(doc.containingClass() != null){
ret = doc.containingClass().name() + "_" + ret;
return ret;
protected static String getReturnTypes(MethodDoc doc)
String ret = nameInPDE(doc.returnType().toString());
if(doc.containingClass() != null)
for(MethodDoc m : doc.containingClass().methods())
if( && m.returnType() != doc.returnType() )
String name = getSimplifiedType( nameInPDE(m.returnType().toString()) );
if( ! ret.contains( name ) )
{ // add return type name if it's not already included
ret += ", " + name;
// add "or" (split first to make sure we don't mess up the written description)
ret = ret.replaceFirst( ",([^,]+)$", ", or$1" );
if( ! ret.matches(".+,.+,.+") )
ret = ret.replace( ",", "" );
return ret;
protected static String getSimplifiedType( String str )
if( str.equals("long") ){ return "int"; }
if( str.equals("double") ){ return "float"; }
return str;
protected static String getName(Doc doc) { // handle
String ret =;
if(doc instanceof MethodDoc)
ret = ret.concat("()");
} else if (doc.isField()){
// add [] if needed
FieldDoc d = (FieldDoc) doc;
ret = ret.concat(d.type().dimension());
return ret;
protected static String getAnchorFromName(String name){
// change functionName() to functionName_
if( name.endsWith("()") ){
name = name.replace("()", "_");
// change "(some thing)" to something
if( name.contains("(") && name.contains(")") ){
int start = name.lastIndexOf("(") + 1;
int end = name.lastIndexOf(")");
name = name.substring(start, end);
name = name.replace(" ", "");
// change thing[] to thing
if( name.contains("[]")){
name = name.replaceAll("\\[\\]", "");
// change "some thing" to "some_thing.html"
name = name.replace(" ", "_").concat(".html");
return name;
static protected String getBasicDescriptionFromSource(ProgramElementDoc doc) {
return getBasicDescriptionFromSource(longestText(doc));
static protected String getBriefDescriptionFromSource(ProgramElementDoc doc) {
Tag[] sta = doc.tags("brief");
if(sta.length > 0){
return sta[0].text();
return getBasicDescriptionFromSource(doc);
static protected String longestText(ProgramElementDoc doc){
//override longest rule if the element has an @webref tag
return doc.commentText();
String s = doc.commentText();
if( doc.isMethod() ){
for(ProgramElementDoc d : doc.containingClass().methods()){
if( ) ){
if(d.commentText().length() > s.length()){
s = d.commentText();
} else if(doc.isField()){
for(ProgramElementDoc d : doc.containingClass().fields()){
if( ) ){
if(d.commentText().length() > s.length()){
s = d.commentText();
return s;
static protected String getBasicDescriptionFromSource(String s){
String[] sa = s.split("(?i)(<h\\d>Advanced:?</h\\d>)|(=advanced)");
if (sa.length != 0)
s = sa[0];
return s;
static protected String getAdvancedDescriptionFromSource(ProgramElementDoc doc) {
return getAdvancedDescriptionFromString(longestText(doc));
static private String getAdvancedDescriptionFromString(String s) {
String[] sa = s.split("(?i)(<h\\d>Advanced:?</h\\d>)|(=advanced)");
if (sa.length > 1)
s = sa[1];
return s;
protected static String getXMLPath(ProgramElementDoc doc) {
String path = Shared.i().getXMLDirectory();
String name =;
String suffix = ".xml";
if(doc.containingClass() != null){
//inside PApplet or other root-level class
if(doc instanceof FieldDoc){
//if there is a method of the same name, append _var
for( Doc d : doc.containingClass().methods()){
suffix = "_var" + suffix;
break; //don't append multiple times
} else {
name = doc.containingClass().name() + "_" + name;
if( !Shared.i().isCore(doc)){
//if documentation is for a library element
String[] pkg = doc.containingPackage().name().split("\\.");
path = path + "LIB_" + pkg[pkg.length-1] + "/";
return path + name + suffix;
static protected String getExamples(ProgramElementDoc doc) throws IOException{
return getExamples(getXMLPath(doc));
static private Document getXMLDocument(String path) throws IOException {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = null;
Document doc = null;
try {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
System.out.println( "Failed to load XML: " + e.getMessage());
if( builder != null )
try {
doc = builder.parse(path);
} catch (SAXException e) {
System.out.println( "Failed to parse XML: " + e.getMessage() );
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println( "Failed to parse XML: " + e.getMessage() );
return doc;
private static boolean hasXMLDocument( ProgramElementDoc doc )
String path = getXMLPath( doc );
File f = new File( path );
if( f.exists() )
return true;
return false;
static protected String getExamples(String path) throws IOException {
Document doc = getXMLDocument(path);
if( doc != null )
return getExamples(doc);
System.out.println("Unable to get examples from " + path + "; returning an empty string.");
return "";
protected static String getExamples(Document doc) throws IOException{
//Parse the examples from an XML document
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> exampleList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();
try {
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//example");
Object result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
NodeList examples = (NodeList) result;
for (int i = 0; i < examples.getLength(); i++) {
HashMap<String, String> example = new HashMap<String, String>();
expr = xpath.compile("image");
String img = (String) expr.evaluate(examples.item(i),
expr = xpath.compile("code");
String code = (String) expr.evaluate(examples.item(i),
example.put("image", Shared.i().getImageDirectory()
+ img);
{ // if no image, replace with empty string
example.put("image", "");
example.put("code", code);
} catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
String exampleInner = templateWriter.writeLoop("/example.partial.html", exampleList);
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("examples", exampleInner);
return templateWriter.writePartial("examples.partial.html", map);
protected static String getXMLDescription(ProgramElementDoc doc) throws IOException {
Document xmlDoc = getXMLDocument(getXMLPath(doc));
if( xmlDoc != null )
return getXMLDescription(xmlDoc);
else {
System.out.println("Unable to get description from " + getXMLPath(doc) + "; returning an empty string.");
return "";
* Based upon Shared.addDescriptionTag().
