Package org.dspace.content.packager

Source Code of org.dspace.content.packager.PackageUtils$UnclosableInputStream

* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
package org.dspace.content.packager;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.content.Bitstream;
import org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat;
import org.dspace.content.Bundle;
import org.dspace.content.Collection;
import org.dspace.content.Community;
import org.dspace.content.Metadatum;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.FormatIdentifier;
import org.dspace.content.InstallItem;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.content.Site;
import org.dspace.content.WorkspaceItem;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.core.Utils;
import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager;
import org.dspace.license.CreativeCommons;
import org.dspace.workflow.WorkflowManager;
import org.dspace.xmlworkflow.XmlWorkflowManager;

* Container class for code that is useful to many packagers.
* @author Larry Stone
* @version $Revision$

public class PackageUtils

    /** log4j category */
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PackageUtils.class);

    // Map of metadata elements for Communities and Collections
    // Format is alternating key/value in a straight array; use this
    // to initialize hash tables that convert to and from.
    private static final String ccMetadataMap[] =
        // getMetadata()  ->  DC element.term
        "name",                    "dc.title",
        "introductory_text",       "dc.description",
        "short_description",       "dc.description.abstract",
        "side_bar_text",           "dc.description.tableofcontents",
        "copyright_text",          "dc.rights",
        "license",                 "dc.rights.license"

    // HashMaps to convert Community/Collection metadata to/from Dublin Core
    // (useful when crosswalking Communities/Collections)
    private static final Map<String,String> ccMetadataToDC = new HashMap<String,String>();
    private static final Map<String,String> ccDCToMetadata = new HashMap<String,String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < ccMetadataMap.length; i += 2)
            ccMetadataToDC.put(ccMetadataMap[i], ccMetadataMap[i+1]);
            ccDCToMetadata.put(ccMetadataMap[i+1], ccMetadataMap[i]);

     * Translate a Dublin Core metadata field into a Container's (Community or Collection)
     * database column for that metadata entry.
     * <P>
     * e.g. "dc.title" would translate to the "name" database column
     * <P>
     * This method is of use when crosswalking Community or Collection metadata for ingest,
     * as most ingest Crosswalks tend to deal with translating to DC-based metadata.
     * @param dcField The dublin core metadata field
     * @return The Community or Collection DB column where this metadata info is stored.
    public static String dcToContainerMetadata(String dcField)
        return ccDCToMetadata.get(dcField);

     * Translate a Container's (Community or Collection) database column into
     * a valid Dublin Core metadata field.  This is the opposite of 'dcToContainerMetadata()'.
     * <P>
     * e.g. the "name" database column would translate to "dc.title"
     * <P>
     * This method is of use when crosswalking Community or Collection metadata for dissemination,
     * as most dissemination Crosswalks tend to deal with translating from DC-based metadata.
     * @param databaseField The Community or Collection DB column
     * @return The Dublin Core metadata field that this metadata translates to.
    public static String containerMetadataToDC(String databaseField)
        return ccMetadataToDC.get(databaseField);

     * Test that item has adequate metadata.
     * Check item for the minimal DC metadata required to ingest a
     * new item, and throw a PackageValidationException if test fails.
     * Used by all SIP processors as a common sanity test.
     * @param item - item to test.
    public static void checkItemMetadata(Item item)
        throws PackageValidationException
        Metadatum t[] = item.getDC( "title", null, Item.ANY);
        if (t == null || t.length == 0)
            throw new PackageValidationException("Item cannot be created without the required \"title\" DC metadata.");

     * Add DSpace Deposit License to an Item.
     * Utility function to add the a user-supplied deposit license or
     * a default one if none was given; creates new bitstream in the
     * "LICENSE" bundle and gives it the special license bitstream format.
     * @param context - dspace context
     * @param license - license string to add, may be null to invoke default.
     * @param item - the item.
     * @param collection - get the default license from here.
    public static void addDepositLicense(Context context, String license,
                                       Item item, Collection collection)
        throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException
        if (license == null)
            license = collection.getLicense();
        InputStream lis = new ByteArrayInputStream(license.getBytes());

        Bundle lb;
        //If LICENSE bundle is missing, create it
        Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME);
        if(bundles==null || bundles.length==0)
            lb = item.createBundle(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME);
            lb = bundles[0];

