package com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.cglib.asm.Type;
import net.sf.cglib.core.Signature;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Callback;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.CallbackFilter;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.NoOp;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.Common;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.gen.CallbackMethod;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.gen.CallbackSignature;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.gen.ProxyCallbackSignature;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.gen.SuperCallbackSignature;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.LogicUtil;
* A simple implementation builder that allows the creation of extensions of classes.
* This is done by specifying interfaces and implementations for these interfaces.<br><br>
* To construct new extensions of classes, do the following:<br>
* - Make new interface(s) containing the methods to override<br>
* - Implement these interface(s) in your own implementation class(es)<br>
* - Construct a new Class Builder using the superclass and implementation<br><br>
* To call super methods in the superclass, add interface methods starting with 'super_'.
* These methods are never called in the implemented version, you can leave them empty there.
public class ClassBuilder {
private static final String SUPER_PREFIX = "super_";
private final Class<?> superClass;
private final Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
private final Map<Class<?>, Object> callbackInstancesBuffer = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>();
private final Map<Signature, CallbackSignature> callbackSignatures = new HashMap<Signature, CallbackSignature>();
private final List<Class<?>> callbackClasses;
public ClassBuilder(Class<?> superclass, Class... callbackClasses) {
this(superclass, Arrays.asList((Class<?>[]) callbackClasses));
public ClassBuilder(Class<?> superclass, Collection<Class<?>> callbackClasses) {
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(callbackClasses)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one Callback Class is needed to use a Class Builder");
this.callbackClasses = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>(callbackClasses));
try {
this.superClass = superclass;
// Obtain all available interfaces and callbacks from the callback classes
Collection<Class<?>> interfaceClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(callbackClasses.size());
for (Class<?> callbackClass : callbackClasses) {
for (Class<?> interfaceClass : callbackClass.getInterfaces()) {
// Set the initial Callbacks - this is important during the CallbackFilter accept phase
for (Method method : interfaceClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
addCallback(method, null);
// Initialize the base Class
enhancer.setInterfaces(interfaceClasses.toArray(new Class<?>[0]));
enhancer.setCallbackTypes(new Class<?>[] {NoOp.class, CallbackMethodInterceptor.class});
enhancer.setCallbackFilter(new CallbackFilter() {
public int accept(Method method) {
return callbackSignatures.containsKey(getSig(method)) ? 1 : 0;
// Generate callback instances
CallbackSignature callback;
for (Class<?> interfaceClass : interfaceClasses) {
for (Method method : interfaceClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
// Find the best suitable way of redirecting this Method
callback = null;
final String name = method.getName();
if (name.startsWith(SUPER_PREFIX)) {
// Automatically redirect to the super method
final String methodName = Common.SERVER.getMethodName(superclass, name.substring(SUPER_PREFIX.length()), method.getParameterTypes());
final Signature superSig = getSig(method, methodName);
try {
// Try to get the method in the superclass - prior
if (!SafeMethod.contains(superClass, methodName, method.getParameterTypes())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find super method: " + superSig);
callback = new SuperCallbackSignature(superSig);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not access super method: " + superSig, ex);
} else {
// Find this method in one of the callback classes
for (Class<?> callBackClass : callbackClasses) {
if (interfaceClass.isAssignableFrom(callBackClass)) {
callback = new ProxyCallbackSignature(callBackClass.getDeclaredMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes()));
// Put the callback instance if available
if (callback == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Interface method is not implemented: " + method.getName());
addCallback(method, callback);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize Entity Class Builder for '" + superclass.getSimpleName() + "':", t);
* Creates a new instance using the constructor that matches the argumentTypes, using the arguments.
* The callbacks are applied to the newly created instance.
* @param argumentTypes of the superclass constructor to use
* @param arguments to pass along the superclass constructor
* @param callbacks to use for the newly created instance
* @return a new instance created by this ClassBuilder
public synchronized Object create(Class<?>[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments, Collection<Object> callbacks) {
try {
// Prepare the instances buffer: add all callback instances
for (Object callbackInstance : callbacks) {
callbackInstancesBuffer.put(callbackInstance.getClass(), callbackInstance);
// Create a method interceptor, assign it and then create a new instance
final CallbackMethodInterceptor interceptor = new CallbackMethodInterceptor();
enhancer.setCallbacks(new Callback[] {NoOp.INSTANCE, interceptor});
final Object instance = enhancer.create(argumentTypes, arguments);
// Prepare for clearing the callback instances buffer
return instance;
} finally {
* Gets an unmodifiable List of Callback Classes used by this Class Builder
* @return Unmodifiable List of Callback Classes
public List<Class<?>> getCallbackClasses() {
return this.callbackClasses;
* Gets the superclass that new Instances created by this builder extend
* @return superclass
public Class<?> getSuperClass() {
return this.superClass;
private void addCallback(Method superMethod, CallbackSignature callback) {
Signature sig = getSig(superMethod);
this.callbackSignatures.put(sig, callback);
String sigName = sig.getName();
if (sigName.startsWith(SUPER_PREFIX)) {
String fixedName = Common.SERVER.getMethodName(this.superClass, sigName, superMethod.getParameterTypes());
if (!fixedName.equals(sigName)) {
Signature fixedSig = getSig(superMethod, fixedName);
this.callbackSignatures.put(fixedSig, callback);
private static Signature getSig(Method method) {
return getSig(method, method.getName());
private static Signature getSig(Method method, String name) {
return new Signature(name, Type.getReturnType(method), Type.getArgumentTypes(method));
private final class CallbackMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private final Map<Signature, Object> callbackMethods;
public CallbackMethodInterceptor() {
this.callbackMethods = new HashMap<Signature, Object>(callbackSignatures);
* Converts all (any remaining) Callback Signatures to Callback Methods.
* After this method is called, the callback instances buffer can be cleared and re-used.
* @param instance that was created
public void createAllCallbacks(Object instance) {
for (Map.Entry<Signature, Object> callbackEntry : this.callbackMethods.entrySet()) {
Object callback = callbackEntry.getValue();
if (callback instanceof CallbackSignature) {
callbackEntry.setValue(createCallback(callback, instance));
public Object intercept(Object instance, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy) throws Throwable {
Object callback = this.callbackMethods.get(proxy.getSignature());
if (callback instanceof CallbackSignature) {
// Initialize this callback method (occurred in the Class constructor)
callback = createCallback(callback, instance);
this.callbackMethods.put(proxy.getSignature(), callback);
if (callback instanceof CallbackMethod) {
// Execute the method
return ((CallbackMethod) callback).invoke(instance, args);
} else {
// This should never occur because we have a filter, but it's here for safety purposes
return proxy.invokeSuper(instance, args);
private CallbackMethod createCallback(Object callbackSignature, Object instance) {
return ((CallbackSignature) callbackSignature).createCallback(instance, callbackInstancesBuffer);