* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
* http://www.dspace.org/license/
package org.dspace.browse;
import org.dspace.content.Collection;
import org.dspace.content.Community;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.sort.SortOption;
import org.dspace.sort.SortException;
* A class which represents the initial request to the browse system.
* When passed into the BrowseEngine, this will cause the creation
* of a BrowseInfo object
* @author Richard Jones
public class BrowserScope
/** the DSpace context */
private Context context;
/** the current browse index */
private BrowseIndex browseIndex;
/** the order in which to display results */
private String order;
/** the field upon which to sort */
private int sortBy;
/** the value to restrict the browse to */
private String filterValue;
/** exact or partial matching of the value */
private boolean filterValuePartial = false;
/** the language of the value to restrict the browse to */
private String filterValueLang;
/** the item id focus of the browse */
private int jumpItemId = -1;
/** the string value to start with */
private String startsWith;
/** the number of results per page to display */
private int resultsPerPage = 20;
/** the Collection to which to restrict */
private Collection collection;
/** the Community to which to restrict */
private Community community;
/** the sort option being used */
private SortOption sortOption;
/** the value upon which to focus */
private String jumpValue;
/** the language of the value upon which to focus */
private String jumpValueLang;
/** the browse level */
private int level = 0;
/** the number of authors to display in the results */
private int etAl = 0;
/** the number of items to offset into the result ie. 0 = 1st record */
private int offset = 0;
private String authority = null;
* Construct a new BrowserScope using the given Context
* @param context the DSpace Context
public BrowserScope(Context context)
this.context = context;
* Set the DSpaceObject that is the container for this browse. If this
* is not of type Collection or Community, this method will throw an
* exception
* @param dso the container object; a Community or Collection
* @throws BrowseException
public void setBrowseContainer(DSpaceObject dso)
throws BrowseException
if (dso instanceof Collection)
this.collection = (Collection) dso;
else if (dso instanceof Community)
this.community = (Community) dso;
throw new BrowseException("The container must be a community or a collection");
* Obtain a DSpaceObject that represents the container object. This will be
* a Community or a Collection
* @return A DSpaceObject representing a Community or a Collection
public DSpaceObject getBrowseContainer()
if (this.collection != null)
return this.collection;
if (this.community != null)
return this.community;
return null;
* @param level the browse level
public void setBrowseLevel(int level)
this.level = level;
* @return the browse level
public int getBrowseLevel()
return this.level;
* @return true if top level browse, false if not
public boolean isTopLevel()
if (this.level == 0)
return true;
return false;
* @return true if second level browse, false if not
public boolean isSecondLevel()
if (this.level == 1)
return true;
return false;
* @return Returns the browseIndex.
public BrowseIndex getBrowseIndex()
return browseIndex;
* @param browseIndex The browseIndex to set.
public void setBrowseIndex(BrowseIndex browseIndex)
throws BrowseException
this.browseIndex = browseIndex;
* @return Returns the author limit.
public int getEtAl()
return etAl;
* @param etAl the author limit
public void setEtAl(int etAl)
this.etAl = etAl;
* @return Returns the collection.
public Collection getCollection()
return collection;
* @param collection The collection to set.
public void setCollection(Collection collection)
this.collection = collection;
* @return Returns the community.
public Community getCommunity()
return community;
* @param community The community to set.
public void setCommunity(Community community)
this.community = community;
* @return Returns the context.
public Context getContext()
return context;
* @param context The context to set.
public void setContext(Context context)
this.context = context;
* @return Returns the focus.
public int getJumpToItem()
return jumpItemId;
* @param itemId The focus to set.
public void setJumpToItem(int itemId)
this.jumpItemId = itemId;
* @return the value to focus on
public String getJumpToValue()
return jumpValue;
* @param value the value to focus on
public void setJumpToValue(String value)
this.jumpValue = value;
* @return the language of the value to focus on
public String getJumpToValueLang()
return jumpValueLang;
* @param valueLang the language of the value to focus on
public void setJumpToValueLang(String valueLang)
this.jumpValueLang = valueLang;
* @return Returns the order.
public String getOrder()
if (order != null)
return order;
BrowseIndex bi = getBrowseIndex();
if (bi != null)
return bi.getDefaultOrder();
return SortOption.ASCENDING;
* @param order The order to set.
