// This file is part of MongoMVCC.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Fraunhofer IGD
// MongoMVCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// MongoMVCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with MongoMVCC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.VBranch;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.VCollection;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.VException;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.VLargeCollection;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.helper.IdMap;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.helper.IdMapIterator;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.helper.IdSet;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.helper.IdSetIterator;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.internal.Commit;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.internal.CompatibilityHelper;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.internal.Index;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.internal.MongoDBConstants;
import de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.internal.Tree;
* <p>Implementation of {@link VBranch} for MongoDB. Each
* thread owns an index and a head of the branch/commit it has checked out.
* This ensures isolation. If two threads try to create a commit with the
* same head, the {@link #commit()} method will fail. The rule is: come first,
* serve first.</p>
* <p><strong>Thread-safety:</strong> this class is thread-safe. Instances
* can be shared between threads, but each thread has its own index and head.</p>
* @author Michel Kraemer
public class MongoDBVBranch implements VBranch {
* The head of this branch. A thread-local variable since objects of
* this class can be shared between threads.
private final ThreadLocal<Commit> _head = new ThreadLocal<Commit>();
* The index. Provides access to all objects from the currently
* checked out branch/commit and stores information on dirty objects.
private final ThreadLocal<Index> _index = new ThreadLocal<Index>();
* Holds the query object for the current head. A query object is used to
* limit the number of objects transferred from the database.
private final ThreadLocal<Map<String, Object>> _currentQueryObject =
new ThreadLocal<Map<String, Object>>();
* The branch's name (may be null)
private final String _name;
* The CID of the branch's root
private final long _rootCid;
* The tree of commits
private final Tree _tree;
* The database object
private final MongoDBVDatabase _db;
* Constructs a new branch object (not the branch itself)
* @param name the branch's name (may be null for unnamed branches)
* @param rootCid the CID of the branch's root
* @param tree the tree of commits
* @param db the database object
public MongoDBVBranch(String name, long rootCid, Tree tree, MongoDBVDatabase db) {
_name = name;
_rootCid = rootCid;
_tree = tree;
_db = db;
* @return the thread-local head of this branch
private Commit getHeadCommit() {
Commit r = _head.get();
if (r == null) {
if (_name != null) {
r = _tree.resolveBranch(_name);
} else {
r = _tree.resolveCommit(_rootCid);
return r;
private Map<String, Object> makeQueryObject() {
BasicDBList l = new BasicDBList();
String lba = MongoDBConstants.LIFETIME + "." + getRootCid();
String iba = MongoDBConstants.LIFETIME + ".i" + getRootCid();
//(1) check if there is information about the document's insertion
// available. if not just include this object.
// TODO this condition must be removed once we know the whole branching history
l.add(new BasicDBObject(iba, new BasicDBObject("$exists", false)));
if (!CompatibilityHelper.supportsAnd(getDB())) {
//(2) check if the object has been deleted after this commit.
// we use a $not here, so the query will also return 'true' if
// the attribute is not set.
l.add(new BasicDBObject(lba, new BasicDBObject("$not",
new BasicDBObject("$lte", getHead()))));
} else {
BasicDBList l2 = new BasicDBList();
//(2) check if the object has been inserted in this commit or later
l2.add(new BasicDBObject(iba, new BasicDBObject("$lte", getHead())));
//(3) check if the object has been deleted after this commit.
// we use a $not here, so the query will also return 'true' if
// the attribute is not set.
l2.add(new BasicDBObject(lba, new BasicDBObject("$not",
new BasicDBObject("$lte", getHead()))));
l.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", l2));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(new BasicDBObject("$or", l));
* @return a query object which limits the number of objects returned
* by accessing their lifetime information
public Map<String, Object> getQueryObject() {
Map<String, Object> r = _currentQueryObject.get();
if (r == null) {
r = makeQueryObject();
return r;
* Updates the thread-local head of the currently checked out branch/commit
* @param newHead the new head
private void updateHead(Commit newHead) {
public long getHead() {
return getHeadCommit().getCID();
public VCollection getCollection(String name) {
return new MongoDBVCollection(_db.getDB().getCollection(name), this, _db.getCounter());
public VLargeCollection getLargeCollection(String name) {
DB db = _db.getDB();
return new MongoDBVLargeCollection(db.getCollection(name),
new GridFS(db, name), this, _db.getCounter());
* Gets or creates a database collection that can handle large
* objects (BLOBs) and uses a given access strategy.
* @param name the collection's name
* @param accessStrategy the strategy used to access large objects
* @return the collection (never null)
public VLargeCollection getLargeCollection(String name, AccessStrategy accessStrategy) {
DB db = _db.getDB();
return new MongoDBVLargeCollection(db.getCollection(name), new GridFS(db, name),
this, _db.getCounter(), accessStrategy);
* @return the index. The index provides access to all objects from
* the currently checked out branch/commit and stores information on
* dirty objects.
public Index getIndex() {
Index r = _index.get();
if (r == null) {
r = new Index(getHeadCommit(), _tree);
return r;
* @return the database from which this branch has been checked out
public MongoDBVDatabase getDB() {
return _db;
* @return the CID of this branch's root
public long getRootCid() {
return _rootCid;
public long commit() {
Index idx = getIndex();
//clone dirty objects because we clear them below
Map<String, IdMap> dos = new HashMap<String, IdMap>(idx.getDirtyObjects());
Commit head = getHeadCommit();
Commit c = new Commit(_db.getCounter().getNextId(), head.getCID(), _rootCid, dos);
//mark deleted objects as deleted in the database
DB db = _db.getDB();
String lifetimeAttr = MongoDBConstants.LIFETIME + "." + getRootCid();
for (Map.Entry<String, IdSet> e : idx.getDeletedOids().entrySet()) {
DBCollection dbc = db.getCollection(e.getKey());
IdSetIterator li = e.getValue().iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
long oid = li.next();
//save the CID of the commit where the object has been deleted
dbc.update(new BasicDBObject(MongoDBConstants.ID, oid), new BasicDBObject("$set",
new BasicDBObject(lifetimeAttr, head.getCID())));
//mark dirty objects as inserted
String instimeAttr = MongoDBConstants.LIFETIME + ".i" + getRootCid();
for (Map.Entry<String, IdMap> e : dos.entrySet()) {
DBCollection dbc = db.getCollection(e.getKey());
IdMap m = e.getValue();
IdMapIterator li = m.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
long oid = li.value();
if (oid == -1) {
//the document has been inserted and then deleted again
//do not save time of insertion
//save the CID of the commit where the object has been inserted
dbc.update(new BasicDBObject(MongoDBConstants.ID, oid), new BasicDBObject("$set",
new BasicDBObject(instimeAttr, head.getCID())));
//reset index
//if we fail below, the commit has already been performed and the
//index is clear. failing below simply means the named branch's
//head could not be updated. If the caller wants to keep the commit
//he/she just has to create a new named branch based on this
//branch's head.
//update named branch's head
if (_name != null) {
//synchronize the following part, because we first resolve the branch
//and then update it
synchronized (this) {
//check for conflicts (i.e. if another thread has already updated the branch's head)
if (_tree.resolveBranch(_name).getCID() != c.getParentCID()) {
throw new VException("Branch " + _name + " has already been " +
"updated by another commit");
_tree.updateBranchHead(_name, c.getCID());
return c.getCID();
public void rollback() {
//simply reset the whole index