Package org.jsoup.parser

Source Code of org.jsoup.parser.HtmlParserTest

package org.jsoup.parser;

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.TextUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.nodes.*;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

Tests for the Parser

@author Jonathan Hedley, */
public class HtmlParserTest {

    @Test public void parsesSimpleDocument() {
        String html = "<html><head><title>First!</title></head><body><p>First post! <img src=\"foo.png\" /></p></body></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        // need a better way to verify these:
        Element p = doc.body().child(0);
        assertEquals("p", p.tagName());
        Element img = p.child(0);
        assertEquals("foo.png", img.attr("src"));
        assertEquals("img", img.tagName());

    @Test public void parsesRoughAttributes() {
        String html = "<html><head><title>First!</title></head><body><p class=\"foo > bar\">First post! <img src=\"foo.png\" /></p></body></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

        // need a better way to verify these:
        Element p = doc.body().child(0);
        assertEquals("p", p.tagName());
        assertEquals("foo > bar", p.attr("class"));

    @Test public void parsesQuiteRoughAttributes() {
        String html = "<p =a>One<a <p>Something</p>Else";
        // this gets a <p> with attr '=a' and an <a tag with an attribue named '<p'; and then auto-recreated
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals("<p =a=\"\">One<a <p=\"\">Something</a></p>\n" +
                "<a <p=\"\">Else</a>", doc.body().html());

        doc = Jsoup.parse("<p .....>");
        assertEquals("<p .....=\"\"></p>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void parsesComments() {
        String html = "<html><head></head><body><img src=foo><!-- <table><tr><td></table> --><p>Hello</p></body></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

        Element body = doc.body();
        Comment comment = (Comment) body.childNode(1); // comment should not be sub of img, as it's an empty tag
        assertEquals(" <table><tr><td></table> ", comment.getData());
        Element p = body.child(1);
        TextNode text = (TextNode) p.childNode(0);
        assertEquals("Hello", text.getWholeText());

    @Test public void parsesUnterminatedComments() {
        String html = "<p>Hello<!-- <tr><td>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        Element p = doc.getElementsByTag("p").get(0);
        assertEquals("Hello", p.text());
        TextNode text = (TextNode) p.childNode(0);
        assertEquals("Hello", text.getWholeText());
        Comment comment = (Comment) p.childNode(1);
        assertEquals(" <tr><td>", comment.getData());

    @Test public void dropsUnterminatedTag() {
        // jsoup used to parse this to <p>, but whatwg, webkit will drop.
        String h1 = "<p";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h1);
        assertEquals(0, doc.getElementsByTag("p").size());
        assertEquals("", doc.text());

        String h2 = "<div id=1<p id='2'";
        doc = Jsoup.parse(h2);
        assertEquals("", doc.text());

    @Test public void dropsUnterminatedAttribute() {
        // jsoup used to parse this to <p id="foo">, but whatwg, webkit will drop.
        String h1 = "<p id=\"foo";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h1);
        assertEquals("", doc.text());

    @Test public void parsesUnterminatedTextarea() {
        // don't parse right to end, but break on <p>
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<body><p><textarea>one<p>two");
        Element t ="textarea").first();
        assertEquals("one", t.text());

    @Test public void parsesUnterminatedOption() {
        // bit weird this -- browsers and spec get stuck in select until there's a </select>
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<body><p><select><option>One<option>Two</p><p>Three</p>");
        Elements options ="option");
        assertEquals(2, options.size());
        assertEquals("One", options.first().text());
        assertEquals("TwoThree", options.last().text());

    @Test public void testSpaceAfterTag() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<div > <a name=\"top\"></a ><p id=1 >Hello</p></div>");
        assertEquals("<div> <a name=\"top\"></a><p id=\"1\">Hello</p></div>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void createsDocumentStructure() {
        String html = "<meta name=keywords /><link rel=stylesheet /><title>jsoup</title><p>Hello world</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        Element head = doc.head();
        Element body = doc.body();

        assertEquals(1, doc.children().size()); // root node: contains html node
        assertEquals(2, doc.child(0).children().size()); // html node: head and body
        assertEquals(3, head.children().size());
        assertEquals(1, body.children().size());

        assertEquals("keywords", head.getElementsByTag("meta").get(0).attr("name"));
        assertEquals(0, body.getElementsByTag("meta").size());
        assertEquals("jsoup", doc.title());
        assertEquals("Hello world", body.text());
        assertEquals("Hello world", body.children().get(0).text());

