Package org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers

Source Code of org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers.EdgeLabelRenderer

Copyright 2008-2011 Gephi
Authors : Yudi Xue <>, Mathieu Bastian
Website :

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package org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers;

import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfGState;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Edge;
import org.gephi.preview.api.*;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.items.EdgeItem;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.items.EdgeLabelItem;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.items.NodeItem;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.ItemBuilder;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.Renderer;
import org.gephi.preview.types.DependantColor;
import org.gephi.preview.types.DependantOriginalColor;
import org.gephi.preview.types.EdgeColor;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;

* @author Yudi Xue, Mathieu Bastian
@ServiceProvider(service = Renderer.class, position = 500)
public class EdgeLabelRenderer implements Renderer {
    //Custom properties

    public static final String EDGE_COLOR = "edge.label.edgeColor";
    public static final String LABEL_X = "edge.label.x";
    public static final String LABEL_Y = "edge.label.y";
    //Default values
    protected final boolean defaultShowLabels = true;
    protected final Font defaultFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10);
    protected final boolean defaultShorten = false;
    protected final DependantOriginalColor defaultColor = new DependantOriginalColor(DependantOriginalColor.Mode.ORIGINAL);
    protected final int defaultMaxChar = 30;
    protected final float defaultOutlineSize = 2;
    protected final DependantColor defaultOutlineColor = new DependantColor(Color.WHITE);
    protected final float defaultOutlineOpacity = 40;
    //Font cache
    protected Font font;

    public void preProcess(PreviewModel previewModel) {
        PreviewProperties properties = previewModel.getProperties();
        if (properties.getBooleanValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_SHORTEN)) {
            //Shorten labels
            Item[] EdgeLabelsItems = previewModel.getItems(Item.EDGE_LABEL);

            int maxChars = properties.getIntValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_MAX_CHAR);
            for (Item item : EdgeLabelsItems) {
                String label = item.getData(EdgeLabelItem.LABEL);
                if (label.length() >= maxChars + 3) {
                    label = label.substring(0, maxChars) + "...";
                    item.setData(EdgeLabelItem.LABEL, label);

        //Put parent color, and calculate position
        for (Item item : previewModel.getItems(Item.EDGE_LABEL)) {
            Edge edge = (Edge) item.getSource();
            Item edgeItem = previewModel.getItem(Item.EDGE, edge);

            EdgeColor edgeColor = (EdgeColor) properties.getValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_COLOR);
            NodeItem sourceItem = (NodeItem) edgeItem.getData(EdgeRenderer.SOURCE);
            NodeItem targetItem = (NodeItem) edgeItem.getData(EdgeRenderer.TARGET);
            Color color = edgeColor.getColor((Color) item.getData(EdgeItem.COLOR),
                    (Color) sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.COLOR),
                    (Color) targetItem.getData(NodeItem.COLOR));
            item.setData(EDGE_COLOR, color);
            if (edge.isSelfLoop()) {
                Float x = sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.X);
                Float y = sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.Y);
                Float size = sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.SIZE);

                Vector v1 = new Vector(x, y);
                v1.add(size, -size);

                Vector v2 = new Vector(x, y);
                v2.add(size, size);

                Vector middle = bezierPoint(x, y, v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, x, y, 0.5f);
                item.setData(LABEL_X, middle.x);
                item.setData(LABEL_Y, middle.y);

            } else if (properties.getBooleanValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_CURVED)) {
                //Middle of the curve
                Float x1 = sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.X);
                Float x2 = targetItem.getData(NodeItem.X);
                Float y1 = sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.Y);
                Float y2 = targetItem.getData(NodeItem.Y);

                //Curved edgs
                Vector direction = new Vector(x2, y2);
                direction.sub(new Vector(x1, y1));
                float length = direction.mag();

                float factor = properties.getFloatValue(EdgeRenderer.BEZIER_CURVENESS) * length;

