package com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import net.minecraft.server.IPlayerFileData;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandMap;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.Common;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.StackTraceFilter;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.config.BasicConfiguration;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.conversion.ConversionPairs;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.internal.CommonNMS;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.internal.CommonPlugin;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.FieldAccessor;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.SafeField;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.SafeMethod;
public class CommonUtil {
public static final int VIEW = Bukkit.getServer().getViewDistance();
public static final int VIEWWIDTH = VIEW + VIEW + 1;
public static final int CHUNKAREA = VIEWWIDTH * VIEWWIDTH;
public static final int BLOCKVIEW = 32 + (VIEW << 4);
public static final Thread MAIN_THREAD = Thread.currentThread();
private static final FieldAccessor<Collection<Plugin>> pluginsField = new SafeField<Collection<Plugin>>(SimplePluginManager.class, "plugins");
* Gets a mapping of all commands available on the server, so they can be obtained and executed (dispatched)
* @return Bukkit command map
public static CommandMap getCommandMap() {
return ((CraftServer) Bukkit.getServer()).getCommandMap();
* Sends a message to a sender<br>
* - Empty messages are ignored<br>
* - Color is stripped from messages to consoles
* @param sender to send to
* @param message to send
public static void sendMessage(Object sender, Object message) {
if (message != null) {
String msg = message.toString();
if (msg.length() > 0 && sender instanceof CommandSender) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
message = ChatColor.stripColor(msg);
for (String line : msg.split("\n", -1)) {
((CommandSender) sender).sendMessage(line);
* Sends a message containing a list of items
* @param sender to send to
* @param delimiter to use between items
* @param items to send
public static void sendListMessage(Object sender, String delimiter, Object[] items) {
String msgpart = null;
String item;
for (Object oitem : items) {
item = oitem.toString();
// display it
if (msgpart == null || msgpart.length() + item.length() < 70) {
if (msgpart == null) {
msgpart = item;
} else {
msgpart += ChatColor.WHITE + delimiter + item;
} else {
sendMessage(sender, msgpart);
msgpart = item;
sendMessage(sender, msgpart);
* Calls an Event
* @param event to call
* @return the input Event
public static <T extends Event> T callEvent(T event) {
return event;
* Checks whether the event handler list of an event has registered listeners<br>
* If creating an event causes a performance drain, useless event creation can be avoided this way
* @param handlerList of the Event
* @return True if handlers are contained, False if not
public static boolean hasHandlers(HandlerList handlerList) {
return handlerList.getRegisteredListeners().length > 0;
* Sets the Player File Data used to load and save player information on the server
* @param playerFileData to set to
public static void setPlayerFileData(Object playerFileData) {
CommonNMS.getPlayerList().playerFileData = (IPlayerFileData) playerFileData;
* Saves the specified human information to file
* @param human to save
public static void savePlayer(HumanEntity human) {
* Saves all player information to file
public static void savePlayers() {
* Shuffle an array of type T
* @param array to be shuffled
public static <T> void shuffle(T[] array) {
int random;
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
random = (int) (Math.random() * i);
T temp = array[i - 1];
array[i - 1] = array[random];
array[random] = temp;
* Add a Set to another Set
* @param to Set that receives orther set
* @param from Set to be added to the orther set
* @return new Set
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static Set addAllToSet(Set to, Set from) {
for(Object i : from) {
return to;
* Gets a list of online players on the server
* @return online players
public static Collection<Player> getOnlinePlayers() {
return ConversionPairs.player.convertAll(CommonNMS.getPlayerList().players);
* Checks whether a given command sender has a given permission<br>
* Vault is used for permissions if available, otherwise super permissions are used
* @param sender to check
* @param permissionNode to check (each part is appended with '.' in between)
* @return True if the sender has permission for the node, False if not
public static boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender, String[] permissionNode) {
return CommonPlugin.getInstance().getPermissionHandler().hasPermission(sender, permissionNode);
* Get the game profile from a name.
* @param name to get game profile from.
