* This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* Agreement, available at the following URL:
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
* You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved.
package mondrian.rolap;
import mondrian.calc.ResultStyle;
import mondrian.olap.*;
import mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase;
import mondrian.test.TestContext;
import mondrian.util.Bug;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Unit-test for non cacheable elementos of high dimensions.
* @author jlopez, lcanals
* @since May, 2008
public class HighDimensionsTest extends FoodMartTestCase {
public HighDimensionsTest() {
public HighDimensionsTest(String name) {
public void testBug1971406() throws Exception {
if (!MondrianProperties.instance().EnableNativeCrossJoin.get()) {
final Connection connection = TestContext.instance()
Query query = connection.parseQuery(
"with set necj as "
+ "NonEmptyCrossJoin(NonEmptyCrossJoin("
+ "[Customers].[Name].members,[Store].[Store Name].members),"
+ "[Product].[Product Name].members) "
+ "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,"
+ "tail(intersect(necj,necj,ALL),5) on rows from sales");
final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Result result = connection.execute(query);
for (final Position o : result.getAxes()[0].getPositions()) {
final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long elapsed = t1 - t0;
// scale up for slower CPUs
double scaleFactor = computeCpuScaleFactor();
final long target = (long) (90000 * scaleFactor);
"Query execution took " + elapsed + " milliseconds, "
+ "which is outside target of " + target + " milliseconds",
elapsed <= target);
* Computes a scale factor indicating the relative system speed. This is
* necessary for environments that might run code coverage, etc.
* <p>The method performs a benchmark computation, and returns is the ratio
* of the elapsed time for the current system versus the baseline. If the
* current system takes, say, 2 seconds to perform the benchmark
* computation, the method returns 2.0, meaning that the system would be
* expected to take twice as long to do a typical CPU-intensive task.
* @return Multiplier for how long this system would require to do a typical
* CPU-intensive task versus the baseline system
private static double computeCpuScaleFactor() {
final long nt0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
int t = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
t += i;
final long nt1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long benchmarkTime = 0;
// this check is here to make sure the compiler doesn't optimize
// out the above loop
if (t > 0) {
benchmarkTime = nt1 - nt0;
// The benchmark takes takes about 1 second on the baseline system, a
// Dell Latitude D820 Laptop.
double scaleFactor = (double) benchmarkTime / 1000d;
if (false) {
System.out.println("scale factor = " + scaleFactor);
return scaleFactor;
public void testPromotionsTwoDimensions() throws Exception {
if (!Bug.BugMondrian486Fixed) {
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "{[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members} on rows\n"
+ "from [Sales Ragged]",
highCardResults, null, true, 51);
public void testHead() throws Exception {
if (!Bug.BugMondrian486Fixed) {
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "head({[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members},40) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
first40HighCardResults, null, true, 40);
// disabled pending fix of bug MONDRIAN-527
public void _testTopCount() throws Exception {
final Connection connection = TestContext.instance()
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
Query query =
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "TopCount({[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members},41, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]");
Result result = connection.execute(query);
int i = 0;
String topcount40HighCardResults = null;
String topcount41HighCardResults = null;
for (final Position o : result.getAxes()[1].getPositions()) {
if (i == 40) {
topcount40HighCardResults = buffer.toString();
topcount41HighCardResults = buffer.toString();
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "TopCount({[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members},40, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
topcount40HighCardResults, topcount40Cells, false, 40);
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "TopCount({[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members},41, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
topcount41HighCardResults, topcount41Cells, false, 41);
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "TopCount({[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members},40, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
topcount40HighCardResults, topcount40Cells, false, 40);
public void testNonEmpty() throws Exception {
if (!Bug.BugMondrian486Fixed) {
"select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\n"
+ "non empty {[Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members} "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
nonEmptyHighCardResults, nonEmptyCells, true, 48);
public void testFilter() throws Exception {
if (!Bug.BugMondrian486Fixed) {
"select [Measures].[Unit Sales] on columns, "
+ "filter([Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]>0) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
nonEmptyHighCardResults, nonEmptyCells, true, 48);
"select [Measures].[Unit Sales] on columns, "
+ "filter([Promotions].[Promotion Name].Members, "
+ "[Measures].[Unit Sales]>4000) "
+ "on rows from [Sales Ragged]",
moreThan4000highCardResults, moreThan4000Cells, true, 3);
public void testMondrian1488() {
// MONDRIAN-1501 / MONDRIAN-1488
// Both involve an attempt to modify the list backing
// HighCardSqlTupleReader when handling null values.
