Package org.dspace.content.packager

Source Code of org.dspace.content.packager.METSManifest$Mdref

* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
package org.dspace.content.packager;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.content.Bitstream;
import org.dspace.content.Bundle;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkException;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkObjectNotSupported;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.MetadataValidationException;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.IngestionCrosswalk;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.StreamIngestionCrosswalk;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.core.PluginManager;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Content;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;

* <P>
* Manage the METS manifest document for METS importer classes,
* such as the package importer <code>org.dspace.content.packager.MetsSubmission</code>
* and the federated importer <code></code>
* </P>
* <P>
* It can parse the METS document, build an internal model, and give the importers
* access to that model.  It also crosswalks
* all of the descriptive and administrative metadata in the METS
* manifest into the target DSpace Item, under control of the importer.
* </P>
* <P>
* It reads the following DSpace Configuration entries:
* </P>
* <UL>
* <LI>Local XML schema (XSD) declarations, in the general format:
* <br><code>mets.xsd.<em>identifier</em> = <em>namespace</em> <em>xsd-URL</em></code>
* <br> eg. <code>mets.xsd.dc = dc.xsd</code>
* <br>Add a separate config entry for each schema.
* </LI>
* <p><LI>Crosswalk plugin mappings:
* These tell it the name of the crosswalk plugin to invoke for metadata sections
* with a particular value of <code>MDTYPE</code> (or <code>OTHERMDTYPE</code>)
* By default, the crosswalk mechanism will look for a plugin with the
* same name as the metadata type (e.g.  <code>"MODS"</code>,
* <code>"DC"</code>).  This example line invokes the <code>QDC</code>
* plugin when <code>MDTYPE="DC"</code>
* <br><code>mets.submission.crosswalk.DC = QDC </code>
* <br> general format is:
* <br><code>mets.submission.crosswalk.<em>mdType</em> = <em>pluginName</em> </code>
* </LI>
* </UL>
* @author Robert Tansley
* @author WeiHua Huang
* @author Rita Lee
* @author Larry Stone
* @see org.dspace.content.packager.MetsSubmission
* @see
public class METSManifest
     * Callback interface to retrieve data streams in mdRef elements.
     * "Package" or file reader returns an input stream for the
     * given relative path, e.g. to dereference <code>mdRef</code> elements.
    public interface Mdref
         * Make the contents of an external resource mentioned in
         * an <code>mdRef</code> element available as an <code>InputStream</code>.
         * The implementation must use the information in the
         * <code>mdRef</code> element, and the state in the object that
         * implements this interface, to find the actual metadata content.
         * <p>
         * For example, an implementation that ingests a directory of
         * files on the local filesystem would get a relative pathname
         * out of the <code>mdRef</code> and open that file.
         * @param mdRef JDOM element of mdRef in the METS manifest.
         * @return stream containing the metadata mentioned in mdRef.
         * @throws MetadataValidationException if the mdRef is unacceptable or missing required information.
         * @throws IOException if it is returned by services called by this method.
         * @throws SQLException if it is returned by services called by this method.
         * @throws AuthorizeException if it is returned by services called by this method.
        public InputStream getInputStream(Element mdRef)
            throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
                   IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException;

    /** log4j category */
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(METSManifest.class);

    /** Canonical filename of METS manifest within a package or as a bitstream. */
    public static final String MANIFEST_FILE = "mets.xml";

    /** Prefix of DSpace configuration lines that map METS metadata type to
     * crosswalk plugin names.
    public static final String CONFIG_METS_PREFIX = "mets.";

    /** prefix of config lines identifying local XML Schema (XSD) files */
    private static final String CONFIG_XSD_PREFIX = CONFIG_METS_PREFIX+"xsd.";

    /** Dublin core element namespace */
    private static final Namespace dcNS = Namespace

    /** Dublin core term namespace (for qualified DC) */
    private static final Namespace dcTermNS = Namespace

    /** METS namespace -- includes "mets" prefix for use in XPaths */
    public static final Namespace metsNS = Namespace
            .getNamespace("mets", "");

    /** XLink namespace -- includes "xlink" prefix prefix for use in XPaths */
    public static final Namespace xlinkNS = Namespace
            .getNamespace("xlink", "");

    /** root element of the current METS manifest. */
    private Element mets = null;

