package com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import net.minecraft.server.Entity;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityInsentient;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.server.WatchableObject;
import org.bukkit.EntityEffect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftSound;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
import org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.mutable.LocationAbstract;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.mutable.VectorAbstract;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.conversion.Conversion;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.internal.CommonNMS;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.protocol.CommonPacket;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.protocol.PacketType;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.DataWatcherRef;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.EntityRef;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.CommonUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.EntityUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.MathUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.PacketUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.WorldUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.wrappers.DataWatcher;
* Extends the methods provided by the Entity Bukkit class.
* @param <T> - type of Entity
public class ExtendedEntity<T extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> {
public final LocationAbstract loc = new LocationAbstract() {
public World getWorld() {return ExtendedEntity.this.getWorld();}
public LocationAbstract setWorld(World world) {ExtendedEntity.this.setWorld(world); return this;}
public double getX() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().locX;}
public double getY() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().locY;}
public double getZ() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().locZ;}
public LocationAbstract setX(double x) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().locX = x; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setY(double y) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().locY = y; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setZ(double z) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().locZ = z; return this;}
public float getYaw() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().yaw;}
public float getPitch() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().pitch;}
public LocationAbstract setYaw(float yaw) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().yaw = yaw; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setPitch(float pitch) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().pitch = pitch; return this;}
public final LocationAbstract last = new LocationAbstract() {
public World getWorld() {return ExtendedEntity.this.getWorld();}
public LocationAbstract setWorld(World world) {return this;}
public double getX() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastX;}
public double getY() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastY;}
public double getZ() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastZ;}
public LocationAbstract setX(double x) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastX = x; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setY(double y) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastY = y; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setZ(double z) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastZ = z; return this;}
public float getYaw() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastYaw;}
public float getPitch() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastPitch;}
public LocationAbstract setYaw(float yaw) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastYaw = yaw; return this;}
public LocationAbstract setPitch(float pitch) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().lastPitch = pitch; return this;}
public final VectorAbstract vel = new VectorAbstract() {
public double getX() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().motX;}
public double getY() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().motY;}
public double getZ() {return ExtendedEntity.this.h().motZ;}
public VectorAbstract setX(double x) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().motX = x; return this;}
public VectorAbstract setY(double y) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().motY = y; return this;}
public VectorAbstract setZ(double z) {ExtendedEntity.this.h().motZ = z; return this;}
* The minimum x/y/z velocity distance, above which the entity is considered to be moving
public static final double MIN_MOVE_SPEED = 0.001;
* The internally-stored Bukkit Entity instance
protected T entity;
* Constructs a new Extended Entity with the initial entity specified
* @param entity to use
public ExtendedEntity(T entity) {
* Sets the backing Bukkit Entity
* @param entity to set to
protected void setEntity(T entity) {
this.entity = entity;
* Gets the backing Bukkit Entity
* @return entity
public T getEntity() {
return entity;
* Private method for access the NMS Entity handle
* @return Entity handle
private Entity h() {
return getHandle(Entity.class);
* Gets the Entity handle
* @return the Entity handle
public Object getHandle() {
return Conversion.toEntityHandle.convert(entity);
* Gets the Entity handle, and automatically casts it to a given type
* @param type to cast to
* @return the NMS entity handle, cast to the given type
public <H> H getHandle(Class<H> type) {
return CommonUtil.tryCast(getHandle(), type);
* Obtains the DataWatcher to update and keep track of Entity metadata
* @return Entity meta data watcher
public DataWatcher getMetaData() {
return new DataWatcher(getHandle(Entity.class).getDataWatcher());
public int getChunkX() {
return EntityRef.chunkX.get(getHandle());
public void setChunkX(int value) {
EntityRef.chunkX.set(getHandle(), value);
public int getChunkY() {
return EntityRef.chunkY.get(getHandle());
public void setChunkY(int value) {
EntityRef.chunkY.set(getHandle(), value);
public int getChunkZ() {
return EntityRef.chunkZ.get(getHandle());
public void setChunkZ(int value) {
EntityRef.chunkZ.set(getHandle(), value);
* Obtains the Entity head rotation angle, or 0.0 if this Entity has no head.