        //Create the License bitstream
        Bitstream lbs = lb.createBitstream(lis);
        BitstreamFormat bf = BitstreamFormat.findByShortDescription(context, "License");
        if (bf == null)
            bf = FormatIdentifier.guessFormat(context, lbs);

     * Find bitstream by its Name, looking in all bundles.
     * @param item Item whose bitstreams to search.
     * @param name Bitstream's name to match.
     * @return first bitstream found or null.
    public static Bitstream getBitstreamByName(Item item, String name)
        throws SQLException
        return getBitstreamByName(item, name, null);

     * Find bitstream by its Name, looking in specific named bundle.
     * @param item - dspace item whose bundles to search.
     * @param bsName - name of bitstream to match.
     * @param bnName - bundle name to match, or null for all.
     * @return the format found or null if none found.
    public static Bitstream getBitstreamByName(Item item, String bsName, String bnName)
        throws SQLException
        Bundle[] bundles;
        if (bnName == null)
            bundles = item.getBundles();
            bundles = item.getBundles(bnName);
        for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++)
            Bitstream[] bitstreams = bundles[i].getBitstreams();

            for (int k = 0; k < bitstreams.length; k++)
                if (bsName.equals(bitstreams[k].getName()))
                    return bitstreams[k];
        return null;

     * Find bitstream by its format, looking in a specific bundle.
     * Used to look for particularly-typed Package Manifest bitstreams.
     * @param item - dspace item whose bundles to search.
     * @param bsf - BitstreamFormat object to match.
     * @param bnName - bundle name to match, or null for all.
     * @return the format found or null if none found.
    public static Bitstream getBitstreamByFormat(Item item,
            BitstreamFormat bsf, String bnName)
        throws SQLException
        int fid = bsf.getID();
        Bundle[] bundles;
        if (bnName == null)
            bundles = item.getBundles();
            bundles = item.getBundles(bnName);
        for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++)
            Bitstream[] bitstreams = bundles[i].getBitstreams();

            for (int k = 0; k < bitstreams.length; k++)
                if (bitstreams[k].getFormat().getID() == fid)
                    return bitstreams[k];
        return null;

     * Predicate, does this bundle container meta-information.  I.e.
     * does this bundle contain descriptive metadata or other metadata
     * such as license bitstreams?  If so we probably don't want to put
     * it into the "content" section of a package; hence this predicate.
     * @param bn -- the bundle
     * @return true if this bundle name indicates it is a meta-info bundle.
    public static boolean isMetaInfoBundle(Bundle bn)
        return (bn.getName().equals(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME) ||
                bn.getName().equals(CreativeCommons.CC_BUNDLE_NAME) ||

     * Stream wrapper that does not allow its wrapped stream to be
     * closed.  This is needed to work around problem when loading
     * bitstreams from ZipInputStream.  The Bitstream constructor
     * invokes close() on the input stream, which would prematurely end
     * the ZipInputStream.
     * Example:
     * <pre>
     *      ZipEntry ze = zip.getNextEntry();
     *      Bitstream bs = bundle.createBitstream(new PackageUtils.UnclosableInputStream(zipInput));
     * </pre>
    public static class UnclosableInputStream extends FilterInputStream
        public UnclosableInputStream(InputStream in)

         * Do nothing, to prevent wrapped stream from being closed prematurely.
        public void close()

     * Find or create a bitstream format to match the given short
     * description.
     * Used by packager ingesters to obtain a special bitstream
     * format for the manifest (and/or metadata) file.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: When creating a new format, do NOT set any extensions, since
     *  we don't want any file with the same extension, which may be something
     *  generic like ".xml", to accidentally get set to this format.
     * @param context - the context.
     * @param shortDesc - short descriptive name, used to locate existing format.
     * @param MIMEType - MIME content-type
     * @param desc - long description
     * @return BitstreamFormat object that was found or created.  Never null.
     public static BitstreamFormat findOrCreateBitstreamFormat(Context context,
            String shortDesc, String MIMEType, String desc)
        throws SQLException, AuthorizeException
        return findOrCreateBitstreamFormat(context, shortDesc, MIMEType, desc, BitstreamFormat.KNOWN, false);