    @Test public void createsStructureFromBodySnippet() {
        // the bar baz stuff naturally goes into the body, but the 'foo' goes into root, and the normalisation routine
        // needs to move into the start of the body
        String html = "foo <b>bar</b> baz";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals("foo bar baz", doc.text());


    @Test public void handlesEscapedData() {
        String html = "<div title='Surf &amp; Turf'>Reef &amp; Beef</div>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        Element div = doc.getElementsByTag("div").get(0);

        assertEquals("Surf & Turf", div.attr("title"));
        assertEquals("Reef & Beef", div.text());

    @Test public void handlesDataOnlyTags() {
        String t = "<style>font-family: bold</style>";
        List<Element> tels = Jsoup.parse(t).getElementsByTag("style");
        assertEquals("font-family: bold", tels.get(0).data());
        assertEquals("", tels.get(0).text());

        String s = "<p>Hello</p><script>obj.insert('<a rel=\"none\" />');\ni++;</script><p>There</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(s);
        assertEquals("Hello There", doc.text());
        assertEquals("obj.insert('<a rel=\"none\" />');\ni++;",;

    @Test public void handlesTextAfterData() {
        String h = "<html><body>pre <script>inner</script> aft</body></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<html><head></head><body>pre <script>inner</script> aft</body></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.html()));

    @Test public void handlesTextArea() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<textarea>Hello</textarea>");
        Elements els ="textarea");
        assertEquals("Hello", els.text());
        assertEquals("Hello", els.val());

    @Test public void preservesSpaceInTextArea() {
        // preserve because the tag is marked as preserve white space
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<textarea>\n\tOne\n\tTwo\n\tThree\n</textarea>");
        String expect = "One\n\tTwo\n\tThree"; // the leading and trailing spaces are dropped as a convenience to authors
        Element el ="textarea").first();
        assertEquals(expect, el.text());
        assertEquals(expect, el.val());
        assertEquals(expect, el.html());
        assertEquals("<textarea>\n\t" + expect + "\n</textarea>", el.outerHtml()); // but preserved in round-trip html

    @Test public void preservesSpaceInScript() {
        // preserve because it's content is a data node
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<script>\nOne\n\tTwo\n\tThree\n</script>");
        String expect = "\nOne\n\tTwo\n\tThree\n";
        Element el ="script").first();
        assertEquals("One\n\tTwo\n\tThree", el.html());
        assertEquals("<script>" + expect + "</script>", el.outerHtml());

    @Test public void doesNotCreateImplicitLists() {
        // old jsoup used to wrap this in <ul>, but that's not to spec
        String h = "<li>Point one<li>Point two";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        Elements ol ="ul"); // should NOT have created a default ul.
        assertEquals(0, ol.size());
        Elements lis ="li");
        assertEquals(2, lis.size());
        assertEquals("body", lis.first().parent().tagName());

        // no fiddling with non-implicit lists
        String h2 = "<ol><li><p>Point the first<li><p>Point the second";
        Document doc2 = Jsoup.parse(h2);

        assertEquals(2,"ol li").size());
        assertEquals(2,"ol li p").size());
        assertEquals(1,"ol li").get(0).children().size()); // one p in first li

    @Test public void discardsNakedTds() {
        // jsoup used to make this into an implicit table; but browsers make it into a text run
        String h = "<td>Hello<td><p>There<p>now";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("Hello<p>There</p><p>now</p>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));
        // <tbody> is introduced if no implicitly creating table, but allows tr to be directly under table