    /** all mdRef elements in the manifest */
    private List mdFiles = null;

    /** <file> elements in "original" file group (bundle) */
    private List<Element> contentFiles = null;
    private List<Element> bundleFiles = null;

    /** builder to use for mdRef streams, inherited from create() */
    private SAXBuilder parser = null;

    /** name of packager who created this manifest object, for looking up configuration entries. */
    private String configName;

    // Create list of local schemas at load time, since it depends only
    // on the DSpace configuration.
    private static String localSchemas;
        String dspace_dir = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.dir");
        File xsdPath1 = new File(dspace_dir+"/config/schemas/");
        File xsdPath2 = new File(dspace_dir+"/config/");

        Enumeration<String> pe = (Enumeration<String>)ConfigurationManager.propertyNames();
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        while (pe.hasMoreElements())
            // config lines have the format:
            //  mets.xsd.{identifier} = {namespace} {xsd-URL}
            // e.g.
            //  mets.xsd.dc = dc.xsd
            // (filename is relative to {dspace_dir}/config/schemas/)
            String key = pe.nextElement();
            if (key.startsWith(CONFIG_XSD_PREFIX))
                String spec  = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(key);
                String val[] = spec.trim().split("\\s+");
                if (val.length == 2)
                    File xsd = new File(xsdPath1, val[1]);
                    if (!xsd.exists())
                        xsd = new File(xsdPath2, val[1]);
                    if (!xsd.exists())
                        log.warn("Schema file not found for config entry=\"" + spec + "\"");
                            String u = xsd.toURL().toString();
                            if (result.length() > 0)
                                result.append(" ");
                            result.append(val[0]).append(" ").append(u);
                        catch ( e)
                            log.warn("Skipping badly formed XSD URL: "+e.toString());
                    log.warn("Schema config entry has wrong format, entry=\"" + spec + "\"");
        localSchemas = result.toString();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Got local schemas = \"" + localSchemas + "\"");

     * Default constructor, only called internally.
     * @param builder XML parser (for parsing mdRef'd files and binData)
     * @param mets parsed METS document
    private METSManifest(SAXBuilder builder, Element mets, String configName)
        this.mets = mets;
        parser = builder;
        this.configName = configName;

     * Create a new manifest object from a serialized METS XML document.
     * Parse document read from the input stream, optionally validating.
     * @param is input stream containing serialized XML
     * @param validate if true, enable XML validation using schemas
     *   in document.  Also validates any sub-documents.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if there is any error parsing
     *          or validating the METS.
     * @return new METSManifest object.
    public static METSManifest create(InputStream is, boolean validate, String configName)
            throws IOException,
        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(validate);


        // Set validation feature
        if (validate)
            builder.setFeature("", true);

        // Tell the parser where local copies of schemas are, to speed up
        // validation.  Local XSDs are identified in the configuration file.
        if (localSchemas.length() > 0)
            builder.setProperty("", localSchemas);

        // Parse the METS file
        Document metsDocument;

            metsDocument =;

            /*** XXX leave commented out except if needed for
             *** viewing the METS document that actually gets read.
             * XMLOutputter outputPretty = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
             * log.debug("Got METS DOCUMENT:");
             * log.debug(outputPretty.outputString(metsDocument));
        catch (JDOMException je)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Error validating METS in "
                    + is.toString(),  je);

        return new METSManifest(builder, metsDocument.getRootElement(), configName);

     * Gets name of the profile to which this METS document conforms.
     * @return value the PROFILE attribute of mets element, or null if none.
    public String getProfile()
        return mets.getAttributeValue("PROFILE");

     * Return the OBJID attribute of the METS manifest.
     * This is where the Handle URI/URN of the object can be found.
     * @return OBJID attribute of METS manifest
    public String getObjID()
        return mets.getAttributeValue("OBJID");

     * Gets all <code>file</code> elements which make up
     *   the item's content.
     * @return a List of <code>Element</code>s.
    public List<Element> getBundleFiles()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        if (bundleFiles != null)
            return bundleFiles;

        bundleFiles = new ArrayList<Element>();
        Element fileSec = mets.getChild("fileSec", metsNS);

        if (fileSec != null)
            Iterator fgi = fileSec.getChildren("fileGrp", metsNS).iterator();
            while (fgi.hasNext())
                Element fg = (Element);
        return bundleFiles;

    public List<Element> getContentFiles()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        if (contentFiles != null)
            return contentFiles;

        contentFiles = new ArrayList<Element>();
        Element fileSec = mets.getChild("fileSec", metsNS);

        if (fileSec != null)
            Iterator fgi = fileSec.getChildren("fileGrp", metsNS).iterator();
            while (fgi.hasNext())
                Element fg = (Element);
                Iterator fi = fg.getChildren("file", metsNS).iterator();
                while (fi.hasNext())
                    Element f = (Element);
        return contentFiles;