     * Find or create a bitstream format to match the given short
     * description.
     * Used by packager ingesters to obtain a special bitstream
     * format for the manifest (and/or metadata) file.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: When creating a new format, do NOT set any extensions, since
     *  we don't want any file with the same extension, which may be something
     *  generic like ".xml", to accidentally get set to this format.
     * @param context - the context.
     * @param shortDesc - short descriptive name, used to locate existing format.
     * @param MIMEType - mime content-type
     * @param desc - long description
     * @param internal value for the 'internal' flag of a new format if created.
     * @return BitstreamFormat object that was found or created.  Never null.
     public static BitstreamFormat findOrCreateBitstreamFormat(Context context,
            String shortDesc, String MIMEType, String desc, int supportLevel, boolean internal)
        throws SQLException, AuthorizeException
        BitstreamFormat bsf = BitstreamFormat.findByShortDescription(context,
        // not found, try to create one
        if (bsf == null)
            bsf = BitstreamFormat.create(context);
        return bsf;

     * Utility to find the license bitstream from an item
     * @param context
     *            DSpace context
     * @param item
     *            the item
     * @return the license bitstream or null
     * @throws IOException
     *             if the license bitstream can't be read
    public static Bitstream findDepositLicense(Context context, Item item)
            throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException
        // get license format ID
        int licenseFormatId = -1;
        BitstreamFormat bf = BitstreamFormat.findByShortDescription(context,
        if (bf != null)
            licenseFormatId = bf.getID();

        Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles(Constants.LICENSE_BUNDLE_NAME);
        for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++)
            // Assume license will be in its own bundle
            Bitstream[] bitstreams = bundles[i].getBitstreams();

            for(int j=0; j < bitstreams.length; j++)
                // The License should have a file format of "License"
                if (bitstreams[j].getFormat().getID() == licenseFormatId)
                    //found a bitstream with format "License" -- return it
                    return bitstreams[j];

            // If we couldn't find a bitstream with format = "License",
            // we will just assume the first bitstream is the deposit license
            // (usually a safe assumption as it is in the LICENSE bundle)
                return bitstreams[0];

        // Oops! No license!
        return null;

     *  Utility Methods -- may be useful for subclasses

     * Create the specified DSpace Object, based on the passed
     * in Package Parameters (along with other basic info required
     * to create the object)
     * @param context DSpace Context
     * @param parent Parent Object
     * @param type Type of new Object
     * @param handle Handle of new Object (may be null)
     * @param params Properties-style list of options (interpreted by each packager).
     * @return newly created DSpace Object (or null)
     * @throws AuthorizeException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws IOException
    public static DSpaceObject createDSpaceObject(Context context, DSpaceObject parent, int type, String handle, PackageParameters params)
        throws AuthorizeException, SQLException, IOException
        DSpaceObject dso = null;

        switch (type)
            case Constants.COLLECTION:
                dso = ((Community)parent).createCollection(handle);
                return dso;

            case Constants.COMMUNITY:
                // top-level community?
                if (parent == null || parent.getType() == Constants.SITE)
                    dso = Community.create(null, context, handle);
                    dso = ((Community) parent).createSubcommunity(handle);
                return dso;

            case Constants.ITEM:
                //Initialize a WorkspaceItem
                //(Note: Handle is not set until item is finished)
                WorkspaceItem wsi = WorkspaceItem.create(context, (Collection)parent, params.useCollectionTemplate());

                // Please note that we are returning an Item which is *NOT* yet in the Archive,
                // and doesn't yet have a handle assigned.
                // This Item will remain "incomplete" until 'PackageUtils.finishCreateItem()' is called
                return wsi.getItem();
            case Constants.SITE:
                return Site.find(context, Site.SITE_ID);

        return null;

     * Perform any final tasks on a newly created WorkspaceItem in order to finish
     * ingestion of an Item.
     * <p>
     * This may include starting up a workflow for the new item, restoring it,
     * or archiving it (based on params passed in)
     * @param context DSpace Context
     * @param wsi Workspace Item that requires finishing
     * @param handle Handle to assign to item (may be null)
     * @param params Properties-style list of options (interpreted by each packager).
     * @return finished Item
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws AuthorizeException
    public static Item finishCreateItem(Context context, WorkspaceItem wsi, String handle, PackageParameters params)
            throws IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
        // if we are restoring/replacing existing object using the package
        if (params.restoreModeEnabled())
            // Restore & install item immediately
            //(i.e. skip over any Collection workflows, as we are essentially restoring item from backup)
            InstallItem.restoreItem(context, wsi, handle);

