package de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.RemoteEntity;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.RemoteEntityType;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.features.Feature;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.thinking.Behavior;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.api.thinking.DesireItem;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.exceptions.NoNameException;
import de.kumpelblase2.remoteentities.exceptions.NoTypeException;
public class CreateEntityContext
private RemoteEntityType m_type;
private String m_name;
private int m_id;
private Location m_location;
private List<Feature> m_features;
private List<Behavior> m_behaviors;
private final EntityManager m_manager;
private boolean m_stationary = false;
private boolean m_pushable = true;
private double m_speed = -1;
private double m_maxHealth = -1;
private double m_pathfindingRange = -1;
private final List<DesireItem> m_movementDesires;
private final List<DesireItem> m_actionDesires;
CreateEntityContext(EntityManager inManager)
this.m_features = new ArrayList<Feature>();
this.m_behaviors = new ArrayList<Behavior>();
this.m_manager = inManager;
this.m_id = inManager.getNextFreeID();
this.m_actionDesires = new ArrayList<DesireItem>();
this.m_movementDesires = new ArrayList<DesireItem>();
* Sets the type of the entity
* @param inType Type
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withType(RemoteEntityType inType)
this.m_type = inType;
return this;
* Sets the location to spawn at. When the location is null, it won't get spawned.
* @param inLocation Location to spawn at
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext atLocation(Location inLocation)
this.m_location = inLocation;
return this;
* Sets the id of the entity. When the ID is already used, the next free ID will be used.
* That means that you might not get the wanted entity id
* @param inID Id of the entity
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withID(int inID)
this.m_id = inID;
return this;
* Sets the name of the entity
* @param inName Name
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withName(String inName)
this.m_name = inName;
return this;
* Features that the entity should have on creation
* @param inFeatures Features
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withFeatures(Feature... inFeatures)
return this;
* Behaviors that the entity should have on creation
* @param inBehaviors Behaviors
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withBehaviors(Behavior... inBehaviors)
return this;
* Sets the stationary status on creation
* @param inStationary Stationary
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext asStationary(boolean inStationary)
this.m_stationary = inStationary;
return this;
* Sets the pushable status on creation
* @param inPushable Pushable
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext asPushable(boolean inPushable)
this.m_pushable = inPushable;
return this;
* Sets the speed on creation
* @param inSpeed Speed
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withSpeed(double inSpeed)
this.m_speed = inSpeed;
return this;
* Sets the max health on creation
* @param inMaxHealth Max Health
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withMaxHealth(double inMaxHealth)
this.m_maxHealth = inMaxHealth;
return this;
* Sets the initial movement desires
* @param inDesires movement desires
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withMovementDesires(DesireItem... inDesires)
return this;
* Sets the initial action desires
* @param inDesires action desires
* @return Context
public CreateEntityContext withActionDesires(DesireItem... inDesires)
return this;
* Sets the initial pathfinding range
* @param inRange the range
* @return context
public CreateEntityContext withPathfindingRange(double inRange)
this.m_pathfindingRange = inRange;
return this;
* Creates the entity with the earlier specified parameters
* @return Created entity
* @throws NoTypeException When no type is specified
* @throws NoNameException When no name is specified while trying to spawn a named entity
* @throws InternalError When an error occurred during creation process
public RemoteEntity create()
RemoteEntity created;
if(this.m_type == null)
throw new NoTypeException();
this.m_id = this.m_manager.getNextFreeID(this.m_id);
if(this.m_name == null)
throw new NoNameException("Tried to spawn a named entity without name");
created = this.m_manager.createNamedEntity(this.m_type, this.m_id, this.m_name);
created = this.m_manager.createEntity(this.m_type, this.m_id);
if(created == null)
throw new InternalError("Was not able to create entity with given type and id. Type was " + this.m_type + " and id " + this.m_id);
for(Feature feature : this.m_features)
for(Behavior behavior : this.m_behaviors)
for(DesireItem desire : this.m_movementDesires)
created.getMind().addMovementDesire(desire.getDesire(), desire.getPriority());
for(DesireItem desire : this.m_actionDesires)
created.getMind().addTargetingDesire(desire.getDesire(), desire.getPriority());
if(this.m_speed != -1)
if(this.m_location != null)
if(this.m_maxHealth != -1 && created.getBukkitEntity() != null)
if(this.m_pathfindingRange != -1)
return created;