* @return Player's GameProfile, OfflinePlayer profile used if player not found.
public static GameProfile getGameProfile(String name) {
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(name);
if(player != null) {
//The right way
return PlayerUtil.getGameProfile(player);
UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + name).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));
return new GameProfile(uuid, name);
* Checks whether a given command sender has a given permission<br>
* Vault is used for permissions if available, otherwise super permissions are used
* @param sender to check
* @param permissionNode to check
* @return True if the sender has permission for the node, False if not
public static boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender, String permissionNode) {
return CommonPlugin.getInstance().getPermissionHandler().hasPermission(sender, permissionNode);
* Prints the filtered (using the SERVER filter) stack trace of an error
* @param error to print
public static void printFilteredStackTrace(Throwable error) {
* Prints the filtered (using the SERVER filter) stack trace of an error
* @param error to print
* @param level of the error
public static void printFilteredStackTrace(Throwable error, Level level) {
StackTraceFilter.SERVER.print(error, level);
* Removes all stack trace elements after a given method
* @param elements to filter
* @param className to filter from
* @param methodName to filter from
* @return Filtered stack trace
public static StackTraceElement[] filterStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] elements, String className, String methodName) {
ArrayList<StackTraceElement> rval = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(elements.length - 1);
for (StackTraceElement elem : elements) {
if (elem.getClassName().equals(className) && elem.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
} else {
return rval.toArray(new StackTraceElement[0]);
* Checks all plugin files to check if a plugin file exists
* @param name of the plugin
* @return Plugin exists?
public static boolean isPluginInDirectory(String name) {
File dir = new File("plugins");
if (!dir.exists()) {
return false;
for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
try {
BasicConfiguration config = getPluginConfiguration(file, "plugin.yml");
String pluginName = config.get("name", String.class);
if (name.equals(pluginName)) {
return true;
} catch(IOException e) {
return false;
* Obtains a new YAML Configuration instance for a yaml file contained within a plugin Jar file
* @param pluginJarFile to get a YAML configuration instance of
* @param configResourcePath to the configuration resource
* @return a new Configuration instance, filled with data from the YAML file
* @throws IOException if loading fails or the file can not be found
public static BasicConfiguration getPluginConfiguration(File pluginJarFile, String configResourcePath) throws IOException {
InputStream stream = getPluginResource(pluginJarFile, configResourcePath);
try {
BasicConfiguration config = new BasicConfiguration();
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new IOException("Error in YAML format", t);
return config;
} finally {
* Obtains a new InputStream to the resource found in the given Plugin Jar file
* @param pluginJarFile to get a resource of
* @param resourcePath to the resource
* @return an InputStream to the resource
* @throws IOException if loading fails or the file can not be found
public static InputStream getPluginResource(File pluginJarFile, String resourcePath) throws IOException {
// First, find the plugin by Jar file (avoids Jar File decompression times)
// Then we can use the ClassLoader of this Jar File to load the resource instead
synchronized (Bukkit.getPluginManager()) {
for (Plugin plugin : CommonUtil.getPluginsUnsafe()) {
File file = getPluginJarFile(plugin);
if (pluginJarFile.equals(file)) {
InputStream stream = plugin.getResource(resourcePath);
if (stream == null) {
throw new IOException("Resource not found: " + resourcePath);
return stream;
// Not found, stick to reading the JarFile ourselves
final JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(pluginJarFile);
final ZipEntry entry = jarFile.getEntry(resourcePath);
if (entry == null) {
throw new IOException("Resource not found: " + resourcePath);
return jarFile.getInputStream(entry);
* Gets the Jar File where a given Plugin is loaded from.
* If the plugin is not in a Jar file, null is returned instead.
* @param plugin to get the Jar File of
* @return the Jar File in which the plugin resides, or null if none found
public static File getPluginJarFile(Plugin plugin) {
final Class<?> pluginClass = plugin.getClass();
try {
URI uri = pluginClass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI();
File file = new File(uri);
if (file.exists()) {
return file;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Obtains the folder in which plugin-specific information is contained.<br>
* Usually this folder is <b>/plugins/[pluginname]</b>.<br>
* This method can be used to properly obtain this folder if the plugin is not initialized yet.