// Requires use of a dim flagged as high card which has null members
TestContext ctx = TestContext.instance().create(
"<Cube name=\"highCard\"> \n"
+ " <Table name=\"sales_fact_1997\"/> \n"
+ "<Dimension name=\"StoreSize\" foreignKey=\"customer_id\" highCardinality=\"true\">\n"
+ " <Hierarchy hasAll=\"true\" primaryKey=\"store_id\">\n"
+ " <Table name=\"store\"/>\n"
+ " <Level name=\"Sqft\" column=\"store_sqft\" type=\"Numeric\" uniqueMembers=\"true\"/>\n"
+ " </Hierarchy>\n"
+ " </Dimension>"
+ " <Measure name=\"Unit Sales\" column=\"unit_sales\" aggregator=\"sum\"/> \n"
+ "</Cube> \n",
// this will throw an exception if .remove is called on the HCSTR list
"select NON EMPTY filter([StoreSize].[Sqft].members, 1=1) on 0 from highCard");
// Private Stuff --------------------------------------------
* Executes query test trying to [Promotions].[Promotion Name] elements
* into an axis from the results.
private void execHighCardTest(
final String queryString,
final int axisIndex,
final String highDimensionName,
final String results,
final String results2,
final boolean shouldForget,
final int resultLimit)
throws Exception
propSaver.set(MondrianProperties.instance().ResultLimit, resultLimit);
final TestContext testContext =
"Sales Ragged",
"<Dimension name=\"Promotions\" highCardinality=\"true\" "
+ "foreignKey=\"promotion_id\">"
+ " <Hierarchy hasAll=\"true\" "
+ " allMemberName=\"All Promotions\" "
+ " primaryKey=\"promotion_id\">"
+ " <Table name=\"promotion\"/>"
+ " <Level name=\"Promotion Name\" "
+ " column=\"promotion_name\" "
+ " uniqueMembers=\"true\"/>"
+ " </Hierarchy>"
+ "</Dimension>");
final Connection connection = testContext.getConnection();
final Query query = connection.parseQuery(queryString);
Result result = connection.execute(query);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer buffer2 = new StringBuffer();
final List<SoftReference> softReferences =
new ArrayList<SoftReference>();
// Tests results aren't got from database before this point
int ii = 0;
for (final Position o
: result.getAxes()[axisIndex].getPositions())
new int[]{0, ii}).getValue().toString());
softReferences.add(new SoftReference(o.get(0)));
assertEquals(buffer.toString().length(), results.length());
if (results2 != null) {
assertEquals(buffer2.toString().length(), results2.length());
buffer2 = null;
buffer = null;
if (!shouldForget) {
// Tests that really results over ResultLimit are erased from
// memory
final List overloader = new ArrayList();
try {
for (;;) {
overloader.add(new long[99999999]);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError out) {
// OK, outofmemory
for (int i = 4; i < ii - 40; i++) {
for (int i = 4; i < ii - 40; i++) {
try {
Assert.fail("Expected exception");
} catch (RuntimeException nsee) {
// Everything is ok: RuntimeException of type
// RuntimeException is expected.