    @Test public void handlesNestedImplicitTable() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<table><td>1</td></tr> <td>2</td></tr> <td> <table><td>3</td> <td>4</td></table> <tr><td>5</table>");
        assertEquals("<table><tbody><tr><td>1</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td></tr> <tr><td> <table><tbody><tr><td>3</td> <td>4</td></tr></tbody></table> </td></tr><tr><td>5</td></tr></tbody></table>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesWhatWgExpensesTableExample() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<table> <colgroup> <col> <colgroup> <col> <col> <col> <thead> <tr> <th> <th>2008 <th>2007 <th>2006 <tbody> <tr> <th scope=rowgroup> Research and development <td> $ 1,109 <td> $ 782 <td> $ 712 <tr> <th scope=row> Percentage of net sales <td> 3.4% <td> 3.3% <td> 3.7% <tbody> <tr> <th scope=rowgroup> Selling, general, and administrative <td> $ 3,761 <td> $ 2,963 <td> $ 2,433 <tr> <th scope=row> Percentage of net sales <td> 11.6% <td> 12.3% <td> 12.6% </table>");
        assertEquals("<table> <colgroup> <col> </colgroup><colgroup> <col> <col> <col> </colgroup><thead> <tr> <th> </th><th>2008 </th><th>2007 </th><th>2006 </th></tr></thead><tbody> <tr> <th scope=\"rowgroup\"> Research and development </th><td> $ 1,109 </td><td> $ 782 </td><td> $ 712 </td></tr><tr> <th scope=\"row\"> Percentage of net sales </th><td> 3.4% </td><td> 3.3% </td><td> 3.7% </td></tr></tbody><tbody> <tr> <th scope=\"rowgroup\"> Selling, general, and administrative </th><td> $ 3,761 </td><td> $ 2,963 </td><td> $ 2,433 </td></tr><tr> <th scope=\"row\"> Percentage of net sales </th><td> 11.6% </td><td> 12.3% </td><td> 12.6% </td></tr></tbody></table>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesTbodyTable() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<html><head></head><body><table><tbody><tr><td>aaa</td><td>bbb</td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>");
        assertEquals("<table><tbody><tr><td>aaa</td><td>bbb</td></tr></tbody></table>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesImplicitCaptionClose() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<table><caption>A caption<td>One<td>Two");
        assertEquals("<table><caption>A caption</caption><tbody><tr><td>One</td><td>Two</td></tr></tbody></table>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void noTableDirectInTable() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<table> <td>One <td><table><td>Two</table> <table><td>Three");
        assertEquals("<table> <tbody><tr><td>One </td><td><table><tbody><tr><td>Two</td></tr></tbody></table> <table><tbody><tr><td>Three</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>",

    @Test public void ignoresDupeEndTrTag() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<table><tr><td>One</td><td><table><tr><td>Two</td></tr></tr></table></td><td>Three</td></tr></table>"); // two </tr></tr>, must ignore or will close table

    @Test public void handlesBaseTags() {
        // only listen to the first base href
        String h = "<a href=1>#</a><base href='/2/'><a href='3'>#</a><base href='http://bar'><a href=/4>#</a>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h, "http://foo/");
        assertEquals("http://foo/2/", doc.baseUri()); // gets set once, so doc and descendants have first only

        Elements anchors = doc.getElementsByTag("a");
        assertEquals(3, anchors.size());

        assertEquals("http://foo/2/", anchors.get(0).baseUri());
        assertEquals("http://foo/2/", anchors.get(1).baseUri());
        assertEquals("http://foo/2/", anchors.get(2).baseUri());

        assertEquals("http://foo/2/1", anchors.get(0).absUrl("href"));
        assertEquals("http://foo/2/3", anchors.get(1).absUrl("href"));
        assertEquals("http://foo/4", anchors.get(2).absUrl("href"));

    @Test public void handlesProtocolRelativeUrl() {
        String base = "";
        String html = "<img src='//'>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, base);
        Element el ="img").first();
        assertEquals("", el.absUrl("src"));

    @Test public void handlesCdata() {
        // todo: as this is html namespace, should actually treat as bogus comment, not cdata. keep as cdata for now
        String h = "<div id=1><![CDATA[<html>\n<foo><&amp;]]></div>"; // the &amp; in there should remain literal
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        Element div = doc.getElementById("1");
        assertEquals("<html> <foo><&amp;", div.text());
        assertEquals(0, div.children().size());
        assertEquals(1, div.childNodeSize()); // no elements, one text node

