Package org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene

Source Code of org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.TestLuceneIndex

* Copyright (c) 2002-2011 "Neo Technology,"
* Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene;

import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.Operator;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicRelationshipType;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.IndexHits;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.RelationshipIndex;
import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.IteratorUtil;
import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.MapUtil;
import org.neo4j.index.Neo4jTestCase;
import org.neo4j.index.lucene.QueryContext;
import org.neo4j.index.lucene.ValueContext;
import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import static;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.nullValue;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.neo4j.index.Neo4jTestCase.assertContains;
import static org.neo4j.index.Neo4jTestCase.assertContainsInOrder;
import static org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.Contains.contains;
import static org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.IsEmpty.isEmpty;
import static org.neo4j.index.lucene.ValueContext.numeric;

public class TestLuceneIndex extends AbstractLuceneIndexTest
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void makeSureAdditionsCanBeRead(
            Index<T> index, EntityCreator<T> entityCreator )
        String key = "name";
        String value = "Mattias";
        assertThat( index.get( key, value ).getSingle(), is( nullValue() ) );
        assertThat( index.get( key, value ), isEmpty() );

        assertThat( index.query( key, "*" ), isEmpty() );

        T entity1 = entityCreator.create();
        T entity2 = entityCreator.create();
        index.add( entity1, key, value );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, value ), contains( entity1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "*" ), contains( entity1 ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value ), contains( entity1 ) );


        index.add( entity2, key, value );
        assertThat( index.get( key, value ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );

        assertThat( index.get( key, value ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );

    public void makeSureYouGetLatestTxModificationsInQueryByDefault()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "failing-index", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, "key", "value" );
        assertThat( index.query( "key:value" ), contains( node ) );
    public void testStartupInExistingDirectory() {
    File dir = new File("target" + File.separator + "temp" + File.separator);
        Neo4jTestCase.deleteFileOrDirectory( dir );
        EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDatabase = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( dir.getAbsolutePath() );
        Index<Node> index = graphDatabase.index().forNodes("nodes");

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeReadNodeExact()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRead( nodeIndex( "exact", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ),
                NODE_CREATOR );

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeReadNodeFulltext()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRead( nodeIndex( "fulltext",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ), NODE_CREATOR );

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeReadRelationshipExact()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRead( relationshipIndex( "exact",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ), RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR );

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeReadRelationshipFulltext()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRead( relationshipIndex( "fulltext",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ), RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR );

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeRemovedInSameTx()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRemoved( false );
    public void makeSureYouCanAskIfAnIndexExistsOrNot()
        String name = "index-that-may-exist";
        assertFalse( graphDb.index().existsForNodes( name ) );
        graphDb.index().forNodes( name );
        assertTrue( graphDb.index().existsForNodes( name ) );

        assertFalse( graphDb.index().existsForRelationships( name ) );
        graphDb.index().forRelationships( name );
        assertTrue( graphDb.index().existsForRelationships( name ) );

    private void makeSureAdditionsCanBeRemoved( boolean restartTx )
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String key = "name";
        String value = "Mattias";
        assertNull( index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, key, value );
        if ( restartTx )
        assertEquals( node, index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );
        index.remove( node, key, value );
        assertNull( index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );
        assertNull( index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );

    public void makeSureAdditionsCanBeRemoved()
        makeSureAdditionsCanBeRemoved( true );

    private void makeSureSomeAdditionsCanBeRemoved( boolean restartTx )
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String key1 = "name";
        String key2 = "title";
        String value1 = "Mattias";
        assertNull( index.get( key1, value1 ).getSingle() );
        assertNull( index.get( key2, value1 ).getSingle() );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, key1, value1 );
        index.add( node, key2, value1 );
        index.add( node2, key1, value1 );
        if ( restartTx )
        index.remove( node, key1, value1 );
        index.remove( node, key2, value1 );
        assertEquals( node2, index.get( key1, value1 ).getSingle() );
        assertNull( index.get( key2, value1 ).getSingle() );
        assertEquals( node2, index.get( key1, value1 ).getSingle() );
        assertNull( index.get( key2, value1 ).getSingle() );

