* Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
package com.liferay.faces.bridge;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseListener;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletMode;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
import javax.portlet.PortletResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletSession;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.faces.Bridge;
import javax.portlet.faces.Bridge.PortletPhase;
import javax.portlet.faces.BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException;
import javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.application.BridgeNavigationHandler;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.application.BridgeNavigationHandlerImpl;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.config.PortletConfigParam;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.container.PortletContainer;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.context.IncongruityContext;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.context.RenderRedirectWriter;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.context.url.BridgeRedirectURL;
import com.liferay.faces.bridge.event.IPCPhaseListener;
import com.liferay.faces.util.lang.StringPool;
import com.liferay.faces.util.logging.Logger;
import com.liferay.faces.util.logging.LoggerFactory;
* @author Neil Griffin
public class BridgePhaseRenderImpl extends BridgePhaseCompat_2_2_Impl {
// Logger
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BridgePhaseRenderImpl.class);
// Private Data Members
private RenderRequest renderRequest;
private RenderResponse renderResponse;
public BridgePhaseRenderImpl(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse,
PortletConfig portletConfig) {
this.renderRequest = renderRequest;
this.renderResponse = renderResponse;
public void execute() throws BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException, BridgeException {
logger.debug("execute(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) portletName=[{0}] portletMode=[{1}]", portletName,
Object renderPartAttribute = renderRequest.getAttribute(RenderRequest.RENDER_PART);
if ((renderPartAttribute != null) && renderPartAttribute.equals(RenderRequest.RENDER_HEADERS)) {
doFacesHeaders(renderRequest, renderResponse);
else {
try {
catch (BridgeException e) {
throw e;
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new BridgeException(t);
finally {
protected void cleanup() {
// If required, cause the BridgeRequestScope to go out-of-scope.
if ((bridgeContext != null) && !bridgeContext.isBridgeRequestScopePreserved()) {
protected void doFacesHeaders(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse) {
logger.trace("doFacesHeaders(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) this=[{0}]", this);
protected void execute(BridgeRedirectURL renderRedirectURL) throws BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException,
BridgeException, IOException {
init(renderRequest, renderResponse, Bridge.PortletPhase.RENDER_PHASE);
// If the portlet mode has not changed, then restore the faces view root and messages that would
// have been saved during the ACTION_PHASE of the portlet lifecycle. Section 5.4.1 requires that the
// BridgeRequestScope must not be restored if there is a change in portlet modes detected.
boolean facesLifecycleExecuted = bridgeRequestScope.isFacesLifecycleExecuted();
if (bridgeRequestScope.isPortletModeChanged()) {
// If a render-redirect URL was specified, then it is necessary to create a new view from the URL and place it
// in the FacesContext.
if (renderRedirectURL != null) {
ViewHandler viewHandler = facesContext.getApplication().getViewHandler();
UIViewRoot uiViewRoot = viewHandler.createView(facesContext, renderRedirectURL.getContextRelativePath());
String viewId = bridgeContext.getFacesViewId();
logger.debug("Performed render-redirect to viewId=[{0}]", viewId);
// NOTE: PROPOSE-FOR-BRIDGE3-API Actually, the proposal would be to REMOVE
// Bridge.IS_POSTBACK_ATTRIBUTE from the Bridge API, because JSF 2.0 introduced the
// FacesContext#isPostBack() method.
// http://javaserverfaces.java.net/nonav/docs/2.0/javadocs/javax/faces/context/FacesContext.html#isPostback()
if (bridgeRequestScope.getBeganInPhase() == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(Bridge.IS_POSTBACK_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);
logger.debug("portletName=[{0}] facesLifecycleExecuted=[{1}]", portletName, facesLifecycleExecuted);
// If the JSF lifecycle executed back in the ACTION_PHASE of the portlet lifecycle, then
if (facesLifecycleExecuted) {
// TCK TestPage054: prpUpdatedFromActionTest
PhaseEvent restoreViewPhaseEvent = new PhaseEvent(facesContext, PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW, facesLifecycle);
PhaseListener[] phaseListeners = facesLifecycle.getPhaseListeners();
for (PhaseListener phaseListener : phaseListeners) {
if (phaseListener instanceof IPCPhaseListener) {
// Otherwise, in accordance with Section 5.2.6 of the Spec, execute the JSF lifecycle so that ONLY the
// RESTORE_VIEW phase executes. Note that this is accomplished by the RenderRequestPhaseListener.
else {
try {
String viewId = bridgeContext.getFacesViewId();
logger.debug("Executing Faces lifecycle for viewId=[{0}]", viewId);
catch (BridgeException e) {
logger.error("Unable to get viewId due to {0}", e.getClass().getSimpleName());
throw e;
// Attach the JSF 2.2 client window to the JSF lifecycle so that Faces Flows can be utilized.
attachClientWindowToLifecycle(facesContext, facesLifecycle);
// Execute the JSF lifecycle.
// If there were any "handled" exceptions queued, then throw a BridgeException.
