* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
* http://www.dspace.org/license/
package org.dspace.embargo;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeManager;
import org.dspace.authorize.ResourcePolicy;
import org.dspace.content.*;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.eperson.Group;
import org.dspace.license.CreativeCommons;
* Default plugin implementation of the embargo setting function.
* The parseTerms() provides only very rudimentary terms logic - entry
* of a configurable string (in terms field) for 'unlimited' embargo, otherwise
* a standard ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) date is assumed. Users are encouraged
* to override this method for enhanced functionality.
* @author Larry Stone
* @author Richard Rodgers
public class DefaultEmbargoSetter implements EmbargoSetter
protected String termsOpen = null;
public DefaultEmbargoSetter()
termsOpen = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("embargo.terms.open");
* Parse the terms into a definite date. Terms are expected to consist of
* either: a token (value configured in 'embargo.terms.open' property) to indicate
* indefinite embargo, or a literal lift date formatted in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd)
* @param context the DSpace context
* @param item the item to embargo
* @param terms the embargo terms
* @return parsed date in DCDate format
public DCDate parseTerms(Context context, Item item, String terms)
throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException
if (terms != null && terms.length() > 0)
if (termsOpen.equals(terms))
return EmbargoManager.FOREVER;
return new DCDate(terms);
return null;
* Enforce embargo by turning off all read access to bitstreams in
* this Item.
* @param context the DSpace context
* @param item the item to embargo
public void setEmbargo(Context context, Item item)
throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException
DCDate liftDate = EmbargoManager.getEmbargoTermsAsDate(context, item);
for (Bundle bn : item.getBundles())
// Skip the LICENSE and METADATA bundles, they stay world-readable
String bnn = bn.getName();
if (!(bnn.equals(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME) || bnn.equals(Constants.METADATA_BUNDLE_NAME) || bnn.equals(CreativeCommons.CC_BUNDLE_NAME)))
//AuthorizeManager.removePoliciesActionFilter(context, bn, Constants.READ);
generatePolicies(context, liftDate.toDate(), null, bn, item.getOwningCollection());
for (Bitstream bs : bn.getBitstreams())
//AuthorizeManager.removePoliciesActionFilter(context, bs, Constants.READ);
generatePolicies(context, liftDate.toDate(), null, bs, item.getOwningCollection());
protected void generatePolicies(Context context, Date embargoDate,
String reason, DSpaceObject dso, Collection owningCollection) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
// add only embargo policy
Group[] authorizedGroups = AuthorizeManager.getAuthorizedGroups(context, owningCollection, Constants.DEFAULT_ITEM_READ);
// look for anonymous
boolean isAnonymousInPlace=false;
for(Group g : authorizedGroups){
// add policies for all the groups
for(Group g : authorizedGroups){
ResourcePolicy rp = AuthorizeManager.createOrModifyPolicy(null, context, null, g.getID(), null, embargoDate, Constants.READ, reason, dso);
// add policy just for anonymous
ResourcePolicy rp = AuthorizeManager.createOrModifyPolicy(null, context, null, 0, null, embargoDate, Constants.READ, reason, dso);
* Check that embargo is properly set on Item: no read access to bitstreams.
* @param context the DSpace context
* @param item the item to embargo
public void checkEmbargo(Context context, Item item)
throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException
for (Bundle bn : item.getBundles())
// Skip the LICENSE and METADATA bundles, they stay world-readable
String bnn = bn.getName();
if (!(bnn.equals(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME) || bnn.equals(Constants.METADATA_BUNDLE_NAME) || bnn.equals(CreativeCommons.CC_BUNDLE_NAME)))
// don't report on "TEXT" or "THUMBNAIL" bundles; those
// can have READ long as the bitstreams in them do not.
if (!(bnn.equals("TEXT") || bnn.equals("THUMBNAIL")))
// check for ANY read policies and report them:
for (ResourcePolicy rp : AuthorizeManager.getPoliciesActionFilter(context, bn, Constants.READ))
System.out.println("CHECK WARNING: Item "+item.getHandle()+", Bundle "+bn.getName()+" allows READ by "+
((rp.getEPersonID() < 0) ? "Group "+rp.getGroup().getName() :
"EPerson "+rp.getEPerson().getFullName()));
for (Bitstream bs : bn.getBitstreams())
for (ResourcePolicy rp : AuthorizeManager.getPoliciesActionFilter(context, bs, Constants.READ))
System.out.println("CHECK WARNING: Item "+item.getHandle()+", Bitstream "+bs.getName()+" (in Bundle "+bn.getName()+") allows READ by "+
((rp.getEPersonID() < 0) ? "Group "+rp.getGroup().getName() :
"EPerson "+rp.getEPerson().getFullName()));