* Copyright 2004-2006 Stefan Reuter
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.asteriskjava.live.internal;
import java.util.*;
import org.asteriskjava.live.AsteriskChannel;
import org.asteriskjava.live.AsteriskQueueEntry;
import org.asteriskjava.live.CallDetailRecord;
import org.asteriskjava.live.CallerId;
import org.asteriskjava.live.ChannelState;
import org.asteriskjava.live.ChannelStateHistoryEntry;
import org.asteriskjava.live.DialedChannelHistoryEntry;
import org.asteriskjava.live.Extension;
import org.asteriskjava.live.ExtensionHistoryEntry;
import org.asteriskjava.live.HangupCause;
import org.asteriskjava.live.LinkedChannelHistoryEntry;
import org.asteriskjava.live.ManagerCommunicationException;
import org.asteriskjava.live.NoSuchChannelException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.AbsoluteTimeoutAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.ChangeMonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.GetVarAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.HangupAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.MonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.PauseMixMonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.PauseMonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.PlayDtmfAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.RedirectAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.SetVarAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.StopMonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.UnpauseMonitorAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.response.ManagerError;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.response.ManagerResponse;
import org.asteriskjava.util.MixMonitorDirection;
* Default implementation of the AsteriskChannel interface.
* @author srt
* @version $Id$
class AsteriskChannelImpl extends AbstractLiveObject implements AsteriskChannel
private static final String CAUSE_VARIABLE_NAME = "PRI_CAUSE";
* Unique id of this channel.
private String id;
* The traceId is used to trace originated channels.
private String traceId;
* Date this channel has been created.
private final Date dateOfCreation;
* Date this channel has left the Asterisk server.
private Date dateOfRemoval;
* Name of this channel.
private String name;
* Caller*ID of this channel.
private CallerId callerId;
* State of this channel.
private ChannelState state;
* Account code used to bill this channel.
private String account;
private final List<ExtensionHistoryEntry> extensionHistory;
private final List<ChannelStateHistoryEntry> stateHistory;
private final List<LinkedChannelHistoryEntry> linkedChannelHistory;
private final List<DialedChannelHistoryEntry> dialedChannelHistory;
private AsteriskChannel dialedChannel;
private AsteriskChannel dialingChannel;
* If this channel is bridged to another channel, the linkedChannel contains
* the channel this channel is bridged with.
private AsteriskChannel linkedChannel;
* Indicates if this channel was linked to another channel at least once.
private boolean wasLinked;
private HangupCause hangupCause;
private String hangupCauseText;
private CallDetailRecordImpl callDetailRecord;
* MeetMe room user associated with this channel if any, <code>null</code>
* otherwise.
private MeetMeUserImpl meetMeUserImpl;
* Queue entry associated with this channel if any, <code>null</code>
* otherwise.
private AsteriskQueueEntryImpl queueEntryImpl;
* Extension where the call is parked if it is parked, <code>null</code>
* otherwise.
private Extension parkedAt;
* Last dtmf digit recieved on this channel if any, <code>null</code> otherwise.
private Character dtmfReceived;
* Last dtmf digit sent on this channel if any, <code>null</code> otherwise.
private Character dtmfSent;
private final Map<String, String> variables;
* Creates a new Channel.
* @param server server this channel belongs to.
* @param name name of this channel, for example "SIP/1310-20da".
* @param id unique id of this channel, for example "1099015093.165".
* @param dateOfCreation date this channel has been created.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the parameters are null.
AsteriskChannelImpl(final AsteriskServerImpl server, final String name, final String id, final Date dateOfCreation)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (server == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'server' passed to AsteriskChannelImpl() must not be null.");
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'name' passed to AsteriskChannelImpl() must not be null.");
if (id == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'id' passed to AsteriskChannelImpl() must not be null.");
if (dateOfCreation == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'dateOfCreation' passed to AsteriskChannelImpl() must not be null.");
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
this.dateOfCreation = dateOfCreation;
this.extensionHistory = new ArrayList<ExtensionHistoryEntry>();
this.stateHistory = new ArrayList<ChannelStateHistoryEntry>();
this.linkedChannelHistory = new ArrayList<LinkedChannelHistoryEntry>();
this.dialedChannelHistory = new ArrayList<DialedChannelHistoryEntry>();
this.variables = new HashMap<String, String>();
public String getId()
return id;
* Changes the id of this channel.