public void setOrder(String order)
if (order == null)
this.order = null;
else if (SortOption.ASCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order))
this.order = SortOption.ASCENDING;
else if (SortOption.DESCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order))
this.order = SortOption.DESCENDING;
* @return Returns the resultsPerPage.
public int getResultsPerPage()
return resultsPerPage;
* @param resultsPerPage The resultsPerPage to set.
public void setResultsPerPage(int resultsPerPage)
if (resultsPerPage > -1 || browseIndex.isTagCloudEnabled())
this.resultsPerPage = resultsPerPage;
* @return Returns the sortBy.
public int getSortBy()
return sortBy;
* @param sortBy The sortBy to set.
public void setSortBy(int sortBy)
throws BrowseException
this.sortBy = sortBy;
* @return returns the offset for the browse
public int getOffset()
return offset;
* @param offset the offset to use for this scope
public void setOffset(int offset)
this.offset = offset;
* Obtain the sort option
* @return the sort option
* @throws BrowseException
public SortOption getSortOption()
throws BrowseException
// If a sortOption hasn't been set, work out the default, providing we have an index
if (sortOption == null && browseIndex != null)
// If a sorting hasn't been specified, and it's a metadata browse
if (sortBy <= 0 && browseIndex.isMetadataIndex())
// Create a dummy sortOption for the metadata sort
String dataType = browseIndex.getDataType();
String type = ("date".equals(dataType) ? "date" : "text");
sortOption = new SortOption(0, browseIndex.getName(), browseIndex.getMetadata(0), type);
// If a sorting hasn't been specified
if (sortBy <= 0)
// Get the sort option from the index
sortOption = browseIndex.getSortOption();
if (sortOption == null)
// No sort option, so default to the first one defined in the config
for (SortOption so : SortOption.getSortOptions())
sortOption = so;
// A sorting has been specified, so get it from the configured sort columns
for (SortOption so : SortOption.getSortOptions())
if (so.getNumber() == sortBy)
sortOption = so;
return sortOption;
catch (SortException se)
throw new BrowseException("Error in SortOptions", se);
* @return Returns the startsWith.
public String getStartsWith()
return startsWith;
* @param startsWith The startsWith to set.
public void setStartsWith(String startsWith)
this.startsWith = startsWith;
* Used for second-level item browses,
* to only display items that match the value
* @return Returns the value.
public String getFilterValue()
return filterValue;
* Used for second-level item browses,
* to only display items that match the value
* @param value The value to set.
public void setFilterValue(String value)
this.filterValue = value;
* Should the filter value be treated as partial, or exact
* @return true if partial, false if exact
public boolean getFilterValuePartial()
return filterValuePartial;
* Should the filter value be treated as partial, or exact
* @param filterValuePartial true if partial, false if exact
public void setFilterValuePartial(boolean filterValuePartial)
this.filterValuePartial = filterValuePartial;
* @return Returns the language.
public String getFilterValueLang()
return filterValueLang;
* @param lang The language to set.
public void setFilterValueLang(String lang)
this.filterValueLang = lang;
* @return true if in community, false if not
public boolean inCommunity()
if (this.community != null)
return true;
return false;
* @return true if in collection, false if not
public boolean inCollection()
if (this.collection != null)
return true;
return false;
* @return true if ascending, false if not - or not set
public boolean isAscending()
if (SortOption.ASCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order))
return true;
if (SortOption.DESCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order))
return false;
BrowseIndex bi = getBrowseIndex();
if (bi != null && SortOption.DESCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(bi.getDefaultOrder()))
return false;
return true;
* @return true if has value, false if not
public boolean hasFilterValue()
if (filterValue == null || "".equals(filterValue))
return false;
return true;
* @return true if has item focus, false if not
public boolean hasJumpToItem()
if (jumpItemId == -1)
return false;
return true;
* @return true if has value focus, false if not
public boolean hasJumpToValue()
if (this.jumpValue != null)
return true;
return false;
* @return true if has starts with value, false if not
public boolean hasStartsWith()
if (this.startsWith != null)
return true;
return false;
public String getAuthorityValue() {
return authority;
public void setAuthorityValue(String value) {
authority = value;