* ShowCaseStandalone
* Copyright (C) 2012 Kellerkindt <copyright at kellerkindt.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.kellerkindt.scs;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.BOSEconomyBalance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.DummyBalance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.EssentialsBalance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.VaultBalance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.iConomy5Balance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.iConomy6Balance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.balance.iConomy8Balance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.events.ShowCaseEvent;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.interfaces.Balance;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.interfaces.ShopHandler;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.interfaces.StorageHandler;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.internals.MetricsHandler;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.internals.SimpleShopHandler;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.internals.Todo;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.BlockListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.CommandExecutorListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.DropChestListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.DropChestListenerV2;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.EntityListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.ILogTransactionListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.InventoryListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.PlayerListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.ShowCaseExecutingListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.ShowCaseVerifyingListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.SignListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.TownyListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.WorldGuardListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.WorldListener;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.BuyShop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.DisplayShop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.ExchangeShop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.SellShop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.Shop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.storage.SQLShopStorage;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.storage.YamlStorage;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Messaging;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Metrics;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.PlayerSessionVariables;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Properties;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Properties.EconomySystem;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.SCSLogger;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Term;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.TermLoader;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Utilities;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin;
import cosine.boseconomy.BOSEconomy;
//TODO: Dropchest listener not working with DC fork in 1.1
//Amounts on sell are wrong (default items
public class ShowCaseStandalone extends JavaPlugin {
public static final String ALIAS_SHOP_BUY = "scs.buy";
public static final String ALIAS_SHOP_SELL = "scs.sell";
public static final String ALIAS_SHOP_DISPLAY = "scs.display";
public static final String ALIAS_SHOP_EXCHANGE = "scs.exchange";
static {
// register for deserialization
ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(BuyShop.class, ALIAS_SHOP_BUY);
ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(SellShop.class, ALIAS_SHOP_SELL);
ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(DisplayShop.class, ALIAS_SHOP_DISPLAY);
ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(ExchangeShop.class, ALIAS_SHOP_EXCHANGE);
private static Date startup = null;
private static HashMap<Date, String> warnings = new HashMap<Date, String>();
private Permission permission = null;
private Balance balance = null;
private ShopHandler shopHandler = null;
private StorageHandler shopStorage = null;
private MetricsHandler metricsHandler = null;
private Metrics metrics = null;
private static ShowCaseStandalone scs;
private static final Logger logr = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
public static SCSLogger logDebug = null;
private static SCSLogger logTrans = null;
private Map<Class<? extends Shop>, String> createPerms = new HashMap<Class<? extends Shop>, String>();
private Map<Class<? extends Shop>, Double> createCosts = new HashMap<Class<? extends Shop>, Double>();
