package java2opSem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java2opSem.ExceptionJava2opSem;
import org.jmlspecs.checker.*;
import org.multijava.mjc.CModifier;
import org.multijava.mjc.Constants;
import org.multijava.mjc.JavadocLexer;
import org.multijava.mjc.Main;
import org.multijava.mjc.ParsingController;
import antlr.RecognitionException;
import antlr.TokenStreamException;
/** main class to build a HOL term from a JML specification
* @version August 2008
* @author Hélène Collavizza
* from an original student work by Eric Le Duff and Sébastien Derrien
* Polytech'Nice Sophia Antipolis
public class Jml2opSem {
JmlCompilationUnit rootJml;
File file;
// contains the string that represent the
// jml specifications of all methods in the file
public Map<String,String> jmlSpec;
private ParsingController parsingController;
private TokenStreamSelector lexingController;
private JmlLexer jmlLexer;
private JavadocLexer docLexer;
private JmlMLLexer jmlMLLexer;
private JmlSLLexer jmlSLLexer;
public JmlParser parser;
public Jml2opSem(File file) throws ExceptionJava2opSem {
this.file = file;
Main compiler = new Main( new CModifier( Constants.ACCESS_FLAG_ARRAY,Constants.ACCESS_FLAG_NAMES ) );
Reader r = null;
try {
r = new FileReader(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ExceptionJava2opSem("Cannot read " + file + ".");
parsingController = new ParsingController( r, null );
lexingController = new TokenStreamSelector();
boolean allowUniverses = true;
jmlLexer = new JmlLexer( parsingController, lexingController,
true, true, allowUniverses, compiler );
docLexer = new JavadocLexer( parsingController );
jmlMLLexer = new JmlMLLexer( parsingController, lexingController,
true, true, allowUniverses, compiler );
jmlSLLexer = new JmlSLLexer( parsingController, lexingController,
true, true, allowUniverses, compiler );
try {
lexingController.addInputStream( jmlLexer, "jmlTop" );
lexingController.addInputStream( jmlMLLexer, "jmlML" );
lexingController.addInputStream( jmlSLLexer, "jmlSL" );
lexingController.addInputStream( docLexer, "javadoc" ); "jmlTop" );
parsingController.addInputStream( lexingController, "jml" );
parsingController.addInputStream( docLexer, "javadoc" );
parsingController.selectInitial( "jml" );
final boolean ACCEPT_MULTIJAVA = true;
final boolean ACCEPT_RELAXEDMULTIJAVA = false;
parser =
new JmlParser(compiler,
allowUniverses );
rootJml = (JmlCompilationUnit) parser.jCompilationUnit();
//TODO: parser.jAssertStatement(); // fait avancer à la fin du fichier
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "It was impossible to build the AST for file " + file + "\n";
message+="Possible errors in the program: \n";
message+=" - only integers and arrays of integers are allowed\n";
message+=" - in \"if statements\", then and else blocks must be enclosed with {}\n";
message+=" - \"for loops\" are not allowed (use \"while loops\" instead)\n";
message+=" - JavaDoc comments are not allowed\n";
message+=" - i++ or i-- are not permitted\n";
message+="Possible error in JML specification: \n";
message+=" - requires clause must precede ensures clause\n";
message+=" - clauses must terminate with \";\"\n";
message+=" see for JML syntax";
throw new ExceptionJava2opSem(message);
// ########### Function to start parsing
public void parse(ArrayList<String> param) throws ExceptionJava2opSem {
Jml2opSemVisitor v = new Jml2opSemVisitor(param);
if (v.hasError())
throw new ExceptionJava2opSem("\nJML specification contains statements that are not yet implemented.");
jmlSpec = v.getJml();
// ########### Functions for accessing specifications #####
// return the JML specification of method s
public String getJml(String s) {
return jmlSpec.get(s);
// return the requires clause of specification of method s
public String getRequires(String s) {
String spec = jmlSpec.get(s);
int endRequires = spec.indexOf("EndRequires");
if (endRequires!=-1)
return spec.substring(0,endRequires);
return "T";
// return the requires clause of specification of method s
public String getEnsures(String s) {
String spec = jmlSpec.get(s);
int endRequires = spec.indexOf("EndRequires");
if (endRequires!=-1)
return spec.substring(endRequires + 11);
if (spec.isEmpty())
return "T";
return spec;