package com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils;
import net.minecraft.server.Item;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.TreeSpecies;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.material.Attachable;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.MaterialBooleanProperty;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.MaterialProperty;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.MaterialTypeProperty;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.internal.CommonNMS;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.wrappers.BlockInfo;
* Contains material properties and helper functions
public class MaterialUtil {
* The below methods may have to be manually re-designed when
* material IDs/Data officially become 'erased'.
* But we know how Minecraft is addicted to them, so I bet they
* still end up somewhere. Since they are valuable for fast equality
* checks and thus mapping values to item materials/data, these methods
* will stay, unless the default implementation has an equivalent such as
* a UUID. Name mapping is NOT an option!
* That said, for future compatibility, redirect all method calls to these
* methods.
public static Material getType(int typeId) {
return Material.getMaterial(typeId);
public static int getTypeId(ItemStack item) {
return item.getTypeId();
public static int getTypeId(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
return block.getTypeId();
public static int getTypeId(Material material) {
return material == null ? 0 : material.getId();
public static int getRawData(TreeSpecies treeSpecies) {
return treeSpecies.getData();
public static int getRawData(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
return block.getData();
public static int getRawData(ItemStack item) {
return item.getDurability();
public static int getRawData(MaterialData materialData) {
return materialData.getData();
* Obtains the Material Data using the material type Id and data value specified.
* <b>Please use the int data version instead, as Block data is expected to become
* more than a byte!</b>
* @param typeId of the material
* @param data for the material
* @return new MaterialData instance for this type of material and data
public static MaterialData getData(int typeId, byte data) {
return getData(typeId, (int) data);
* Obtains the Material Data using the material type Id and data value specified
* @param typeId of the material
* @param rawData for the material
* @return new MaterialData instance for this type of material and data
public static MaterialData getData(int typeId, int rawData) {
Material type = Material.getMaterial(typeId);
return type == null ? new MaterialData(typeId, (byte) rawData) : getData(type, rawData);
* Obtains the Material Data using the material type Id and data value specified
* @param type of the material
* @param rawData for the material
* @return new MaterialData instance for this type of material and data
public static MaterialData getData(Material type, int rawData) {
if (type == null) {
return new MaterialData(0, (byte) rawData);
final MaterialData mdata = type.getNewData((byte) rawData);
// Fix attachable face returning NULL sometimes
if (mdata instanceof Attachable) {
Attachable att = (Attachable) mdata;
if (att.getAttachedFace() == null) {
return mdata;
* Checks whether the material Id is contained in the types
* @param material to check
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(int material, int... types) {
return LogicUtil.containsInt(material, types);
* Checks whether the material of the item is contained in the types
* @param itemStack containing the material type to check
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(ItemStack itemStack, Material... types) {
return isType(getTypeId(itemStack), types);
* Checks whether the material is contained in the types
* @param material to check
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(Material material, Material... types) {
return LogicUtil.contains(material, types);
* Checks whether the material Id is contained in the types
* @param material to check
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(int material, Material... types) {
for (Material type : types) {
if (getTypeId(type) == material) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether the material of a block is contained in the types
* @param block to compare the types with
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(org.bukkit.block.Block block, Material... types) {
return isType(getTypeId(block), types);
* Checks whether the material of a block is contained in the types
* @param block to compare the types with
* @param types to look in
* @return True if the material is contained
public static boolean isType(org.bukkit.block.Block block, int... types) {
return isType(getTypeId(block), types);
* Gets the damage resilience of a block to damage dealt by a certain entity
* @param blockId of the block
* @param source of the damage
* @return resilience
public static float getDamageResilience(int blockId, Entity source) {
return BlockInfo.get(blockId).getDamageResilience(source);
* The material is a type of door (iron or wooden door)
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISDOOR = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.WOOD_DOOR, Material.IRON_DOOR);
* The material is a type of piston base
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISPISTONBASE = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.PISTON_BASE, Material.PISTON_STICKY_BASE);
* The material is a type of redstone torch
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISREDSTONETORCH = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF, Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON);
* The material is a type of diode (item type excluded)
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISDIODE = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF, Material.DIODE_BLOCK_ON);
* The material is a type of comparator (item type excluded)
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISCOMPARATOR = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_OFF, Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_ON);
* The material is a type of bucket (milk bucket is excluded)
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISBUCKET = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.WATER_BUCKET, Material.LAVA_BUCKET, Material.BUCKET);
* The material is a type of rails
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISRAILS = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.RAILS, Material.POWERED_RAIL, Material.DETECTOR_RAIL, Material.ACTIVATOR_RAIL);
* The material is a type of sign (item type is excluded)
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISSIGN = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.WALL_SIGN, Material.SIGN_POST);
* The material is a type of pressure plate
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISPRESSUREPLATE = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.WOOD_PLATE, Material.STONE_PLATE, Material.IRON_PLATE, Material.GOLD_PLATE);
* The material is a type of Minecart item
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISMINECART = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.MINECART, Material.POWERED_MINECART,
* The material is a type of wieldable sword
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISSWORD = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.WOOD_SWORD, Material.STONE_SWORD, Material.IRON_SWORD,
Material.GOLD_SWORD, Material.IRON_SWORD, Material.DIAMOND_SWORD);
* The material is a type of wearable boots
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISBOOTS = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, Material.IRON_BOOTS,
* The material is a type of wearable leggings
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISLEGGINGS = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, Material.IRON_LEGGINGS,
* The material is a type of wearable chestplate
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISCHESTPLATE = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE,
* The material is a type of wearable helmet
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISHELMET = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, Material.IRON_HELMET,
* The material is a type of armor
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISARMOR = new MaterialTypeProperty(ISBOOTS, ISLEGGINGS, ISCHESTPLATE, ISHELMET);
* The material can be interacted with, such as buttons and levers.
* Materials of this type suppress block placement upon interaction.
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISINTERACTABLE = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LEVER, Material.WOOD_DOOR, Material.IRON_DOOR,
Material.TRAP_DOOR, Material.CHEST, Material.HOPPER, Material.DROPPER, Material.ENDER_CHEST, Material.FURNACE, Material.BURNING_FURNACE,
Material.DISPENSER, Material.WORKBENCH, Material.DIODE_BLOCK_ON, Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF, Material.BED, Material.CAKE,
* The material causes suffocation to entities inside
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> SUFFOCATES = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
return BlockInfo.get(type).isSuffocating();
* The material is a type of heatable item that can be crafted using a furnace
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> ISHEATABLE = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
return RecipeUtil.isHeatableItem(type);
* The material is a type of fuel that can be burned in a furnace
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> ISFUEL = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
return RecipeUtil.isFuelItem(type);
* The material is a solid block that lets no light through and on which other blocks can be placed
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> ISSOLID = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
return BlockInfo.get(type).isSolid();
* The material can supply redstone power and redstone wire connects to it
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> ISPOWERSOURCE = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
return BlockInfo.get(type).isPowerSource();
* The material has a data value that further defines the type of Item or Block
public static final MaterialProperty<Boolean> HASDATA = new MaterialBooleanProperty() {
public Boolean get(Material type) {
final Item item = CommonNMS.getItem(type);
return item == null ? false : item.n();
* Gets the amount of light a block material emits
public static final MaterialProperty<Integer> EMISSION = new MaterialProperty<Integer>() {
public Integer get(Material type) {
return BlockInfo.get(type).getLightEmission();
* Gets the opacity of a block material
public static final MaterialProperty<Integer> OPACITY = new MaterialProperty<Integer>() {
public Integer get(Material type) {
return BlockInfo.get(type).getOpacity();