* @param plugin to get the data folder of
* @return Plugin data folder (never null)
public static File getPluginDataFolder(Plugin plugin) {
File folder = plugin.getDataFolder();
if (folder == null) {
File jarFile = getPluginJarFile(plugin);
if (jarFile == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Plugin data folder can not be obtained: Not a valid JAR plugin");
folder = new File(jarFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile(), plugin.getName());
return folder;
* Removes all stack trace elements after a given method from an error
* @param error to filter
* @param className to filter from
* @param methodName to filter from
* @return The input error (uncloned, same instance)
public static <T extends Throwable> T filterStackTrace(T error, String className, String methodName) {
error.setStackTrace(filterStackTrace(error.getStackTrace(), className, methodName));
return error;
* Removes all stack trace elements after the method that called this function
* @param elements to filter
* @return Filtered stack trace
public static StackTraceElement[] filterStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] elements) {
// Obtain the calling method and class name
StackTraceElement[] currStack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (int i = 1; i < currStack.length; i++) {
if (!currStack[i].getClassName().equals(CommonUtil.class.getName()) || !currStack[i].getMethodName().equals("filterStackTrace")) {
return filterStackTrace(elements, currStack[i + 1].getClassName(), currStack[i + 1].getMethodName());
return elements;
* Removes all stack trace elements after the method that called this function from an error
* @param error to filter
* @return The input error (uncloned, same instance)
public static <T extends Throwable> T filterStackTrace(T error) {
return error;
* Performs an unsafe cast to a generic type. Be sure to check that
* the object being cast is actually an instance of the type to cast to.
* Casting errors will occur while working with the resulting value,
* not while performing the casting in this method.
* @param value to cast
* @return value cast in an unsafe way
public static <T> T unsafeCast(Object value) {
return (T) value;
* Tries to cast the object to the type specified, returning null upon failure
* @param object to cast
* @param type to cast to
* @return The cast object, or null
public static <T> T tryCast(Object object, Class<T> type) {
return tryCast(object, type, null);
* Tries to cast the object to the type specified, returning def upon failure
* @param object to cast
* @param type to cast to
* @param def to return on cast failure
* @return The cast object, or def
public static <T> T tryCast(Object object, Class<T> type, T def) {
if (type.isInstance(object)) {
return type.cast(object);
} else {
return def;
* Schedules a runnable to execute the next Tick<br>
* The BKCommonLib internal plugin will handle this task<br>
* This method is thread safe
* @param runnable to execute
public static void nextTick(Runnable runnable) {
if (runnable == null) {
if (CommonPlugin.hasInstance()) {
// Use BKCommonLib next tick task
} else {
// Try to find out what plugin this Runnable belongs to
Plugin plugin = CommonUtil.getPluginByClass(runnable.getClass());
if (plugin == null) {
// Well...ain't that a pickle.
// Maybe there is some other plugin we can dump this to?
// It's a does not have to be fair or perfect!
synchronized (Bukkit.getPluginManager()) {
Iterator<Plugin> iter = getPluginsUnsafe().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
plugin =;
if (plugin.isEnabled()) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, runnable);
// Well now we just don't know...
CommonPlugin.LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to properly schedule next-tick task: " + runnable.getClass().getName());
CommonPlugin.LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "The task is executed right away instead...we might recover!");;
} else {
// Use the supposed plugin this Class belongs to
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, runnable);
* Broadcasts a message to all players on a world
* @param message to send
public static void broadcast(Object message) {
if (message != null) {
for (Player player : getOnlinePlayers()) {
* Gets all Plugins running on the server WITHOUT allocating a new array if possible.
* If there is no performance requirement to avoid array allocation, use {@link #getPlugins()} instead.