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedCdataAtEOF() {
        // would crash, as character reader would try to seek past EOF
        String h = "<![CDATA[]]";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals(1, doc.body().childNodeSize());

    @Test public void handlesInvalidStartTags() {
        String h = "<div>Hello < There <&amp;></div>"; // parse to <div {#text=Hello < There <&>}>
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("Hello < There <&>","div").first().text());

    @Test public void handlesUnknownTags() {
        String h = "<div><foo title=bar>Hello<foo title=qux>there</foo></div>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        Elements foos ="foo");
        assertEquals(2, foos.size());
        assertEquals("bar", foos.first().attr("title"));
        assertEquals("qux", foos.last().attr("title"));
        assertEquals("there", foos.last().text());

    @Test public void handlesUnknownInlineTags() {
        String h = "<p><cust>Test</cust></p><p><cust><cust>Test</cust></cust></p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(h);
        String out = doc.body().html();
        assertEquals(h, TextUtil.stripNewlines(out));

    @Test public void parsesBodyFragment() {
        String h = "<!-- comment --><p><a href='foo'>One</a></p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(h, "");
        assertEquals("<body><!-- comment --><p><a href=\"foo\">One</a></p></body>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().outerHtml()));

    @Test public void handlesUnknownNamespaceTags() {
        // note that the first foo:bar should not really be allowed to be self closing, if parsed in html mode.
        String h = "<foo:bar id='1' /><abc:def id=2>Foo<p>Hello</p></abc:def><foo:bar>There</foo:bar>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<foo:bar id=\"1\" /><abc:def id=\"2\">Foo<p>Hello</p></abc:def><foo:bar>There</foo:bar>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesKnownEmptyBlocks() {
        // if a known tag, allow self closing outside of spec, but force an end tag. unknown tags can be self closing.
        String h = "<div id='1' /><script src='/foo' /><div id=2><img /><img></div><a id=3 /><i /><foo /><foo>One</foo> <hr /> hr text <hr> hr text two";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<div id=\"1\"></div><script src=\"/foo\"></script><div id=\"2\"><img><img></div><a id=\"3\"></a><i></i><foo /><foo>One</foo> <hr> hr text <hr> hr text two", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesSolidusAtAttributeEnd() {
        // this test makes sure [<a href=/>link</a>] is parsed as [<a href="/">link</a>], not [<a href="" /><a>link</a>]
        String h = "<a href=/>link</a>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<a href=\"/\">link</a>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesMultiClosingBody() {
        String h = "<body><p>Hello</body><p>there</p></body></body></html><p>now";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals(3, doc.body().children().size());

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedDefinitionLists() {
        // jsoup used to create a <dl>, but that's not to spec
        String h = "<dt>Foo<dd>Bar<dt>Qux<dd>Zug";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals(0,"dl").size()); // no auto dl
        assertEquals(4,"dt, dd").size());
        Elements dts ="dt");
        assertEquals(2, dts.size());
        assertEquals("Zug", dts.get(1).nextElementSibling().text());

    @Test public void handlesBlocksInDefinitions() {
        // per the spec, dt and dd are inline, but in practise are block
        String h = "<dl><dt><div id=1>Term</div></dt><dd><div id=2>Def</div></dd></dl>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<dl><dt><div id=\"1\">Term</div></dt><dd><div id=\"2\">Def</div></dd></dl>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesFrames() {
        String h = "<html><head><script></script><noscript></noscript></head><frameset><frame src=foo></frame><frame src=foo></frameset></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<html><head><script></script><noscript></noscript></head><frameset><frame src=\"foo\"><frame src=\"foo\"></frameset></html>",
        // no body auto vivification
    @Test public void ignoresContentAfterFrameset() {
        String h = "<html><head><title>One</title></head><frameset><frame /><frame /></frameset><table></table></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<html><head><title>One</title></head><frameset><frame><frame></frameset></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.html()));
        // no body, no table. No crash!

