* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
* http://www.dspace.org/license/
package org.dspace.rdf;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.content.Bitstream;
import org.dspace.content.Bundle;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.content.Site;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.event.Consumer;
import org.dspace.event.Event;
* @author Pascal-Nicolas Becker (dspace -at- pascal -hyphen- becker -dot- de)
public class RDFConsumer implements Consumer
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RDFConsumer.class);
protected Deque<DSOIdentifier> toConvert;
protected Deque<DSOIdentifier> toDelete;
public void consume(Context ctx, Event event)
throws SQLException
if (this.toConvert == null)
log.debug("Initalized first queue.");
this.toConvert = new LinkedList<>();
if (this.toDelete == null)
log.debug("Initalized second queue.");
this.toDelete = new LinkedList<>();
int sType = event.getSubjectType();
switch (sType)
case (Constants.BITSTREAM) :
this.consumeBitstream(ctx, event);
case (Constants.BUNDLE) :
this.consumeBundles(ctx, event);
case (Constants.ITEM) :
this.consumeCommunityCollectionItem(ctx, event);
case (Constants.COLLECTION) :
this.consumeCommunityCollectionItem(ctx, event);
case (Constants.COMMUNITY) :
this.consumeCommunityCollectionItem(ctx, event);
case (Constants.SITE) :
log.warn("RDFConsumer should not have been given this kind of "
+ "subject in an event, skipping: " + event.toString());
public void consumeBitstream(Context ctx, Event event) throws SQLException
if (event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY
|| event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY_METADATA)
Bitstream bitstream = Bitstream.find(ctx, event.getSubjectID());
if (bitstream == null)
log.warn("Cannot find bitstream " + event.getSubjectID() + "! "
+ "Ignoring, as it is likely it was deleted "
+ "and we'll cover it by a REMOVE event on its bundle.");
Bundle[] bundles = bitstream.getBundles();
for (Bundle b : bundles)
Item[] items = b.getItems();
for (Item i : items)
DSOIdentifier id = new DSOIdentifier(i, ctx);
if (!this.toDelete.contains(id) && !this.toConvert.contains(id))
// ignore create and delete event on Bitstreams, as they should be
// reported as ADD and REMOVE on their bundles as well.
if (event.getEventType() == Event.CREATE
|| event.getEventType() == Event.DELETE)
// Events of type ADD and REMOVE does currently (DSpace 4.1) not exist
// on a bitstream
log.warn("Got an unexpected event type (" + event.getEventTypeAsString()
+ ") for a bitstream. Ignoring.");
public void consumeBundles(Context ctx, Event event) throws SQLException
if (event.getEventType() == Event.ADD
|| event.getEventType() == Event.REMOVE
|| event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY
|| event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY_METADATA)
// either a Bitstream was added or removed or the Bundle was changed
// update its item.
Bundle bundle = Bundle.find(ctx, event.getSubjectID());
if (bundle == null)
log.warn("Cannot find bundle " + event.getSubjectID() + "! "
+ "Ignoring, as it is likely it was deleted "
+ "and we'll cover it by a REMOVE event on its item.");
Item[] items = bundle.getItems();
for (Item i : items)
DSOIdentifier id = new DSOIdentifier(i, ctx);
if (!this.toDelete.contains(id) && !this.toConvert.contains(id))
// ignore create and delete event on Bundles, as they should be
// reported as ADD and REMOVE on their items as well.
if (event.getEventType() == Event.CREATE
|| event.getEventType() == Event.DELETE)
log.warn("Got an unexpected event type (" + event.getEventTypeAsString()
+ ") for a bundle. Ignoring.");
public void consumeCommunityCollectionItem(Context ctx, Event event) throws SQLException
if (event.getSubjectType() != Constants.COMMUNITY
&& event.getSubjectType() != Constants.COLLECTION
&& event.getSubjectType() != Constants.ITEM)
log.error("Called on an unexpected Event with subject type "
+ event.getSubjectTypeAsString() + " and event type "
+ event.getEventTypeAsString() + ", ignoring.");
if (event.getEventType() == Event.DELETE)
DSOIdentifier id = new DSOIdentifier(event.getSubjectType(),
event.getSubjectID(), event.getDetail(), event.getIdentifiers());
if (this.toConvert.contains(id))
if (!this.toDelete.contains(id))
if (event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY
|| event.getEventType() == Event.MODIFY_METADATA
|| event.getEventType() == Event.ADD
|| event.getEventType() == Event.REMOVE
|| event.getEventType() == Event.CREATE)
// we have to find the dso as the handle is set as detail only
// if the event type is delete.
DSpaceObject dso = event.getSubject(ctx);
if (dso == null)
log.warn("Cannot find " + event.getSubjectTypeAsString() + " "
+ event.getSubjectID() + "! " + "Ignoring, as it is "
+ "likely it was deleted and we'll cover it by another "
+ "event with the type REMOVE.");
DSOIdentifier id = new DSOIdentifier(dso, ctx);
// If an item gets withdrawn, a MODIFIY event is fired. We have to
// delete the item from the triple store instead of converting it.