* Only use this method inside a <b>synchronized</b> body around the Plugin Manager, for example:
* <pre>
* synchronized (Bukkit.getPluginManager()) {
* for (Plugin plugin : CommonUtil.getPluginsUnsafe()) {
* System.out.println(plugin.getName());
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @return unsafe collection of plugins running on the server
public static Collection<Plugin> getPluginsUnsafe() {
final PluginManager man = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
if (man instanceof SimplePluginManager) {
return pluginsField.get(man);
} else {
return Arrays.asList(man.getPlugins());
* Gets all the Plugins running on the Server
* @return Plugins
public static Plugin[] getPlugins() {
return Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugins();
* Checks whether the plugin of the given name is enabled on the Server
* @param name to check
* @return True if the plugin is enabled, False if not
public static boolean isPluginEnabled(String name) {
return Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled(name);
* Gets a certain Plugin by name
* @param name of the Plugin
* @return Plugin
public static Plugin getPlugin(String name) {
return Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(name);
* Gets the plugin by inspecting a Class
* @param clazz
* @return the Plugin matching the Class, or null if not found
public static Plugin getPluginByClass(Class<?> clazz) {
ClassLoader loader = clazz.getClassLoader();
synchronized (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager()) {
for (Plugin plugin : getPluginsUnsafe()) {
if (plugin.getClass().getClassLoader() == loader) {
return plugin;
return null;
* Gets the plugin by inspecting the path to a Class
* @param classPath of the Class
* @return the Plugin matching the Class, or null if not found
public static Plugin getPluginByClass(String classPath) {
try {
return getPluginByClass(Class.forName(classPath));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
* Obtains the package path of a given Class Path
* @param classPath
* @return package path of the Package the class resides in
public static String getPackagePath(String classPath) {
final int idx = classPath.lastIndexOf('.');
return idx == -1 ? "" : classPath.substring(0, idx);
* Finds all plugins involved in an array of stack trace elements.
* @param stackTrace to find the plugins for
* @return array of plugins mentioned in the Stack Trace
public static Plugin[] findPlugins(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
return findPlugins(Arrays.asList(stackTrace));
* Finds all plugins involved in a list of stack trace elements.
* @param stackTrace to find the plugins for
* @return array of plugins mentioned in the Stack Trace
public static Plugin[] findPlugins(List<StackTraceElement> stackTrace) {
LinkedHashSet<Plugin> found = new LinkedHashSet<Plugin>(3);
for (StackTraceElement elem : stackTrace) {
Plugin plugin = getPluginByClass(elem.getClassName());
if (plugin != null) {
return found.toArray(new Plugin[0]);
* Tries to get the class at the path specified and
* applies translations based on the server currently running.
* @param path to the class
* @return the class, or null if not found
public static Class<?> getClass(String path) {
try {
if (Common.SERVER == null) {
return Class.forName(path);
} else {
return Class.forName(Common.SERVER.getClassName(path));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
* Tries to get the net.minecraft.server class at the path specified
* @param name of the NMS class
* @return the class, or null if not found
public static Class<?> getNMSClass(String name) {
return getClass(Common.NMS_ROOT + "." + name);
* Tries to get the org.bukkit.craftbukkit class at the path specified
* @param name of the CB class
* @return the class, or null if not found
public static Class<?> getCBClass(String name) {
return getClass(Common.CB_ROOT + "." + name);
* Checks whether a plugin is soft-depending on another plugin
* @param plugin
* @param depending plugin
* @return True if plugin soft-depends on the depending plugin, False if not
public static boolean isSoftDepending(Plugin plugin, Plugin depending) {
final List<String> dep = plugin.getDescription().getSoftDepend();
return !LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(dep) && dep.contains(depending.getName());
* Checks whether a plugin is depending on another plugin
* @param plugin
* @param depending plugin
* @return True if plugin depends on the depending plugin, False if not
public static boolean isDepending(Plugin plugin, Plugin depending) {
final List<String> dep = plugin.getDescription().getDepend();
return !LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(dep) && dep.contains(depending.getName());
* Gets constants of the class type statically defined in the class itself.
* If the class is an enum, the enumeration constants are returned.
* Otherwise, only the static fields with theClass type are returned.
* @param theClass to get the class constants of
* @return class constants defined in class 'theClass'
public static <T> T[] getClassConstants(Class<T> theClass) {
return getClassConstants(theClass, theClass);
* Gets constants of the class type statically defined in the class itself.
* If the type class is an enum, the enumeration constants are returned.
* Otherwise, only the static fields with the same type as the type parameter are returned.
* @param theClass to get the class constants of
* @param type of constants to return from theClass
* @return class constants defined in class 'theClass'
public static <T> T[] getClassConstants(Class<?> theClass, Class<T> type) {
if (type.isEnum()) {
// Get using enum constants
return type.getEnumConstants();
} else {
// Get using reflection
try {
Field[] declaredFields = theClass.getDeclaredFields();
ArrayList<T> constants = new ArrayList<T>(declaredFields.length);
for (Field field : declaredFields) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && type.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
T constant = (T) field.get(null);
if (constant != null) {
return LogicUtil.toArray(constants, type);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return LogicUtil.createArray(type, 0);
* Checks whether a given value is an instance of one of the types specified
* @param value to check
* @param types to check against
* @return True if value is an instance of one of the types, False if not
public static boolean isInstance(Object value, Class<?>... types) {
for (Class<?> type : types) {
if (type.isInstance(value)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether the server has officially started running and accepting new players to join.
