* Copyright 2010 Cees De Groot, Alex Boisvert, Jan Kotek
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package jdbm.recman;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOError;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.Deflater;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream;
import java.util.zip.Inflater;
import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;
import jdbm.RecordManager;
import jdbm.Serializer;
import jdbm.SerializerInput;
import jdbm.SerializerOutput;
import jdbm.helper.OpenByteArrayInputStream;
import jdbm.helper.OpenByteArrayOutputStream;
import jdbm.helper.RecordManagerImpl;
* This class manages records, which are uninterpreted blobs of data. The
* set of operations is simple and straightforward: you communicate with
* the class using long "rowids" and byte[] data blocks. Rowids are returned
* on inserts and you can stash them away someplace safe to be able to get
* back to them. Data blocks can be as long as you wish, and may have
* lengths different from the original when updating.
* <p>
* Operations are synchronized, so that only one of them will happen
* concurrently even if you hammer away from multiple threads. Operations
* are made atomic by keeping a transaction log which is recovered after
* a crash, so the operations specified by this interface all have ACID
* properties.
* <p>
* You identify a file by just the name. The package attaches <tt>.db</tt>
* for the database file, and <tt>.lg</tt> for the transaction log. The
* transaction log is synchronized regularly and then restarted, so don't
* worry if you see the size going up and down.
* @author <a href="mailto:boisvert@intalio.com">Alex Boisvert</a>
* @author <a href="cg@cdegroot.com">Cees de Groot</a>
* @version $Id: BaseRecordManager.java,v 1.8 2005/06/25 23:12:32 doomdark Exp $
public final class BaseRecordManager
extends RecordManagerImpl
private static final String IDR = ".idr";
private static final String IDF = ".idf";
private static final String DBR = ".dbr";
private static final String DBF = ".dbf";
static final int DATA_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 8 ;
static final int TRANS_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 2;
static final int FREE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
* Version of storage. It should be safe to open lower versions, but engine should throw exception
* while opening new versions (as it contains unsupported features or serialization)
static final long STORE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1L;
* Underlying file for store records.
private RecordFile _physFile;
* Page manager for physical manager.
private PageManager _physPageman;
* Physical row identifier manager.
private PhysicalRowIdManager _physMgr;
/** if true, new records alwayes saved to end of file
* and free space is not reclaimed.
* This may speed up some operations which involves lot of
* updates and inserts (batch creation);
* You need to reopen store to apply effect
public boolean isAppendToEnd() {
return appendToEnd;
/** if true, new records alwayes saved to end of file
* and free space is not reclaimed.
* This may speed up some operations which involves lot of
* updates and inserts (batch creation);
* You need to reopen store to apply effect
public void setAppendToEnd(boolean appendToEnd) {
this.appendToEnd = appendToEnd;
/** if true, new records alwayes saved to end of file
* and free space is not reclaimed.
* This may speed up some operations which involves lot of
* updates and inserts (batch creation);
private boolean appendToEnd = false;
* Underlying file for store records.
* Traces free records
private RecordFile _physFileFree;
* Page manager for physical manager.
* Traces free records
private PageManager _physPagemanFree;
* Underlying file for logical records.
private RecordFile _logicFile;
* Page manager for logical manager.
private PageManager _logicPageman;
* Logigal to Physical row identifier manager.
private LogicalRowIdManager _logicMgr;
* Underlying file for logical records.
* Traces free records
private RecordFile _logicFileFree;
* Page manager for logical manager.
* Traces free records
private PageManager _logicPagemanFree;
* Static debugging flag
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Directory of named JDBMHashtables. This directory is a persistent
* directory, stored as a Hashtable. It can be retrived by using
private Map<String,Long> _nameDirectory;
* Reserved slot for name directory.
public static final int NAME_DIRECTORY_ROOT = 0;
* Reserved slot for version number
public static final int STORE_VERSION_NUMBER_ROOT = 1;
/** is Inflate compression on */
private boolean compress = false;
/** deflater used to compress data if needed*/
private Deflater deflater;
/** inflater used to decompress data if needed*/
private Inflater inflater;
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 2;
private final byte[] _insertBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
private final OpenByteArrayOutputStream _insertBAO = new OpenByteArrayOutputStream(_insertBuffer);
private final SerializerOutput _insertOut = new SerializerOutput(_insertBAO);
private final OpenByteArrayInputStream _insertBAI = new OpenByteArrayInputStream(_insertBuffer);
private final SerializerInput _insertIn = new SerializerInput(_insertBAI);
volatile private boolean bufferInUse = false;
private final String _filename;
* Creates a record manager for the indicated file
* @throws IOException when the file cannot be opened or is not
* a valid file content-wise.