private Map<String, Integer> sneakAmount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
// manuel hook and un-hook
// private TownyListener townyListener;
public static final PlayerSessionVariables pv = new PlayerSessionVariables();
private Map<Player, Todo> todos = new HashMap<Player, Todo>();
public void onLoad() {
public void onDisable() {
try {
log(Level.INFO, "Stopping shop update task.", true);
log(Level.INFO, "Saving any remaining shop changes.", true);
log(Level.INFO, "Removing display items.", true);
} catch (Exception ioe) {
this.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception on onDisable: " + ioe, false);
public void onEnable() {
logr.log(Level.INFO, "[SCS] Starting build "+Properties.buildNumber +", made on "+Properties.buildDate +" by "+Properties.buildAuthor +" with help by "+Properties.buildContributor);
// setup startup
startup = new Date();
warnings = new HashMap<Date, String>();
// Register our commands
ShowCaseStandalone.scs = this;
getCommand("scs").setExecutor(new CommandExecutorListener(this));
//Load our configuration
log(Level.INFO, "Loading configuration.", true);
//Initialize the customer loggers
logTrans = new SCSLogger("ShowCaseStandlone", getDataFolder() + File.separator + "transactions.log");
if(Properties.threadDebug || Properties.chunkDebug || Properties.interactDebug || Properties.saveDebug)
logDebug = new SCSLogger("ShowCaseStandalone", getDataFolder() + File.separator + "debug.log");
// ShopHandler, ShopStorage
log(Level.INFO, "Initializing ShopHandler and ShopStorage", true);
log(Level.INFO, "Using " + Properties.storageType + " as storage type.", true);
log(Level.INFO, "getDatafolder: " + getDataFolder(), true);
try {
log(Level.INFO, "Loading shops", true);
// TODO check again
// // bukkits configuration file
// if ("sql_bukkit".equalsIgnoreCase(Properties.storageType)) {
// shopStorage = getSQLShopStorageBukkit();
// }
// // my configuration file
// else if ("sql_scs".equalsIgnoreCase(Properties.storageType)) {
// shopStorage = getSQLShopStorageThis();
// // default: ffss
// } else {
// shopStorage = new FastFileShopStorage(this);
// }
shopHandler = new SimpleShopHandler (this);
shopStorage = new YamlStorage(this, new File(getDataFolder(), "yaml-storage"));
log(Level.INFO, "Shops loaded: " + shopHandler.size(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while loading shops: " + e, false);
// Initialize localization
log(Level.INFO, "Loaded localization: " + Properties.localizationFileName, true);
try {
TermLoader.loadTerms(new File(getDataFolder(), Properties.localizationFileName));
} catch (IOException ioe){
log(Level.WARNING, "IOError: could not find/connect to localization file.", false);
log(Level.WARNING, "Disabling SCS.", false);
// Searching for other plugins
log(Level.INFO, "Searching for other Plugins...", true);
// try to manually hook into plugins
for (Plugin p : this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugins())
// Not found any economy system?
if (this.balance == null) {
log(Level.WARNING, "No economy system found, using dummy economy system!", false);
log(Level.WARNING, "Please get a plugin, either iMonies, EssentialsEco, iConomy, or BOSEconomy!", false);
this.balance = new DummyBalance(this);
//Instantiate and Register the listeners. Do this last to avoid NPEs for chunk load events.
log(Level.INFO, "Register event listeners.", true);
registerEvents(new PlayerListener (this));
registerEvents(new BlockListener (this));
registerEvents(new WorldListener (this));
registerEvents(new InventoryListener(this));
registerEvents(new EntityListener (this));
registerEvents(new ShowCaseStandalonePluginListener(this));
// main listener
registerEvents(new ShowCaseExecutingListener(this));
registerEvents(new ShowCaseVerifyingListener(this));
// set the prices
setCreatePrice(SellShop .class, Properties.sellShopCreatePrice);
setCreatePrice(BuyShop .class, Properties.buyShopCreatePrice);
setCreatePrice(DisplayShop .class, Properties.displayCreatePrice);
setCreatePrice(ExchangeShop .class, Properties.exchangeCreatePrice);
// set the permissions
setCreatePermission(SellShop .class, Properties.permCreateSell);
setCreatePermission(BuyShop .class, Properties.permCreateBuy);
setCreatePermission(DisplayShop .class, Properties.permCreateDisplay);
setCreatePermission(ExchangeShop.class, Properties.permCreateExchange);
// init listeners
if (Properties.useSigns) {
registerEvents(new SignListener(this));
// iLogTransaction listener
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("iLogTransactions") != null) {
registerEvents(new ILogTransactionListener(this));
try {
log(Level.INFO, "Initilazing Metrics", true);
// init metrics
this.metrics = new Metrics(this);
// does the server owner want to use this?