* @return Head rotation, if available
public float getHeadRotation() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).getHeadRotation();
public double getMovedX() {
return loc.getX() - last.getX();
public double getMovedY() {
return loc.getY() - last.getY();
public double getMovedZ() {
return loc.getZ() - last.getZ();
public boolean hasMovedHorizontally() {
return Math.abs(this.getMovedX()) > MIN_MOVE_SPEED || Math.abs(this.getMovedZ()) > MIN_MOVE_SPEED;
public boolean hasMovedVertically() {
return Math.abs(this.getMovedY()) > MIN_MOVE_SPEED;
public boolean hasMoved() {
return hasMovedHorizontally() || hasMovedVertically();
public double getMovedXZDistance() {
return MathUtil.length(getMovedX(), getMovedZ());
public double getMovedXZDistanceSquared() {
return MathUtil.lengthSquared(getMovedX(), getMovedZ());
public double getMovedDistance() {
return MathUtil.length(getMovedX(), getMovedY(), getMovedZ());
public double getMovedDistanceSquared() {
return MathUtil.lengthSquared(getMovedX(), getMovedY(), getMovedZ());
public boolean isMovingHorizontally() {
return vel.x.abs() > MIN_MOVE_SPEED || vel.z.abs() > MIN_MOVE_SPEED;
public boolean isMovingVertically() {
return vel.y.abs() > MIN_MOVE_SPEED;
public boolean isMoving() {
return isMovingHorizontally() || isMovingVertically();
public void setWorld(World world) {
final Entity handle = getHandle(Entity.class); = CommonNMS.getNative(world);
handle.dimension = WorldUtil.getDimension(world);
public void setDead(boolean dead) {
getHandle(Entity.class).dead = dead;
public float getHeight() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).height;
public void setHeight(float height) {
getHandle(Entity.class).height = height;
public float getLength() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).length;
public void setLength(float length) {
getHandle(Entity.class).length = length;
public boolean isOnGround() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).onGround;
public void setOnGround(boolean onGround) {
getHandle(Entity.class).onGround = onGround;
public boolean isPositionChanged() {
return EntityRef.positionChanged.get(getHandle());
public void setPositionChanged(boolean changed) {
EntityRef.positionChanged.set(getHandle(), changed);
public boolean isVelocityChanged() {
return EntityRef.velocityChanged.get(getHandle());
public void setVelocityChanged(boolean changed) {
EntityRef.velocityChanged.set(getHandle(), changed);
* Gets whether this Entity is stored in a loaded chunk
* @return True if loaded, False if not
public boolean isInLoadedChunk() {
return EntityRef.isLoaded.get(getHandle());
* Gets whether the entity is hitting something, like an Entity or Block.
* If this returns True, then the Entity is unable to move freely.
* @return True if movement is impaired, False if not
public boolean isMovementImpaired() {
// Note: this variable is simply wrongly deobfuscated!
return getHandle(Entity.class).positionChanged;
* Sets whether the entity is hitting something, and as a result can not move freely
* @param impaired state to set to
public void setMovementImpaired(boolean impaired) {
// Note: this variable is simply wrongly deobfuscated!
getHandle(Entity.class).positionChanged = impaired;
public Random getRandom() {
return EntityRef.random.get(getHandle());
* Plays a sound for the Entity, but with a slightly random pitch
* @param sound to play
* @param volume to play at
* @param pitch (average) to play at
public void makeRandomSound(Sound sound, float volume, float pitch) {
makeRandomSound(CraftSound.getSound(sound), volume, pitch);
* Plays a sound for the Entity, but with a slightly random pitch
* @param soundName to play
* @param volume to play at
* @param pitch (average) to play at
public void makeRandomSound(String soundName, float volume, float pitch) {
final Random rand = getRandom();
makeSound(soundName, volume, MathUtil.clamp(pitch + 0.4f * (rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()), 0.0f, 1.0f));
public void makeSound(Sound sound, float volume, float pitch) {
makeSound(CraftSound.getSound(sound), volume, pitch);
public void makeSound(String soundName, float volume, float pitch) {
final Entity handle = getHandle(Entity.class);, soundName, volume, pitch);
public void makeStepSound(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
makeStepSound(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ(), block.getType());
public void makeStepSound(int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ, Material type) {
EntityRef.playStepSound(getHandle(), blockX, blockY, blockZ, CommonNMS.getBlock(type));
public void makeStepSound(int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ, int typeId) {
if (CommonNMS.isValidBlockId(typeId)) {
EntityRef.playStepSound(getHandle(), blockX, blockY, blockZ, typeId);
public List<MetadataValue> getMetadata(String arg0) {
return entity.getMetadata(arg0);
public boolean hasMetadata(String arg0) {
return entity.hasMetadata(arg0);
public void removeMetadata(String arg0, Plugin arg1) {
entity.removeMetadata(arg0, arg1);
