package com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.conversion.Conversion;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.internal.CommonNMS;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.inventory.InventoryBaseImpl;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.inventory.ItemParser;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.nbt.CommonTagCompound;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.nbt.CommonTagList;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.ItemStackRef;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.server.Item;
import net.minecraft.server.ItemStack;
* Contains item stack, item and inventory utilities
public class ItemUtil {
* Tests if the given ItemStacks can be fully transferred to another array of ItemStacks
* @param from ItemStack source array
* @param to destination Inventory
* @return True if full transfer was possible, False if not
public static boolean canTransferAll(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] from, Inventory to) {
return canTransferAll(from, to.getContents());
* Tests if the given ItemStacks can be fully transferred to another array of ItemStacks
* @param from ItemStack source array
* @param to ItemStack destination array
* @return True if full transfer was possible, False if not
public static boolean canTransferAll(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] from, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] to) {
Inventory invto = new InventoryBaseImpl(to, true);
for (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item : cloneItems(from)) {
transfer(item, invto, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (!LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item)) {
return false;
return true;
* Tests if the given ItemStack can be transferred to the Inventory
* @return The amount that could be transferred
public static int testTransfer(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack from, Inventory to) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from)) {
return 0;
int startAmount = from.getAmount();
int fromAmount = startAmount;
for (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item : to.getContents()) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item)) {
// Full transfer is possible (empty slot)
fromAmount -= getMaxSize(from);
} else if (equalsIgnoreAmount(from, item)) {
// Stack transfer is possible (same item slot)
fromAmount -= getMaxSize(item) - item.getAmount();
if (fromAmount <= 0) {
// All items could be transferred!
return startAmount;
return startAmount - fromAmount;
* Tests if the two items can be merged
* @return The amount that could be transferred
public static int testTransfer(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack from, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack to) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from)) {
return 0;
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(to)) {
return Math.min(from.getAmount(), getMaxSize(from));
if (equalsIgnoreAmount(from, to)) {
return Math.min(from.getAmount(), getMaxSize(to) - to.getAmount());
return 0;
* Transfers all ItemStacks from one Inventory to another
* @param from The Inventory to take ItemStacks from
* @param to The Inventory to transfer to
* @param maxAmount The maximum amount of items to transfer, -1 for infinite
* @param parser The item parser used to set what items to transfer. Can be null.
* @return The amount of items that got transferred
public static int transfer(Inventory from, Inventory to, ItemParser parser, int maxAmount) {
int startAmount = maxAmount < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxAmount;
int amountToTransfer = startAmount;
int tmptrans;
for (int i = 0; i < from.getSize() && amountToTransfer > 0; i++) {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = from.getItem(i);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item) || (parser != null && !parser.match(item))) {
tmptrans = transfer(item, to, amountToTransfer);
if (tmptrans > 0) {
amountToTransfer -= tmptrans;
from.setItem(i, item);
return startAmount - amountToTransfer;
* Transfers the given ItemStack to multiple slots in the Inventory
* @param from The ItemStack to transfer
* @param to The Inventory to transfer to
* @param maxAmount The maximum amount of the item to transfer, -1 for infinite
* @return The amount of the item that got transferred
public static int transfer(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack from, Inventory to, int maxAmount) {
int startAmount = maxAmount < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxAmount;
if (startAmount == 0 || LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from)) {
return 0;
int tmptrans;
int amountToTransfer = startAmount;
// try to stack to already existing items
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack toitem;
for (int i = 0; i < to.getSize(); i++) {
toitem = to.getItem(i);
if (!LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(toitem)) {
tmptrans = transfer(from, toitem, amountToTransfer);
if (tmptrans > 0) {
amountToTransfer -= tmptrans;
to.setItem(i, toitem);
// everything done?
if (amountToTransfer <= 0 || LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from)){
// try to add it to empty slots
if (amountToTransfer > 0 && from.getAmount() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < to.getSize(); i++) {
toitem = to.getItem(i);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(toitem)) {
toitem = emptyItem();
// Transfer
tmptrans = transfer(from, toitem, amountToTransfer);
if (tmptrans > 0) {
amountToTransfer -= tmptrans;
to.setItem(i, toitem);
// everything done?
if (amountToTransfer <= 0 || LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from)) {
return startAmount - amountToTransfer;
* Tries to transfer items from the Inventory to the ItemStack
* @param from The Inventory to take an ItemStack from
* @param to The ItemStack to merge the item taken
* @param parser The item parser used to set what item to transfer if the receiving item is empty. Can be null.
