* Copyright 2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package ratpack.test.exec;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import ratpack.exec.*;
import ratpack.exec.internal.DefaultExecController;
import ratpack.func.Action;
import ratpack.func.Function;
import ratpack.test.exec.internal.DefaultExecHarness;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* A utility for testing asynchronous support/service code.
* <p>
* An execution harness is backed by a thread pool.
* It is important to call {@link #close()} when the object is no longer needed to shutdown this thread pool.
* Alternatively, if you are performing a single operation you can use one of the {@code *single} static methods.
* @see #yield(Function)
* @see #yieldSingle(Function)
* @see #run(Action)
* @see #runSingle(Action)
public interface ExecHarness extends ExecControl, AutoCloseable {
* Creates a new execution harness.
* <pre class="java">{@code
* import ratpack.exec.ExecControl;
* import ratpack.exec.Promise;
* import ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness;
* import ratpack.test.exec.ExecResult;
* public class Example {
* // An async callback based API
* static class AsyncApi {
* static interface Callback<T> {
* void receive(T value);
* }
* public <T> void returnAsync(T value, Callback<? super T> callback) {
* new Thread(() -> callback.receive(value)).run();
* }
* }
* // Our service class that wraps the raw async API
* // In the real app this is created by the DI container (e.g. Guice)
* static class AsyncService {
* private final ExecControl execControl;
* private final AsyncApi asyncApi = new AsyncApi();
* public AsyncService(ExecControl execControl) {
* this.execControl = execControl;
* }
* // Our method under test
* public <T> Promise<T> promise(final T value) {
* return execControl.promise(fulfiller -> asyncApi.returnAsync(value, fulfiller::success));
* }
* }
* public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
* // the harness must be close()'d when finished with to free resources
* try (ExecHarness harness = ExecHarness.harness()) {
* // set up the code under test using the exec control from the harness
* final AsyncService service = new AsyncService(harness.getControl());
* // exercise the async code using the harness, blocking until the promised value is available
* ExecResult<String> result = harness.yield(execution -> service.promise("foo"));
* assert result.getValue().equals("foo");
* }
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* When using Ratpack's RxJava integration, ExecHarness can be used to test {@code rx.Observable} instances by first converting them to a promise.
* See the {@code ratpack.rx.RxRatpack.asPromise(Observable)} documentation for an example of testing observables.
* @return a new execution harness
public static ExecHarness harness() {
return new DefaultExecHarness(new DefaultExecController());
* Synchronously returns a promised value.
* <p>
* The given function will execute in a separate thread.
* The calling thread will block, waiting for the promised value to be provided.
* @param func a function that exercises some code that returns a promise
* @param <T> the type of promised value
* @return the result of the execution
* @throws Exception any thrown by the function, or the promise failure exception
public <T> ExecResult<T> yield(Function<ExecControl, Promise<T>> func) throws Exception;
* Creates an exec harness, {@link #yield(Function) executes} the given function with it before closing it, then returning execution result.
* @param func a function that exercises some code that returns a promise
* @param <T> the type of promised value
* @return the result of the execution
* @throws Exception any thrown by the function, or the promise failure exception
static public <T> ExecResult<T> yieldSingle(Function<ExecControl, Promise<T>> func) throws Exception {
try (ExecHarness harness = harness()) {
return harness.yield(func);
* Initiates an execution and blocks until it completes.
* If an uncaught exception is thrown during the execution, it will be thrown by this method.
* <p>
* This method is useful for testing an execution that has some detectable side effect, as this method does not return the “result” of the execution.
* @param action the start of the execution
* @throws Exception any thrown during the execution that is not explicitly caught
* @see #runSingle(Action)
* @see #yield(Function)
public void run(Action<? super ExecControl> action) throws Exception;
* Convenient form of {@link #run(Action)} that creates and closes a harness for the run.
* @param action the start of the execution
* @throws Exception any thrown during the execution that is not explicitly caught
* @see #run(Action)
* @see #yield(Function)
static public void runSingle(Action<? super ExecControl> action) throws Exception {
try (ExecHarness harness = harness()) {
* The execution control for the harness.
* <p>
* Note that the execution harness implements {@link ExecControl} itself, simply delegating calls this the return of this method.
* @return an execution control
public ExecControl getControl();
* Shuts down the thread pool backing this harness.
void close();
* {@inheritDoc}
default ExecStarter exec() {
return getControl().exec();
* {@inheritDoc}
default Execution getExecution() {
return getControl().getExecution();
* {@inheritDoc}
default ExecController getController() {
return getControl().getController();
* {@inheritDoc}
default void addInterceptor(ExecInterceptor execInterceptor, Action<? super Execution> continuation) throws Exception {
getControl().addInterceptor(execInterceptor, continuation);
* {@inheritDoc}
default <T> Promise<T> blocking(Callable<T> blockingOperation) {
return getControl().blocking(blockingOperation);
* {@inheritDoc}
default <T> Promise<T> promise(Action<? super Fulfiller<T>> action) {
return getControl().promise(action);
* {@inheritDoc}
default <T> Publisher<T> stream(Publisher<T> publisher) {
return getControl().stream(publisher);