public BaseRecordManager( String filename )
throws IOException
_filename = filename;
private void reopen() throws IOException {
_physFileFree = new RecordFile( _filename + DBF, FREE_BLOCK_SIZE);
_physPagemanFree = new PageManager(_physFileFree);
_physFile = new RecordFile( _filename + DBR, DATA_BLOCK_SIZE);
_physPageman = new PageManager( _physFile );
_physMgr = new PhysicalRowIdManager( _physFile, _physPageman,
new FreePhysicalRowIdPageManager(_physFileFree, _physPagemanFree,appendToEnd));
_logicFileFree= new RecordFile( _filename +IDF,FREE_BLOCK_SIZE );
_logicPagemanFree = new PageManager( _logicFileFree );
throw new InternalError(); //to big page, slot number would not fit into page
_logicFile = new RecordFile( _filename +IDR,TRANS_BLOCK_SIZE );
_logicPageman = new PageManager( _logicFile );
_logicMgr = new LogicalRowIdManager( _logicFile, _logicPageman,
new FreeLogicalRowIdPageManager(_logicFileFree, _logicPagemanFree));
long versionNumber = getRoot(STORE_VERSION_NUMBER_ROOT);
throw new IOException("Unsupported version of store. Please update JDBM. Minimal supported ver:"+STORE_FORMAT_VERSION+", store ver:"+versionNumber);
* Switches off transactioning for the record manager. This means
* that a) a transaction log is not kept, and b) writes aren't
* synch'ed after every update. This is useful when batch inserting
* into a new database.
* <p>
* Only call this method directly after opening the file, otherwise
* the results will be undefined.
public synchronized void disableTransactions()
* Enable or disable compression of blocks with Deflate algorithm
* @param b
public synchronized void setCompress(boolean b) {
System.out.println("Setting compression to: "+b);
compress = b;
* Closes the record manager.
* @throws IOException when one of the underlying I/O operations fails.
public synchronized void close()
throws IOException
_physPageman = null;
_physFile = null;
_logicPageman = null;
_logicFile = null;
_physPagemanFree = null;
_physFileFree = null;
_logicPagemanFree = null;
_logicFileFree = null;
* Inserts a new record using a custom serializer.
* @param obj the object for the new record.
* @param serializer a custom serializer
* @return the rowid for the new record.
* @throws IOException when one of the underlying I/O operations fails.
public synchronized <A> long insert( A obj, Serializer<A> serializer )
throws IOException
//current reusable buffer is in use, have to fallback into creating new instances
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
OpenByteArrayOutputStream bao = new OpenByteArrayOutputStream(buffer);
SerializerOutput out = new SerializerOutput(bao);
return insert2(obj,serializer,buffer,bao,out);
bufferInUse = true;
return insert2(obj, serializer,_insertBuffer,_insertBAO,_insertOut);
bufferInUse = false;
private <A> long insert2(A obj, Serializer<A> serializer, byte[] insertBuffer, OpenByteArrayOutputStream insertBAO, SerializerOutput insertOut)
throws IOException {
serializer.serialize(insertOut, obj);
byte[] data = compress(insertBAO.getBuf(),insertBAO.size());
long physRowId = _physMgr.insert( insertBAO.getBuf(), 0, insertBAO.size() );
long recid = _logicMgr.insert( physRowId );
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "BaseRecordManager.insert() recid " + recid + " length " + insertBAO.size() ) ;
return compressRecid(recid);
private synchronized byte[] compress(byte[] data, int length) throws IOException {
if(!compress )
return data;
if(deflater == null){
deflater = new Deflater();
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(0);
OutputStream d = new DeflaterOutputStream(b,deflater);
return b.toByteArray();
private synchronized SerializerInput decompress(SerializerInput data) throws IOException {
return data;
if(inflater == null){
inflater = new Inflater();
return new SerializerInput(new InflaterInputStream(data,inflater));
public synchronized void delete( long logRowId )
throws IOException
if ( logRowId <= 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'recid' is invalid: "
+ logRowId );
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "BaseRecordManager.delete() recid " + logRowId ) ;
logRowId = decompressRecid(logRowId);
long physRowId = _logicMgr.fetch(logRowId);
_physMgr.delete( physRowId );
_logicMgr.delete( logRowId );
public synchronized <A> void update( long recid, A obj, Serializer<A> serializer )
throws IOException
if ( recid <= 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'recid' is invalid: "
+ recid );
//current reusable buffer is in use, have to create new instances