public void setMetadata(String arg0, MetadataValue arg1) {
entity.setMetadata(arg0, arg1);
public boolean eject() {
return entity.eject();
public int getEntityId() {
return entity.getEntityId();
public float getFallDistance() {
return entity.getFallDistance();
public int getFireTicks() {
return entity.getFireTicks();
public EntityDamageEvent getLastDamageCause() {
return entity.getLastDamageCause();
public Location getLocation() {
return entity.getLocation();
public Location getLastLocation() {
return last.toLocation();
public Location getLocation(Location arg0) {
return entity.getLocation(arg0);
public int getMaxFireTicks() {
return entity.getMaxFireTicks();
public void setFootLocation(double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch) {
getHandle(Entity.class).setPositionRotation(x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
public void setLocation(double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch) {
getHandle(Entity.class).setLocation(x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
* Sets the yaw and pitch rotation, while ensuring that there are no 360-turns
* @param yaw to set to
* @param pitch to set to
public void setRotation(float yaw, float pitch) {
EntityRef.setRotation(getHandle(), yaw, pitch);
public void setPosition(double x, double y, double z) {
getHandle(Entity.class).setPosition(x, y, z);
public List<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getNearbyEntities(double radius) {
return this.getNearbyEntities(radius, radius, radius);
public List<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getNearbyEntities(double radX, double radY, double radZ) {
return WorldUtil.getNearbyEntities(this.getEntity(), radX, radY, radZ);
public org.bukkit.entity.Entity getPassenger() {
return entity.getPassenger();
public Player getPlayerPassenger() {
return CommonUtil.tryCast(getPassenger(), Player.class);
public boolean hasPassenger() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).passenger != null;
public boolean hasPlayerPassenger() {
return getHandle(Entity.class).passenger instanceof EntityPlayer;
* Gets whether this type of Entity is a type of Vehicle, allowing entities to enter it
* @return True if this is a Vehicle, False if not
public boolean isVehicle() {
return entity instanceof Vehicle;
public Server getServer() {
return entity.getServer();
public int getTicksLived() {
return entity.getTicksLived();
public EntityType getType() {
return entity.getType();
public UUID getUniqueId() {
return entity.getUniqueId();
public org.bukkit.entity.Entity getVehicle() {
return entity.getVehicle();
public Vector getVelocity() {
return entity.getVelocity();
* Checks whether this Entity is spawned in the world
* @return True if the Entity is spawned, False if not
public boolean isSpawned() {
final Entity handle = h();
return handle != null && != null &&;
public World getWorld() {
return Conversion.toWorld.convert(h().world);
public boolean isDead() {
return entity.isDead();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return entity.isEmpty();
public boolean isInsideVehicle() {
return entity.isInsideVehicle();
* Gets the Entity that is holding this Entity by a leash.
* If this Entity does not support leashing, or the Entity is
* not on a leash, null is returned instead.
* @return Leash holder
public org.bukkit.entity.Entity getLeashHolder() {
EntityInsentient handle = getHandle(EntityInsentient.class);
return handle == null ? null : Conversion.toEntity.convert(handle.getLeashHolder());
public boolean isValid() {
return entity.isValid();
* Gets whether the Entity is submerged in water (subsequently, extinguising any fire).
* This method does not update the state, it merely reads it.
* @return True if this Entity is in water, False if not
public boolean isInWater() {
return isInWater(false);
* Gets whether the Entity is submerged in water (subsequently, extinguising any fire)
* @param update option: True to update this state by checking for water blocks nearby
* @return True if this Entity is in water, False if not
public boolean isInWater(boolean update) {
return EntityRef.isInWater(getHandle(), update);
* Sets whether an Entity is allowed to teleport upon entering a portal right now.
* This state is live-updated based on whether the Entity moved into/away from a portal.
* @param allow whether to allow portal entering
public void setAllowTeleportation(boolean allow) {
EntityUtil.setAllowTeleportation(entity, allow);
* Gets whether an Entity is allowed to teleport upon entering a portal right now.
* This state is live-updated based on whether the Entity moved into/away from a portal.
public boolean getAllowTeleportation() {
return EntityUtil.getAllowTeleportation(entity);
* Gets the entity portal enter cooldown ticks
* @return entity cooldown ticks
public int getPortalCooldown() {
return EntityUtil.getPortalCooldown(entity);
* Sets the entity portal enter cooldown ticks
* @param cooldownTicks to set to
public void setPortalCooldown(int cooldownTicks) {
EntityUtil.setPortalCooldown(entity, cooldownTicks);
* Gets the maximum portal cooldown ticks.