    public void makeSureSomeAdditionsCanBeRemovedInSameTx()
        makeSureSomeAdditionsCanBeRemoved( false );

    public void makeSureSomeAdditionsCanBeRemoved()
        makeSureSomeAdditionsCanBeRemoved( true );

    public void makeSureThereCanBeMoreThanOneValueForAKeyAndEntity()
        makeSureThereCanBeMoreThanOneValueForAKeyAndEntity( false );

    public void makeSureThereCanBeMoreThanOneValueForAKeyAndEntitySameTx()
        makeSureThereCanBeMoreThanOneValueForAKeyAndEntity( true );

    private void makeSureThereCanBeMoreThanOneValueForAKeyAndEntity(
            boolean restartTx )
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String key = "name";
        String value1 = "Lucene";
        String value2 = "Index";
        String value3 = "Rules";
        assertThat( index.query( key, "*" ), isEmpty() );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, key, value1 );
        index.add( node, key, value2 );
        if ( restartTx )
        index.add( node, key, value3 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, value1 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value2 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value3 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, "whatever" ), isEmpty() );

    public void shouldNotGetLatestTxModificationsWhenChoosingSpeedQueries()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "indexFooBar", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, "key", "value" );
        QueryContext queryContext = new QueryContext( "value" ).tradeCorrectnessForSpeed();
        assertThat( index.query( "key", queryContext ), isEmpty() );
        assertThat( index.query( "key", "value" ), contains( node ) );

    public void makeSureArrayValuesAreSupported()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String key = "name";
        String value1 = "Lucene";
        String value2 = "Index";
        String value3 = "Rules";
        assertThat( index.query( key, "*" ), isEmpty() );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, key, new String[]{value1, value2, value3} );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, value1 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value2 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value3 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, "whatever" ), isEmpty() );

        index.remove( node, key, new String[]{value2, value3} );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, value1 ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value2 ), isEmpty() );
            assertThat( index.get( key, value3 ), isEmpty() );

    public void makeSureWildcardQueriesCanBeAsked()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String key = "name";
        String value1 = "neo4j";
        String value2 = "nescafe";
        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node1, key, value1 );
        index.add( node2, key, value2 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( key, "neo*" ), contains( node1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "n?o4j" ), contains( node1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "ne*" ), contains( node1, node2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key + ":neo4j" ), contains( node1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key + ":neo*" ), contains( node1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key + ":n?o4j" ), contains( node1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key + ":ne*" ), contains( node1, node2 ) );


    public void makeSureCompositeQueriesCanBeAsked()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        Node neo = graphDb.createNode();
        Node trinity = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( neo, "username", "neo@matrix" );
        index.add( neo, "sex", "male" );
        index.add( trinity, "username", "trinity@matrix" );
        index.add( trinity, "sex", "female" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( "username:*@matrix AND sex:male" ), contains( neo ) );
            assertThat( index.query( new QueryContext( "username:*@matrix sex:male" ).defaultOperator( Operator.AND ) ), contains( neo ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "username:*@matrix OR sex:male" ), contains( neo, trinity ) );
            assertThat( index.query( new QueryContext( "username:*@matrix sex:male" ).defaultOperator( Operator.OR ) ), contains( neo, trinity ) );


    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void doSomeRandomUseCaseTestingWithExactIndex(
            Index<T> index, EntityCreator<T> creator )
        String name = "name";
        String mattias = "Mattias Persson";
        String title = "title";
        String hacker = "Hacker";

        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), isEmpty() );

        T entity1 = creator.create();
        T entity2 = creator.create();

        assertNull( index.get( name, mattias ).getSingle() );
        index.add( entity1, name, mattias );
        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );

        assertContains( index.query( name, "\"" + mattias + "\"" ), entity1 );
        assertContains( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\"" ), entity1 );

        assertEquals( entity1, index.get( name, mattias ).getSingle() );

        assertContains( index.query( "name", "Mattias*" ), entity1 );