if (!metrics.isOptOut()) {
// init handler
this.metricsHandler = new MetricsHandler(shopHandler, metrics);
// add listener
// start metrics
log(Level.INFO, "Metrics successfully initialized", true);
} else {
log(Level.INFO, "Metrics is deactivated, ShowCaseStandalone respects your decision and won't use Metrics", true);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't initialize Metrics", false);
// // for debuging only
// UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("c38df931-b545-462c-84e2-45b85c1a81ca");
// if (shopHandler.size() == 0) {
// World world = getServer().getWorlds().get(0);
// BuyShop shop = new BuyShop(uuid, "kellerkindt", new Location(world, 1, 2, 3), new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK));
// shop.setAmount(123);
// shopHandler.addShop(shop);
// } else {
// Shop shop = shopHandler.getShop(uuid);
// shop.setAmount(shop.getAmount() * 2);
// }
// Warning if this is a dev-build
if (Properties.buildIsDev)
Messaging.send(getServer().getConsoleSender(), Term.WARNING_DEV_VERSION.get());
* Registers the given Listener
* @param listener Listener to register
private void registerEvents(Listener listener) {
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, this);
log(Level.INFO, "Registered "+listener.getClass().getSimpleName(), true);
* @param shopClass Class to bind the permission to
* @param perm Permission needed to create a shop of the given class
public void setCreatePermission (Class<? extends Shop> shopClass, String perm) {
createPerms.put(shopClass, perm);
* @param shopClass The class to check the permissions for
* @return The needed permission to create a shop of the given class or the admin permission
public String getCreatePermission (Class<? extends Shop> shopClass) {
// get the permission
String perm = createPerms.get(shopClass);
// check whether the permission is valid
if (perm == null) {
// unknown, so only the admin is allowed to
return Properties.permAdmin;
} else {
return perm;
* @param shopClass Class to set the price for
* @param price Price to set for the given class
public void setCreatePrice (Class<? extends Shop> shopClass, double price) {
createCosts.put(shopClass, price);
* @param shopClass Class to get the price for
* @return The price to create a Shop of the given Class
public double getCreatePrice (Class<? extends Shop> shopClass) {
// get the cost
Double cost = createCosts.get(shopClass);
if (cost == null) {
log(Level.WARNING, "Price for unknown class requested: "+shopClass, true);
return 0;
} else {
return cost;
* Creates a new SQLShoStorage instance with bukkits configuration file
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @Deprecated SQLStorage cannot save at the moment
public SQLShopStorage getSQLShopStorageBukkit () throws SQLException {
ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig();
String url = serverConfig.getDataSourceConfig().getUrl();
String username = serverConfig.getDataSourceConfig().getUsername();
String password = serverConfig.getDataSourceConfig().getPassword();
return new SQLShopStorage (this, url, username, password);
* Creates a new SQLShoStorage instance with this configuration file
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @Deprecated SQLStorage cannot save at the moment
public SQLShopStorage getSQLShopStorageThis () throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
String url = Properties.sqlURL;
String username = Properties.sqlUserame;
String password = Properties.sqlPass;
// load class
return new SQLShopStorage (this, url, username, password);
* @param player Player to get the amount for
* @return The amount while this player is sneaking
public int getSneakAmount (Player player) {
Integer amount = sneakAmount.get(player.getName());
if (amount == null) {
return 64; // TODO
} else {
return amount;
* Sets the amount a player wants to interact
* while he is sneaking
* @param player Player to set for
* @param amount Amount to set
public void setSneakAmount (Player player, int amount) {
sneakAmount.put(player.getName(), amount);
* Logging for this module only.
