import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList;
import upenn.junto.config.ConfigReader;
import upenn.junto.util.CollectionUtil;
import upenn.junto.util.Constants;
import upenn.junto.util.Defaults;
import upenn.junto.util.MessagePrinter;
public class ConfigTuner {
private static ArrayList<Hashtable>
GetAllCombinations(Hashtable tuningConfig) {
ArrayList<Hashtable> configs = new ArrayList<Hashtable>();
Iterator iter = tuningConfig.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String paramKey = (String);
String paramVal = (String) tuningConfig.get(paramKey);
// e.g. mu1 = 1e-8,1,1e-8
String[] fields = paramVal.split(",");
int currSize = configs.size();
for (int fi = 0; fi < fields.length; ++fi) {
// add the first configuration, if none exists
if (configs.size() == 0) {
configs.add(new Hashtable());
for (int ci = 0; ci < currSize; ++ci) {
// the first value can be added to existing
// configurations.
if (fi == 0) {
configs.get(ci).put(paramKey, fields[fi]);
} else {
Hashtable nc = (Hashtable) configs.get(ci).clone();
nc.put(paramKey, fields[fi]);
// append the new config to the end of the list
System.out.println("Total config (non-unique) combinations: " + configs.size());
return (configs);
private static void Run(Hashtable tuningConfig) {
// some essential options terminate if they are note specified
String idenStr = Defaults.GetValueOrDie(tuningConfig, "iden_str");
String logDir = Defaults.GetValueOrDie(tuningConfig, "log_output_dir");
String opDir = Defaults.GetValueOrDefault(
(String) tuningConfig.get("output_dir"), null);
boolean skipExistingConfigs =
Defaults.GetValueOrDefault((String) tuningConfig.get("skip_existing_config"), false);
// config file with post-tuning testing details (i.e. final test file etc.)
String finalTestConfigFile = (String) tuningConfig.get("final_config_file");
// generate all possible combinations (non unique)
ArrayList<Hashtable> configs = GetAllCombinations(tuningConfig);
ArrayList<ArrayList> results = new ArrayList<ArrayList>();
HashSet<String> uniqueConfigs = new HashSet<String>();
// map from algo to the current best scores and the corresponding config
HashMap<String,Hashtable> algo2BestConfig = new HashMap<String,Hashtable>();
TObjectDoubleHashMap algo2BestScore = new TObjectDoubleHashMap();
// store console
PrintStream consoleOut = System.out;
PrintStream consoleErr = System.err;
for (int ci = 0; ci < configs.size(); ++ci) {
Hashtable c = configs.get(ci);
// if this a post-tune config, then generate seed and test files
if (Defaults.GetValueOrDefault((String) c.get("is_final_run"), false)) {
String splitId = Defaults.GetValueOrDie(c, "split_id");
c.put("seed_file", c.remove("seed_base") + "." + splitId + ".train");
c.put("test_file", c.remove("test_base") + "." + splitId + ".test");
// output file name is considered a unique identifier of a configuration
String outputFile = GetOutputFileName(c, opDir, idenStr);
if (uniqueConfigs.contains(outputFile)) {
if (opDir != null) {
c.put("output_file", outputFile);
System.out.println("Working with config: " + c.toString());
try {
// reset System.out so that the log printed using System.out.println
// is directed to the right log file
String logFile = GetLogFileName(c, logDir, idenStr);
// if the log file exists, then don't repeat
File lf = new File(logFile);
if (skipExistingConfigs && lf.exists()) {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(logFile));
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos);
results.add(new ArrayList());
JuntoConfigRunner.apply(c, results.get(results.size() - 1));
UpdateBestConfig((String) c.get("algo"), algo2BestScore,
algo2BestConfig, c, results.get(results.size() - 1));
// reset System.out back to the original console value
// close log file
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// print out the best parameters for each algorithm
Iterator algoIter = algo2BestConfig.keySet().iterator();
while (algoIter.hasNext()) {
String algo = (String);
System.out.println("\n#################\n" +
"BEST_CONFIG_FOR " + algo + " " +
algo2BestScore.get(algo) + "\n" +
// run test with tuned parameters, if requested
if (finalTestConfigFile != null) {
Hashtable finalTestConfig = (Hashtable) algo2BestConfig.get(algo).clone();
// add additional config options from the file to the tuned params