    @Test public void handlesJavadocFont() {
        String h = "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" CLASS=\"NavBarCell1\">    <A HREF=\"deprecated-list.html\"><FONT CLASS=\"NavBarFont1\"><B>Deprecated</B></FONT></A>&nbsp;</TD>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        Element a ="a").first();
        assertEquals("Deprecated", a.text());
        assertEquals("font", a.child(0).tagName());
        assertEquals("b", a.child(0).child(0).tagName());

    @Test public void handlesBaseWithoutHref() {
        String h = "<head><base target='_blank'></head><body><a href=/foo>Test</a></body>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h, "");
        Element a ="a").first();
        assertEquals("/foo", a.attr("href"));
        assertEquals("", a.attr("abs:href"));

    @Test public void normalisesDocument() {
        String h = "<!doctype html>One<html>Two<head>Three<link></head>Four<body>Five </body>Six </html>Seven ";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<!doctype html><html><head></head><body>OneTwoThree<link>FourFive Six Seven </body></html>",

    @Test public void normalisesEmptyDocument() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("");
        assertEquals("<html><head></head><body></body></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.html()));

    @Test public void normalisesHeadlessBody() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<html><body><span class=\"foo\">bar</span>");
        assertEquals("<html><head></head><body><span class=\"foo\">bar</span></body></html>",

    @Test public void normalisedBodyAfterContent() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<font face=Arial><body class=name><div>One</div></body></font>");
        assertEquals("<html><head></head><body class=\"name\"><font face=\"Arial\"><div>One</div></font></body></html>",

    @Test public void findsCharsetInMalformedMeta() {
        String h = "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312>";
        // example cited for reason of html5's <meta charset> element
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);

    @Test public void testHgroup() {
        // jsoup used to not allow hroup in h{n}, but that's not in spec, and browsers are OK
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<h1>Hello <h2>There <hgroup><h1>Another<h2>headline</hgroup> <hgroup><h1>More</h1><p>stuff</p></hgroup>");
        assertEquals("<h1>Hello </h1><h2>There <hgroup><h1>Another</h1><h2>headline</h2></hgroup> <hgroup><h1>More</h1><p>stuff</p></hgroup></h2>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void testRelaxedTags() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<abc_def id=1>Hello</abc_def> <abc-def>There</abc-def>");
        assertEquals("<abc_def id=\"1\">Hello</abc_def> <abc-def>There</abc-def>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void testHeaderContents() {
        // h* tags (h1 .. h9) in browsers can handle any internal content other than other h*. which is not per any
        // spec, which defines them as containing phrasing content only. so, reality over theory.
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<h1>Hello <div>There</div> now</h1> <h2>More <h3>Content</h3></h2>");
        assertEquals("<h1>Hello <div>There</div> now</h1> <h2>More </h2><h3>Content</h3>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void testSpanContents() {
        // like h1 tags, the spec says SPAN is phrasing only, but browsers and publisher treat span as a block tag
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<span>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></span>");
        assertEquals("<span>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></span>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void testNoImagesInNoScriptInHead() {
        // jsoup used to allow, but against spec if parsing with noscript
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<html><head><noscript><img src='foo'></noscript></head><body><p>Hello</p></body></html>");
        assertEquals("<html><head><noscript></noscript></head><body><img src=\"foo\"><p>Hello</p></body></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.html()));

    @Test public void testAFlowContents() {
        // html5 has <a> as either phrasing or block
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<a>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></a>");
        assertEquals("<a>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></a>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void testFontFlowContents() {
        // html5 has no definition of <font>; often used as flow
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<font>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></font>");
        assertEquals("<font>Hello <div>there</div> <span>now</span></font>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesMisnestedTagsBI() {
        // whatwg: <b><i></b></i>
        String h = "<p>1<b>2<i>3</b>4</i>5</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<p>1<b>2<i>3</i></b><i>4</i>5</p>", doc.body().html());
        // adoption agency on </b>, reconstruction of formatters on 4.