            //return newly restored item
            return wsi.getItem();
        // if we are treating package as a SIP, and we are told to respect workflows
        else if (params.workflowEnabled())
            // Start an item workflow
            // (NOTICE: The specified handle is ignored, as Workflows *always* end in a new handle being assigned)
            if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("workflow", "workflow.framework").equals("xmlworkflow")) {
                try {
                    return XmlWorkflowManager.startWithoutNotify(context, wsi).getItem();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    return null;
            } else {
                return WorkflowManager.startWithoutNotify(context, wsi).getItem();

        // default: skip workflow, but otherwise normal submission (i.e. package treated like a SIP)
            // Install item immediately with the specified handle
            InstallItem.installItem(context, wsi, handle);

            // return newly installed item
            return wsi.getItem();
    }//end finishCreateItem

     * Commit all recent changes to DSpaceObject.
     * <p>
     * This method is necessary as there is no generic 'update()' on a DSpaceObject
     * @param dso DSpaceObject to update
    public static void updateDSpaceObject(DSpaceObject dso)
            throws AuthorizeException, SQLException, IOException
        if (dso != null)
            switch (dso.getType())
                case Constants.BITSTREAM:
                case Constants.ITEM:
                case Constants.COLLECTION:
                case Constants.COMMUNITY:

     * Utility method to retrieve the file extension off of a filename.
     * @param filename Full filename
     * @return file extension
    public static String getFileExtension(String filename)
        // Extract the file extension off of a filename
        String extension = filename;
        int lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf('.');

        if (lastDot != -1)
            extension = filename.substring(lastDot + 1);

        return extension;

     * Returns name of a dissemination information package (DIP), based on the
     * DSpace object and a provided fileExtension
     * <p>
     * Format: [dspace-obj-type]@[handle-with-dashes].[fileExtension]
     * OR      [dspace-obj-type]@internal-id-[dspace-ID].[fileExtension]
     * @param dso  DSpace Object to create file name for
     * @param fileExtension file Extension of output file.
     * @return filename of a DIP representing the DSpace Object
    public static String getPackageName(DSpaceObject dso, String fileExtension)
        String handle = dso.getHandle();
        // if Handle is empty, use internal ID for name
        if(handle==null || handle.isEmpty())
            handle = "internal-id-" + dso.getID();
        else // if Handle exists, replace '/' with '-' to meet normal file naming conventions
            handle = handle.replace("/", "-");

        //Get type name
        int typeID = dso.getType();
        String type = Constants.typeText[typeID];

        //check if passed in file extension already starts with "."
            fileExtension = "." + fileExtension;

        //Here we go, here's our magical file name!
        //Format: typeName@handle.extension
        return type + "@" + handle + fileExtension;

     * Creates the specified file (along with all parent directories) if it doesn't already
     * exist.  If the file already exists, nothing happens.
     * @param file
     * @return boolean true if succeeded, false otherwise
     * @throws IOException
    public static boolean createFile(File file)
            throws IOException
        boolean success = false;

        //Check if file exists
            //file doesn't exist yet, does its parent directory exist?
            File parentFile = file.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();

            //create the parent directory structure
            if ((null != parentFile) && !parentFile.exists() && !parentFile.mkdirs())
                log.error("Unable to create parent directory");
            //create actual file
            success = file.createNewFile();
        return success;

     * Remove all bitstreams (files) associated with a DSpace object.
     * <P>
     * If this object is an Item, it removes all bundles & bitstreams.  If this
     * object is a Community or Collection, it removes all logo bitstreams.
     * <P>
     * This method is useful for replace functionality.
     * @param dso The object to remove all bitstreams from
    public static void removeAllBitstreams(DSpaceObject dso)
            throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException
        //If we are dealing with an Item
            Item item = (Item) dso;
            // Get a reference to all Bundles in Item (which contain the bitstreams)
            Bundle[] bunds = item.getBundles();