        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.query( name, "\"" + mattias + "\"" ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\"" ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertEquals( entity1, index.get( name, mattias ).getSingle() );
        assertThat( index.query( "name", "Mattias*" ), contains( entity1 ) );

        index.add( entity2, title, hacker );
        index.add( entity1, title, hacker );
        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.get( title, hacker ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );

        assertContains( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\" OR title:\"" +
                hacker + "\"" ), entity1, entity2 );

        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.get( title, hacker ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );
        assertThat( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\" OR title:\"" + hacker + "\"" ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );
        assertThat( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\" AND title:\"" +
                hacker + "\"" ), contains( entity1 ) );

        index.remove( entity2, title, hacker );
        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.get( title, hacker ), contains( entity1 ) );

        assertContains( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\" OR title:\"" +
                hacker + "\"" ), entity1 );

        assertThat( index.get( name, mattias ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.get( title, hacker ), contains( entity1 ) );
        assertThat( index.query( "name:\"" + mattias + "\" OR title:\"" +
                hacker + "\"" ), contains( entity1 ) );

        index.remove( entity1, title, hacker );
        index.remove( entity1, name, mattias );

    public void doSomeRandomUseCaseTestingWithExactNodeIndex()
        doSomeRandomUseCaseTestingWithExactIndex( nodeIndex( "index",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ), NODE_CREATOR );

    public void doSomeRandomUseCaseTestingWithExactRelationshipIndex()
        doSomeRandomUseCaseTestingWithExactIndex( relationshipIndex( "index",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ), RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR );

    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void doSomeRandomTestingWithFulltextIndex(
            Index<T> index,
            EntityCreator<T> creator )
        T entity1 = creator.create();
        T entity2 = creator.create();

        String key = "name";
        index.add( entity1, key, "The quick brown fox" );
        index.add( entity2, key, "brown fox jumped over" );

        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, "The quick brown fox" ), contains( entity1 ) );
            assertThat( index.get( key, "brown fox jumped over" ), contains( entity2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "quick" ), contains( entity1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "brown" ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "quick OR jumped" ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( key, "brown AND fox" ), contains( entity1, entity2 ) );


    public void doSomeRandomTestingWithNodeFulltextInde()
        doSomeRandomTestingWithFulltextIndex( nodeIndex( "fulltext",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ), NODE_CREATOR );

    public void doSomeRandomTestingWithRelationshipFulltextInde()
        doSomeRandomTestingWithFulltextIndex( relationshipIndex( "fulltext",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ), RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR );

    public void testNodeLocalRelationshipIndex()
        RelationshipIndex index = relationshipIndex( "locality",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );

        RelationshipType type = DynamicRelationshipType.withName( "YO" );
        Node startNode = graphDb.createNode();
        Node endNode1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node endNode2 = graphDb.createNode();
        Relationship rel1 = startNode.createRelationshipTo( endNode1, type );
        Relationship rel2 = startNode.createRelationshipTo( endNode2, type );
        index.add( rel1, "name", "something" );
        index.add( rel2, "name", "something" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( "name:something" ), contains( rel1, rel2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name:something", null, endNode1 ), contains( rel1 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name:something", startNode, endNode2 ), contains( rel2 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( null, startNode, endNode1 ), contains( rel1 ) );
            assertThat( index.get( "name", "something", null, endNode1 ), contains( rel1 ) );
            assertThat( index.get( "name", "something", startNode, endNode2 ), contains( rel2 ) );
            assertThat( index.get( null, null, startNode, endNode1 ), contains( rel1 ) );

    public void testSortByRelevance()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "relevance", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );

        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node3 = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node1, "name", "something" );
        index.add( node2, "name", "something" );
        index.add( node2, "foo", "yes" );
        index.add( node3, "name", "something" );
        index.add( node3, "foo", "yes" );
        index.add( node3, "bar", "yes" );