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
OpenByteArrayOutputStream bao = new OpenByteArrayOutputStream(buffer);
SerializerOutput out = new SerializerOutput(bao);
bufferInUse = true;
update2(recid, obj, serializer,_insertBuffer, _insertBAO, _insertOut);
bufferInUse = false;
private <A> void update2(long logRecid, A obj, Serializer<A> serializer,byte[] insertBuffer, OpenByteArrayOutputStream insertBAO, SerializerOutput insertOut)
throws IOException {
logRecid = decompressRecid(logRecid);
long physRecid = _logicMgr.fetch( logRecid );
if(physRecid == 0)
throw new IOException("Can not update, recid does not exist: "+logRecid);
serializer.serialize(insertOut, obj );
byte[] data = compress(insertBAO.getBuf(),insertBAO.size());
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "BaseRecordManager.update() recid " + logRecid + " length " + insertBAO.size() ) ;
long newRecid = _physMgr.update( physRecid, insertBAO.getBuf(), 0, insertBAO.size() );
_logicMgr.update( logRecid, newRecid );
public synchronized <A> A fetch( long recid, Serializer<A> serializer )
throws IOException
if ( recid <= 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'recid' is invalid: "
+ recid );
//current reusable buffer is in use, have to create new instances
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
OpenByteArrayOutputStream bao = new OpenByteArrayOutputStream(buffer);
SerializerOutput out = new SerializerOutput(bao);
OpenByteArrayInputStream bai = new OpenByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
SerializerInput in = new SerializerInput(bai);
return fetch2(recid,serializer,buffer,bao,out, bai,in);
bufferInUse = true;
return fetch2(recid, serializer,_insertBuffer,_insertBAO,_insertOut,_insertBAI, _insertIn);
bufferInUse = false;
public synchronized <A> A fetch( long recid, Serializer<A> serializer, boolean disableCache ) throws IOException{
//we dont have any cache, so can ignore disableCache parameter
return fetch(recid, serializer);
private <A> A fetch2(long recid, Serializer<A> serializer,byte[] insertBuffer,
OpenByteArrayOutputStream insertBAO, SerializerOutput insertOut,
OpenByteArrayInputStream insertBAI, SerializerInput insertIn)
throws IOException {
recid = decompressRecid(recid);
long physLocation = _logicMgr.fetch(recid);
if(physLocation == 0){
//throw new IOException("Record not found, recid: "+recid);
return null;
_physMgr.fetch(insertBAO, physLocation);
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "BaseRecordManager.fetch() recid " + recid + " length " + insertBAO.size() ) ;
insertBAI.reset(insertBAO.getBuf(), insertBAO.size());
return serializer.deserialize(decompress( insertIn ));
return serializer.deserialize( insertIn );
}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
throw new IOError(e);
public int getRootCount()
return FileHeader.NROOTS;
public synchronized long getRoot( int id )
throws IOException
return _physPageman.getFileHeader().getRoot( id );
public synchronized void setRoot( int id, long rowid )
throws IOException
_physPageman.getFileHeader().setRoot( id, rowid );
public long getNamedObject( String name )
throws IOException
Map<String,Long> nameDirectory = getNameDirectory();
Long recid = (Long) nameDirectory.get( name );
if ( recid == null ) {
return 0;
return recid.longValue();
public void setNamedObject( String name, long recid )
throws IOException
Map<String,Long> nameDirectory = getNameDirectory();
if ( recid == 0 ) {
// remove from hashtable
nameDirectory.remove( name );
} else {
nameDirectory.put( name, new Long( recid ) );
saveNameDirectory( nameDirectory );
public synchronized void commit()
throws IOException
/** flush free phys rows into pages*/
/**commit pages */
public synchronized void rollback()
throws IOException
* Load name directory
private Map<String,Long> getNameDirectory()
throws IOException
// retrieve directory of named hashtable
long nameDirectory_recid = getRoot( NAME_DIRECTORY_ROOT );
if ( nameDirectory_recid == 0 ) {
_nameDirectory = new HashMap<String,Long>();
nameDirectory_recid = insert( _nameDirectory );
setRoot( NAME_DIRECTORY_ROOT, nameDirectory_recid );
} else {
_nameDirectory = (Map<String,Long>) fetch( nameDirectory_recid );
return _nameDirectory;
private void saveNameDirectory( Map<String,Long> directory )
throws IOException
long recid = getRoot(NAME_DIRECTORY_ROOT);
if ( recid == 0 ) {
throw new IOException( "Name directory must exist" );
update(recid, _nameDirectory);
* Check if RecordManager has been closed. If so, throw an
* IllegalStateException.