    @Test public void handlesMisnestedTagsBP() {
        //  whatwg: <b><p></b></p>
        String h = "<b>1<p>2</b>3</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<b>1</b>\n<p><b>2</b>3</p>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesUnexpectedMarkupInTables() {
        // whatwg - tests markers in active formatting (if they didn't work, would get in in table)
        // also tests foster parenting
        String h = "<table><b><tr><td>aaa</td></tr>bbb</table>ccc";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<b></b><b>bbb</b><table><tbody><tr><td>aaa</td></tr></tbody></table><b>ccc</b>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedFormattingElements() {
        // whatwg: formatting elements get collected and applied, but excess elements are thrown away
        String h = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" +
                "<p><b class=x><b class=x><b><b class=x><b class=x><b>X\n" +
                "<p>X\n" +
                "<p><b><b class=x><b>X\n" +
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        String want = "<!doctype html>\n" +
                "<html>\n" +
                "<head></head>\n" +
                "<body>\n" +
                "<p><b class=\"x\"><b class=\"x\"><b><b class=\"x\"><b class=\"x\"><b>X </b></b></b></b></b></b></p>\n" +
                "<p><b class=\"x\"><b><b class=\"x\"><b class=\"x\"><b>X </b></b></b></b></b></p>\n" +
                "<p><b class=\"x\"><b><b class=\"x\"><b class=\"x\"><b><b><b class=\"x\"><b>X </b></b></b></b></b></b></b></b></p>\n" +
                "<p>X</p>\n" +
                "</body>\n" +
        assertEquals(want, doc.html());

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedAnchors() {
        String h = "<a href=''>Link<p>Error link</a>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        String want = "<a href=\"\">Link</a>\n<p><a href=\"\">Error link</a></p>";
        assertEquals(want, doc.body().html());

    @Test public void reconstructFormattingElements() {
        // tests attributes and multi b
        String h = "<p><b class=one>One <i>Two <b>Three</p><p>Hello</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<p><b class=\"one\">One <i>Two <b>Three</b></i></b></p>\n<p><b class=\"one\"><i><b>Hello</b></i></b></p>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void reconstructFormattingElementsInTable() {
        // tests that tables get formatting markers -- the <b> applies outside the table and does not leak in,
        // and the <i> inside the table and does not leak out.
        String h = "<p><b>One</p> <table><tr><td><p><i>Three<p>Four</i></td></tr></table> <p>Five</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        String want = "<p><b>One</b></p>\n" +
                "<b> \n" +
                " <table>\n" +
                "  <tbody>\n" +
                "   <tr>\n" +
                "    <td><p><i>Three</i></p><p><i>Four</i></p></td>\n" +
                "   </tr>\n" +
                "  </tbody>\n" +
                " </table> <p>Five</p></b>";
        assertEquals(want, doc.body().html());

    @Test public void commentBeforeHtml() {
        String h = "<!-- comment --><!-- comment 2 --><p>One</p>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<!-- comment --><!-- comment 2 --><html><head></head><body><p>One</p></body></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.html()));

    @Test public void emptyTdTag() {
        String h = "<table><tr><td>One</td><td id='2' /></tr></table>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<td>One</td>\n<td id=\"2\"></td>","tr").first().html());

    @Test public void handlesSolidusInA() {
        // test for bug #66
        String h = "<a class=lp href=/lib/14160711/>link text</a>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        Element a ="a").first();
        assertEquals("link text", a.text());
        assertEquals("/lib/14160711/", a.attr("href"));

    @Test public void handlesSpanInTbody() {
        // test for bug 64
        String h = "<table><tbody><span class='1'><tr><td>One</td></tr><tr><td>Two</td></tr></span></tbody></table>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("span").first().children().size(), 0); // the span gets closed
        assertEquals("table").size(), 1); // only one table

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedTitleAtEof() {
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data").title());
        assertEquals("Data<", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data<").title());
        assertEquals("Data</", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data</").title());
        assertEquals("Data</t", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data</t").title());
        assertEquals("Data</ti", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data</ti").title());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data</title>").title());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<title>Data</title >").title());

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedTitle() {
        Document one = Jsoup.parse("<title>One <b>Two <b>Three</TITLE><p>Test</p>"); // has title, so <b> is plain text
        assertEquals("One <b>Two <b>Three", one.title());

        Document two = Jsoup.parse("<title>One<b>Two <p>Test</p>"); // no title, so <b> causes </title> breakout
        assertEquals("One", two.title());
        assertEquals("<b>Two <p>Test</p></b>", two.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedScriptAtEof() {
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data<", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data<").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</sc", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</sc").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</-sc", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</-sc").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</sc-", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</sc-").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</sc--", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</sc--").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script>").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</script", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script ").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script n").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script n=").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script n=\"").select("script").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<script>Data</script n=\"p").select("script").first().data());