     * Gets list of all <code>mdRef</code> elements in the METS
     *   document.  Used by ingester to e.g. check that all
     *   required files are present.
     * @return a List of <code>Element</code>s.
    public List getMdFiles()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        if (mdFiles == null)
                // Use a special namespace with known prefix
                // so we get the right prefix.
                XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("descendant::mets:mdRef");
                mdFiles = xpath.selectNodes(mets);
            catch (JDOMException je)
                throw new MetadataValidationException("Failed while searching for mdRef elements in manifest: ", je);
        return mdFiles;

     * Get the "original" file element for a derived file.
     * Finds the original from which this was derived by matching the GROUPID
     * attribute that binds it to its original.  For instance, the file for
     * a thumbnail image would have the same GROUPID as its full-size version.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: This pattern of relating derived files through the GROUPID
     * attribute is peculiar to the DSpace METS SIP profile, and may not be
     * generally useful with other sorts of METS documents.
     * @param file METS file element of derived file
     * @return file path of original or null if none found.
    public String getOriginalFilePath(Element file)
        String groupID = file.getAttributeValue("GROUPID");
        if (groupID == null || groupID.equals(""))
            return null;

            XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(
            List oFiles = xpath.selectNodes(mets);
            if (oFiles.size() > 0)
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Got ORIGINAL file for derived=" + file.toString());
                Element flocat = ((Element)oFiles.get(0)).getChild("FLocat", metsNS);
                if (flocat != null)
                    return flocat.getAttributeValue("href", xlinkNS);
                return null;
        catch (JDOMException je)
            log.warn("Got exception on XPATH looking for Original file, "+je.toString());
            return null;

    // translate bundle name from METS to DSpace; METS may be "CONTENT"
    // or "ORIGINAL" for the DSpace "ORIGINAL", rest are left alone.
    private static String normalizeBundleName(String in)
        if (in.equals("CONTENT"))
            return Constants.CONTENT_BUNDLE_NAME;
        else if (in.equals("MANIFESTMD"))
            return Constants.METADATA_BUNDLE_NAME;
        return in;

     * Get the DSpace bundle name corresponding to the <code>USE</code>
     * attribute of the file group enclosing this <code>file</code> element.
     * @return DSpace bundle name
     * @throws MetadataValidationException when there is no USE attribute on the enclosing fileGrp.
    public static String getBundleName(Element file)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        return getBundleName(file, true);
     * Get the DSpace bundle name corresponding to the <code>USE</code>
     * attribute of the file group enclosing this <code>file</code> element.
     * @return DSpace bundle name
     * @throws MetadataValidationException when there is no USE attribute on the enclosing fileGrp.
    public static String getBundleName(Element file, boolean getParent)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        Element fg = file;
        if (getParent)
            fg = file.getParentElement();
        String fgUse = fg.getAttributeValue("USE");
        if (fgUse == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: every fileGrp element must have a USE attribute.");
        return normalizeBundleName(fgUse);

     * Get the "local" file name of this <code>file</code> or <code>mdRef</code> element.
     * By "local" we mean the reference to the actual resource containing
     * the data for this file, e.g. a relative path within a Zip or tar archive
     * if the METS is serving as a manifest for that sort of package.
     * @return "local" file name (i.e.  relative to package or content
     *  directory) corresponding to this <code>file</code> or <code>mdRef</code> element.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException when there is not enough information to find a resource identifier.
    public static String getFileName(Element file)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        Element ref;
        if (file.getName().equals("file"))
            ref = file.getChild("FLocat", metsNS);
            if (ref == null)
                // check for forbidden FContent child first:
                if (file.getChild("FContent", metsNS) == null)
                    throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: Every file element must have FLocat child.");
                    throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: file element has forbidden FContent child, only FLocat is allowed.");
        else if (file.getName().equals("mdRef"))
            ref = file;
            throw new MetadataValidationException("getFileName() called with recognized element type: " + file.toString());
        String loctype = ref.getAttributeValue("LOCTYPE");
        if (loctype != null && loctype.equals("URL"))
            String result = ref.getAttributeValue("href", xlinkNS);
            if (result == null)
                throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: FLocat/mdRef is missing the required xlink:href attribute.");
            return result;
        throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: FLocat/mdRef does not have LOCTYPE=\"URL\" attribute.");