finalTestConfig = ConfigReader.read_config(finalTestConfig, finalTestConfigFile);
JuntoConfigRunner.apply(finalTestConfig, null);
private static String GetOutputFileName(Hashtable c, String opDir, String idenStr) {
String outputFile = " ";
if (c.get("algo").equals("mad") ||
c.get("algo").equals("lgc") ||
c.get("algo").equals("am") ||
c.get("algo").equals("lclp")) {
outputFile = opDir + "/" + GetBaseName2(c, idenStr);
} else if (c.get("algo").equals("maddl")) {
outputFile = opDir + "/" +
GetBaseName2(c, idenStr) +
".mu4_" + c.get("mu4");
} else if (c.get("algo").equals("adsorption") || c.get("algo").equals("lp_zgl")) {
outputFile = opDir + "/" + GetBaseName(c, idenStr);
} else {
MessagePrinter.PrintAndDie("output_1 file can't be empty!");
return (outputFile);
private static String GetLogFileName(Hashtable c, String logDir, String idenStr) {
String logFile = "";
if (c.get("algo").equals("mad") ||
c.get("algo").equals("lgc") ||
c.get("algo").equals("am") ||
c.get("algo").equals("lclp")) {
logFile = logDir + "/" + "log." + GetBaseName2(c, idenStr);
} else if (c.get("algo").equals("maddl")) {
logFile = logDir + "/" +
"log." +
GetBaseName2(c, idenStr) +
".mu4_" + c.get("mu4");
} else if (c.get("algo").equals("adsorption") || c.get("algo").equals("lp_zgl")) {
logFile = logDir + "/" +
"log." + GetBaseName(c, idenStr);
} else {
MessagePrinter.PrintAndDie("output_2 file can't be empty!");
return (logFile);
private static String GetBaseName(Hashtable c, String idenStr) {
String base = idenStr;
if (c.containsKey("max_seeds_per_class")) {
base += ".spc_" + c.get("max_seeds_per_class");
base += "." + c.get("algo");
if (c.containsKey("use_bipartite_optimization")) {
base += ".bipart_opt_" + c.get("use_bipartite_optimization");
if (c.containsKey("top_k_neighbors")) {
base += ".K_" + c.get("top_k_neighbors");
if (c.containsKey("prune_threshold")) {
base += ".P_" + c.get("prune_threshold");
if (c.containsKey("high_prune_thresh")) {
base += ".feat_prune_high_" + c.get("high_prune_thresh");
if (c.containsKey("keep_top_k_labels")) {
base += ".top_labels_" + c.get("keep_top_k_labels");
if (c.containsKey("train_fract")) {
base += ".train_fract_" + c.get("train_fract");
if (Defaults.GetValueOrDefault((String) c.get("set_gaussian_kernel_weights"), false)) {
double sigmaFactor = Double.parseDouble(Defaults.GetValueOrDie(c, "gauss_sigma_factor"));
base += ".gk_sig_" + sigmaFactor;
if (c.containsKey("algo") && (c.get("algo").equals("adsorption") ||
c.get("algo").equals("mad") ||
c.get("algo").equals("maddl"))) {
double beta = Defaults.GetValueOrDefault((String) c.get("beta"), 2.0);
base += ".beta_" + beta;
// if this a post-tune config, then generate seed and test files
if (Defaults.GetValueOrDefault((String) c.get("is_final_run"), false)) {
base += ".split_id_" + Defaults.GetValueOrDie(c, "split_id");
return (base);
private static String GetBaseName2(Hashtable c, String idenStr) {
String base = GetBaseName(c, idenStr) +
".mu1_" + c.get("mu1") +
".mu2_" + c.get("mu2") +
".mu3_" + c.get("mu3") +
".norm_" + c.get("norm");
return (base);
private static void UpdateBestConfig(String algo, TObjectDoubleHashMap algo2BestScore,
HashMap<String,Hashtable> algo2BestConfig, Hashtable config,
ArrayList perIterMultiScores) {
TDoubleArrayList perIterScores = new TDoubleArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i < perIterMultiScores.size(); ++i) {
TObjectDoubleHashMap r = (TObjectDoubleHashMap) perIterMultiScores.get(i);
if (perIterScores.size() > 0) {
// System.out.println("SIZE: " + perIterScores.size());
int mi = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < perIterScores.size(); ++i) {
if (perIterScores.get(i) > perIterScores.get(mi)) {
mi = i;
// System.out.println("max_idx: " + mi + " " + perIterScores.toString());
double maxScore = perIterScores.get(mi); // perIterScores.max();
if (algo2BestScore.size() == 0 || algo2BestScore.get(algo) < maxScore) {
// System.out.println("new best score: " + maxScore);
// best iteration
int bestIter = perIterScores.indexOf(maxScore) + 1;
algo2BestScore.put(algo, maxScore);
algo2BestConfig.put(algo, (Hashtable) config.clone());
algo2BestConfig.get(algo).put("iters", bestIter);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Hashtable tuningConfig = ConfigReader.read_config(args);