        IndexHits<Node> hits = index.query(
                new QueryContext( "+name:something foo:yes bar:yes" ).sort( Sort.RELEVANCE ) );
        assertEquals( node3, );
        assertEquals( node2, );
        assertEquals( node1, );
        assertFalse( hits.hasNext() );

    public void testSorting()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "sort", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        String name = "name";
        String title = "title";
        String other = "other";
        String sex = "sex";
        Node adam = graphDb.createNode();
        Node adam2 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node jack = graphDb.createNode();
        Node eva = graphDb.createNode();

        index.add( adam, name, "Adam" );
        index.add( adam, title, "Software developer" );
        index.add( adam, sex, "male" );
        index.add( adam, other, "aaa" );
        index.add( adam2, name, "Adam" );
        index.add( adam2, title, "Blabla" );
        index.add( adam2, sex, "male" );
        index.add( adam2, other, "bbb" );
        index.add( jack, name, "Jack" );
        index.add( jack, title, "Apple sales guy" );
        index.add( jack, sex, "male" );
        index.add( jack, other, "ccc" );
        index.add( eva, name, "Eva" );
        index.add( eva, title, "Secretary" );
        index.add( eva, sex, "female" );
        index.add( eva, other, "ddd" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( new QueryContext( "name:*" ).sort( name, title ) ), adam2, adam, eva, jack );
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( new QueryContext( "name:*" ).sort( name, other ) ), adam, adam2, eva, jack );
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( new QueryContext( "name:*" ).sort( sex, title ) ), eva, jack, adam2, adam );
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( name, new QueryContext( "*" ).sort( sex, title ) ), eva, jack, adam2, adam );
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( new QueryContext( "name:*" ).sort( name, title ).top( 2 ) ), adam2, adam );


    public void testNumericValues()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "numeric", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );

        Node node10 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node6 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node31 = graphDb.createNode();

        String key = "key";
        index.add( node10, key, numeric( 10 ) );
        index.add( node6, key, numeric( 6 ) );
        index.add( node31, key, numeric( 31 ) );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 4, 40, true, true ) ), contains( node10, node6, node31 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 6, 15, true, true ) ), contains( node10, node6 ) );
            assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 6, 15, false, true ) ), contains( node10 ) );

    public void testRemoveNumericValues()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "numeric2", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "key";
        index.add( node1, key, new ValueContext( 15 ).indexNumeric() );
        index.add( node2, key, new ValueContext( 5 ).indexNumeric() );
        index.remove( node1, key, new ValueContext( 15 ).indexNumeric() );

        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), contains( node2 ) );

        index.remove( node2, key, new ValueContext( 5 ).indexNumeric() );

        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), isEmpty() );

        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), isEmpty() );

        index.add( node1, key, new ValueContext( 15 ).indexNumeric() );
        index.add( node2, key, new ValueContext( 5 ).indexNumeric() );
        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), contains( node1, node2 ) );
        index.remove( node1, key, new ValueContext( 15 ).indexNumeric() );

        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), contains( node2 ) );

        assertThat( index.query( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange( key, 0, 20, false, false ) ), contains( node2 ) );

    public void testIndexNumberAsString()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "nums", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node1, "key", 10 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertEquals( node1, index.get( "key", 10 ).getSingle() );
            assertEquals( node1, index.get( "key", "10" ).getSingle() );
            assertEquals( node1, index.query( "key", 10 ).getSingle() );
            assertEquals( node1, index.query( "key", "10" ).getSingle() );