// we don't have to take care for reinstantions of items as they can
// be processed as normal modify events.
if (dso instanceof Item
&& event.getDetail() != null
&& event.getDetail().equals("WITHDRAW"))
if (this.toConvert.contains(id))
if (!this.toDelete.contains(id))
if (!this.toDelete.contains(id)
&& !this.toConvert.contains(id))
public void consumeSite(Context ctx, Event event)
// in case a top level community was added or remove.
// event type remove won't be thrown until DS-1966 is fixed (f.e. by
// merging PR #517).
if (event.getEventType() == Event.ADD
|| event.getEventType() == Event.REMOVE)
DSOIdentifier id = new DSOIdentifier(Constants.SITE,
Site.SITE_ID, Site.getSiteHandle(), new String[] {Site.getSiteHandle()});
if (!this.toConvert.contains(id)) this.toConvert.add(id);
log.warn("Got an unexpected Event for the SITE. Event type is "
+ event.getEventTypeAsString() + ", ignoring.");
public void end(Context ctx) throws Exception {
log.debug("Started processing of queued events.");
// create a new context, to be sure to work as anonymous user
// we don't want to store private data in a triplestore with public
// SPARQL endpoint.
ctx = new Context(Context.READ_ONLY);
if (toDelete == null)
log.debug("Deletion queue does not exists, creating empty queue.");
this.toDelete = new LinkedList<>();
if (toConvert != null)
log.debug("Starting conversion of DSpaceObjects.");
while (true)
DSOIdentifier id;
try { id = toConvert.removeFirst(); }
catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { break; }
if (toDelete.contains(id))
log.debug("Skipping " + Constants.typeText[id.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(id.id) + " as it is marked for "
+ "deletion as well.");
log.debug("Converting " + Constants.typeText[id.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(id.id) + ".");
convert(ctx, id);
log.debug("Conversion ended.");
log.debug("Starting to delete data from the triple store...");
while (true)
DSOIdentifier id;
try { id = toDelete.removeFirst(); }
catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { break; }
log.debug("Going to delete data from " +
Constants.typeText[id.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(id.id) + ".");
delete(ctx, id);
log.debug("Deletion finished.");
void convert(Context ctx, DSOIdentifier id) throws SQLException
Model m = null;
if (id.type == Constants.SITE)
m = RDFUtil.convertAndStore(ctx, Site.find(ctx, 0));
DSpaceObject dso = DSpaceObject.find(ctx, id.type, id.id);
if (dso == null)
log.error("Cannot find " + Constants.typeText[id.type]
+ " " + id.id + " unexpectedly! Will delete all "
+ "information about it in the triple store.");
m = RDFUtil.convertAndStore(ctx, dso);
catch(AuthorizeException ex)
log.debug(Constants.typeText[id.type] + " " +
Integer.toString(id.id) + " couldn't be converted: "
+ "anonymous user doesn't have read permsission. "
+ ex.getMessage());
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
log.error("Ignoring an unexpected IllegalArgumentException: "
+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (ItemNotArchivedException ex)
log.info("Anonymous user cannot read "
+ Constants.typeText[id.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(id.id)
+ ": deleting it from the triplestore.");
catch (ItemNotDiscoverableException ex)
log.info("Item " + Integer.toString(id.id) + " is not "
+ "discoverable: deleting it from the triplestore.");
catch (ItemWithdrawnException ex)
log.info("Item " + Integer.toString(id.id) + " is withdrawn: "
+ "deleting it from the triplestore.");
catch (RDFMissingIdentifierException ex)
log.warn("Cannot convert " + Constants.typeText[id.type]
+ " " + Integer.toString(id.id) + ", as no RDF "
+ "identifier could be generated: "
+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
if (m != null)
void delete(Context context, DSOIdentifier id)
throws SQLException {
RDFUtil.delete(context, id.type, id.id, id.handle, id.identifiers);
catch (RDFMissingIdentifierException ex)
log.warn("Cannot delete " + Constants.typeText[id.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(id.id) + ": "
+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void finish(Context ctx) throws Exception {
public void initialize() throws Exception {
class DSOIdentifier
int type;
int id;
String handle;
String[] identifiers;
DSOIdentifier(int type, int id, String handle, String[] identifiers)
this.type = type;
this.id = id;
this.handle = handle;
this.identifiers = identifiers;
DSOIdentifier(DSpaceObject dso, Context ctx)
if (dso.getType() != Constants.SITE
&& dso.getType() != Constants.COMMUNITY
&& dso.getType() != Constants.COLLECTION
&& dso.getType() != Constants.ITEM)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided DSpaceObject does"
+ " not have a handle!");
this.type = dso.getType();
this.id = dso.getID();
this.handle = dso.getHandle();
this.identifiers = dso.getIdentifiers(ctx);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof DSOIdentifier)) return false;
DSOIdentifier dsoId = (DSOIdentifier) o;
log.warn("Testing if " + Constants.typeText[this.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(this.id) + " and "
+ Constants.typeText[dsoId.type] + " "
+ Integer.toString(dsoId.id) + " are equal.");
return (this.type == dsoId.type && this.id == dsoId.id);
public int hashCode()
/* log.debug("Created hash " + Integer.toString(this.type + (10*this.id)));*/
// as at least up to DSpace version 4.1 DSpaceObjectType is a
// one-digit number, this should produce an distinct hash.
return this.type + (10*this.id);