     * Returns file element corresponding to primary bitstream.
     * There is <i>ONLY</i> a primary bitstream if the first {@code div} under
     * first {@code structMap} has an {@code fptr}.
     * @return file element of Item's primary bitstream, or null if there is none.
    public Element getPrimaryOrLogoBitstream()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        Element objDiv = getObjStructDiv();
        Element fptr = objDiv.getChild("fptr", metsNS);
        if (fptr == null)
            return null;
        String id = fptr.getAttributeValue("FILEID");
        if (id == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("fptr for Primary Bitstream is missing the required FILEID attribute.");
        Element result = getElementByXPath("descendant::mets:file[@ID=\""+id+"\"]", false);
        if (result == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Cannot find file element for Primary Bitstream: looking for ID=" + id);
        return result;

     * Get the metadata type from within a *mdSec element.
     * @return metadata type name.
    public String getMdType(Element mdSec)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        Element md = mdSec.getChild("mdRef", metsNS);
        if (md == null)
            md = mdSec.getChild("mdWrap", metsNS);
        if (md == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: ?mdSec element has neither mdRef nor mdWrap child.");
        String result = md.getAttributeValue("MDTYPE");
        if (result != null && result.equals("OTHER"))
            result = md.getAttributeValue("OTHERMDTYPE");
        if (result == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: " + md.getName() + " has no MDTYPE or OTHERMDTYPE attribute.");
        return result;

     *  Returns MIME type of metadata content, if available.
     *  @return MIMEtype word, or null if none is available.
    public String getMdContentMimeType(Element mdSec)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        Element mdWrap = mdSec.getChild("mdWrap", metsNS);
        if (mdWrap != null)
            String mimeType = mdWrap.getAttributeValue("MIMETYPE");
            if (mimeType == null && mdWrap.getChild("xmlData", metsNS) != null)
                mimeType = "text/xml";
            return mimeType;
        Element mdRef = mdSec.getChild("mdRef", metsNS);
        if (mdRef != null)
            return mdRef.getAttributeValue("MIMETYPE");
        return null;

     * Return contents of *md element as List of XML Element objects.
     * Gets content, dereferencing mdRef if necessary, or decoding and parsing
     * a binData that contains XML.
     * @return contents of metadata section, or empty list if no XML content is available.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if METS is invalid, or there is an error parsing the XML.
    public List<Element> getMdContentAsXml(Element mdSec, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
            // XXX sanity check: if this has more than one child, consider it
            // an error since we cannot deal with more than one mdRef|mdWrap
            // child.  This may be considered a bug and need to be fixed,
            // so it's best to bring it to the attention of users.
            List mdc = mdSec.getChildren();
            if (mdc.size() > 1)
                // XXX scaffolding for debugging diagnosis; at least one
                //  XML parser stupidly includes newlines in prettyprinting
                //  as text content objects..
                String id = mdSec.getAttributeValue("ID");
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                for (Iterator mi = mdc.iterator(); mi.hasNext();)
                    sb.append(", ").append(((Content);
                throw new MetadataValidationException("Cannot parse METS with "+mdSec.getQualifiedName()+" element that contains more than one child, size="+String.valueOf(mdc.size())+", ID="+id+"Kids="+sb.toString());
            Element mdRef = null;
            Element mdWrap = mdSec.getChild("mdWrap", metsNS);
            if (mdWrap != null)
                Element xmlData = mdWrap.getChild("xmlData", metsNS);
                if (xmlData == null)
                    Element bin = mdWrap.getChild("binData", metsNS);
                    if (bin == null)
                        throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: mdWrap element with neither xmlData nor binData child.");

