Package org.archive.surt

Source Code of org.archive.surt.SURTTokenizer

*  This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
*  Licensed to the Internet Archive (IA) by one or more individual
*  contributors.
*  The IA licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
*  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
*  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package org.archive.surt;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException;
import org.archive.util.ArchiveUtils;
import org.archive.util.SURT;

* provides iterative Url reduction for prefix matching to find ever coarser
* grained URL-specific configuration. Assumes that a prefix binary search is
* being attempted for each returned value. First value is the entire SURT
* url String, with TAB appended. Second removes CGI ARGs. Then each subsequent
* path segment ('/' separated) is removed. Then the login:password, if present
* is removed. Then the port, if not :80 or omitted on the initial URL. Then
* each subsequent authority segment(. separated) is removed.
* the nextSearch() method will return null, finally, when no broader searches
* can be attempted on the URL.
* @author brad
* @version $Date$, $Revision$
public class SURTTokenizer {

        private final static String EXACT_SUFFIX = "\t";
        private String remainder;
        private boolean triedExact;
        private boolean triedFull;
        private boolean choppedArgs;
        private boolean choppedPath;
        private boolean choppedLogin;
        private boolean choppedPort;
         * constructor
         * @param url String URL
         * @throws URIException
        public SURTTokenizer(final String url) throws URIException {
                remainder = getKey(url,false);
         * update internal state and return the next smaller search string
         * for the url
         * @return string to lookup for prefix match for relevant information.
        public String nextSearch() {
                if(!triedExact) {
                        triedExact = true;
                        //remainder = remainder.substring(0,remainder.length()-1);
                        return remainder + EXACT_SUFFIX;
                if(!triedFull) {
                        triedFull = true;
                        return remainder;
                if(!choppedArgs) {
                        choppedArgs = true;
                        int argStart = remainder.indexOf('?');
                        if(argStart != -1) {
                                remainder = remainder.substring(0,argStart);
                                return remainder;
                if(!choppedPath) {
                        int lastSlash = remainder.lastIndexOf('/');
                        if(lastSlash != -1) {
                                remainder = remainder.substring(0,lastSlash);
                                if(remainder.endsWith(")")) {
                                        remainder = remainder.substring(0,remainder.length()-1);
                                return remainder;
                        choppedPath = true;
                if(!choppedLogin) {
                        choppedLogin = true;
                        int lastAt = remainder.lastIndexOf('@');
                        if(lastAt != -1) {
                                remainder = remainder.substring(0,lastAt);
                                if(remainder.endsWith(",")) {
                                        remainder = remainder.substring(0,remainder.length()-1);
                                return remainder;
                if(!choppedPort) {
                        choppedPort = true;
                        int lastColon = remainder.lastIndexOf(':');
                        if(lastColon != -1) {
                                remainder = remainder.substring(0,lastColon);
                                if(remainder.endsWith(",")) {
                                        remainder = remainder.substring(0,remainder.length()-1);
                                return remainder;
                // now just remove ','s
                int lastComma = remainder.lastIndexOf(',');
                if(lastComma == -1) {
                        return null;
                remainder = remainder.substring(0,lastComma);
                return remainder;
         * @param url
         * @return String SURT which will match exactly argument url
         * @throws URIException
        public static String exactKey(String url) throws URIException {
                return getKey(url,false);

         * @param url
         * @return String SURT which will match urls prefixed with the argument url
         * @throws URIException
        public static String prefixKey(String url) throws URIException {
                return getKey(url,true);
        private static String getKey(String url, boolean prefix)
        throws URIException {

                String key = ArchiveUtils.addImpliedHttpIfNecessary(url);
                UURI uuri = UURIFactory.getInstance(key);
                key = uuri.getScheme() + "://" + uuri.getAuthority() +

                key = SURT.fromURI(key);
                int hashPos = key.indexOf('#');
                if(hashPos != -1) {
                        key = key.substring(0,hashPos);
                if(key.startsWith("http://")) {
                        key = key.substring(7);
                if(prefix) {
                        if(key.endsWith(")/")) {
                                key = key.substring(0,key.length()-2);
                return key;

Related Classes of org.archive.surt.SURTTokenizer

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