            // Remove each bundle -- this will in turn remove all bitstreams associated with this Item.
            for (int i = 0; i < bunds.length; i++)
        else if (dso.getType()==Constants.COLLECTION)
            Collection collection = (Collection) dso;
            //clear out the logo for this collection
        else if (dso.getType()==Constants.COMMUNITY)
            Community community = (Community) dso;
            //clear out the logo for this community

     * Removes all metadata associated with a DSpace object.
     * <P>
     * This method is useful for replace functionality.
     * @param dso The object to remove all metadata from
    public static void clearAllMetadata(DSpaceObject dso)
            throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException
        //If we are dealing with an Item
            Item item = (Item) dso;
            //clear all metadata entries
            item.clearMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY);
        //Else if collection, clear its database table values
        else if (dso.getType()==Constants.COLLECTION)
            Collection collection = (Collection) dso;

            // Use the MetadataToDC map (defined privately in this class)
            // to clear out all the Collection database fields.
            for(String dbField : ccMetadataToDC.keySet())
                    collection.setMetadata(dbField, null);
                catch(IllegalArgumentException ie)
                    // ignore the error -- just means the field doesn't exist in DB
                    // Communities & Collections don't include the exact same metadata fields
        //Else if community, clear its database table values
        else if (dso.getType()==Constants.COMMUNITY)
            Community community = (Community) dso;

            // Use the MetadataToDC map (defined privately in this class)
            // to clear out all the Community database fields.
            for(String dbField : ccMetadataToDC.keySet())
                    community.setMetadata(dbField, null);
                catch(IllegalArgumentException ie)
                    // ignore the error -- just means the field doesn't exist in DB
                    // Communities & Collections don't include the exact same metadata fields

    /** Recognize and pick apart likely "magic" group names */
    private static final Pattern groupAnalyzer
        = Pattern.compile("^(COMMUNITY|COLLECTION)_([0-9]+)_(.+)");

    /** Lookaside list for translations we've already done, so we don't generate
     * multiple names for the same group
    private static final Map<String, String> orphanGroups = new HashMap<String, String>();

     * When DSpace creates Default Group Names they are of a very specific format,
     * for example:
     * <ul>
     * <li> COMMUNITY_[ID]_ADMIN </li>
     * <li> COLLECTION_[ID]_ADMIN </li>
     * <li> COLLECTION_[ID]_SUBMIT </li>
     * <li> COLLECTION_[ID]_WORKFLOW_STEP_# </li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * Although these names work fine within DSpace, the DSpace internal ID
     * (represented by [ID] above) becomes meaningless when content is exported
     * outside of DSpace.  In order to make these Group names meaningful outside
     * of DSpace, they must be translated into a different format:
     * <li> COMMUNITY_[HANDLE]_ADMIN (e.g. COMMUNITY_hdl:123456789/10_ADMIN), etc.
     * <p>
     * This format replaces the internal ID with an external Handle identifier
     * (which is expected to be more meaningful even when content is exported
     *  from DSpace).
     * <p>
     * This method prepares group names for export by replacing any found
     * internal IDs with the appropriate external Handle identifier.  If
     * the group name doesn't have an embedded internal ID, it is returned
     * as is. If the group name contains an embedded internal ID, but the
     * corresponding Handle cannot be determined, then it will be translated to
     * GROUP_[random]_[objectType]_[groupType] and <em>not</em> re-translated on
     * import.
     * <p>
     * This method may be useful to any Crosswalks/Packagers which deal with
     * import/export of DSpace Groups.
     * <p>
     * Also see the translateGroupNameForImport() method which does the opposite
     * of this method.
     * @param context current DSpace Context
     * @param groupName Group's name
     * @return the group name, with any internal IDs translated to Handles
    public static String translateGroupNameForExport(Context context, String groupName)
            throws PackageException
        // See if this resembles a default Group name
        Matcher matched = groupAnalyzer.matcher(groupName);
        if (!matched.matches())
            return groupName;

        // It does!  Pick out the components
        String objType =;
        String objID =;
        String groupType =;

            //We'll translate this internal ID into a Handle

            //First, get the object via the Internal ID
            DSpaceObject dso = DSpaceObject.find(context, Constants
                    .getTypeID(objType), Integer.parseInt(objID));

                // No such object.  Change the name to something harmless, but predictable.
                // NOTE: this name *must* be predictable. If we generate the same AIP
                // twice in a row, we must end up with the same group name each time.
                String newName;
                if (orphanGroups.containsKey(groupName))
                    newName =  orphanGroups.get(groupName);
                    newName= "ORPHANED_" + objType + "_GROUP_"
                            + objID + "_" + groupType;
                    orphanGroups.put(groupName, newName);
                    // A given group should only be translated once, since the
                    // new name contains unique random elements which would be
                    // different every time.