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void makeSureIndexGetsCreatedImmediately()
        // Since index creation is done outside of the normal transactions,
        // a rollback will not roll back index creation.
        nodeIndex( "immediate-index", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        assertTrue( graphDb.index().existsForNodes( "immediate-index" ) );
        assertTrue( graphDb.index().existsForNodes( "immediate-index" ) );
        nodeIndex( "immediate-index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
    public void makeSureFulltextConfigIsCaseInsensitiveByDefault()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "ft-case-sensitive", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "name";
        String value = "Mattias Persson";
        index.add( node, key, value );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "[A TO Z]" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "[a TO z]" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "Mattias" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "mattias" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "Matt*" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "matt*" ), contains( node ) );
    public void makeSureFulltextIndexCanBeCaseSensitive()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "ft-case-insensitive", MapUtil.stringMap(
                new HashMap<String, String>( LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ),
                        "to_lower_case", "false" ) );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "name";
        String value = "Mattias Persson";
        index.add( node, key, value );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "[A TO Z]" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "[a TO z]" ), isEmpty() );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "Matt*" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "matt*" ), isEmpty() );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "Persson" ), contains( node ) );
            assertThat( index.query( "name", "persson" ), isEmpty() );
    public void makeSureCustomAnalyzerCanBeUsed()
        CustomAnalyzer.called = false;
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "w-custom-analyzer", MapUtil.stringMap(
                "provider", "lucene", "analyzer", org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.CustomAnalyzer.class.getName(),
                "to_lower_case", "true" ) );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "name";
        String value = "The value";
        index.add( node, key, value );
        assertTrue( CustomAnalyzer.called );
        assertThat( index.query( key, "[A TO Z]" ), contains( node ) );
    public void makeSureCustomAnalyzerCanBeUsed2()
        CustomAnalyzer.called = false;
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "w-custom-analyzer-2", MapUtil.stringMap(
                "provider", "lucene", "analyzer", org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.CustomAnalyzer.class.getName(),
                "to_lower_case", "true", "type", "fulltext" ) );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "name";
        String value = "The value";
        index.add( node, key, value );
        assertTrue( CustomAnalyzer.called );
        assertThat( index.query( key, "[A TO Z]" ), contains( node ) );
    public void makeSureIndexNameAndConfigCanBeReachedFromIndex()
        String indexName = "my-index-1";
        Index<Node> nodeIndex = nodeIndex( indexName, LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        assertEquals( indexName, nodeIndex.getName() );
        assertEquals( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG, graphDb.index().getConfiguration( nodeIndex ) );
        String indexName2 = "my-index-2";
        Index<Relationship> relIndex = relationshipIndex( indexName2, LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        assertEquals( indexName2, relIndex.getName() );
        assertEquals( LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG, graphDb.index().getConfiguration( relIndex ) );
    public void testStringQueryVsQueryObject() throws IOException
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "query-diff", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, "name", "Mattias Persson" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContains( index.query( "name:Mattias AND name:Per*" ), node );
            assertContains( index.query( "name:mattias" ), node );
            assertContains( index.query( new TermQuery( new Term( "name", "mattias" ) ) ), node );
        assertNull( index.query( new TermQuery( new Term( "name", "Mattias" ) ) ).getSingle() );
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void testAbandonedIds( EntityCreator<T> creator,
            Index<T> index )
        // TODO This doesn't actually test that they are deleted, it just triggers it
        // so that you manually can inspect what's going on
        T a = creator.create();
        T b = creator.create();
        T c = creator.create();
        String key = "name";
        String value = "value";
        index.add( a, key, value );
        index.add( b, key, value );
        index.add( c, key, value );
        creator.delete( b );
        IteratorUtil.count( (Iterator<Node>) index.get( key, value ) );
        IteratorUtil.count( (Iterator<Node>) index.get( key, value ) );
        index.add( c, "something", "whatever" );
        IteratorUtil.count( (Iterator<Node>) index.get( key, value ) );
    public void testAbandonedNodeIds()
        testAbandonedIds( NODE_CREATOR, nodeIndex( "abandoned", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testAbandonedNodeIdsFulltext()
        testAbandonedIds( NODE_CREATOR, nodeIndex( "abandonedf", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testAbandonedRelIds()
        testAbandonedIds( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR, relationshipIndex( "abandoned", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testAbandonedRelIdsFulltext()
        testAbandonedIds( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR, relationshipIndex( "abandonedf", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    public void makeSureYouCanRemoveFromRelationshipIndex()
        Node n1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node n2 = graphDb.createNode();
        Relationship r = n1.createRelationshipTo( n2, DynamicRelationshipType.withName( "foo" ) );
        RelationshipIndex index = graphDb.index().forRelationships( "rel-index" );
        String key = "bar";
        index.remove( r, key, "value" );
        index.add( r, key, "otherValue" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertThat( index.get( key, "value" ), isEmpty() );
            assertThat( index.get( key, "otherValue" ), contains( r ) );
    public void makeSureYouCanGetEntityTypeFromIndex()
        Index<Node> nodeIndex = nodeIndex( "type-test", MapUtil.stringMap( "provider", "lucene", "type", "exact" ) );
        Index<Relationship> relIndex = relationshipIndex( "type-test", MapUtil.stringMap( "provider", "lucene", "type", "exact" ) );
        assertEquals( Node.class, nodeIndex.getEntityType() );
        assertEquals( Relationship.class, relIndex.getEntityType() );
    public void makeSureConfigurationCanBeModified()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "conf-index", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
            graphDb.index().setConfiguration( index, "provider", "something" );
            fail( "Shouldn't be able to modify provider" );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { /* Good*/ }
            graphDb.index().removeConfiguration( index, "provider" );
            fail( "Shouldn't be able to modify provider" );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { /* Good*/ }