* @return True if the server started, False if not and the server is still enabling
public static boolean isServerStarted() {
return CommonPlugin.hasInstance() && CommonPlugin.getInstance().isServerStarted();
* Obtains the Handler List of an event, throwing an exception if this is not possible
* @param eventClass to get the HandlerList of
* @return the HandlerList
* @throws RuntimeException: Event class has no handler list
public static HandlerList getEventHandlerList(Class<?> eventClass) {
try {
return (HandlerList) eventClass.getDeclaredMethod("getHandlerList").invoke(null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Class '" + eventClass.getName() + "' does not have a handler list");
* Re-orders the event registration to ensure that the listener MONITOR handler is called last, after
* all other listener handlers have executed. This should only be used if information is changed
* that could cause other listeners after this handler to malfunction.<br>
* <br>
* This method may fail if more than one Monitor handler per Event class is present in a
* single Listener.
* @param listener of the event handler
* @param eventClass that is handled
public static void queueListenerLast(Listener listener, Class<?> eventClass) {
setListenerOrder(listener, eventClass, false);
* Re-orders the event registration to ensure that the listener LOWEST handler is called first, before
* all other listener handlers have executed. This should only be used if information is changed
* that could cause other listeners before this handler to malfunction.<br>
* This method may fail if more than one Lowest handler per Event class is present in a
* single Listener.
* @param listener of the event handler
* @param eventClass that is handled
public static void queueListenerFirst(Listener listener, Class<?> eventClass) {
setListenerOrder(listener, eventClass, true);
private static void setListenerOrder(Listener listener, Class<?> eventClass, boolean first) {
HandlerList list = getEventHandlerList(eventClass);
final EventPriority prio = first ? EventPriority.LOWEST : EventPriority.MONITOR;
synchronized (list) {
EnumMap<EventPriority, ArrayList<RegisteredListener>> handlerSlots = SafeField.get(list, "handlerslots");
ArrayList<RegisteredListener> registeredListenerList = handlerSlots.get(prio);
int requestedIndex = first ? 0 : (registeredListenerList.size() - 1);
// Try to find the registered listener
for (int i = 0; i < registeredListenerList.size(); i++) {
RegisteredListener registeredListener = registeredListenerList.get(i);
// Check that the Listener matches
if (registeredListener.getListener() != listener) {
} else if (i == requestedIndex) {
// Already in order, do not do anything
RegisteredListener[] allListeners = list.getRegisteredListeners();
// Change order in list
registeredListenerList.add(requestedIndex, registeredListener);
// Get the index of the listener in the baked array
ArrayList<RegisteredListener> newListeners = new ArrayList<RegisteredListener>(allListeners.length);
if (first) {
for (RegisteredListener otherListener : allListeners) {
if (otherListener != registeredListener) {
} else {
for (RegisteredListener otherListener : allListeners) {
if (otherListener != registeredListener) {
// Transfer the listeners over
if (newListeners.toArray(allListeners) != allListeners) {
// Strange failure, ensure a bake
* Checks whether a certain method is overrided in a class
* @param baseClass the method is defined in
* @param typeInstance to check whether it overrides in the base class
* @param methodName of the method
* @param parameterTypes of the method
* @return True if overrided, False if not
public static boolean isMethodOverrided(Class<?> baseClass, Object typeInstance, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
return isMethodOverrided(baseClass, typeInstance.getClass(), methodName, parameterTypes);
* Checks whether a certain method is overrided in a class
* @param baseClass the method is defined in
* @param type to check whether it overrides in the base class
* @param methodName of the method
* @param parameterTypes of the method
* @return True if overrided, False if not
public static boolean isMethodOverrided(Class<?> baseClass, Class<?> type, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
return new SafeMethod<Void>(baseClass, methodName, parameterTypes).isOverridedIn(type);