* @param date date of the name change.
* @param id the new unique id of this channel.
void idChanged(Date date, String id)
final String oldId = this.id;
if (oldId != null && oldId.equals(id))
this.id = id;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_ID, oldId, id);
String getTraceId()
return traceId;
void setTraceId(String traceId)
this.traceId = traceId;
public String getName()
return name;
* Changes the name of this channel.
* @param date date of the name change.
* @param name the new name of this channel.
void nameChanged(Date date, String name)
final String oldName = this.name;
if (oldName != null && oldName.equals(name))
this.name = name;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_NAME, oldName, name);
public CallerId getCallerId()
return callerId;
* Sets the caller id of this channel.
* @param callerId the caller id of this channel.
void setCallerId(final CallerId callerId)
final CallerId oldCallerId = this.callerId;
this.callerId = callerId;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_CALLER_ID, oldCallerId, callerId);
public ChannelState getState()
return state;
public boolean wasInState(ChannelState state)
synchronized (stateHistory)
for (ChannelStateHistoryEntry historyEntry : stateHistory)
if (historyEntry.getState() == state)
return true;
return false;
public boolean wasBusy()
return wasInState(ChannelState.BUSY)
|| hangupCause == HangupCause.AST_CAUSE_BUSY
|| hangupCause == HangupCause.AST_CAUSE_USER_BUSY;
* Changes the state of this channel.
* @param date when the state change occurred.
* @param state the new state of this channel.
synchronized void stateChanged(Date date, ChannelState state)
final ChannelStateHistoryEntry historyEntry;
final ChannelState oldState = this.state;
if (oldState == state)
// System.err.println(id + " state change: " + oldState + " => " + state
// + " (" + name + ")");
historyEntry = new ChannelStateHistoryEntry(date, state);
synchronized (stateHistory)
this.state = state;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_STATE, oldState, state);
public String getAccount()
return account;
* Sets the account code used to bill this channel.
* @param account the account code used to bill this channel.
void setAccount(String account)
final String oldAccount = this.account;
this.account = account;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_ACCOUNT, oldAccount, account);
public Extension getCurrentExtension()
final Extension extension;
synchronized (extensionHistory)
if (extensionHistory.isEmpty())
extension = null;
extension = extensionHistory.get(extensionHistory.size() - 1).getExtension();
return extension;
public Extension getFirstExtension()
final Extension extension;
synchronized (extensionHistory)
if (extensionHistory.isEmpty())
extension = null;
extension = extensionHistory.get(0).getExtension();
return extension;
public List<ExtensionHistoryEntry> getExtensionHistory()
final List<ExtensionHistoryEntry> copy;
synchronized (extensionHistory)
copy = new ArrayList<ExtensionHistoryEntry>(extensionHistory);
return copy;
* Adds a visted dialplan entry to the history.
* @param date the date the extension has been visited.
* @param extension the visted dialplan entry to add.
void extensionVisited(Date date, Extension extension)
final Extension oldCurrentExtension = getCurrentExtension();
final ExtensionHistoryEntry historyEntry;
historyEntry = new ExtensionHistoryEntry(date, extension);
synchronized (extensionHistory)
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_CURRENT_EXTENSION, oldCurrentExtension, extension);
public Date getDateOfCreation()
return dateOfCreation;
public Date getDateOfRemoval()
return dateOfRemoval;
public HangupCause getHangupCause()
return hangupCause;
public String getHangupCauseText()
return hangupCauseText;
public CallDetailRecord getCallDetailRecord()
return callDetailRecord;
void callDetailRecordReceived(Date date, CallDetailRecordImpl callDetailRecord)
final CallDetailRecordImpl oldCallDetailRecord = this.callDetailRecord;
this.callDetailRecord = callDetailRecord;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_CALL_DETAIL_RECORD, oldCallDetailRecord, callDetailRecord);
* Sets dateOfRemoval, hangupCause and hangupCauseText and changes state to
* {@link ChannelState#HUNGUP}. Fires a PropertyChangeEvent for state.
