import java.util.Locale;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
* The counterpart to the FlyingCheck. People that are not allowed to fly
* get checked by this. It will try to identify when they are jumping, check if
* they aren't jumping too high or far, check if they aren't moving too fast on
* normal ground, while sprinting, sneaking or swimming.
public class RunningCheck extends MovingCheck {
private final static double maxBonus = 1D;
// How many move events can a player have in air before he is expected to
// lose altitude (or eventually land somewhere)
private final static int jumpingLimit = 6;
private final NoFallCheck noFallCheck;
public RunningCheck(NoCheat plugin) {
super(plugin, "moving.running");
this.noFallCheck = new NoFallCheck(plugin);
public PreciseLocation check(NoCheatPlayer player, MovingData data, MovingConfig cc) {
// Some shortcuts:
final PreciseLocation setBack = data.runflySetBackPoint;
final PreciseLocation to =;
final PreciseLocation from = data.from;
// Calculate some distances
final double xDistance = - from.x;
final double zDistance = to.z - from.z;
final double horizontalDistance = Math.sqrt((xDistance * xDistance + zDistance * zDistance));
if(!setBack.isSet()) {
// To know if a player "is on ground" is useful
final int fromType = CheckUtil.evaluateLocation(player.getPlayer().getWorld(), from);
final int toType = CheckUtil.evaluateLocation(player.getPlayer().getWorld(), to);
final boolean fromOnGround = CheckUtil.isOnGround(fromType);
final boolean fromInGround = CheckUtil.isInGround(fromType);
final boolean toOnGround = CheckUtil.isOnGround(toType);
final boolean toInGround = CheckUtil.isInGround(toType);
PreciseLocation newToLocation = null;
final double resultHoriz = Math.max(0.0D, checkHorizontal(player, data, CheckUtil.isLiquid(fromType) && CheckUtil.isLiquid(toType), horizontalDistance, cc));
final double resultVert = Math.max(0.0D, checkVertical(player, data, fromOnGround, toOnGround, cc));
final double result = (resultHoriz + resultVert) * 100;
// Slowly reduce the level with each event
data.runflyVL *= 0.95;
// Did the player move in unexpected ways?
if(result > 0) {
// Increment violation counter
data.runflyVL += result;
incrementStatistics(player, data.statisticCategory, result);
boolean cancel = executeActions(player, cc.actions, data.runflyVL);
// Was one of the actions a cancel? Then do it
if(cancel) {
newToLocation = setBack;
} else if(toOnGround || toInGround) {
// In case it only gets logged, not stopped by NoCheat
// Update the setback location at least a bit
data.jumpPhase = 0;
} else {
// Decide if we should create a new setBack point
// These are the result of a lot of bug reports, experience and
// trial and error
if((toInGround && from.y >= to.y) || CheckUtil.isLiquid(toType)) {
// Yes, if the player moved down "into" the ground or into liquid
setBack.y = Math.ceil(setBack.y);
data.jumpPhase = 0;
} else if(toOnGround && (from.y >= to.y || setBack.y <= Math.floor(to.y))) {
// Yes, if the player moved down "onto" the ground and the new
// setback point is higher up than the old or at least at the
// same height
setBack.y = Math.floor(setBack.y);
data.jumpPhase = 0;
} else if(fromOnGround || fromInGround || toOnGround || toInGround) {
// The player at least touched the ground somehow
data.jumpPhase = 0;
/********* EXECUTE THE NOFALL CHECK ********************/
final boolean checkNoFall = cc.nofallCheck && !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_NOFALL);
if(checkNoFall && newToLocation == null) {
data.fromOnOrInGround = fromOnGround || fromInGround;
data.toOnOrInGround = toOnGround || toInGround;
noFallCheck.check(player, data, cc);
return newToLocation;
* Calculate how much the player failed this check
private double checkHorizontal(final NoCheatPlayer player, final MovingData data, final boolean isSwimming, final double totalDistance, final MovingConfig cc) {
// How much further did the player move than expected??
double distanceAboveLimit = 0.0D;
// A player is considered sprinting if the flag is set and if he has
// enough food level (configurable)
final boolean sprinting = player.isSprinting() && (player.getPlayer().getFoodLevel() > 5);
double limit = 0.0D;
Id statisticsCategory = null;
// Player on ice? Give him higher max speed
Block b = player.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlock();
if(b.getType() == Material.ICE || b.getRelative(0, -1, 0).getType() == Material.ICE) {
data.onIce = 20;
} else if(data.onIce > 0) {
if(cc.sneakingCheck && player.getPlayer().isSneaking() && !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SNEAKING)) {
limit = cc.sneakingSpeedLimit;
statisticsCategory = Id.MOV_SNEAKING;
} else if(isSwimming && !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SWIMMING)) {
limit = cc.swimmingSpeedLimit;
statisticsCategory = Id.MOV_SWIMMING;
} else if(!sprinting) {
limit = cc.walkingSpeedLimit;
statisticsCategory = Id.MOV_RUNNING;
} else {
limit = cc.sprintingSpeedLimit;
statisticsCategory = Id.MOV_RUNNING;
if(data.onIce > 0) {
limit *= 2.5;
// Taken directly from Minecraft code, should work
limit *= player.getSpeedAmplifier();
distanceAboveLimit = totalDistance - limit - data.horizFreedom;
// Did he go too far?
if(distanceAboveLimit > 0 && sprinting) {
// Try to treat it as a the "bunnyhop" problem
if(data.bunnyhopdelay <= 0 && distanceAboveLimit > 0.05D && distanceAboveLimit < 0.4D) {
data.bunnyhopdelay = 9;
distanceAboveLimit = 0;
if(distanceAboveLimit > 0) {
// Try to consume the "buffer"
distanceAboveLimit -= data.horizontalBuffer;
data.horizontalBuffer = 0;
// Put back the "overconsumed" buffer
if(distanceAboveLimit < 0) {
data.horizontalBuffer = -distanceAboveLimit;
// He was within limits, give the difference as buffer
else {
data.horizontalBuffer = Math.min(maxBonus, data.horizontalBuffer - distanceAboveLimit);
if(distanceAboveLimit > 0) {
data.statisticCategory = statisticsCategory;
return distanceAboveLimit;
* Calculate if and how much the player "failed" this check.
private double checkVertical(final NoCheatPlayer player, final MovingData data, final boolean fromOnGround, final boolean toOnGround, final MovingConfig cc) {
// How much higher did the player move than expected??
double distanceAboveLimit = 0.0D;
// Potion effect "Jump"
double jumpAmplifier = player.getJumpAmplifier();
if(jumpAmplifier > data.lastJumpAmplifier) {
data.lastJumpAmplifier = jumpAmplifier;
double limit = data.vertFreedom + cc.jumpheight;
limit *= data.lastJumpAmplifier;
if(data.jumpPhase > jumpingLimit + data.lastJumpAmplifier) {
limit -= (data.jumpPhase - jumpingLimit) * 0.15D;
distanceAboveLimit = - data.runflySetBackPoint.y - limit;
if(distanceAboveLimit > 0) {
data.statisticCategory = Id.MOV_FLYING;
if(toOnGround || fromOnGround) {
data.lastJumpAmplifier = 0;
return distanceAboveLimit;
public String getParameter(ParameterName wildcard, NoCheatPlayer player) {
if(wildcard == ParameterName.CHECK)
// Workaround for something until I find a better way to do it
return getData(player).statisticCategory.toString();
else if(wildcard == ParameterName.VIOLATIONS)
return String.format(Locale.US, "%d", (int) getData(player).runflyVL);
return super.getParameter(wildcard, player);