                // Just log a warning -- it's possible this Group was not
                // cleaned up when the associated DSpace Object was removed.
                // So, we don't want to throw an error and stop all other processing.
                log.warn("DSpace Object (ID='" + objID
                        + "', type ='" + objType
                        + "') no longer exists -- translating " + groupName
                        + " to " + newName + ".");

                return newName;

            //Create an updated group name, using the Handle to replace the InternalID
            // Format: <DSpace-Obj-Type>_hdl:<Handle>_<Group-Type>
            return objType + "_" + "hdl:" + dso.getHandle() + "_" + groupType;
        catch (SQLException sqle)
            throw new PackageException("Database error while attempting to translate group name ('" + groupName + "') for export.", sqle);

     * This method does the exact opposite of the translateGroupNameForExport()
     * method.  It prepares group names for import by replacing any found
     * external Handle identifiers with the appropriate DSpace Internal
     * identifier.  As a basic example, it would change a group named
     * "COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/10_ADMIN" to a name similar to
     * "COLLECTION_11_ADMIN (where '11' is the internal ID of that Collection).
     * <P>
     * If the group name either doesn't have an embedded handle, then it is
     * returned as is.  If it has an embedded handle, but the corresponding
     * internal ID cannot be determined, then an error is thrown.  It is up
     * to the calling method whether that error should be displayed to the user
     * or if the group should just be skipped (since its associated object
     * doesn't currently exist).
     * <p>
     * This method may be useful to any Crosswalks/Packagers which deal with
     * import/export of DSpace Groups.
     * <p>
     * Also see the translateGroupNameForExport() method which does the opposite
     * of this method.
     * @param context current DSpace Context
     * @param groupName Group's name
     * @return the group name, with any Handles translated to internal IDs
    public static String translateGroupNameForImport(Context context, String groupName)
            throws PackageException
        // Check if this looks like a default Group name -- must have at LEAST two underscores surrounded by other characters
            //if this is not a valid default group name, just return group name as-is (no crosswalking necessary)
            return groupName;

        //Pull apart default group name into its three main parts
        // Format: <DSpace-Obj-Type>_<DSpace-Obj-ID>_<Group-Type>
        // (e.g. COLLECTION_123_ADMIN)
        String objType = groupName.substring(0, groupName.indexOf('_'));
        String tmpEndString = groupName.substring(groupName.indexOf('_')+1);
        String objID = tmpEndString.substring(0, tmpEndString.indexOf('_'));
        String groupType = tmpEndString.substring(tmpEndString.indexOf('_')+1);

                //We'll translate this handle into an internal ID
                //Format for Handle => "hdl:<handle-prefix>/<handle-suffix>"
                // (e.g. "hdl:123456789/10")

                //First, get the object via the Handle
                DSpaceObject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, objID.substring(4));

                    //throw an error as we cannot accurately rename/recreate this Group without its related DSpace Object
                    throw new PackageException("Unable to translate Handle to Internal ID in group named '" + groupName + "' as DSpace Object (Handle='" + objID + "') does not exist.");

                //verify our group specified object Type corresponds to this object's type
                    throw new PackageValidationException("DSpace Object referenced by handle '" + objID + "' does not correspond to the object type specified by Group named '" + groupName + "'.  This Group doesn't seem to correspond to this DSpace Object!");

                //Create an updated group name, using the Internal ID to replace the Handle
                // Format: <DSpace-Obj-Type>_<DSpace-Obj-ID>_<Group-Type>
                return objType + "_" + dso.getID() + "_" + groupType;
            else // default -- return group name as is
                return groupName;
        catch (SQLException sqle)
            throw new PackageException("Database error while attempting to translate group name ('" + groupName + "') for import.", sqle);


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