Package com.mojang.minecraft.mob

Source Code of com.mojang.minecraft.mob.Mob

package com.mojang.minecraft.mob;

import com.mojang.minecraft.Entity;
import com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level;
import com.mojang.minecraft.model.ModelManager;
import com.mojang.minecraft.render.TextureManager;
import com.mojang.util.MathHelper;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

public class Mob extends Entity {

   public static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
   public static final int ATTACK_DURATION = 5;
   public static final int TOTAL_AIR_SUPPLY = 300;
   public static ModelManager modelCache;
   public int invulnerableDuration = 20;
   public float rot;
   public float timeOffs;
   public float speed;
   public float rotA = (float)(Math.random() + 1.0D) * 0.01F;
   protected float yBodyRot = 0.0F;
   protected float yBodyRotO = 0.0F;
   protected float oRun;
   protected float run;
   protected float animStep;
   protected float animStepO;
   protected int tickCount = 0;
   public boolean hasHair = true;
   protected String textureName = "/char.png";
   public boolean allowAlpha = true;
   public float rotOffs = 0.0F;
   public String modelName = null;
   protected float bobStrength = 1.0F;
   protected int deathScore = 0;
   public float renderOffset = 0.0F;
   public int health = 20;
   public int lastHealth;
   public int invulnerableTime = 0;
   public int airSupply = 300;
   public int hurtTime;
   public int hurtDuration;
   public float hurtDir = 0.0F;
   public int deathTime = 0;
   public int attackTime = 0;
   public float oTilt;
   public float tilt;
   protected boolean dead = false;
   public AI ai;

   public Mob(Level var1) {
      this.setPos(this.x, this.y, this.z);
      this.timeOffs = (float)Math.random() * 12398.0F;
      this.rot = (float)(Math.random() * 3.1415927410125732D * 2.0D);
      this.speed = 1.0F; = new BasicAI();
      this.footSize = 0.5F;

   public boolean isPickable() {
      return !this.removed;

   public boolean isPushable() {
      return !this.removed;

   public final void tick() {
      this.oTilt = this.tilt;
      if(this.attackTime > 0) {

      if(this.hurtTime > 0) {

      if(this.invulnerableTime > 0) {

      if( <= 0) {
         if(this.deathTime > 20) {
            if( != null) {


      if(this.isUnderWater()) {
         if(this.airSupply > 0) {
         } else {
            this.hurt((Entity)null, 2);
      } else {
         this.airSupply = 300;

      if(this.isInWater()) {
         this.fallDistance = 0.0F;

      if(this.isInLava()) {
         this.hurt((Entity)null, 10);

      this.animStepO = this.animStep;
      this.yBodyRotO = this.yBodyRot;
      this.yRotO = this.yRot;
      this.xRotO = this.xRot;
      float var1 = this.x - this.xo;
      float var2 = this.z - this.zo;
      float var3 = MathHelper.sqrt(var1 * var1 + var2 * var2);
      float var4 = this.yBodyRot;
      float var5 = 0.0F;
      this.oRun =;
      float var6 = 0.0F;
      if(var3 > 0.05F) {
         var6 = 1.0F;
         var5 = var3 * 3.0F;
         var4 = (float)Math.atan2((double)var2, (double)var1) * 180.0F / 3.1415927F - 90.0F;

      if(!this.onGround) {
         var6 = 0.0F;
      } += (var6 - * 0.3F;

      for(var1 = var4 - this.yBodyRot; var1 < -180.0F; var1 += 360.0F) {

      while(var1 >= 180.0F) {
         var1 -= 360.0F;

      this.yBodyRot += var1 * 0.1F;

      for(var1 = this.yRot - this.yBodyRot; var1 < -180.0F; var1 += 360.0F) {

      while(var1 >= 180.0F) {
         var1 -= 360.0F;

      boolean var7 = var1 < -90.0F || var1 >= 90.0F;
      if(var1 < -75.0F) {
         var1 = -75.0F;

      if(var1 >= 75.0F) {
         var1 = 75.0F;