    @Test public void handlesUnclosedRawtextAtEof() {
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</st", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</st").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</style>").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</style", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</style").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</-style", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</-style").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</style-", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</style-").select("style").first().data());
        assertEquals("Data</style--", Jsoup.parse("<style>Data</style--").select("style").first().data());

    @Test public void noImplicitFormForTextAreas() {
        // old jsoup parser would create implicit forms for form children like <textarea>, but no more
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<textarea>One</textarea>");
        assertEquals("<textarea>One</textarea>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesEscapedScript() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<script><!-- one <script>Blah</script> --></script>");
        assertEquals("<!-- one <script>Blah</script> -->","script").first().data());

    @Test public void handles0CharacterAsText() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("0<p>0</p>");
        assertEquals("0\n<p>0</p>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesNullInData() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<p id=\u0000>Blah \u0000</p>");
        assertEquals("<p id=\"\uFFFD\">Blah \u0000</p>", doc.body().html()); // replaced in attr, NOT replaced in data

    @Test public void handlesNullInComments() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<body><!-- \u0000 \u0000 -->");
        assertEquals("<!-- \uFFFD \uFFFD -->", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesNewlinesAndWhitespaceInTag() {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<a \n href=\"one\" \r\n id=\"two\" \f >");
        assertEquals("<a href=\"one\" id=\"two\"></a>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesWhitespaceInoDocType() {
        String html = "<!DOCTYPE html\r\n" +
                "      PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\r\n" +
                "      \"\">";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">", doc.childNode(0).outerHtml());
    @Test public void tracksErrorsWhenRequested() {
        String html = "<p>One</p href='no'><!DOCTYPE html>&arrgh;<font /><br /><foo";
        Parser parser = Parser.htmlParser().setTrackErrors(500);
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, "", parser);
        List<ParseError> errors = parser.getErrors();
        assertEquals(5, errors.size());
        assertEquals("20: Attributes incorrectly present on end tag", errors.get(0).toString());
        assertEquals("35: Unexpected token [Doctype] when in state [InBody]", errors.get(1).toString());
        assertEquals("36: Invalid character reference: invalid named referenece 'arrgh'", errors.get(2).toString());
        assertEquals("50: Self closing flag not acknowledged", errors.get(3).toString());
        assertEquals("61: Unexpectedly reached end of file (EOF) in input state [TagName]", errors.get(4).toString());

    @Test public void tracksLimitedErrorsWhenRequested() {
        String html = "<p>One</p href='no'><!DOCTYPE html>&arrgh;<font /><br /><foo";
        Parser parser = Parser.htmlParser().setTrackErrors(3);
        Document doc = parser.parseInput(html, "");

        List<ParseError> errors = parser.getErrors();
        assertEquals(3, errors.size());
        assertEquals("20: Attributes incorrectly present on end tag", errors.get(0).toString());
        assertEquals("35: Unexpected token [Doctype] when in state [InBody]", errors.get(1).toString());
        assertEquals("36: Invalid character reference: invalid named referenece 'arrgh'", errors.get(2).toString());

    @Test public void noErrorsByDefault() {
        String html = "<p>One</p href='no'>&arrgh;<font /><br /><foo";
        Parser parser = Parser.htmlParser();
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, "", parser);

        List<ParseError> errors = parser.getErrors();
        assertEquals(0, errors.size());
    @Test public void handlesCommentsInTable() {
        String html = "<table><tr><td>text</td><!-- Comment --></tr></table>";
        Document node = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html);
        assertEquals("<html><head></head><body><table><tbody><tr><td>text</td><!-- Comment --></tr></tbody></table></body></html>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(node.outerHtml()));

    @Test public void handlesQuotesInCommentsInScripts() {
        String html = "<script>\n" +
                "  <!--\n" +
                "    document.write('</scr' + 'ipt>');\n" +
                "  // -->\n" +
        Document node = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html);
        assertEquals("<script>\n" +
                "  <!--\n" +
                "    document.write('</scr' + 'ipt>');\n" +
                "  // -->\n" +
                "</script>", node.body().html());