* @param maxAmount The maximum amount of the item to transfer, -1 for infinite
* @return The amount of the item that got transferred
public static int transfer(Inventory from, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack to, ItemParser parser, int maxAmount) {
int startAmount = maxAmount < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxAmount;
int amountToTransfer = startAmount;
for (int i = 0; i < from.getSize() && amountToTransfer > 0; i++) {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = from.getItem(i);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item)) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(to)) {
// Parser matching
if (parser != null && !parser.match(item)) {
// Set item info to this item
transferInfo(item, to);
amountToTransfer -= transfer(item, to, amountToTransfer);
from.setItem(i, item);
return startAmount - amountToTransfer;
* Merges two ItemStacks together<br>
* - If from is empty or null, no transfer happens<br>
* - If to is null, no transfer happens<br>
* - If to is empty, full transfer occurs
* @param from The ItemStack to merge
* @param to The receiving ItemStack
* @param maxAmount The maximum amount of the item to transfer, -1 for infinite
* @return The amount of the item that got transferred
public static int transfer(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack from, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack to, int maxAmount) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(from) || to == null) {
return 0;
int amountToTransfer = Math.min(maxAmount < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxAmount, from.getAmount());
// Transfering to an empty item, don't bother doing any stacking logic
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(to)) {
// Limit amount by maximum of the from item
amountToTransfer = Math.min(amountToTransfer, getMaxSize(from));
if (amountToTransfer <= 0) {
return 0;
// Transfer item information
transferInfo(from, to);
// Transfer the amount
subtractAmount(from, amountToTransfer);
return amountToTransfer;
// Can we stack?
amountToTransfer = Math.min(amountToTransfer, getMaxSize(to) - to.getAmount());
if (amountToTransfer <= 0 || !equalsIgnoreAmount(from, to)) {
return 0;
// From and to are equal, we can now go ahead and stack them
addAmount(to, amountToTransfer);
subtractAmount(from, amountToTransfer);
return amountToTransfer;
* Transfers the item type, data and enchantments from one item stack to the other
* @param from which Item Stack to read the info
* @param to which Item Stack to transfer the info to
public static void transferInfo(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack from, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack to) {
// Transfer type, durability and any other remaining metadata information
setMetaTag(to, LogicUtil.clone(getMetaTag(from)));
* Checks whether two item stacks equal, while ignoring the item amounts
* @param item1 to check
* @param item2 to check
* @return True if the items have the same type, data and enchantments, False if not
public static boolean equalsIgnoreAmount(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item1, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item2) {
if (MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item1) != MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item2) || MaterialUtil.getRawData(item1) != MaterialUtil.getRawData(item2)) {
return false;
// Metadata checks
boolean hasMeta = hasMetaTag(item1);
if (hasMeta != hasMetaTag(item2)) {
return false;
} else if (!hasMeta) {
// No further data to test
return true;
if (!item1.getItemMeta().equals(item2.getItemMeta())) {
return false;
// Not included in metadata checks: Item attributes (Bukkit needs to update)
CommonTagList item1Attr = getMetaTag(item1).get("AttributeModifiers", CommonTagList.class);
CommonTagList item2Attr = getMetaTag(item2).get("AttributeModifiers", CommonTagList.class);
return LogicUtil.bothNullOrEqual(item1Attr, item2Attr);
* Removes certain kinds of items from an inventory
* @param inventory to remove items from
* @param item signature of the items to remove
public static void removeItems(Inventory inventory, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item) {
removeItems(inventory, MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item), MaterialUtil.getRawData(item), item.getAmount());
* Removes certain kinds of items from an inventory
* @param inventory to remove items from
* @param itemid of the items to remove
* @param data of the items to remove, -1 for any data
* @param amount of items to remove, -1 for infinite amount
public static void removeItems(Inventory inventory, int itemid, int data, int amount) {
int countToRemove = amount < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : amount;
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item) || MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item) != itemid || (data != -1 && MaterialUtil.getRawData(item) != data)) {
if (item.getAmount() <= countToRemove) {
countToRemove -= item.getAmount();
inventory.setItem(i, null);
} else {
subtractAmount(item, countToRemove);
countToRemove = 0;
inventory.setItem(i, item);
* Obtains an empty item stack that allows mutual changes<br>
* This is a CraftItemStack with a NMS ItemStack as buffer
* @return Empty item stack
public static org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack emptyItem() {
return CraftItemStack.asCraftMirror((ItemStack) ItemStackRef.newInstance(Material.AIR, 0, 0));
* Kills the old item and spawns a new item in it's place
* @param item to respawn
* @return Respawned item
public static org.bukkit.entity.Item respawnItem(org.bukkit.entity.Item item) {
EntityItem oldItemHandle = CommonNMS.getNative(item);
EntityItem newItemHandle = new EntityItem(, oldItemHandle.locX, oldItemHandle.locY, oldItemHandle.locZ, oldItemHandle.getItemStack());
newItemHandle.fallDistance = oldItemHandle.fallDistance;
newItemHandle.fireTicks = oldItemHandle.fireTicks;
newItemHandle.pickupDelay = oldItemHandle.pickupDelay;
newItemHandle.motX = oldItemHandle.motX;
newItemHandle.motY = oldItemHandle.motY;
newItemHandle.motZ = oldItemHandle.motZ;
newItemHandle.age = oldItemHandle.age;;
return CommonNMS.getItem(newItemHandle);
* Gets the contents of an inventory, cloning all the items
* @param inventory to get the cloned contents of
* @return Cloned inventory contents array