                    // if binData is actually XML, return it; otherwise ignore.
                        String mimeType = mdWrap.getAttributeValue("MIMETYPE");
                        if (mimeType != null && mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/xml"))
                            byte value[] = Base64.decodeBase64(bin.getText().getBytes());
                            Document mdd = ByteArrayInputStream(value));
                            List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(1);
                            return result;
                            log.warn("Ignoring binData section because MIMETYPE is not XML, but: "+mimeType);
                            return new ArrayList<Element>(0);
                    return xmlData.getChildren();
                mdRef = mdSec.getChild("mdRef", metsNS);
                if (mdRef != null)
                    String mimeType = mdRef.getAttributeValue("MIMETYPE");
                    if (mimeType != null && mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/xml"))
                        Document mdd =;
                        List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(1);
                        return result;
                        log.warn("Ignoring mdRef section because MIMETYPE is not XML, but: "+mimeType);
                        return new ArrayList<Element>(0);

                    throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: ?mdSec element with neither mdRef nor mdWrap child.");
        catch (JDOMException je)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Error parsing or validating metadata section in mdRef or binData within "+mdSec.toString(), je);


     * Return contents of *md element as stream.
     * Gets content, dereferencing mdRef if necessary, or decoding
     * a binData element if necessary.
     * @return Stream containing contents of metadata section.  Never returns null.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if METS format does not contain any metadata.
    public InputStream getMdContentAsStream(Element mdSec, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        Element mdRef = null;
        Element mdWrap = mdSec.getChild("mdWrap", metsNS);
        if (mdWrap != null)
            Element xmlData = mdWrap.getChild("xmlData", metsNS);
            if (xmlData == null)
                Element bin = mdWrap.getChild("binData", metsNS);
                if (bin == null)
                    throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: mdWrap element with neither xmlData nor binData child.");

                    byte value[] = Base64.decodeBase64(bin.getText().getBytes());
                    return new ByteArrayInputStream(value);
                XMLOutputter outputPretty = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
                return new ByteArrayInputStream(
            mdRef = mdSec.getChild("mdRef", metsNS);
            if (mdRef != null)
                return callback.getInputStream(mdRef);
                throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: ?mdSec element with neither mdRef nor mdWrap child.");

     * Return the {@code <div>} which describes this DSpace Object (and its contents)
     * from the {@code <structMap>}.  In all cases, this is the first {@code <div>}
     * in the first {@code <structMap>}.
     * @return Element which is the DSpace Object Contents {@code <div>}
     * @throws MetadataValidationException
    public Element getObjStructDiv()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        //get first <structMap>
        Element sm = mets.getChild("structMap", metsNS);
        if (sm == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("METS document is missing the required structMap element.");

        //get first <div>
        Element result = sm.getChild("div", metsNS);
        if (result == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("METS document is missing the required first div element in first structMap.");

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Got getObjStructDiv result=" + result.toString());
        return (Element)result;

     * Get an array of child object {@code <div>}s from the METS Manifest {@code <structMap>}.
     * These {@code <div>}s reference the location of any child objects METS manifests.
     * @return a List of {@code Element}s, each a {@code <div>}.  May be empty but NOT null.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException
    public List getChildObjDivs()
            throws MetadataValidationException
        //get the <div> in <structMap> which describes the current object's contents
        Element objDiv = getObjStructDiv();

        //get the child <div>s -- these should reference the child METS manifest
        return objDiv.getChildren("div", metsNS);

     * Retrieve the file paths for the children objects' METS Manifest files.
     * These file paths are located in the {@code <mptr>} where @LOCTYPE=URL
     * @return a list of Strings, corresponding to relative file paths of children METS manifests
     * @throws MetadataValidationException
    public String[] getChildMetsFilePaths()
            throws MetadataValidationException
        //get our child object <div>s
        List childObjDivs = getChildObjDivs();

        List<String> childPathList = new ArrayList<String>();

        if(childObjDivs != null && !childObjDivs.isEmpty())
            Iterator childIterator = childObjDivs.iterator();
            //For each Div, we want to find the underlying <mptr> with @LOCTYPE=URL
                Element childDiv = (Element);
                //get all child <mptr>'s
                List childMptrs = childDiv.getChildren("mptr", metsNS);

                if(childMptrs!=null && !childMptrs.isEmpty())
                     Iterator mptrIterator = childMptrs.iterator();
                     //For each mptr, we want to find the one with @LOCTYPE=URL
                         Element mptr = (Element);
                         String locType = mptr.getAttributeValue("LOCTYPE");
                         //if @LOCTYPE=URL, then capture @xlink:href as the METS Manifest file path
                         if (locType!=null && locType.equals("URL"))
                            String filePath = mptr.getAttributeValue("href", xlinkNS);
                            if(filePath!=null && filePath.length()>0)
                     }//end <mptr> loop
                }//end if <mptr>'s exist
            }//end child <div> loop
        }//end if child <div>s exist