private void checkIfClosed()
throws IllegalStateException
if ( _physFile == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "RecordManager has been closed" );
public synchronized void clearCache() throws IOException {
//no cache
public synchronized void defrag() throws IOException {
final String filename2 = _filename+"_defrag"+System.currentTimeMillis();
final String filename1 = _filename;
BaseRecordManager recman2 = new BaseRecordManager(filename2);
PageCursor logicalCur = new PageCursor(_logicPageman, Magic.TRANSLATION_PAGE);
List<Long> logicalPages = new ArrayList<Long>();
long last = logicalCur.next();;
last = logicalCur.next();
for(long pageid:logicalPages){
BlockIo io = _logicFile.get(pageid);
TranslationPage xlatPage = TranslationPage.getTranslationPageView(io,TRANS_BLOCK_SIZE);
for(int i = 0;i<_logicMgr.ELEMS_PER_PAGE;i+=1){
int pos = TranslationPage.O_TRANS + i* TranslationPage.PhysicalRowId_SIZE;
throw new Error();
long logicalRowId = Location.toLong(pageid,(short)pos);
//find physical location
long physRowId = Location.toLong(
if(physRowId == 0)
//read from physical location
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
_physMgr.fetch(b, physRowId);
byte[] bb = b.toByteArray();
//write to new file
recman2.forceInsert(logicalRowId, bb);
List<File> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<File>();
//now rename old files
String[] exts = {IDF, IDR, DBF, DBR};
for(String ext:exts){
String f1 = filename1+ext;
String f2 = filename2+"_OLD"+ext;
//first rename transaction log
File f1t = new File(f1+TransactionManager.extension);
File f2t = new File(f2+TransactionManager.extension);
//rename data files, iterate until file exist
for(int i=0;;i++){
File f1d = new File(f1+"."+i);
if(!f1d.exists()) break;
File f2d = new File(f2+"."+i);
//rename new files
for(String ext:exts){
String f1 = filename2+ext;
String f2 = filename1+ext;
//first rename transaction log
File f1t = new File(f1+TransactionManager.extension);
File f2t = new File(f2+TransactionManager.extension);
//rename data files, iterate until file exist
for(int i=0;;i++){
File f1d = new File(f1+"."+i);
if(!f1d.exists()) break;
File f2d = new File(f2+"."+i);
for(File d:filesToDelete){
* Insert data at forced logicalRowId, use only for defragmentation !!
* @param logicalRowId
* @param data
* @throws IOException
private void forceInsert(long logicalRowId, byte[] data) throws IOException {
long physLoc = _physMgr.insert(data, 0, data.length);
_logicMgr.forceInsert(logicalRowId, physLoc);
* Compress recid from physical form (block - offset) to (block - slot).
* This way resulting number is smaller and can be easyer packed with LongPacker
static long compressRecid(long recid){
long block = Location.getBlock(recid);
short offset= Location.getOffset(recid);
offset = (short) (offset - TranslationPage.O_TRANS);
throw new InternalError("not 8");
long slot = offset /8;
throw new InternalError("too big slot: "+slot);
return (block << 8) + (long) slot;
static long decompressRecid(long recid){
long block = recid >>8;
short offset = (short) (((recid & 0xff) ) * 8+TranslationPage.O_TRANS);
return Location.toLong(block, offset);