                // normal vector to the edge
                Vector n = new Vector(direction.y, -direction.x);

                // first control point
                Vector v1 = new Vector(direction.x, direction.y);
                v1.add(new Vector(x1, y1));

                // second control point
                Vector v2 = new Vector(direction.x, direction.y);
                v2.add(new Vector(x2, y2));

                Vector middle = bezierPoint(x1, y1, v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, x2, y2, 0.5f);
                item.setData(LABEL_X, middle.x);
                item.setData(LABEL_Y, middle.y);
            } else {
                Float x = ((Float) sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.X) + (Float) targetItem.getData(NodeItem.X)) / 2f;
                Float y = ((Float) sourceItem.getData(NodeItem.Y) + (Float) targetItem.getData(NodeItem.Y)) / 2f;
                item.setData(LABEL_X, x);
                item.setData(LABEL_Y, y);

        //Property font
        font = properties.getFontValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_FONT);

    public void render(Item item, RenderTarget target, PreviewProperties properties) {
        Edge edge = (Edge) item.getSource();
        Color edgeColor = item.getData(EDGE_COLOR);
        Color color = item.getData(EdgeLabelItem.COLOR);
        DependantOriginalColor propColor = properties.getValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_COLOR);
        color = propColor.getColor(edgeColor, color);
        String label = item.getData(EdgeLabelItem.LABEL);
        Float x = item.getData(LABEL_X);
        Float y = item.getData(LABEL_Y);

        DependantColor outlineDependantColor = properties.getValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_COLOR);
        Float outlineSize = properties.getFloatValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_SIZE);
        outlineSize = outlineSize * (font.getSize() / 32f);
        int outlineAlpha = (int) ((properties.getFloatValue(PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_OPACITY) / 100f) * 255f);
        if (outlineAlpha > 255) {
            outlineAlpha = 255;
        Color outlineColor = outlineDependantColor.getColor(edgeColor);
        outlineColor = new Color(outlineColor.getRed(), outlineColor.getGreen(), outlineColor.getBlue(), outlineAlpha);

        if (target instanceof G2DTarget) {
            renderG2D((G2DTarget) target, label, x, y, color, outlineSize, outlineColor);
        } else if (target instanceof SVGTarget) {
            renderSVG((SVGTarget) target, edge, label, x, y, color, outlineSize, outlineColor);
        } else if (target instanceof PDFTarget) {
            renderPDF(((PDFTarget) target), label, x, y, color, outlineSize, outlineColor);

    public void renderG2D(G2DTarget target, String label, float x, float y, Color color, float outlineSize, Color outlineColor) {
        Graphics2D graphics = target.getGraphics();


        FontMetrics fm = graphics.getFontMetrics();
        float posX = x - fm.stringWidth(label) / 2f;
        float posY = y + fm.getAscent() / 2f;

        if (outlineSize > 0) {
            FontRenderContext frc = graphics.getFontRenderContext();
            GlyphVector gv = font.createGlyphVector(frc, label);
            Shape glyph = gv.getOutline(posX, posY);
            graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(outlineSize, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND));

        graphics.drawString(label, posX, posY);

    public void renderSVG(SVGTarget target, Edge edge, String label, float x, float y, Color color, float outlineSize, Color outlineColor) {
        Text labelText = target.createTextNode(label);

        if (outlineSize > 0) {
            Text labelTextOutline = target.createTextNode(label);
            Element outlineElem = target.createElement("text");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("class", edge.getId().toString());
            outlineElem.setAttribute("x", String.valueOf(x));
            outlineElem.setAttribute("y", String.valueOf(y));
            outlineElem.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: central;");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("fill", target.toHexString(color));
            outlineElem.setAttribute("font-family", font.getFamily());
            outlineElem.setAttribute("font-size", font.getSize() + "");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("stroke", target.toHexString(outlineColor));
            outlineElem.setAttribute("stroke-width", (outlineSize * target.getScaleRatio()) + "px");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round");
            outlineElem.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", String.valueOf(outlineColor.getAlpha() / 255f));