* This is the value applied right after entering a portal.
* @return entity maximum portal cooldown ticks
public int getPortalCooldownMaximum() {
return EntityUtil.getPortalCooldownMaximum(entity);
public boolean leaveVehicle() {
return entity.leaveVehicle();
public void playEffect(EntityEffect arg0) {
public void remove() {
public void setFallDistance(float arg0) {
public void setFireTicks(int arg0) {
public void setLastDamageCause(EntityDamageEvent arg0) {
* Sets the passenger of this Vehicle, while throwing possible events
* If the previous passenger could not eject, or if entering didn't happen, False is returned.
* @param passenger to set to
* @return True if the passenger was successfully set, False if not
public boolean setPassenger(org.bukkit.entity.Entity passenger) {
return passenger == null ? entity.eject() : entity.setPassenger(passenger);
* Sets the passenger of this Vehicle without raising any events
* @param newPassenger to set to
public void setPassengerSilent(org.bukkit.entity.Entity newPassenger) {
final Entity handle = getHandle(Entity.class);
if (hasPassenger()) {
if (getPassenger() == newPassenger) {
// Ignore setting to the same Entity
// Send proper eject packet for the previous passenger
if (hasPlayerPassenger()) {
PacketUtil.sendPacket(getPlayerPassenger(), PacketType.OUT_ENTITY_ATTACH.newInstance(getPassenger(), null));
// Properly set to null
handle.passenger.vehicle = null;
handle.passenger = null;
// Set the new passenger
if (newPassenger != null) {
// Properly set it
handle.passenger = CommonNMS.getNative(newPassenger);
handle.passenger.vehicle = handle;
// Send proper eject packet for the new passenger
if (hasPlayerPassenger()) {
PacketUtil.sendPacket(getPlayerPassenger(), PacketType.OUT_ENTITY_ATTACH.newInstance(newPassenger, this.getEntity()));
* Sends a packet to all nearby players in view of this Entity
* @param packet to send
public void sendPacketNearby(CommonPacket packet) {
WorldUtil.getTracker(getWorld()).sendPacket(entity, packet);
public void setTicksLived(int arg0) {
public void setVelocity(Vector arg0) {
public void setVelocity(double motX, double motY, double motZ) {
final Entity handle = getHandle(Entity.class);
handle.motX = motX;
handle.motY = motY;
handle.motZ = motZ;
public boolean teleport(Location location) {
return teleport(location, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
public boolean teleport(Location location, TeleportCause cause) {
return entity.teleport(location, cause);
public boolean teleport(org.bukkit.entity.Entity destination) {
return teleport(destination.getLocation());
public boolean teleport(org.bukkit.entity.Entity destination, TeleportCause cause) {
return teleport(destination.getLocation(), cause);
* Spawns an item as if dropped by this Entity
* @param material of the item to drop
* @param amount of the material to drop
* @param force to drop at
* @return the dropped Item
public Item spawnItemDrop(Material material, int amount, float force) {
return CommonNMS.getItem(getHandle(Entity.class).a(CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(material), amount, force));
* Spawns an item as if dropped by this Entity
* @param item to drop
* @param force to drop at
* @return the dropped Item
public Item spawnItemDrop(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item, float force) {
return CommonNMS.getItem(getHandle(Entity.class).a(CommonNMS.getNative(item), force));
* Sets a DataWatcher value at the specified index
* @param index to set at
* @param value to set to
public void setWatchedData(int index, Object value) {
h().getDataWatcher().watch(index, value);
* Gets a DataWatcher value at the specified index
* @param index to get at
* @param def to return on failure and type to get (can not be null)
* @return data, or def if not found
public <K> K getWatchedData(int index, K def) {
return getWatchedData(index, (Class<K>) def.getClass(), def);
* Gets a DataWatcher value at the specified index
* @param index to get at
* @param type of data to get
* @param def to return on failure
* @return data, or def if not found
public <K> K getWatchedData(int index, Class<K> type, K def) {
WatchableObject object = (WatchableObject), index);
if (object == null) {
return def;
return Conversion.convert(object.b(), type, def);
public int hashCode() {
return entity == null ? super.hashCode() : entity.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return entity == null ? "null" : entity.toString();
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object instanceof ExtendedEntity) {
return ((ExtendedEntity<?>) object).entity == this.entity;
} else {
return false;