* SK's Minecraft Launcher
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Albert Pham <http://www.sk89q.com> and contributors
* Please see LICENSE.txt for license information.
package com.skcraft.launcher.update;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.skcraft.concurrency.DefaultProgress;
import com.skcraft.concurrency.ProgressFilter;
import com.skcraft.concurrency.ProgressObservable;
import com.skcraft.launcher.Instance;
import com.skcraft.launcher.Launcher;
import com.skcraft.launcher.LauncherException;
import com.skcraft.launcher.install.Installer;
import com.skcraft.launcher.model.minecraft.VersionManifest;
import com.skcraft.launcher.model.modpack.Manifest;
import com.skcraft.launcher.persistence.Persistence;
import com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.extern.java.Log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import static com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest.url;
import static com.skcraft.launcher.util.SharedLocale._;
public class Updater extends BaseUpdater implements Callable<Instance>, ProgressObservable {
private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private final Installer installer;
private final Launcher launcher;
private final Instance instance;
@Getter @Setter
private boolean online;
private List<URL> librarySources = new ArrayList<URL>();
private List<URL> assetsSources = new ArrayList<URL>();
private ProgressObservable progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.preparingUpdate"));
public Updater(@NonNull Launcher launcher, @NonNull Instance instance) {
this.installer = new Installer(launcher.getInstallerDir());
this.launcher = launcher;
this.instance = instance;
public Instance call() throws Exception {
log.info("Checking for an update for '" + instance.getName() + "'...");
boolean updateRequired = !instance.isInstalled();
boolean updateDesired = (instance.isUpdatePending() || updateRequired);
boolean updateCapable = (instance.getManifestURL() != null);
if (!online && updateRequired) {
log.info("Can't update " + instance.getTitle() + " because offline");
String message = _("updater.updateRequiredButOffline");
throw new LauncherException("Update required but currently offline", message);
if (updateDesired && !updateCapable) {
if (updateRequired) {
log.info("Update required for " + instance.getTitle() + " but there is no manifest");
String message = _("updater.updateRequiredButNoManifest");
throw new LauncherException("Update required but no manifest", message);
} else {
log.info("Can't update " + instance.getTitle() + ", but update is not required");
return instance; // Can't update
if (updateDesired) {
log.info("Updating " + instance.getTitle() + "...");
} else {
log.info("No update found for " + instance.getTitle());
return instance;
private VersionManifest readVersionManifest(Manifest manifest) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Check whether the package manifest contains an embedded version manifest,
// otherwise we'll have to download the one for the given Minecraft version
VersionManifest version = manifest.getVersionManifest();
if (version != null) {
mapper.writeValue(instance.getVersionPath(), version);
return version;
} else {
URL url = url(String.format(
return HttpRequest
* Update the given instance.
* @param instance the instance
* @throws IOException thrown on I/O error
* @throws InterruptedException thrown on interruption
* @throws ExecutionException thrown on execution error
protected void update(Instance instance) throws Exception {
// Mark this instance as local
// Read manifest
log.info("Reading package manifest...");
progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.readingManifest"));
Manifest manifest = installPackage(installer, instance);
// Update instance from manifest
// Read version manifest
log.info("Reading version manifest...");
progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.readingVersion"));
VersionManifest version = readVersionManifest(manifest);
progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.buildingDownloadList"));
// Install the .jar
File jarPath = launcher.getJarPath(version);
URL jarSource = launcher.propUrl("jarUrl", version.getId());
log.info("JAR at " + jarPath.getAbsolutePath() + ", fetched from " + jarSource);
installJar(installer, jarPath, jarSource);
// Download libraries
log.info("Enumerating libraries to download...");
URL url = manifest.getLibrariesUrl();
if (url != null) {
log.info("Added library source: " + url);
progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.collectingLibraries"));
installLibraries(installer, version, launcher.getLibrariesDir(), librarySources);
// Download assets
log.info("Enumerating assets to download...");
progress = new DefaultProgress(-1, _("instanceUpdater.collectingAssets"));
installAssets(installer, version, launcher.propUrl("assetsIndexUrl", version.getAssetsIndex()), assetsSources);
log.info("Executing download phase...");
progress = ProgressFilter.between(installer.getDownloader(), 0, 0.98);
log.info("Executing install phase...");
progress = ProgressFilter.between(installer, 0.98, 1);
// Update the instance's information
log.info("Writing instance information...");
log.log(Level.INFO, instance.getName() +
" has been updated to version " + manifest.getVersion() + ".");
public double getProgress() {
return progress.getProgress();
public String getStatus() {
return progress.getStatus();