package org.asteriskjava.config.dialplan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.asteriskjava.config.ConfigElement;
import org.asteriskjava.config.ConfigFileReader;
import org.asteriskjava.config.ConfigParseException;
import org.asteriskjava.config.ConfigVariable;
* Interprets extensions.conf as a special kind of config file, the dialplan.
* - Line numbers correspond with pbx_config.c, tags/1.4.19 revision 96024
public class ExtensionsConfigFileReader extends ConfigFileReader
* This method corresponds to an iteration of the loop at line 2212 Notes:
* 1. [general] and [globals] are allowed to be a context here if they contain only configvariables
* 2. switch and ignorepat are treated like regular ConfigVariable.
protected ConfigElement processTextLine(String configfile, int lineno, String line) throws ConfigParseException
ConfigElement configElement;
(line.trim().startsWith("exten") || line.trim().startsWith("include")) &&
currentCategory != null &&
(currentCategory.getName().equals("general") || currentCategory.getName().equals("globals"))
throw new ConfigParseException(configfile, lineno, "cannot have 'exten' or 'include' in global or general sections");
* Goal here is to break out anything unique that we might want to
* look at and parse separately. For now, only exten and include fit
* that criteria. Eventually, I could see parsing sections for things
* from macros, contexts to differentiate them from categories, switch
* for realtime, and more.
if (line.trim().startsWith("exten"))
configElement = parseExtension(configfile, lineno, line);
return configElement;
else if(line.trim().startsWith("include"))
// use parseVariable since we have access to it
ConfigVariable configvar = parseVariable(configfile, lineno, line);
configElement = new ConfigInclude(configfile, lineno, configvar.getValue());
return configElement;
// leave everything else the same
configElement = super.processTextLine(configfile, lineno, line);
return configElement;
/* Roughly corresponds to pbx_config.c:2222 */
protected ConfigExtension parseExtension(String configfile, int lineno, String line) throws ConfigParseException
ConfigVariable initialVariable = parseVariable(configfile, lineno, line);
throw new ConfigParseException(configfile, lineno, "missing 'exten' near " + line);
line = initialVariable.getValue().trim();
int nameIndex = line.indexOf(",", 0);
if(nameIndex == -1)
throw new ConfigParseException(configfile, lineno, "missing extension name near " + line);
String name = line.substring(0, nameIndex);
line = line.substring(name.length()+1, line.length()).trim();
int priorityDelimiter = line.indexOf(",", 0);
if(priorityDelimiter == -1)
throw new ConfigParseException(configfile, lineno, "missing extension priority near " + line);
String priority = line.substring(0, priorityDelimiter);
line = line.substring(priority.length()+1, line.length()).trim();
String [] application = harvestApplicationWithArguments(line);
return new ConfigExtension(configfile,lineno,name,priority,application);
/* Roughly corresponds to pbx_config.c:2276 */
private static String [] harvestApplicationWithArguments(String arg)
List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
if(args != null && arg.trim().length() >= 0)
String appl = "", data = "";
/* Find the first occurrence of either '(' or ',' */
int firstc = arg.indexOf(',');
int firstp = arg.indexOf('(');
if (firstc != -1 && (firstp == -1 || firstc < firstp)) {
/* comma found, no parenthesis */
/* or both found, but comma found first */
String [] split = arg.split(",");
appl = split[0];
for(int i = 1; i < split.length; i++)
data += split[i] + (i+1<split.length?",":"");
} else if (firstc == -1 && firstp == -1) {
/* Neither found */
data = "";
} else {
/* Final remaining case is parenthesis found first */
String [] split = arg.split("\\(");
appl = split[0];
for(int i = 1; i < split.length; i++)
data += split[i] + (i+1<split.length?"(":"");
int end = data.lastIndexOf(')');
if (end == -1) {
//ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No closing parenthesis found? '%s(%s'\n", appl, data);
} else if(end == data.length()-1) {
data = data.substring(0, end);
data = processQuotesAndSlashes(data, ',', '|');
String [] dataSplit = data.split("\\|");
for (String aDataSplit : dataSplit)
return args.toArray(new String[args.size()]);
public ExtensionsConfigFile readExtensionsFile(String configfile) throws IOException, ConfigParseException
/* at some point, we may want to resolve back references */
/* that include or goto from one context to another */
return new ExtensionsConfigFile(configfile, categories);
/* ast_process_quotes_and_slashes rewritten to be java friendly */
private static String processQuotesAndSlashes(String start, char find, char replace_with)
String dataPut = "";
int inEscape = 0;
int inQuotes = 0;
char [] startChars = start.toCharArray();
for (char startChar : startChars)
if (inEscape != 0)
dataPut += startChar; /* Always goes verbatim */
inEscape = 0;
if (startChar == '\\')
inEscape = 1; /* Do not copy \ into the data */
else if (startChar == '\'')
inQuotes = 1 - inQuotes; /* Do not copy ' into the data */
/* Replace , with |, unless in quotes */
dataPut += inQuotes != 0 ? startChar : ((startChar == find) ? replace_with : startChar);
return dataPut;