* Hint: this loads and adds js_mode/description as well
protected static String getXMLDescription(Document doc)
XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
String desc = "";
for( String component : Shared.i().getDescriptionSets() )
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(component);
String result = (String) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.STRING);
HashMap<String, String> vars = getDefaultDescriptionVars();
if ( component.indexOf("js_mode") != -1 ) {
vars.put( "description title", "JavaScript<br>\nNotes" );
if ( !result.equals("") )
vars.put( "description text", result );
result = templateWriter.writePartial( "description.partial.html", vars );
desc += result;
catch ( XPathExpressionException e)
System.out.println("Error getting description from xml with expression: //" + component);
return desc;
protected static HashMap<String, String> getDefaultDescriptionVars ()
HashMap<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("description title", "Description");
vars.put("description text", "");
return vars;
protected static String getTimestamp() {
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
Locale us = new Locale("en");
return now.getDisplayName(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.LONG, us)
+ " "
+ now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
+ ", "
+ now.get(Calendar.YEAR)
+ " "
+, 2)
+ ":"
+, 2)
+ ":"
+, 2)
+ now.getDisplayName(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.SHORT, us)
+ " "
+ TimeZone.getDefault().getDisplayName(
TimeZone.SHORT, us);
* Get all the syntax possibilities for a method
protected static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getSyntax(MethodDoc doc, String instanceName) throws IOException
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ret = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
for( MethodDoc methodDoc : doc.containingClass().methods() )
if( ))
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("object", instanceName);
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
for( Parameter p : methodDoc.parameters() )
HashMap<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
String params = templateWriter.writeLoop("method.parameter.partial.html", parameters, ", ");
map.put("parameters", params);
if( ! ret.contains(map) )
//don't put in duplicate function syntax
return ret;
private static String removePackage(String name)
{ // keep everything after the last dot
if( name.contains(".") )
{ return name.substring( name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1 ); }
return name;
private static String nameInPDE(String fullName)
if( fullName.contains("<") && fullName.endsWith(">") )
{ // if this type uses Java generics
String parts[] = fullName.split("<");
String generic = removePackage( parts[0] );
String specialization = removePackage( parts[1] );
specialization = specialization.substring( 0, specialization.length() - 1 );
return generic + "<" + specialization + ">";
return removePackage( fullName );
protected static String getUsage(ProgramElementDoc doc){
Tag[] tags = doc.tags("usage");
if(tags.length != 0){
return tags[0].text();
tags = doc.containingClass().tags("usage");
if(tags.length != 0){
return tags[0].text();
// return empty string if no usage is found
return "";
protected static String getInstanceName(ProgramElementDoc doc){
Tag[] tags = doc.containingClass().tags("instanceName");
if(tags.length != 0){
return tags[0].text().split("\\s")[0];
return "";
protected static String getInstanceDescription(ProgramElementDoc doc){
Tag[] tags = doc.containingClass().tags("instanceName");
if(tags.length != 0){
String s = tags[0].text();
return s.substring(s.indexOf(" "));
return "";
protected static String getParameters(MethodDoc doc) throws IOException{
//get parent
ClassDoc cd = doc.containingClass();
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ret = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
//add the parent parameter if this isn't a function of PApplet
HashMap<String, String> parent = new HashMap<String, String>();
parent.put("name", getInstanceName(doc));
parent.put("description", + ": " + getInstanceDescription(doc));
//get parameters from this and all other declarations of method
for( MethodDoc m : cd.methods() ){
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
return templateWriter.writeLoop("parameter.partial.html", ret);
protected static String getParameters(ClassDoc doc) throws IOException{
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ret = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
for( ConstructorDoc m : doc.constructors() ){
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
return templateWriter.writeLoop("parameter.partial.html", ret);
protected static void removeDuplicateParameters(ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ret){
// combine duplicate parameter names with differing types
for(HashMap<String, String> parameter : ret)
String desc = parameter.get("description");
if(!desc.endsWith(": "))
// if the chosen description has actual text
// e.g. float: something about the float
for(HashMap<String, String> parameter2 : ret)
String desc2 = parameter2.get("description");
if( desc2.endsWith(": ") && parameter2.get("name").equals( parameter.get("name") ) )
// freshen up our variable with the latest description
desc = parameter.get("description");
if( ! desc.contains( desc2.substring( 0, desc2.indexOf(": ") ) ) )
// if the similar item doesn't have actual text
// e.g. Boolean:
String newDescription = desc2.replace(":", ",").concat( desc );
parameter.put("description", newDescription);
//remove parameters without descriptions
for( int i=ret.size()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
if(ret.get(i).get("description").endsWith(": "))
// add "or" (split first to make sure we don't mess up the written description)
for( HashMap<String, String> param : ret )
String desc = param.get("description");
String start = desc.substring( 0, desc.indexOf(":")+1 ).replaceFirst( ",([^,]+:)", ", or$1" );
String end = desc.substring( desc.indexOf(":")+1, desc.length() );
param.put( "description", start.concat( end ) );
protected static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> parseParameters(ExecutableMemberDoc doc){
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ret = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
for( Parameter param : doc.parameters()){
String type = getSimplifiedType( nameInPDE(param.type().toString()) ).concat(": ");
String name =;
String desc = "";
for( ParamTag tag : doc.paramTags() ){
desc = desc.concat( tag.parameterComment() );
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("name", name);
map.put("description", type + desc);
return ret;
* Modes should support all API, so if XML not explicitly states "not supported", then assume it does.