* @param dateOfRemoval date the channel was hung up
* @param hangupCause cause for hangup
* @param hangupCauseText textual representation of hangup cause
synchronized void hungup(Date dateOfRemoval, HangupCause hangupCause, String hangupCauseText)
this.dateOfRemoval = dateOfRemoval;
this.hangupCause = hangupCause;
this.hangupCauseText = hangupCauseText;
// update state and fire PropertyChangeEvent
stateChanged(dateOfRemoval, ChannelState.HUNGUP);
/* dialed channels */
public AsteriskChannel getDialedChannel()
return dialedChannel;
public List<DialedChannelHistoryEntry> getDialedChannelHistory()
final List<DialedChannelHistoryEntry> copy;
synchronized (linkedChannelHistory)
copy = new ArrayList<DialedChannelHistoryEntry>(dialedChannelHistory);
return copy;
synchronized void channelDialed(Date date, AsteriskChannel dialedChannel)
final AsteriskChannel oldDialedChannel = this.dialedChannel;
final DialedChannelHistoryEntry historyEntry;
historyEntry = new DialedChannelHistoryEntry(date, dialedChannel);
synchronized (dialedChannelHistory)
this.dialedChannel = dialedChannel;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DIALED_CHANNEL, oldDialedChannel, dialedChannel);
/* dialed channels */
public AsteriskChannel getDialingChannel()
return dialingChannel;
synchronized void channelDialing(Date date, AsteriskChannel dialingChannel)
final AsteriskChannel oldDialingChannel = this.dialingChannel;
this.dialingChannel = dialingChannel;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DIALING_CHANNEL, oldDialingChannel, dialingChannel);
/* linked channels */
public AsteriskChannel getLinkedChannel()
return linkedChannel;
public List<LinkedChannelHistoryEntry> getLinkedChannelHistory()
final List<LinkedChannelHistoryEntry> copy;
synchronized (linkedChannelHistory)
copy = new ArrayList<LinkedChannelHistoryEntry>(linkedChannelHistory);
return copy;
public boolean wasLinked()
return wasLinked;
* Sets the channel this channel is bridged with.
* @param date the date this channel was linked.
* @param linkedChannel the channel this channel is bridged with.
synchronized void channelLinked(Date date, AsteriskChannel linkedChannel)
final AsteriskChannel oldLinkedChannel = this.linkedChannel;
final LinkedChannelHistoryEntry historyEntry;
historyEntry = new LinkedChannelHistoryEntry(date, linkedChannel);
synchronized (linkedChannelHistory)
this.linkedChannel = linkedChannel;
this.wasLinked = true;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_LINKED_CHANNEL, oldLinkedChannel, linkedChannel);
synchronized void channelUnlinked(Date date)
final AsteriskChannel oldLinkedChannel = this.linkedChannel;
final LinkedChannelHistoryEntry historyEntry;
synchronized (linkedChannelHistory)
if (linkedChannelHistory.isEmpty())
historyEntry = null;
historyEntry = linkedChannelHistory.get(linkedChannelHistory.size() - 1);
if (historyEntry != null)
this.linkedChannel = null;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_LINKED_CHANNEL, oldLinkedChannel, null);
/* MeetMe user */
public MeetMeUserImpl getMeetMeUser()
return meetMeUserImpl;
void setMeetMeUserImpl(MeetMeUserImpl meetMeUserImpl)
final MeetMeUserImpl oldMeetMeUserImpl = this.meetMeUserImpl;
this.meetMeUserImpl = meetMeUserImpl;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_MEET_ME_USER, oldMeetMeUserImpl, meetMeUserImpl);
// action methods
public void hangup() throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
public void hangup(HangupCause cause) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
final HangupAction action;
final ManagerResponse response;
if (cause != null)
setVariable(CAUSE_VARIABLE_NAME, Integer.toString(cause.getCode()));
action = new HangupAction(name, cause.getCode());
action = new HangupAction(name);
response = server.sendAction(action);
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void setAbsoluteTimeout(int seconds) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new AbsoluteTimeoutAction(name, seconds));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void redirect(String context, String exten, int priority) throws ManagerCommunicationException,
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new RedirectAction(name, context, exten, priority));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void redirectBothLegs(String context, String exten, int priority) throws ManagerCommunicationException,
ManagerResponse response;
if (linkedChannel == null)
response = server.sendAction(new RedirectAction(name, context, exten, priority));
response = server.sendAction(new RedirectAction(name, linkedChannel.getName(), context, exten, priority,
context, exten, priority));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public String getVariable(String variable) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
String value;
synchronized (variables)
value = variables.get(variable);
if (value != null)
return value;
response = server.sendAction(new GetVarAction(name, variable));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
