package de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.entities;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.ComplexEntityPart;
import org.bukkit.entity.EnderDragon;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.EntityManager;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.EntitySound;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.RemoteEntityType;
public class RemoteEnderDragon extends RemoteAttackingBaseEntity<EnderDragon>
protected boolean m_shouldDestroyBlocks = false;
protected boolean m_normalFly = false;
public RemoteEnderDragon(int inID, EntityManager inManager)
this(inID, null, inManager);
public RemoteEnderDragon(int inID, RemoteEnderDragonEntity inEntity, EntityManager inManager)
super(inID, RemoteEntityType.EnderDragon, inManager);
this.m_entity = inEntity;
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Listener()
public void onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event)
if(event.getEntity() instanceof EnderDragon)
if(event.getEntity() == getBukkitEntity() && !shouldDestroyBlocks())
else if(event.getEntity() instanceof ComplexEntityPart)
if(((ComplexEntityPart)event.getEntity()).getParent() == getBukkitEntity() && !shouldDestroyBlocks())
public boolean move(Location inLocation, double inSpeed)
return true;
* Checks whether it should destroy blocks or not.
* @return True if it should, false if not
public boolean shouldDestroyBlocks()
return this.m_shouldDestroyBlocks;
* Sets whether it should destroy blocks or not.
* @param inState destroy blocks
public void shouldDestroyBlocks(boolean inState)
this.m_shouldDestroyBlocks = inState;
* Gets whether the dragon should continue flying normally (like the default dragon does), or only when told by a plugin call.
* @return True for normal flight, otherwise false
public boolean shouldNormallyFly()
return this.m_normalFly;
* Sets whether the dragon should continue flying normally (like the default dragon does), or only when told by a plugin call.
* @param inState True for normal flight, false for plugin triggered flight
public void shouldNormallyFly(boolean inState)
this.m_normalFly = inState;
public String getNativeEntityName()
return "EnderDragon";
protected void setupSounds()
this.setSound(EntitySound.RANDOM, "mob.enderdragon.growl");
this.setSound(EntitySound.HURT, "mob.enderdragon.hit");