public static org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] getClonedContents(Inventory inventory) {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] rval = new org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[inventory.getSize()];
for (int i = 0; i < rval.length; i++) {
rval[i] = cloneItem(inventory.getItem(i));
return rval;
* Clones a single item
* @param stack to be cloned, can be null
* @return Cloned item stack
public static org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack cloneItem(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return LogicUtil.clone(stack);
* Creates a new itemstack array containing items not referencing the input item stacks
* @param input array to process
* @return Cloned item stack array
public static org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] cloneItems(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] input) {
return LogicUtil.cloneAll(input);
* Subtracts a certain amount from an item, without limiting to the max stack size
* @param item
* @param amount to subtract
public static void subtractAmount(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item, int amount) {
addAmount(item, -amount);
* Adds a certain amount to an item, without limiting to the max stack size
* @param item
* @param amount to add
public static void addAmount(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item, int amount) {
item.setAmount(Math.max(item.getAmount() + amount, 0));
* Obtains an item of the given type and data in the inventory specified<br>
* If multiple items with the same type and data exist, their amounts are added together
* @param inventory to look in
* @param typeId of the items to look for, -1 for any item
* @param data of the items to look for, -1 for any data
* @return Amount of items in the inventory
public static org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack findItem(Inventory inventory, int typeId, int data) {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack rval = null;
int itemData = data;
int itemTypeId = typeId;
for (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item : inventory.getContents()) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item)) {
// Compare type Id
if (itemTypeId == -1) {
itemTypeId = MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item);
} else if (itemTypeId != MaterialUtil.getTypeId(item)) {
// Compare data
if (itemData == -1) {
itemData = MaterialUtil.getRawData(item);
} else if (MaterialUtil.getRawData(item) != itemData) {
// addition
if (rval == null) {
rval = item.clone();
} else {
addAmount(rval, item.getAmount());
return rval;
* Gets the total item count of a given type and data
* @param inventory to look in
* @param typeid of the items to look for, -1 for any item
* @param data of the items to look for, -1 for any data
* @return Amount of items in the inventory
public static int getItemCount(Inventory inventory, int typeid, int data) {
if (typeid < 0) {
int count = 0;
for (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item : inventory.getContents()) {
if (!LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item)) {
count += item.getAmount();
return count;
} else {
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack rval = findItem(inventory, typeid, data);
return rval == null ? 0 : rval.getAmount();
* Gets the max stacking size for a given item
* @param itemId of the item
* @param def to return for invalid items
* @return max stacking size
public static int getMaxSize(int itemId, int def) {
return getMaxSize(MaterialUtil.getType(itemId), def);
* Gets the max stacking size for a given item
* @param itemType of the item
* @param def to return for invalid items
* @return max stacking size
public static int getMaxSize(Material itemType, int def) {
Item item = CommonNMS.getItem(itemType);
return item == null ? def : item.getMaxStackSize();
* Gets the max stacking size for a given item
* @param stack to get the max stacked size
* @return max stacking size
public static int getMaxSize(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(stack)) {
return 0;
} else {
return getMaxSize(MaterialUtil.getTypeId(stack), 0);
* Checks whether an Item stores a metadata tag
* @param stack to check
* @return True if a metadata tag is stored, False if not
public static boolean hasMetaTag(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return CommonNMS.getNative(stack).hasTag();
* Obtains the Metadata tag stored in an item.
* If no metadata is stored, null is returned instead.
* @param stack to get the metadata tag of
* @return metadata tag
public static CommonTagCompound getMetaTag(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return ItemStackRef.tag.get(Conversion.toItemStackHandle.convert(stack));
* Sets the Metadata tag stored in an item.
* If tag is null, all metadata is cleared.
* @param stack to set the metadata tag of
* @param tag to set to
public static void setMetaTag(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack, CommonTagCompound tag) {
ItemStackRef.tag.set(Conversion.toItemStackHandle.convert(stack), tag);
* Sets the cost of repairing this item
* @param stack to set the repair cost of
* @param repairCost to set to
public static void setRepairCost(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack, int repairCost) {
* Gets the cost of repairing this item
* @param stack to get the repair cost of
* @return repair cost
public static int getRepairCost(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return CommonNMS.getNative(stack).getRepairCost();
* Checks whether an item has a custom display name set
* @param stack to check
* @return True if a custom name is set, False if not
public static boolean hasDisplayName(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return CommonNMS.getNative(stack).hasName();
* Gets the current display name of an Item.
* If no name is set, the default Material name is returned instead.
* @param stack to get the display name of
* @return display name
public static String getDisplayName(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack) {
return CommonNMS.getNative(stack).getName();
* Sets the current display name of an Item
* @param stack to set the display name of
* @param displayName to set to, null to reset to the default
public static void setDisplayName(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack stack, String displayName) {
if (displayName != null) {
} else if (hasDisplayName(stack)) {