package net.thegreshams.firebase4j.service;
import java.util.Map;
import net.thegreshams.firebase4j.error.FirebaseException;
import net.thegreshams.firebase4j.error.JacksonUtilityException;
import net.thegreshams.firebase4j.model.FirebaseResponse;
import net.thegreshams.firebase4j.util.JacksonUtility;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Firebase {
protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getRootLogger();
public static final String FIREBASE_API_JSON_EXTENSION
= ".json";
private final String baseUrl;
public Firebase( String baseUrl ) throws FirebaseException {
if( baseUrl == null || baseUrl.trim().isEmpty() ) {
String msg = "baseUrl cannot be null or empty; was: '" + baseUrl + "'";
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg );
this.baseUrl = baseUrl.trim(); "intialized with base-url: " + this.baseUrl );
* GETs data from the base-url.
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse get() throws FirebaseException {
return this.get( null );
* GETs data from the provided-path relative to the base-url.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to the base-url
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse get( String path ) throws FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpGet request = new HttpGet( url );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.GET, httpResponse );
return response;
* PUTs data to the base-url (ie: creates or overwrites).
* If there is already data at the base-url, this data overwrites it.
* If data is null/empty, any data existing at the base-url is deleted.
* @param data -- can be null/empty
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link JacksonUtilityException}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse put( Map<String, Object> data ) throws JacksonUtilityException, FirebaseException {
return this.put( null, data );
* PUTs data to the provided-path relative to the base-url (ie: creates or overwrites).
* If there is already data at the path, this data overwrites it.
* If data is null/empty, any data existing at the path is deleted.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to base-url
* @param data -- can be null/empty
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link JacksonUtilityException}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse put( String path, Map<String, Object> data ) throws JacksonUtilityException, FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpPut request = new HttpPut( url );
request.setEntity( this.buildEntityFromDataMap( data ) );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.PUT, httpResponse );
return response;
* PUTs data to the provided-path relative to the base-url (ie: creates or overwrites).
* If there is already data at the path, this data overwrites it.
* If data is null/empty, any data existing at the path is deleted.
* @param jsonData -- can be null/empty
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse put( String jsonData ) throws FirebaseException {
return this.put( null, jsonData );
* PUTs data to the provided-path relative to the base-url (ie: creates or overwrites).
* If there is already data at the path, this data overwrites it.
* If data is null/empty, any data existing at the path is deleted.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to base-url
* @param jsonData -- can be null/empty
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse put( String path, String jsonData ) throws FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpPut request = new HttpPut( url );
request.setEntity( this.buildEntityFromJsonData( jsonData ) );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.PUT, httpResponse );
return response;
* POSTs data to the base-url (ie: creates).
* NOTE: the Firebase API does not treat this method in the conventional way, but instead defines it
* as 'PUSH'; the API will insert this data under the base-url but associated with a Firebase-
* generated key; thus, every use of this method will result in a new insert even if the data already
* exists.
* @param data -- can be null/empty but will result in no data being POSTed
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link JacksonUtilityException}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse post( Map<String, Object> data ) throws JacksonUtilityException, FirebaseException {
return null, data );
* POSTs data to the provided-path relative to the base-url (ie: creates).
* NOTE: the Firebase API does not treat this method in the conventional way, but instead defines it
* as 'PUSH'; the API will insert this data under the provided path but associated with a Firebase-
* generated key; thus, every use of this method will result in a new insert even if the provided path
* and data already exist.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to base-url
* @param data -- can be null/empty but will result in no data being POSTed
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link JacksonUtilityException}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse post( String path, Map<String, Object> data ) throws JacksonUtilityException, FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpPost request = new HttpPost( url );
request.setEntity( this.buildEntityFromDataMap( data ) );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.POST, httpResponse );
return response;
* POSTs data to the base-url (ie: creates).
* NOTE: the Firebase API does not treat this method in the conventional way, but instead defines it
* as 'PUSH'; the API will insert this data under the base-url but associated with a Firebase-
* generated key; thus, every use of this method will result in a new insert even if the provided data
* already exists.
* @param jsonData -- can be null/empty but will result in no data being POSTed
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse post( String jsonData ) throws FirebaseException {
return null, jsonData );
* POSTs data to the provided-path relative to the base-url (ie: creates).