        Element labelElem = target.createElement("text");
        labelElem.setAttribute("class", edge.getId().toString());
        labelElem.setAttribute("x", x + "");
        labelElem.setAttribute("y", y + "");
        labelElem.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: central;");
        labelElem.setAttribute("fill", target.toHexString(color));
        labelElem.setAttribute("font-family", font.getFamily());
        labelElem.setAttribute("font-size", font.getSize() + "");

    public void renderPDF(PDFTarget target, String label, float x, float y, Color color, float outlineSize, Color outlineColor) {
        PdfContentByte cb = target.getContentByte();
        cb.setRGBColorFill(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
        BaseFont bf = target.getBaseFont(font);
        float textHeight = getTextHeight(bf, font.getSize(), label);
        if (outlineSize > 0) {
            cb.setRGBColorStroke(outlineColor.getRed(), outlineColor.getGreen(), outlineColor.getBlue());
            if (outlineColor.getAlpha() < 255) {
                float alpha = outlineColor.getAlpha() / 255f;
                PdfGState gState = new PdfGState();
            cb.setFontAndSize(bf, font.getSize());
            cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, label, x, -y - (textHeight / 2f), 0f);
            if (outlineColor.getAlpha() < 255) {
        cb.setFontAndSize(bf, font.getSize());
        cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, label, x, -y - (textHeight / 2f), 0f);

    private float getTextHeight(BaseFont baseFont, float fontSize, String text) {
        float ascend = baseFont.getAscentPoint(text, fontSize);
        float descend = baseFont.getDescentPoint(text, fontSize);
        return ascend + descend;

    public PreviewProperty[] getProperties() {
        return new PreviewProperty[]{
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS, Boolean.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_FONT, Font.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultFont),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_COLOR, DependantOriginalColor.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultColor),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_SHORTEN, Boolean.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultShorten),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_MAX_CHAR, Integer.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultMaxChar),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_SIZE, Float.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultOutlineSize),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_COLOR, DependantColor.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultOutlineColor),
            PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, PreviewProperty.EDGE_LABEL_OUTLINE_OPACITY, Float.class,
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, ""),
            PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGE_LABELS, PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS).setValue(defaultOutlineOpacity),};

    private boolean showEdgeLabels(PreviewProperties properties) {
        return properties.getBooleanValue(PreviewProperty.SHOW_EDGE_LABELS)
                && !properties.getBooleanValue(PreviewProperty.MOVING);

    public boolean isRendererForitem(Item item, PreviewProperties properties) {
        return item instanceof EdgeLabelItem && showEdgeLabels(properties);

    public boolean needsItemBuilder(ItemBuilder itemBuilder, PreviewProperties properties) {
        return (itemBuilder instanceof EdgeLabelBuilder || itemBuilder instanceof NodeBuilder || itemBuilder instanceof EdgeBuilder) && showEdgeLabels(properties);//Needs some properties of nodes and edges

    protected Vector bezierPoint(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4, float c) {
        Vector ab = linearInterpolation(x1, y1, x2, y2, c);
        Vector bc = linearInterpolation(x2, y2, x3, y3, c);
        Vector cd = linearInterpolation(x3, y3, x4, y4, c);
        Vector abbc = linearInterpolation(ab.x, ab.y, bc.x, bc.y, c);
        Vector bccd = linearInterpolation(bc.x, bc.y, cd.x, cd.y, c);
        return linearInterpolation(abbc.x, abbc.y, bccd.x, bccd.y, c);

    protected Vector linearInterpolation(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float c) {
        Vector r = new Vector(x1 + (x2 - x1) * c, y1 + (y2 - y1) * c);
        return r;

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(EdgeLabelRenderer.class, "");

Related Classes of org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers.EdgeLabelRenderer

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