* @param l Log Level
* @param message
* @param debug Whether to log the message only if debuging is enabled
public void log (Level l, String message, boolean debug) {
// log only for debug reasons?
if(debug && Properties.startupDebugging) {
ShowCaseStandalone.slog(l, message);
} else {
// just log it
ShowCaseStandalone.slog(l, message);
* Static logger for the minecraft.log
* @param l Log Level
* @param message
public static void slog(Level l, String message) {
ShowCaseStandalone.get().getLogger().log(l, message);
ShowCaseStandalone.logr.log(l, "[SCS] " + message);
// warning log
if (Level.WARNING == l || Level.SEVERE == l) {
warnings.put(new Date(), message);
* Calls the given ShowCaseEvent
* @param event Event to call
* @return Whether the event was cancelled
public boolean callShowCaseEvent (ShowCaseEvent event) {
return event.isCancelled();
* @return The time this plugin was enabled
public static Date getStartup () {
return startup;
* @return The date of the last warnings since startup
public static HashMap<Date, String> getWarnings () {
return warnings;
* @return The amount of warnings since this plugin was enabled
public static int getTotalWarnings () {
return warnings.size();
* Thread Debug logger. Logs to debug.log when activated.
* @param l Log level
* @param message
public static void dlog(String message){
if(logDebug != null)
logDebug.log(Level.INFO, message);
* Transaction logger. Logs to transaction.log when activated.
* If mysql is active, we should be sending this to that module for
* storage in the transaction table.
* @param customer
* @param owner
* @param action
* @param quantity
* @param price
* @param item
* @param sha1
* @param inventory
public static void tlog(String customer, String owner, String action,
int quantity, double price, String item, UUID uuid, int inventory){
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append("Transaction: ");
msg.append("c:").append(customer).append(", o:").append(owner);
msg.append(", a:").append(action);
msg.append(", q:").append(quantity);
msg.append(", i:").append(item);
msg.append(", pr:").append(price);
msg.append(", shp:").append(uuid.toString());
msg.append(", inv:").append(inventory);
if(logTrans != null)
logTrans.log(Level.INFO, msg.toString());
* Makes the current instance for all accessible
public static ShowCaseStandalone get () {
return ShowCaseStandalone.scs;
* Adds the given player and tood
* @param player Player that caused the todo
* @param todo Todo the player requested
public void addTodo (Player player, Todo todo) {
todos.put(player, todo);
* Removes the todo for the given player
* @param player Player to remove the todo for
* @return The removed todo
public Todo removeTodo (Player player) {
return todos.remove(player);
* @param player Player to get the todo for
* @return The todo for the given Player
public Todo getTodo (Player player) {
return todos.get(player);
* @param player Player to check
* @return Whether the given player is a SCS-Admin
public boolean isAdmin (Player player) {
return player.isOp() || hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin);
* @param player Player to check
* @param per Additional permission to check, if the player is not an admin
* @return Whether the given player is an admin or has the given permission
public boolean isAdminOrHasPermission (Player player, String per) {
return hasOnePermission(player, Properties.permAdmin, per);
* @param player Player to check
* @return Whether the given player can use a shop
public boolean canUse (Player player) {
return hasOnePermission(player, Properties.permAdmin, Properties.permUse);
* Checks whether the given player can manage
* the given shop
* @param player Player to check
* @param shop Shop to manage
* @param checkOwner Whether the given player has to be the owner, if false, it can also be a member
* @return whether the given player can manage the given shop
public boolean canManage (Player player, Shop shop, boolean checkOwner) {
return hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin)
|| ((!checkOwner || shop.isOwner(player.getName()))
&& (checkOwner || shop.isOwnerOrMember(player.getName()))
&& hasPermission(player, Properties.permManage));
* @param cs CommandSender to check
* @param pers Requested permissions
* @return Whether the given CommandSender has one of the requested permissions
public boolean hasOnePermission (CommandSender cs, String ... pers) {
