// This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// Agreement, available at the following URL:
// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
// Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Julian Hyde
// Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Pentaho and others
// All Rights Reserved.
package mondrian.olap;
import mondrian.resource.MondrianResource;
import mondrian.spi.MemberFormatter;
import mondrian.util.Bug;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* <code>MemberBase</code> is a partial implementation of {@link Member}.
* @author jhyde
* @since 6 August, 2001
public abstract class MemberBase
extends OlapElementBase
implements Member
protected Member parentMember;
protected final Level level;
protected String uniqueName;
* Combines member type and other properties, such as whether the member
* is the 'all' or 'null' member of its hierarchy and whether it is a
* measure or is calculated, into an integer field.
* <p>The fields are:<ul>
* <li>bits 0, 1, 2 ({@link #FLAG_TYPE_MASK}) are member type;
* <li>bit 3 ({@link #FLAG_HIDDEN}) is set if the member is hidden;
* <li>bit 4 ({@link #FLAG_ALL}) is set if this is the all member of its
* hierarchy;
* <li>bit 5 ({@link #FLAG_NULL}) is set if this is the null member of its
* hierarchy;
* <li>bit 6 ({@link #FLAG_CALCULATED}) is set if this is a calculated
* member.
* <li>bit 7 ({@link #FLAG_MEASURE}) is set if this is a measure.
* </ul>
* NOTE: jhyde, 2007/8/10. It is necessary to cache whether the member is
* 'all', 'calculated' or 'null' in the member's state, because these
* properties are used so often. If we used a virtual method call - say we
* made each subclass implement 'boolean isNull()' - it would be slower.
* We use one flags field rather than 4 boolean fields to save space.
protected final int flags;
private static final int FLAG_TYPE_MASK = 0x07;
private static final int FLAG_HIDDEN = 0x08;
private static final int FLAG_ALL = 0x10;
private static final int FLAG_NULL = 0x20;
private static final int FLAG_CALCULATED = 0x40;
private static final int FLAG_MEASURE = 0x80;
* Cached values of {@link mondrian.olap.Member.MemberType} enumeration.
* Without caching, get excessive calls to {@link Object#clone}.
private static final MemberType[] MEMBER_TYPE_VALUES = MemberType.values();
protected MemberBase(
Member parentMember,
Level level,
MemberType memberType)
this.parentMember = parentMember;
this.level = level;
this.flags = memberType.ordinal()
| (memberType == MemberType.ALL ? FLAG_ALL : 0)
| (memberType == MemberType.NULL ? FLAG_NULL : 0)
| (computeCalculated(memberType) ? FLAG_CALCULATED : 0)
| (level.getHierarchy().getDimension().isMeasures()
: 0);
protected MemberBase() {
this.flags = 0;
this.level = null;
public String getQualifiedName() {
return MondrianResource.instance().MdxMemberName.str(getUniqueName());
public abstract String getName();
public String getUniqueName() {
return uniqueName;
public String getCaption() {
// if there is a member formatter for the members level,
// we will call this interface to provide the display string
MemberFormatter mf = getLevel().getMemberFormatter();
if (mf != null) {
return mf.formatMember(this);
final String caption = super.getCaption();
return (caption != null)
? caption
: getName();
public String getParentUniqueName() {
return parentMember == null
? null
: parentMember.getUniqueName();
public Dimension getDimension() {
return level.getDimension();
public Hierarchy getHierarchy() {
return level.getHierarchy();
public Level getLevel() {
return level;
public MemberType getMemberType() {
public String getDescription() {
return (String) getPropertyValue(Property.DESCRIPTION.name);
public boolean isMeasure() {
return (flags & FLAG_MEASURE) != 0;
public boolean isAll() {
return (flags & FLAG_ALL) != 0;
public boolean isNull() {
return (flags & FLAG_NULL) != 0;
public boolean isCalculated() {
return (flags & FLAG_CALCULATED) != 0;
public boolean isEvaluated() {
// should just call isCalculated(), but called in tight loops
// and too many subclass implementations for jit to inline properly?
return (flags & FLAG_CALCULATED) != 0;
public OlapElement lookupChild(
SchemaReader schemaReader,
Id.Segment childName,
MatchType matchType)
return schemaReader.lookupMemberChildByName(
this, childName, matchType);
// implement Member
public Member getParentMember() {
return parentMember;
// implement Member
public boolean isChildOrEqualTo(Member member) {
// REVIEW: Using uniqueName to calculate ancestry seems inefficient,
// because we can't afford to store every member's unique name, so
// we want to compute it on the fly
assert !Bug.BugSegregateRolapCubeMemberFixed;
return (member != null) && isChildOrEqualTo(member.getUniqueName());
* Returns whether this <code>Member</code>'s unique name is equal to, a
* child of, or a descendent of a member whose unique name is
* <code>uniqueName</code>.
public boolean isChildOrEqualTo(String uniqueName) {
if (uniqueName == null) {
return false;
return isChildOrEqualTo(this, uniqueName);
private static boolean isChildOrEqualTo(Member member, String uniqueName) {
while (true) {
String thisUniqueName = member.getUniqueName();
if (thisUniqueName.equals(uniqueName)) {
// found a match
return true;
// try candidate's parentMember
member = member.getParentMember();
if (member == null) {
// have reached root
return false;
* Computes the value to be returned by {@link #isCalculated()}, so it can
* be cached in a variable.
* @param memberType Member type
* @return Whether this member is calculated
protected boolean computeCalculated(final MemberType memberType) {
// If the member is not created from the "with member ..." MDX, the
// calculated will be null. But it may be still a calculated measure
// stored in the cube.
return isCalculatedInQuery() || memberType == MemberType.FORMULA;
public int getSolveOrder() {
return -1;
* Returns the expression by which this member is calculated. The expression
* is not null if and only if the member is not calculated.
* @post (return != null) == (isCalculated())
public Exp getExpression() {
return null;
// implement Member
public List<Member> getAncestorMembers() {
final SchemaReader schemaReader =
final ArrayList<Member> ancestorList = new ArrayList<Member>();
schemaReader.getMemberAncestors(this, ancestorList);
return ancestorList;
* Returns the ordinal of this member within its hierarchy.
* The default implementation returns -1.
public int getOrdinal() {
return -1;
* Returns the order key of this member among its siblings.
* The default implementation returns null.
public Comparable getOrderKey() {
return null;
public boolean isHidden() {
return false;
public Member getDataMember() {
return null;
public String getPropertyFormattedValue(String propertyName) {
return getPropertyValue(propertyName).toString();
public boolean isParentChildLeaf() {
return false;
// End MemberBase.java