      this.yBodyRot = this.yRot - var1;
      this.yBodyRot += var1 * 0.1F;
      if(var7) {
         var5 = -var5;

      while(this.yRot - this.yRotO < -180.0F) {
         this.yRotO -= 360.0F;

      while(this.yRot - this.yRotO >= 180.0F) {
         this.yRotO += 360.0F;

      while(this.yBodyRot - this.yBodyRotO < -180.0F) {
         this.yBodyRotO -= 360.0F;

      while(this.yBodyRot - this.yBodyRotO >= 180.0F) {
         this.yBodyRotO += 360.0F;

      while(this.xRot - this.xRotO < -180.0F) {
         this.xRotO -= 360.0F;

      while(this.xRot - this.xRotO >= 180.0F) {
         this.xRotO += 360.0F;

      this.animStep += var5;

   public void aiStep() {
      if( != null) {, this);


   protected void bindTexture(TextureManager var1) {
      this.textureId = var1.load(this.textureName);
      GL11.glBindTexture(3553, this.textureId);

   public void render(TextureManager var1, float var2) {
      if(this.modelName != null) {
         float var3;
         if((var3 = (float)this.attackTime - var2) < 0.0F) {
            var3 = 0.0F;

         while(this.yBodyRotO - this.yBodyRot < -180.0F) {
            this.yBodyRotO += 360.0F;

         while(this.yBodyRotO - this.yBodyRot >= 180.0F) {
            this.yBodyRotO -= 360.0F;

         while(this.xRotO - this.xRot < -180.0F) {
            this.xRotO += 360.0F;

         while(this.xRotO - this.xRot >= 180.0F) {
            this.xRotO -= 360.0F;

         while(this.yRotO - this.yRot < -180.0F) {
            this.yRotO += 360.0F;

         while(this.yRotO - this.yRot >= 180.0F) {
            this.yRotO -= 360.0F;

         float var4 = this.yBodyRotO + (this.yBodyRot - this.yBodyRotO) * var2;
         float var5 = this.oRun + ( - this.oRun) * var2;
         float var6 = this.yRotO + (this.yRot - this.yRotO) * var2;
         float var7 = this.xRotO + (this.xRot - this.xRotO) * var2;
         var6 -= var4;
         float var8 = this.animStepO + (this.animStep - this.animStepO) * var2;
         float var9;
         GL11.glColor3f(var9 = this.getBrightness(var2), var9, var9);
         var9 = 0.0625F;
         float var10 = -Math.abs(MathHelper.cos(var8 * 0.6662F)) * 5.0F * var5 * this.bobStrength - 23.0F;
         GL11.glTranslatef(this.xo + (this.x - this.xo) * var2, this.yo + (this.y - this.yo) * var2 - 1.62F + this.renderOffset, this.zo + (this.z - this.zo) * var2);
         float var11;
         if((var11 = (float)this.hurtTime - var2) > 0.0F || <= 0) {
            if(var11 < 0.0F) {
               var11 = 0.0F;
            } else {
               var11 = MathHelper.sin((var11 /= (float)this.hurtDuration) * var11 * var11 * var11 * 3.1415927F) * 14.0F;

            float var12 = 0.0F;
            if( <= 0) {
               var12 = ((float)this.deathTime + var2) / 20.0F;
               if((var11 += var12 * var12 * 800.0F) > 90.0F) {
                  var11 = 90.0F;

            var12 = this.hurtDir;
            GL11.glRotatef(180.0F - var4 + this.rotOffs, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glScalef(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(-var12, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(-var11, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(var12, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(-(180.0F - var4 + this.rotOffs), 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);

         GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, -var10 * var9, 0.0F);
         GL11.glScalef(1.0F, -1.0F, 1.0F);
         GL11.glRotatef(180.0F - var4 + this.rotOffs, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
         if(!this.allowAlpha) {
         } else {