for (String per : pers) {
if (hasPermission(cs, per)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param cs CommandSender to check
* @param pers Requested permissions
* @return Whether the given CommandSender has all of the requested permissions
public boolean hasAllPermissions (CommandSender cs, String ... pers) {
for (String per : pers) {
if (!hasPermission(cs, per)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether the given CommandSenderhas the requested
* permission, console will always have all permissions
* @param cs CommandSender to check
* @param permission Requested permission
* @return Whether the given CommandSender has the requested permission
public boolean hasPermission (CommandSender cs, String permission) {
if (cs instanceof Player) {
return hasPermission((Player)cs, permission);
} else {
return (cs instanceof ConsoleCommandSender);
* Checks if the given player has the given permission
* First uses Permissions plugin if available, if not
* it uses bukkit-permission
* @param player Player to check
* @param perm Requested permission
* @return Whether the given Player has the given permission or not
public boolean hasPermission (Player player, String perm) {
boolean hasPer = false;
if (permission != null) {
// ask the permission plugin
hasPer = permission.has(player, perm);
} else {
// ask bukkit
hasPer = player.hasPermission(perm);
// only log on debug
if (Properties.permDebug) {
if (hasPer) {
log(Level.FINEST, String.format("%s [DisplayName=%s] was granted the permission '%s'", player.getName(), player.getDisplayName(), perm), true);
} else {
log(Level.INFO, String.format("%s [DisplayName=%s] was denied the permission '%s'", player.getName(), player.getDisplayName(), perm), true);
return hasPer;
* Returns the BalanceHandler
public Balance getBalanceHandler () {
return this.balance;
public void setBalanceHandler (Balance bh) {
this.balance = bh;
* @return The current ShopHandler
public ShopHandler getShopHandler () {
return this.shopHandler;
* @return The current StorageHandler
public StorageHandler getStorageHandler(){
return this.shopStorage;
* Returns formatted money amounts.
public String formatCurrency(double amount){
return balance.format(amount);
* Checks if the economy system is allowed
* @param className ClassName of the economy system
* @return true if it is allowed, false if it isn't allowed
public boolean isAllowedEconomySystem (String className) {
String names[] = Properties.economySystem.classNames;
for (String s : names)
if (s.equals(className))
return true;
return false;
* Configuration file loader
public void loadSCSConfig(FileConfiguration config){
Properties.showExtraMessages = config.getBoolean("Debug.ShowExtraMessages", false);
Properties.defaultUnit = config.getInt ("DefaultUnit");
Properties.maxUndoTime = config.getInt ("UndoTime") * 1000;
Properties.buyShopCreatePrice = config.getDouble ("CreatePrice.BuyShop");
Properties.sellShopCreatePrice = config.getDouble ("CreatePrice.SellShop");
Properties.displayCreatePrice = config.getDouble ("CreatePrice.Display");
Properties.exchangeCreatePrice = config.getDouble ("CreatePrice.Exchange");
Properties.storageType = config.getString ("Database.Type"); //we'll catch potential errors later.
Properties.blackList = config.getBoolean ("BlockList.Blacklist");
Properties.blockList = convertListStringToMaterial(config.getStringList("BlockList.Blocks"));
Properties.buyBlackList = config.getBoolean ("BuyItemList.Blacklist");
Properties.buyList = convertListStringToMaterial(config.getStringList("BuyItemList.Items"));
Properties.sellBlackList = config.getBoolean ("SellItemList.Blacklist");
Properties.sellList = convertListStringToMaterial(config.getStringList("SellItemList.Items"));
Properties.sqlDriver = config.getString ("Database.driver");
Properties.sqlURL = config.getString ("Database.url");
Properties.sqlUserame = config.getString ("Database.username");
Properties.sqlPass = config.getString ("Database.password");
Properties.blacklistedWorlds = config.getStringList ("WorldBlacklist");
Properties.cancelExplosion = config.getBoolean ("CancelExplosion");
Properties.logTransactions = config.getBoolean ("LogTransactions");
Properties.hideInactiveShops = config.getBoolean ("HideInactiveShops");
Properties.maxAmountOnCreative = config.getBoolean ("MaxAmountOnCreative", true);
