package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Urban;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.IsolatedLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.CoverProvider.CoverageType;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.ByteChunk;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.RealChunk;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid;
public class RoundaboutCenterLot extends IsolatedLot {
private enum StatueBase { WATER, GRASS, PEDESTAL };
private final static Material curbMaterial = Material.DOUBLE_STEP;
private final static Material brickMaterial = Material.SMOOTH_BRICK;
private final static Material fenceMaterial = Material.FENCE;
private final static Material baseMaterial = Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK;
private StatueBase statueBase;
public RoundaboutCenterLot(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
super(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ);
style = LotStyle.ROUNDABOUT;
public PlatLot newLike(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return new RoundaboutCenterLot(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ);
public boolean isPlaceableAt(WorldGenerator generator, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return generator.settings.inRoadRange(chunkX, chunkZ);
public int getBottomY(WorldGenerator generator) {
return generator.streetLevel + 1;
public int getTopY(WorldGenerator generator) {
return generator.streetLevel + DataContext.FloorHeight * 3 + 1;
protected void generateActualChunk(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) {
// what is it build on?
statueBase = randomBase();
// where to start?
int y1 = generator.streetLevel + 1;
chunk.setLayer(y1, curbMaterial);
// what to build?
switch (statueBase) {
case WATER:
// bottom of the fountain...
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 5, y1, brickMaterial, false);
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++)
chunk.setBlock(x + 3, y1, z + 3, brickMaterial);
//TODO the plain bit... later we will take care of the fancy bit
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 6, y1, brickMaterial, false);
// fill with water
if (generator.settings.includeAbovegroundFluids)
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 5, y1, generator.oreProvider.fluidFluidMaterial, true);
case GRASS:
// outer edge
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 6, y1, brickMaterial, false);
// backfill with grass
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 5, y1 - 1, generator.oreProvider.surfaceMaterial, false);
chunk.setBlocks(3, 13, y1 - 1, y1, 4, 12, generator.oreProvider.surfaceMaterial);
chunk.setBlocks(4, 12, y1 - 1, y1, 3, 13, generator.oreProvider.surfaceMaterial);
// pedestal, imagine that!
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 4, y1, brickMaterial, false);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 3, y1, brickMaterial, false);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 3, y1 + 1, brickMaterial, false);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 3, y1 + 2, fenceMaterial, false);
chunk.setBlocks(5, 11, y1, y1 + 2, 5, 11, brickMaterial);
private final static CoverageType[] tallTrees = {
CoverageType.TALL_BIRCH_TREE, CoverageType.TALL_OAK_TREE,
CoverageType.TALL_JUNGLE_TREE, CoverageType.TALL_PINE_TREE};
protected void generateActualBlocks(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) {
// what is it build on?
statueBase = randomBase();
// something got stolen?
boolean somethingInTheCenter = chunkOdds.playOdds(context.oddsOfMissingArt);
// where to start?
int y1 = generator.streetLevel + 2;
// making a fountain?
switch (statueBase) {
case WATER:
// add some water to the mix
if (generator.settings.includeAbovegroundFluids) {
Material liquid = Material.WATER;
if (generator.settings.includeDecayedNature)
liquid = Material.LAVA;
// four little fountains?
if (chunkOdds.flipCoin()) {
chunk.setBlocks(5, y1, y1 + 1 + chunkOdds.getRandomInt(3), 5, liquid);
chunk.setBlocks(5, y1, y1 + 1 + chunkOdds.getRandomInt(3), 10, liquid);
chunk.setBlocks(10, y1, y1 + 1 + chunkOdds.getRandomInt(3), 5, liquid);
chunk.setBlocks(10, y1, y1 + 1 + chunkOdds.getRandomInt(3), 10, liquid);
// water can be art too, you know?
if (chunkOdds.playOdds(context.oddsOfNaturalArt)) {
chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 4 + chunkOdds.getRandomInt(4), 7, 9, liquid);
somethingInTheCenter = false;
case GRASS:
// backfill with grass
for (int x = 4; x < 12; x++) {
for (int z = 4; z < 12; z++) {
if (chunkOdds.playOdds(0.40)) {
generator.coverProvider.generateCoverage(generator, chunk, x, y1, z, CoverageType.GRASS);
// tree can be art too, you know!
if (chunkOdds.playOdds(context.oddsOfNaturalArt)) {
generator.coverProvider.generateRandomCoverage(generator, chunk, 7, y1, 7, tallTrees);
somethingInTheCenter = false;
// no manholes for pedestals, it is just the wrong shape
// if we have not placed something in the center... place a "ART!" like thingy
if (somethingInTheCenter) {
// simple glass or colored blocks?
boolean crystalArt = chunkOdds.playOdds(Odds.oddsLikely);
DyeColor solidColor = chunkOdds.getRandomColor();
boolean multiColorArt = chunkOdds.playOdds(Odds.oddsLikely);
// now the "art"
for (int x = 6; x < 10; x++)
for (int y = y1 + 4; y < y1 + 8; y++)
for (int z = 6; z < 10; z++) {
// pick a color
DyeColor blockColor = multiColorArt ? chunkOdds.getRandomColor() : solidColor;
// place a block
if (chunkOdds.flipCoin())
chunk.setThinGlass(x, y, z, blockColor);
if (crystalArt)
chunk.setGlass(x, y, z, blockColor);
chunk.setWool(x, y, z, blockColor);
// now put the base in
chunk.setBlocks(7, 9, y1, y1 + 5, 7, 9, baseMaterial);
private StatueBase randomBase() {
switch (chunkOdds.getRandomInt(StatueBase.values().length)) {
case 0:
return StatueBase.WATER;
case 1:
return StatueBase.GRASS;
return StatueBase.PEDESTAL;