         GL11.glScalef(-1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
         modelCache.getModel(this.modelName).attackOffset = var3 / 5.0F;
         this.renderModel(var1, var8, var2, var5, var6, var7, var9);
         if(this.invulnerableTime > this.invulnerableDuration - 10) {
            GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.75F);
            GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 1);
            this.renderModel(var1, var8, var2, var5, var6, var7, var9);
            GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 771);

         if(this.allowAlpha) {

         GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

   public void renderModel(TextureManager var1, float var2, float var3, float var4, float var5, float var6, float var7) {
      modelCache.getModel(this.modelName).render(var2, var4, (float)this.tickCount + var3, var5, var6, var7);

   public void heal(int var1) {
      if( > 0) { += var1;
         if( > 20) {
   = 20;

         this.invulnerableTime = this.invulnerableDuration / 2;

   public void hurt(Entity var1, int var2) {
      if(!this.level.creativeMode) {
         if( > 0) {
  , var2);
            if((float)this.invulnerableTime > (float)this.invulnerableDuration / 2.0F) {
               if(this.lastHealth - var2 >= {

      = this.lastHealth - var2;
            } else {
               this.lastHealth =;
               this.invulnerableTime = this.invulnerableDuration;
      -= var2;
               this.hurtTime = this.hurtDuration = 10;

            this.hurtDir = 0.0F;
            if(var1 != null) {
               float var3 = var1.x - this.x;
               float var4 = var1.z - this.z;
               this.hurtDir = (float)(Math.atan2((double)var4, (double)var3) * 180.0D / 3.1415927410125732D) - this.yRot;
               this.knockback(var1, var2, var3, var4);
            } else {
               this.hurtDir = (float)((int)(Math.random() * 2.0D) * 180);

            if( <= 0) {


   public void knockback(Entity var1, int var2, float var3, float var4) {
      float var5 = MathHelper.sqrt(var3 * var3 + var4 * var4);
      float var6 = 0.4F;
      this.xd /= 2.0F;
      this.yd /= 2.0F;
      this.zd /= 2.0F;
      this.xd -= var3 / var5 * var6;
      this.yd += 0.4F;
      this.zd -= var4 / var5 * var6;
      if(this.yd > 0.4F) {
         this.yd = 0.4F;


   public void die(Entity var1) {
      if(!this.level.creativeMode) {
         if(this.deathScore > 0 && var1 != null) {
            var1.awardKillScore(this, this.deathScore);

         this.dead = true;

   protected void causeFallDamage(float var1) {
      if(!this.level.creativeMode) {
         int var2;
         if((var2 = (int)Math.ceil((double)(var1 - 3.0F))) > 0) {
            this.hurt((Entity)null, var2);


   public void travel(float var1, float var2) {
      float var3;
      if(this.isInWater()) {
         var3 = this.y;
         this.moveRelative(var1, var2, 0.02F);
         this.move(this.xd, this.yd, this.zd);
         this.xd *= 0.8F;
         this.yd *= 0.8F;
         this.zd *= 0.8F;
         this.yd = (float)((double)this.yd - 0.02D);
         if(this.horizontalCollision && this.isFree(this.xd, this.yd + 0.6F - this.y + var3, this.zd)) {
            this.yd = 0.3F;

      } else if(this.isInLava()) {
         var3 = this.y;
         this.moveRelative(var1, var2, 0.02F);
         this.move(this.xd, this.yd, this.zd);
         this.xd *= 0.5F;
         this.yd *= 0.5F;
         this.zd *= 0.5F;
         this.yd = (float)((double)this.yd - 0.02D);
         if(this.horizontalCollision && this.isFree(this.xd, this.yd + 0.6F - this.y + var3, this.zd)) {
            this.yd = 0.3F;

      } else {
         this.moveRelative(var1, var2, this.onGround?0.1F:0.02F);
         this.move(this.xd, this.yd, this.zd);
         this.xd *= 0.91F;
         this.yd *= 0.98F;
         this.zd *= 0.91F;
         this.yd = (float)((double)this.yd - 0.08D);
         if(this.onGround) {
            var3 = 0.6F;
            this.xd *= var3;
            this.zd *= var3;


   public boolean isShootable() {
      return true;

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