Properties.startupDebugging = config.getBoolean ("StartupDebugging", false);
Properties.threadDebug = config.getBoolean ("Debug.Thread", false);
Properties.permDebug = config.getBoolean ("Debug.Permissions", false);
Properties.interactDebug = config.getBoolean ("Debug.Interact", false);
Properties.chunkDebug = config.getBoolean ("Debug.Chunk", false);
Properties.saveDebug = config.getBoolean ("Debug.Save", false);
Properties.towny_needsResident = config.getBoolean ("Towny.needsResident", true);
Properties.towny_needsToBeOwner = config.getBoolean ("Towny.needsToBeOwner", false);
Properties.towny_allowInWilderness = config.getBoolean ("Towny.allowInWilderness", false);
Properties.requireObjectToDisplay = config.getBoolean ("RequireObjectToDisplay");
Properties.allowUnsafeEnchantments = config.getBoolean ("AllowUnsafeEnchantments");
Properties.economySystem = convertToEconomySystem( config.getString("EconomySystem") );
Properties.intervall = config.getLong ("Save.Interval");
Properties.stackToMaxAmount = config.getBoolean ("Display.StackToMaxAmount", false);
Properties.useSigns = config.getBoolean ("Display.UseSigns", true);
Properties.DISPLAY_USE_STORAGE = config.getBoolean ("Display.UseStorage", true);
Properties.maxShopAmountPerPlayer = config.getInt ("Limitation.MaxAmount");
Properties.localizationFileName = config.getString ("Localization.File", "locale_EN");
//Check for extension. If not found, then add .yml
Properties.localizationFileName += ".yml";
//now check locale version. If different from the one we hardcode in Properties, then overwrite default locale file.
//this indicates that we've added or modified the default locale file(s).
log(Level.INFO, "locale vs. config: " + Properties.localeVersion + " v " + config.getDouble("Localization.Version"), true);
if(Properties.localeVersion != config.getDouble("Localization.Version")){
log(Level.INFO, "Locale file has changed. Overwriting default locale files with new versions.", false);
log(Level.INFO, "If you are using a custom locale file, please update with any changes you need.", false);
for(String defaultName : Properties.defaultLocaleFiles){
this.saveResource(defaultName, true);
config.set("Localization.Version", Properties.localeVersion);
* Converts the given String to a EconomySystem variable
* By default, it returns EconomySystem.AUTO
* @param value Name of the economy system
* @return The EconomySystem for the value or EconomySystem.AUTO
private EconomySystem convertToEconomySystem (String value) {
EconomySystem system = EconomySystem.AUTO;
for (EconomySystem es : EconomySystem.values())
if (es.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(value))
system = es;
return system;
* Converts a list of Strings to a list of materials.
private List<MaterialData> convertListStringToMaterial(List<String> list){
List<MaterialData> result = new ArrayList<MaterialData>();
MaterialData m = null;
for(String mat : list){
m = Utilities.getMaterialsFromString(mat);
} catch (IOException ioe){}
return result;
public static void spam(String m){
* Sends to all of the registered player
* the given message
* @param shop Shop to get the players from
* @param msg Message to send
public void msgAll (Shop shop, String msg) {
msgOwner(shop, msg);
for (String member : shop.getMembers()) {
msgPlayer(getServer().getPlayerExact(member), msg);
* Sends the owner of this shop the given Message
* @param shop Shop to get the owner of
* @param msg Message to send
public void msgOwner (Shop shop, String msg) {
msgPlayer(getServer().getPlayerExact(shop.getOwner()), msg);
* Sends the given Player the given message
* @param player Player to send the message to
* @param msg Message to send
public void msgPlayer (Player player, String msg) {
if (player != null) {
Messaging.send(player, msg);
* @param stack ItemStack to check
* @return Whether the material of the given ItemStack needs to check the ItemMeta
public boolean compareItemMeta (ItemStack stack) {
switch (stack.getType()) {
case BOOK:
return false;
return true;
* Tires to hook into the given Plugin
* @param plugin
public void hookInto (Plugin plugin) {
String className = plugin.getClass().getName();
// WorldGuard
if (className.equals("com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin")) {
registerEvents(new WorldGuardListener(this, (WorldGuardPlugin)plugin));
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into WorldGuard", true);
// Essentials Economy