protected static boolean isModeSupported ( ProgramElementDoc doc, String mode ) {
Document xmlDoc = null;
try {
String xmlPath = getXMLPath( doc );
xmlDoc = getXMLDocument( xmlPath );
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
return true;
XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();
try {
String umraw = xpath.evaluate("//unsupported_modes", xmlDoc, XPathConstants.STRING).toString();
String[] ums = umraw.split(",");
for ( String s : ums ) {
if ( s.trim().toLowerCase().equals(mode) )
return false;
} catch ( XPathExpressionException e ) {
return true;
protected static ArrayList<SeeTag> getAllSeeTags( ProgramElementDoc doc )
ArrayList<SeeTag> ret = new ArrayList<SeeTag>();
ClassDoc cd = doc.containingClass();
if( cd != null && doc.isMethod() )
{ // if there is a containing class, get @see tags for all
// methods with the same name as this one
// Fixes gh issue 293
for( MethodDoc m : cd.methods() )
for( SeeTag tag : m.seeTags() )
ret.add( tag );
{ // if no containing class (e.g. doc is a class)
// just grab the see tags in the class doc comment
for( SeeTag tag : doc.seeTags() )
ret.add( tag );
return ret;
protected static String getRelated( ProgramElementDoc doc ) throws IOException
TemplateWriter templateWriter = new TemplateWriter();
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> vars = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
// keep track of class members so that links to methods in e.g. PGraphics
// that are copied into PApplet are correctly linked.
HashMap<String, ProgramElementDoc> classMethods = new HashMap<String, ProgramElementDoc>();
HashMap<String, ProgramElementDoc> classFields = new HashMap<String, ProgramElementDoc>();
if( doc.isMethod() || doc.isField() )
{ // fill our maps
ClassDoc containingClass = doc.containingClass();
for( MethodDoc m : containingClass.methods() ) {
if( needsWriting( m ) ) {
classMethods.put(, m );
for( FieldDoc f : containingClass.fields() ) {
if( needsWriting( f ) ) {
classFields.put(, f );
// add link to each @see item
for( SeeTag tag : getAllSeeTags( doc ) )
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
ProgramElementDoc ref = tag.referencedClass();
if( tag.referencedMember() != null )
ref = tag.referencedMember();
if( ref.isMethod() && classMethods.containsKey( ) ) {
// link to the member as it is in this class, instead of
// as it is in another class
ProgramElementDoc prior = classMethods.get( );
ref = prior;
else if ( ref.isField() && classFields.containsKey( ) ) {
ProgramElementDoc prior = classFields.get( );
ref = prior;
if( needsWriting( ref ) )
{ // add links to things that are actually written
map.put("name", getName( ref ));
map.put("anchor", getAnchor( ref ));
// add link to each @see_external item
for( Tag tag : doc.tags( Shared.i().getSeeAlsoTagName() ) )
// get xml for method
String filename = tag.text() + ".xml";
String basePath = Shared.i().getXMLDirectory();
File f = new File( basePath + filename );
if( ! f.exists() )
basePath = Shared.i().getIncludeDirectory();
f = new File( basePath + filename );
if( f.exists() )
Document xmlDoc = Shared.loadXmlDocument( f.getPath() );
XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();
String name = (String) xpath.evaluate("//name", xmlDoc, XPathConstants.STRING);
// get anchor from original filename
String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
String anchorBase = path.substring( path.lastIndexOf("/")+1, path.indexOf(".xml"));
if( name.endsWith("()") )
if( !anchorBase.endsWith("_" ) )
anchorBase += "_";
String anchor = anchorBase + ".html";
// get method name from xml
// get anchor from method name
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put( "name", name );
map.put( "anchor", anchor );
vars.add( map );
} catch (XPathExpressionException e)
return templateWriter.writeLoop("related.partial.html", vars);
protected static String getEvents(ProgramElementDoc doc){
return "";