Throwable handledException = getJSF2HandledException(facesContext);
if (handledException != null) {
throw new BridgeException(handledException);
// Otherwise, if there were any "unhandled" exceptions queued, then throw a BridgeException.
Throwable unhandledException = getJSF2UnhandledException(facesContext);
if (unhandledException != null) {
throw new BridgeException(unhandledException);
// Otherwise, if the PortletMode has changed, and a navigation-rule hasn't yet fired (which could have happened
// in the EVENT_PHASE), then switch to the appropriate PortletMode and navigate to the current viewId in the
// UIViewRoot.
if (bridgeRequestScope.isPortletModeChanged() && !bridgeRequestScope.isNavigationOccurred()) {
BridgeNavigationHandler bridgeNavigationHandler = getBridgeNavigationHandler(facesContext);
PortletMode fromPortletMode = bridgeRequestScope.getPortletMode();
PortletMode toPortletMode = renderRequest.getPortletMode();
bridgeNavigationHandler.handleNavigation(facesContext, fromPortletMode, toPortletMode);
// Determines whether or not lifecycle incongruities should be managed.
boolean manageIncongruities = PortletConfigParam.ManageIncongruities.getBooleanValue(portletConfig);
// Now that we're executing the RENDER_PHASE of the Portlet lifecycle, before the JSF
// RENDER_RESPONSE phase is executed, we have to fix some incongruities between the Portlet
// lifecycle and the JSF lifecycle that may have occurred during the ACTION_PHASE of the Portlet
// lifecycle.
if (manageIncongruities) {
// Execute the RENDER_RESPONSE phase of the faces lifecycle.
logger.debug("Executing Faces render");
// Set the view history according to Section 5.4.3 of the Bridge Spec.
// Spec 6.6 (Namespacing)
indicateNamespacingToConsumers(facesContext.getViewRoot(), renderResponse);
// If a render-redirect occurred, then
Writer writer = bridgeContext.getResponseOutputWriter();
if (bridgeContext.isRenderRedirect()) {
// Cleanup the old FacesContext since a new one will be created in the recursive method call below.
// If the render-redirect standard feature is enabled in web.xml or portlet.xml, then the
// ResponseOutputWriter has buffered up markup that must be discarded. This is because we don't want the
// markup from the original Faces view to be included with the markup of Faces view found in the
// redirect URL.
if (writer instanceof RenderRedirectWriter) {
RenderRedirectWriter responseOutputWriter = (RenderRedirectWriter) writer;
// Recursively call this method with the render-redirect URL so that the RENDER_RESPONSE phase of the
// JSF lifecycle will be re-executed according to the new Faces viewId found in the redirect URL.
// Otherwise,
else {
// In the case that a render-redirect took place, need to render the buffered markup to the response.
if (writer instanceof RenderRedirectWriter) {
RenderRedirectWriter responseOutputWriter = (RenderRedirectWriter) writer;
protected void initBridgeRequestScope(PortletRequest portletRequest, PortletResponse portletResponse,
PortletPhase portletPhase, PortletContainer portletContainer, IncongruityContext incongruityContext) {
super.initBridgeRequestScope(portletRequest, portletResponse, portletPhase, portletContainer,
// If the portlet container does not support the POST-REDIRECT-GET design pattern, then the ACTION_PHASE and
// RENDER_PHASE are both part of a single HTTP POST request. In such cases, the excluded request attributes must
// be pro-actively removed here in the RENDER_PHASE (providing that the bridge request scope was created in the
// ACTION_PHASE). Note that this must take place prior to the FacesContext getting constructed. This is because
// the FacesContextFactory delegation chain might consult a request attribute that is supposed to be excluded.
// This is indeed the case with Apache Trinidad {@link
// org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl.CacheRenderKit} constructor, which
// consults a request attribute named "org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.RequestStateMap" that must first be
// excluded.
if (!portletContainer.isPostRedirectGetSupported() &&
(bridgeRequestScope.getBeganInPhase() == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE)) {
protected BridgeNavigationHandler getBridgeNavigationHandler(FacesContext facesContext) {
BridgeNavigationHandler bridgeNavigationHandler = null;
NavigationHandler navigationHandler = facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
if (navigationHandler instanceof BridgeNavigationHandler) {
bridgeNavigationHandler = (BridgeNavigationHandler) navigationHandler;
else {
bridgeNavigationHandler = new BridgeNavigationHandlerImpl(navigationHandler);
return bridgeNavigationHandler;
* Sets the "javax.portlet.faces.viewIdHistory.<code>portletMode</code>" session attribute according to the
* requirements in Section 5.4.3 of the Bridge Spec. There is no corresponding getter method, because the value is
* meant to be retrieved by developers via an EL expression.
* @param viewId The current Faces viewId.
protected void setViewHistory(String viewId) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String attributeName = buf.toString();
PortletSession portletSession = renderRequest.getPortletSession();
portletSession.setAttribute(attributeName, viewId);