        String[] childPaths = new String[childPathList.size()];
        childPaths = (String[]) childPathList.toArray(childPaths);
        return childPaths;

     * Return the reference to the Parent Object from the "Parent" {@code <structMap>}.
     * This parent object is the owner of current object.
     * @return Link to the Parent Object (this is the Handle of that Parent)
     * @throws MetadataValidationException
    public String getParentOwnerLink()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        //get a list of our structMaps
        List<Element> childStructMaps = mets.getChildren("structMap", metsNS);
        Element parentStructMap = null;

        // find the <structMap LABEL='Parent'>
            for (Element structMap : childStructMaps)
                String label = structMap.getAttributeValue("LABEL");
                if(label!=null && label.equalsIgnoreCase("Parent"))
                    parentStructMap = structMap;

        if (parentStructMap == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("METS document is missing the required structMap[@LABEL='Parent'] element.");

        //get first <div>
        Element linkDiv = parentStructMap.getChild("div", metsNS);
        if (linkDiv == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("METS document is missing the required first div element in structMap[@LABEL='Parent'].");

        //the link is in the <mptr> in the @xlink:href attribute
        Element mptr = linkDiv.getChild("mptr", metsNS);
        if (mptr != null)
            return mptr.getAttributeValue("href", xlinkNS);
        //return null if we couldn't find the link
        return null;

    // return a single Element node found by one-off path.
    // use only when path varies each time you call it.
    private Element getElementByXPath(String path, boolean nullOk)
        throws MetadataValidationException
            XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(path);
            Object result = xpath.selectSingleNode(mets);
            if (result == null && nullOk)
                return null;
            else if (result instanceof Element)
                return (Element) result;
                throw new MetadataValidationException("METSManifest: Failed to resolve XPath, path=\"" + path + "\"");
        catch (JDOMException je)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("METSManifest: Failed to resolve XPath, path=\""+path+"\"", je);

    // Find crosswalk for the indicated metadata type (e.g. "DC", "MODS")
    private Object getCrosswalk(String type, Class clazz)
         * Allow DSpace Config to map the metadata type to a
         * different crosswalk name either per-packager or for METS
         * in general.  First, look for config key like:
         *   mets.<packagerName>.ingest.crosswalk.MDNAME = XWALKNAME
         * then try
         *   mets.default.ingest.crosswalk.MDNAME = XWALKNAME
        String xwalkName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(
        if (xwalkName == null)
            xwalkName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(
            if (xwalkName == null)
                xwalkName = type;
        return PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(clazz, xwalkName);

     * Gets all dmdSec elements containing metadata for the DSpace Item.
     * @return array of Elements, each a dmdSec.  May be empty but NOT null.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if the METS is missing a reference to item-wide
     *          DMDs in the correct place.
    public Element[] getItemDmds()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        // div@DMDID is actually IDREFS, a space-separated list of IDs:
        Element objDiv = getObjStructDiv();
        String dmds = objDiv.getAttributeValue("DMDID");
        if (dmds == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS: Missing reference to Item descriptive metadata, first div on first structmap must have a DMDID attribute.");
        return getDmdElements(dmds);

     * Gets all dmdSec elements from a space separated list
     * @param dmdList space-separated list of DMDIDs
     * @return array of Elements, each a dmdSec.  May be empty but NOT null.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if the METS is missing a reference to item-wide
     *          DMDs in the correct place.
    public Element[] getDmdElements(String dmdList)
        throws MetadataValidationException
        if(dmdList!=null && !dmdList.isEmpty())
            String dmdID[] = dmdList.split("\\s+");
            Element result[] = new Element[dmdID.length];

            for (int i = 0; i < dmdID.length; ++i)
                result[i] = getElementByXPath("mets:dmdSec[@ID=\""+dmdID[i]+"\"]", false);
            return result;
            return new Element[0];