value = response.getAttribute("Value");
if (value == null)
value = response.getAttribute(variable); // for Asterisk 1.0.x
variables.put(variable, value);
return value;
public void setVariable(String variable, String value) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new SetVarAction(name, variable, value));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
synchronized (variables)
variables.put(variable, value);
public void playDtmf(String digit) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException, IllegalArgumentException
ManagerResponse response;
if (digit == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DTMF digit to send must not be null");
response = server.sendAction(new PlayDtmfAction(name, digit));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void startMonitoring(String filename) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
startMonitoring(filename, null, false);
public void startMonitoring(String filename, String format) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
startMonitoring(filename, format, false);
public void startMonitoring(String filename, String format, boolean mix) throws ManagerCommunicationException,
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new MonitorAction(name, filename, format, mix));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void changeMonitoring(String filename) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException, IllegalArgumentException
ManagerResponse response;
if (filename == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("New filename must not be null");
response = server.sendAction(new ChangeMonitorAction(name, filename));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void stopMonitoring() throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new StopMonitorAction(name));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void pauseMonitoring() throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new PauseMonitorAction(name));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void unpauseMonitoring() throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new UnpauseMonitorAction(name));
if (response instanceof ManagerError)
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void pauseMixMonitor(MixMonitorDirection direction) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new PauseMixMonitorAction(this.name,1,direction.getStateName()));
if (response instanceof ManagerError) {
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public void unPauseMixMonitor(MixMonitorDirection direction) throws ManagerCommunicationException, NoSuchChannelException
ManagerResponse response;
response = server.sendAction(new PauseMixMonitorAction(this.name,0,direction.getStateName()));
if (response instanceof ManagerError) {
throw new NoSuchChannelException("Channel '" + name + "' is not available: " + response.getMessage());
public Extension getParkedAt()
// warning: the context of this extension will be null until we get the context property from
// the parked call event!
return parkedAt;
void updateVariable(String name, String value)
synchronized (variables)
// final String oldValue = variables.get(name);
variables.put(name, value);
// TODO add notification for updated channel variables
public Map<String, String> getVariables()
synchronized (variables)
return new HashMap<String, String>(variables);
public Character getDtmfReceived()
return this.dtmfReceived;
public Character getDtmfSent()
return this.dtmfSent;
void dtmfReceived(Character digit)
final Character oldDtmfReceived = this.dtmfReceived;
this.dtmfReceived = digit;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DTMF_RECEIVED, oldDtmfReceived, digit);
void dtmfSent(Character digit)
final Character oldDtmfSent = this.dtmfSent;
this.dtmfSent = digit;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DTMF_SENT, oldDtmfSent, digit);
void setParkedAt(Extension parkedAt)
final Extension oldParkedAt = this.parkedAt;
this.parkedAt = parkedAt;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PARKED_AT, oldParkedAt, parkedAt);
public AsteriskQueueEntryImpl getQueueEntry()
return queueEntryImpl;
void setQueueEntry(AsteriskQueueEntryImpl queueEntry)
final AsteriskQueueEntry oldQueueEntry = this.queueEntryImpl;
this.queueEntryImpl = queueEntry;
firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_QUEUE_ENTRY, oldQueueEntry, queueEntry);
public String toString()
final StringBuffer sb;
final AsteriskChannel dialedChannel;
final AsteriskChannel dialingChannel;
final AsteriskChannel linkedChannel;
sb = new StringBuffer("AsteriskChannel[");
synchronized (this)
dialedChannel = this.dialedChannel;
dialingChannel = this.dialingChannel;
linkedChannel = this.linkedChannel;
if (dialedChannel == null)
synchronized (dialedChannel)
if (dialingChannel == null)
synchronized (dialingChannel)
if (linkedChannel == null)
synchronized (linkedChannel)
return sb.toString();