import java.util.Locale;
import net.minecraft.server.Entity;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityComplex;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityComplexPart;
* The DirectionCheck will find out if a player tried to interact with something
* that's not in his field of view.
public class DirectionCheck extends FightCheck {
public DirectionCheck(NoCheat plugin) {
super(plugin, "fight.direction", Permissions.FIGHT_DIRECTION);
public boolean check(NoCheatPlayer player, FightData data, FightConfig cc) {
boolean cancel = false;
final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Get the damagee (entity that got hit)
Entity entity = data.damagee;
// Safeguard, if entity is complex, this check will fail
// due to giant and hard to define hitboxes
if(entity instanceof EntityComplex || entity instanceof EntityComplexPart) {
return false;
// Find out how wide the entity is
final float width = entity.length > entity.width ? entity.length : entity.width;
// entity.height is broken and will always be 0, therefore
// calculate height instead based on boundingBox
final double height = entity.boundingBox.e - entity.boundingBox.b;
// How far "off" is the player with his aim. We calculate from the
// players eye location and view direction to the center of the target
// entity. If the line of sight is more too far off, "off" will be
// bigger than 0
final double off = CheckUtil.directionCheck(player, entity.locX, entity.locY + (height / 2D), entity.locZ, width, height, cc.directionPrecision);
if(off < 0.1D) {
// Player did probably nothing wrong
// reduce violation counter to reward him
data.directionVL *= 0.80D;
} else {
// Player failed the check
// Increment violation counter and statistics, but only if there
// wasn't serious lag
if(!plugin.skipCheck()) {
double sqrt = Math.sqrt(off);
data.directionVL += sqrt;
incrementStatistics(player, Id.FI_DIRECTION, sqrt);
// Execute whatever actions are associated with this check and the
// violation level and find out if we should cancel the event
cancel = executeActions(player, cc.directionActions, data.directionVL);
if(cancel) {
// if we should cancel, remember the current time too
data.directionLastViolationTime = time;
// If the player is still in penalty time, cancel the event anyway
if(data.directionLastViolationTime + cc.directionPenaltyTime > time) {
// A safeguard to avoid people getting stuck in penalty time
// indefinitely in case the system time of the server gets changed
if(data.directionLastViolationTime > time) {
data.directionLastViolationTime = 0;
// He is in penalty time, therefore request cancelling of the event
return true;
return cancel;
public boolean isEnabled(FightConfig cc) {
return cc.directionCheck;
public String getParameter(ParameterName wildcard, NoCheatPlayer player) {
if(wildcard == ParameterName.VIOLATIONS)
return String.format(Locale.US, "%d", (int) getData(player).directionVL);
return super.getParameter(wildcard, player);