    @Test public void handleNullContextInParseFragment() {
        String html = "<ol><li>One</li></ol><p>Two</p>";
        List<Node> nodes = Parser.parseFragment(html, null, "");
        assertEquals(1, nodes.size()); // returns <html> node (not document) -- no context means doc gets created
        assertEquals("html", nodes.get(0).nodeName());
        assertEquals("<html> <head></head> <body> <ol> <li>One</li> </ol> <p>Two</p> </body> </html>", StringUtil.normaliseWhitespace(nodes.get(0).outerHtml()));

    @Test public void doesNotFindShortestMatchingEntity() {
        // previous behaviour was to identify a possible entity, then chomp down the string until a match was found.
        // (as defined in html5.) However in practise that lead to spurious matches against the author's intent.
        String html = "One &clubsuite; &clubsuit;";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals(StringUtil.normaliseWhitespace("One &amp;clubsuite; ♣"), doc.body().html());

    @Test public void relaxedBaseEntityMatchAndStrictExtendedMatch() {
        // extended entities need a ; at the end to match, base does not
        String html = "&amp &quot &reg &icy &hopf &icy; &hopf;";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        doc.outputSettings().escapeMode(Entities.EscapeMode.extended).charset("ascii"); // modifies output only to clarify test
        assertEquals("&amp; \" &reg; &amp;icy &amp;hopf &icy; &hopf;", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesXmlDeclarationAsBogusComment() {
        String html = "<?xml encoding='UTF-8' ?><body>One</body>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals("<!--?xml encoding='UTF-8' ?--> <html> <head></head> <body> One </body> </html>", StringUtil.normaliseWhitespace(doc.outerHtml()));

    @Test public void handlesTagsInTextarea() {
        String html = "<textarea><p>Jsoup</p></textarea>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        assertEquals("<textarea>&lt;p&gt;Jsoup&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>", doc.body().html());

    // form tests
    @Test public void createsFormElements() {
        String html = "<body><form><input id=1><input id=2></form></body>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        Element el ="form").first();

        assertTrue("Is form element", el instanceof FormElement);
        FormElement form = (FormElement) el;
        Elements controls = form.elements();
        assertEquals(2, controls.size());
        assertEquals("1", controls.get(0).id());
        assertEquals("2", controls.get(1).id());

    @Test public void associatedFormControlsWithDisjointForms() {
        // form gets closed, isn't parent of controls
        String html = "<table><tr><form><input type=hidden id=1><td><input type=text id=2></td><tr></table>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
        Element el ="form").first();

        assertTrue("Is form element", el instanceof FormElement);
        FormElement form = (FormElement) el;
        Elements controls = form.elements();
        assertEquals(2, controls.size());
        assertEquals("1", controls.get(0).id());
        assertEquals("2", controls.get(1).id());

        assertEquals("<table><tbody><tr><form></form><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"1\"><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"2\"></td></tr><tr></tr></tbody></table>", TextUtil.stripNewlines(doc.body().html()));

    @Test public void handlesInputInTable() {
        String h = "<body>\n" +
                "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" value=\"\">\n" +
                "<table>\n" +
                "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"b\" value=\"\" />\n" +
                "</table>\n" +
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals(1,"table input").size());

    @Test public void convertsImageToImg() {
        // image to img, unless in a svg. old html cruft.
        String h = "<body><image><svg><image /></svg></body>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(h);
        assertEquals("<img>\n<svg>\n <image />\n</svg>", doc.body().html());

    @Test public void handlesInvalidDoctypes() {
        // would previously throw invalid name exception on empty doctype
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<!DOCTYPE>");
                "<!doctype> <html> <head></head> <body></body> </html>",

        doc = Jsoup.parse("<!DOCTYPE><html><p>Foo</p></html>");
                "<!doctype> <html> <head></head> <body> <p>Foo</p> </body> </html>",

        doc = Jsoup.parse("<!DOCTYPE \u0000>");
                "<!doctype �> <html> <head></head> <body></body> </html>",

Related Classes of org.jsoup.parser.HtmlParserTest

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