if (className.equals("com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into EssentialsEconomy", true);
this.balance = new EssentialsBalance(this, (Essentials)plugin);
// iConomy 5
if (className.equals("com.iConomy.iConomy") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into iConomy5", true);
this.balance = new iConomy5Balance (this, (com.iConomy.iConomy)plugin);
// iConomy 6
if (className.equals("com.iCo6.iConomy") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into iConomy6", true);
this.balance = new iConomy6Balance (this, (com.iCo6.iConomy)plugin);
// iConomy
if (className.equals("com.iCo8.iConomy") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into iConomy8", true);
this.balance = new iConomy8Balance (this, (com.iCo8.iConomy)plugin);
// BOSEconomy
if (className.equals("cosine.boseconomy.BOSEconomy") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into BOSEconomy", true);
this.balance = new BOSEconomyBalance (this, (BOSEconomy)plugin);
// Towny
if (className.equals("com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.Towny")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into Towny", true);
registerEvents(new TownyListener());
// Vault
if (className.equals("net.milkbowl.vault.Vault") && isAllowedEconomySystem(className)) {
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> economyProvider = scs.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy.class);
if (economyProvider != null) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into " + economyProvider.getPlugin().getName(), true);
balance = new VaultBalance(economyProvider.getProvider());
RegisteredServiceProvider<Permission> permissionProvider = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission.class);
if (permissionProvider != null) {
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked into Vault Permissions", true);
permission = permissionProvider.getProvider();
//Attach to DropChest API, if loaded
if (className.equals("com.narrowtux.dropchest.dropchest")){
log(Level.INFO, "Found Old DropChest. Attempting to hook api.", true);
try {
registerEvents(new DropChestListener(this));
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked OLD DropChest listener.", true);
} catch (Exception e) {}
//This supports a fork that was done to upgrade DC to 1.1.
if (className.equals("com.noheroes.dropchest.dropchest")){
log(Level.INFO, "Found New DropChest. Attempting to hook api.", true);
registerEvents(new DropChestListenerV2(this));
log(Level.INFO, "Hooked NEW DropChest listener.", true);
} catch (Exception e){}
* Tires to unhook from the given plugin
* @param plugin
public void unHookPlugin (Plugin plugin) {
String className = plugin.getClass().getName();
if (className.equals("com.iConomy.iConomy")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked iConomy", true);
this.balance = new DummyBalance(this);
if (className.equals("com.iCo6.iConomy")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked iConomy", true);
this.balance = new DummyBalance(this);
if (className.equals("com.iCo8.iConomy")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked iConomy", true);
this.balance = new DummyBalance(this);
if (this.permission != null) {
if (!this.permission.isEnabled()) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked Permissions", true);
this.permission = null;
if (className.equals("cosine.boseconomy.BOSEconomy")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked BOSEconomy", true);
this.balance = new DummyBalance(this);
// Towny
if (className.equals("com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.Towny")) {
log(Level.INFO, "Un-hooked Towny", true);
// TODO why !?
// this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(townyListener, this);
/* Allows late binding.
* Class used to hook in Plugins like:
* - iConomy
* - BOSEconomy
* - Permission
private class ShowCaseStandalonePluginListener implements Listener {
// private ShowCaseStandalone scs;
public ShowCaseStandalonePluginListener(ShowCaseStandalone plugin) {
// this.scs = plugin;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginEnable(PluginEnableEvent event) {
// Try to hook into the plugin
* Listen for Permissions, iConomy and BOSEconomy
//This is causing all sorts of erros in the new system. Disable change to dummy class.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event) {
// Try to hook into the plugin