     * Return rights metadata section(s) relevant to item as a whole.
     * @return array of rightsMd elements, possibly empty but never null.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if METS is invalid, e.g. referenced amdSec is missing.
    public Element[] getItemRightsMD()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        // div@ADMID is actually IDREFS, a space-separated list of IDs:
        Element objDiv = getObjStructDiv();
        String amds = objDiv.getAttributeValue("ADMID");
        if (amds == null)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("getItemRightsMD: No ADMID references found.");
            return new Element[0];
        String amdID[] = amds.split("\\s+");
        List<Element> resultList = new ArrayList<Element>();
        for (int i = 0; i < amdID.length; ++i)
            List rmds = getElementByXPath("mets:amdSec[@ID=\""+amdID[i]+"\"]", false).
                            getChildren("rightsMD", metsNS);
            if (rmds.size() > 0)
        return resultList.toArray(new Element[resultList.size()]);

     * Invokes appropriate crosswalks on Item-wide descriptive metadata.
    public void crosswalkItemDmd(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                                DSpaceObject dso,
                                Element dmdSec, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        crosswalkXmd(context, params, dso, dmdSec, callback);

     * Crosswalk all technical and source metadata sections that belong
     * to the whole object.
     * @throws MetadataValidationException if METS is invalid, e.g. referenced amdSec is missing.
    public void crosswalkObjectOtherAdminMD(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                                      DSpaceObject dso, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        for (String amdID : getAmdIDs())
            Element amdSec = getElementByXPath("mets:amdSec[@ID=\""+amdID+"\"]", false);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("techMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, dso, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("digiprovMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, dso, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("rightsMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, dso, (Element), callback);

     * Just crosswalk the sourceMD sections; used to set the handle and parent of AIP.
     * @return true if any metadata section was actually crosswalked, false otherwise
    public boolean crosswalkObjectSourceMD(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                                        DSpaceObject dso, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        boolean result = false;

        for (String amdID : getAmdIDs())
            Element amdSec = getElementByXPath("mets:amdSec[@ID=\""+amdID+"\"]", false);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("sourceMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, dso, (Element), callback);
                result = true;
        return result;

     * Get an aray of all AMDID values for this object
     * @return
     * @throws MetadataValidationException
    private String[] getAmdIDs()
        throws MetadataValidationException
        // div@ADMID is actually IDREFS, a space-separated list of IDs:
        Element objDiv = getObjStructDiv();
        String amds = objDiv.getAttributeValue("ADMID");
        if (amds == null)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("crosswalkObjectTechMD: No ADMID references found.");
            return new String[0];
        return amds.split("\\s+");

    // Crosswalk *any* kind of metadata section - techMD, rightsMD, etc.
    private void crosswalkXmd(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                              DSpaceObject dso,
                              Element xmd, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        String type = getMdType(xmd);

        //First, try to find the IngestionCrosswalk to use
        IngestionCrosswalk xwalk = (IngestionCrosswalk)getCrosswalk(type, IngestionCrosswalk.class);

        // If metadata is not simply applicable to object,
        // let it go with a warning.
            // If we found the IngestionCrosswalk, crosswalk our XML-based content
            if (xwalk != null)
                // Check if our Crosswalk actually wraps another Packager Plugin
                if(xwalk instanceof AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk)
                    // If this crosswalk wraps another Packager Plugin, we can pass it our Packaging Parameters
                    // (which essentially allow us to customize the ingest process of the crosswalk)
                    AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk wrapper = (AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk) xwalk;

                xwalk.ingest(context, dso, getMdContentAsXml(xmd,callback));
            // Otherwise, try stream-based crosswalk
                StreamIngestionCrosswalk sxwalk =
                  (StreamIngestionCrosswalk)getCrosswalk(type, StreamIngestionCrosswalk.class);

                if (sxwalk != null)
                    // Check if our Crosswalk actually wraps another Packager Plugin
                    if(sxwalk instanceof AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk)
                        // If this crosswalk wraps another Packager Plugin, we can pass it our Packaging Parameters
                        // (which essentially allow us to customize the ingest process of the crosswalk)
                        AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk wrapper = (AbstractPackagerWrappingCrosswalk) sxwalk;