* NOTE: the Firebase API does not treat this method in the conventional way, but instead defines it
* as 'PUSH'; the API will insert this data under the provided path but associated with a Firebase-
* generated key; thus, every use of this method will result in a new insert even if the provided path
* and data already exist.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to base-url
* @param jsonData -- can be null/empty but will result in no data being POSTed
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse post( String path, String jsonData ) throws FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpPost request = new HttpPost( url );
request.setEntity( this.buildEntityFromJsonData( jsonData ) );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.POST, httpResponse );
return response;
* DELETEs data from the base-url.
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse delete() throws FirebaseException {
return this.delete( null );
* DELETEs data from the provided-path relative to the base-url.
* @param path -- if null/empty, refers to the base-url
* @return {@link FirebaseResponse}
* @throws {@link FirebaseException}
public FirebaseResponse delete( String path ) throws FirebaseException {
// make the request
String url = this.buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( path );
HttpDelete request = new HttpDelete( url );
HttpResponse httpResponse = this.makeRequest( request );
// process the response
FirebaseResponse response = this.processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod.DELETE, httpResponse );
return response;
private StringEntity buildEntityFromDataMap( Map<String, Object> dataMap ) throws FirebaseException, JacksonUtilityException {
String jsonData = JacksonUtility.GET_JSON_STRING_FROM_MAP( dataMap );
return this.buildEntityFromJsonData( jsonData );
private StringEntity buildEntityFromJsonData( String jsonData ) throws FirebaseException {
StringEntity result = null;
try {
result = new StringEntity( jsonData );
} catch( Throwable t ) {
String msg = "unable to create entity from data; data was: " + jsonData;
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg, t );
return result;
private String buildFullUrlFromRelativePath( String path ) {
// massage the path (whether it's null, empty, or not) into a full URL
if( path == null ) {
path = "";
path = path.trim();
if( !path.isEmpty() && !path.startsWith( "/" ) ) {
path = "/" + path;
String url = this.baseUrl + path + Firebase.FIREBASE_API_JSON_EXTENSION; "built full url to '" + url + "' using relative-path of '" + path + "'" );
return url;
private HttpResponse makeRequest( HttpRequestBase request ) throws FirebaseException {
HttpResponse response = null;
// sanity-check
if( request == null ) {
String msg = "request cannot be null";
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg );
try {
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
response = client.execute( request );
} catch( Throwable t ) {
String msg = "unable to receive response from request(" + request.getMethod() + ") @ " + request.getURI();
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg, t );
return response;
private FirebaseResponse processResponse( FirebaseRestMethod method, HttpResponse httpResponse ) throws FirebaseException {
FirebaseResponse response = null;
// sanity-checks
if( method == null ) {
String msg = "method cannot be null";
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg );
if( httpResponse == null ) {
String msg = "httpResponse cannot be null";
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg );
// get the response-entity
HttpEntity entity = httpResponse.getEntity();
// get the response-code
int code = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
// set the response-success
boolean success = false;
switch( method ) {
case DELETE:
if( httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 204
&& "No Content".equalsIgnoreCase( httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() ) )
success = true;
case PUT:
case POST:
case GET:
if( httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200
&& "OK".equalsIgnoreCase( httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() ) )
success = true;
// get the response-body
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
if( entity != null ) {
try {
InputStream is = entity.getContent();
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
Reader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( is, "UTF-8" ) );
int n;
while( ( != -1 ) {
writer.write( buffer, 0, n );
} catch( Throwable t ) {
String msg = "unable to read response-content; read up to this point: '" + writer.toString() + "'";
writer = new StringWriter(); // don't want to later give jackson partial JSON it might choke on
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg, t );
// convert response-body to map
Map<String, Object> body = null;
try {
body = JacksonUtility.GET_JSON_STRING_AS_MAP( writer.toString() );
} catch( JacksonUtilityException jue ) {
String msg = "unable to convert response-body into map; response-body was: '" + writer.toString() + "'";
LOGGER.error( msg );
throw new FirebaseException( msg, jue );
// build the response
response = new FirebaseResponse( success, code, body, writer.toString() );
return response;
public enum FirebaseRestMethod {