private static final String first40HighCardResults =
"[Promotions].[Bag Stuffers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Best Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Promo]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Discounts]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Bye Bye Baby]"
+ "[Promotions].[Cash Register Lottery]"
+ "[Promotions].[Coupon Spectacular]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dimes Off]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Down Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Fantastic Discounts]"
+ "[Promotions].[Free For All]"
+ "[Promotions].[Go For It]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Special]"
+ "[Promotions].[High Roller Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[I Cant Believe It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Money Grabbers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Money Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Mystery Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[No Promotion]"
+ "[Promotions].[One Day Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Pick Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Destroyers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Slashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Smashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sale Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Save-It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Saving Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Savings Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Clearing Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Emptiers]";
private static final String nonEmptyHighCardResults =
"[Promotions].[Bag Stuffers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Best Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Promo]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Discounts]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Bye Bye Baby]"
+ "[Promotions].[Cash Register Lottery]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dimes Off]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Down Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Free For All]"
+ "[Promotions].[Go For It]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Special]"
+ "[Promotions].[High Roller Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[I Cant Believe It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Money Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Mystery Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[No Promotion]"
+ "[Promotions].[One Day Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Pick Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Destroyers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Slashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Smashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sale Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Save-It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Saving Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Savings Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Clearing Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Emptiers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Duper Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Wallet Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Three for One]"
+ "[Promotions].[Tip Top Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Two Day Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Two for One]"
+ "[Promotions].[Unbeatable Price Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Wallet Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Weekend Markdown]"
+ "[Promotions].[You Save Days]";
private static final String highCardResults =
"[Promotions].[Bag Stuffers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Best Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Promo]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Discounts]"
+ "[Promotions].[Big Time Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Bye Bye Baby]"
+ "[Promotions].[Cash Register Lottery]"
+ "[Promotions].[Coupon Spectacular]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dimes Off]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Dollar Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Down Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Double Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Fantastic Discounts]"
+ "[Promotions].[Free For All]"
+ "[Promotions].[Go For It]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Green Light Special]"
+ "[Promotions].[High Roller Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[I Cant Believe It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Money Grabbers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Money Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Mystery Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[No Promotion]"
+ "[Promotions].[One Day Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Pick Your Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Cutters]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Destroyers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Slashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Smashers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sale Winners]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Sales Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Save-It Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Saving Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Savings Galore]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Clearing Days]"
+ "[Promotions].[Shelf Emptiers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Duper Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Super Wallet Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Three for One]"
+ "[Promotions].[Tip Top Savings]"
+ "[Promotions].[Two Day Sale]"
+ "[Promotions].[Two for One]"
+ "[Promotions].[Unbeatable Price Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Wallet Savers]"
+ "[Promotions].[Weekend Markdown]"
+ "[Promotions].[You Save Days]";
private static final String moreThan4000highCardResults =
"[Promotions].[Cash Register Lottery]"
+ "[Promotions].[No Promotion]"
+ "[Promotions].[Price Savers]";
private static final String moreThan4000Cells =
private static final String nonEmptyCells =
+ "781.01652.01959.0843.01638.0689.01607.0436.0"
+ "2654.0253.0899.01021.0195448.01973.0323.01624.0"
+ "2173.04094.01148.0504.01294.0444.02055.02572.0"
+ "2203.01446.01382.0754.02118.02628.02497.01183.0"
+ "1155.0525.02053.0335.02100.0916.0914.03145.0";
private static final String topcount40Cells =
+ "2203.02173.02118.02100.02081.02055.02053.01973.0"
+ "1959.01789.01652.01638.01624.01607.01446.01382.0"
+ "1294.01219.01183.01155.01148.01021.0932.0921.0"
+ "916.0914.0901.0899.0843.0781.0754.0700.0";
private static final String topcount41Cells =
+ "2173.02118.02100.02081.02055.02053.01973.01959.01789.0"
+ "1652.01638.01624.01607.01446.01382.01294.01219.01183.0"
+ "1155.01148.01021.0932.0921.0916.0914.0901.0899.0843.0781"
+ ".0754.0700.0689.0";
// End HighDimensionsTest.java