                    // If we found a Stream-based crosswalk that matches, we now want to
                    // locate the stream we are crosswalking.  This stream should be
                    // references in METS via an <mdRef> element
                    // (which is how METS references external files)
                    Element mdRef = xmd.getChild("mdRef", metsNS);
                    if (mdRef != null)
                        InputStream in = null;
                            in = callback.getInputStream(mdRef);
                            sxwalk.ingest(context, dso, in,
                            if (in != null)
                    } // If we couldn't find an <mdRef>, then we'll try an <mdWrap>
                      // with a <binData> element instead.
                      // (this is how METS wraps embedded base64-encoded content streams)
                        Element mdWrap = xmd.getChild("mdWrap", metsNS);
                        if (mdWrap != null)
                            Element bin = mdWrap.getChild("binData", metsNS);
                            if (bin == null)
                                throw new MetadataValidationException("Invalid METS Manifest: mdWrap element for streaming crosswalk without binData child.");
                                byte value[] = Base64.decodeBase64(bin.getText().getBytes());
                                sxwalk.ingest(context, dso,
                                              new ByteArrayInputStream(value),
                            throw new MetadataValidationException("Cannot process METS Manifest: " +
                                    "Metadata of type=" + type + " requires a reference to a stream (mdRef), which was not found in " + xmd.getName());
                    throw new MetadataValidationException("Cannot process METS Manifest: " +
                            "No crosswalk found for contents of " + xmd.getName() + " element, MDTYPE=" + type);
        catch (CrosswalkObjectNotSupported e)
            log.warn("Skipping metadata section "+xmd.getName()+", type="+type+" inappropriate for this type of object: Object="+dso.toString()+", error="+e.toString());

     * Crosswalk the metadata associated with a particular <code>file</code>
     * element into the bitstream it corresponds to.
     * @param context a dspace context.
     * @param params any PackageParameters which may affect how bitstreams are crosswalked
     * @param bitstream bitstream target of the crosswalk
     * @param fileId value of ID attribute in the file element responsible
     *  for the contents of that bitstream.
     *  @param callback ???
    public void crosswalkBitstream(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                                   Bitstream bitstream,
                                   String fileId, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        Element file = getElementByXPath("descendant::mets:file[@ID=\""+fileId+"\"]", false);
        if (file == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Failed in Bitstream crosswalk, Could not find file element with ID=" + fileId);

        // In DSpace METS SIP spec, admin metadata is only "highly
        // recommended", not "required", so it is OK if there is no ADMID.
        String amds = file.getAttributeValue("ADMID");
        if (amds == null)
            log.warn("Got no bitstream ADMID, file@ID="+fileId);
        String amdID[] = amds.split("\\s+");
        for (int i = 0; i < amdID.length; ++i)
            Element amdSec = getElementByXPath("mets:amdSec[@ID=\""+amdID[i]+"\"]", false);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("techMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bitstream, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("sourceMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bitstream, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("rightsMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bitstream, (Element), callback);

    public void crosswalkBundle(Context context, PackageParameters params,
                                Bundle bundle,
                                String fileId, Mdref callback)
        throws MetadataValidationException, PackageValidationException,
               CrosswalkException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException
        Element file = getElementByXPath("descendant::mets:fileGrp[@ADMID=\""+fileId+"\"]", false);
        if (file == null)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("Failed in Bitstream crosswalk, Could not find file element with ID=" + fileId);

        // In DSpace METS SIP spec, admin metadata is only "highly
        // recommended", not "required", so it is OK if there is no ADMID.
        String amds = file.getAttributeValue("ADMID");
        if (amds == null)
            log.warn("Got no bitstream ADMID, file@ID="+fileId);
        String amdID[] = amds.split("\\s+");
        for (int i = 0; i < amdID.length; ++i)
            Element amdSec = getElementByXPath("mets:amdSec[@ID=\""+amdID[i]+"\"]", false);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("techMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bundle, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("sourceMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bundle, (Element), callback);
            for (Iterator ti = amdSec.getChildren("rightsMD", metsNS).iterator(); ti.hasNext();)
                crosswalkXmd(context, params, bundle, (Element), callback);
     * @return root element of METS document.
    public Element getMets()
        return mets;

     * Return entire METS document as an inputStream
     * @return entire METS document as a stream
    public InputStream getMetsAsStream()
        XMLOutputter outputPretty = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());

        return new ByteArrayInputStream(

Related Classes of org.dspace.content.packager.METSManifest$Mdref

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