        String key = "my-key";
        String value = "my-value";
        String newValue = "my-new-value";
        assertNull( graphDb.index().setConfiguration( index, key, value ) );
        assertEquals( value, graphDb.index().getConfiguration( index ).get( key ) );
        assertEquals( value, graphDb.index().setConfiguration( index, key, newValue ) );
        assertEquals( newValue, graphDb.index().getConfiguration( index ).get( key ) );
        assertEquals( newValue, graphDb.index().removeConfiguration( index, key ) );
        assertNull( graphDb.index().getConfiguration( index ).get( key ) );
    public void makeSureSlightDifferencesInIndexConfigCanBeSupplied()
        Map<String, String> config = MapUtil.stringMap( "provider", "lucene", "type", "fulltext" );
        String name = "the-name";
        nodeIndex( name, config );
        nodeIndex( name, MapUtil.stringMap( new HashMap<String, String>( config ), "to_lower_case", "true" ) );
            nodeIndex( name, MapUtil.stringMap( new HashMap<String, String>( config ), "to_lower_case", "false" ) );
            fail( "Shouldn't be able to get index with these kinds of differences in config" );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { /* */ }
        nodeIndex( name, MapUtil.stringMap( new HashMap<String, String>( config ), "whatever", "something" ) );
    public void testScoring()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "score-index", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "text";
        // Where the heck did I get this sentence from?
        index.add( node1, key, "a time where no one was really awake" );
        index.add( node2, key, "once upon a time there was" );
        IndexHits<Node> hits = index.query( key, new QueryContext( "once upon a time was" ).sort( Sort.RELEVANCE ) );
        Node hit1 =;
        float score1 = hits.currentScore();
        Node hit2 =;
        float score2 = hits.currentScore();
        assertEquals( node2, hit1 );
        assertEquals( node1, hit2 );
        assertTrue( score1 > score2 );
    public void testTopHits()
        Index<Relationship> index = relationshipIndex( "topdocs", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        EntityCreator<Relationship> creator = RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR;
        String key = "text";
        Relationship rel1 = creator.create( key, "one two three four five six seven eight nine ten" );
        Relationship rel2 = creator.create( key, "one two three four five six seven eight other things" );
        Relationship rel3 = creator.create( key, "one two three four five six some thing else" );
        Relationship rel4 = creator.create( key, "one two three four five what ever" );
        Relationship rel5 = creator.create( key, "one two three four all that is good and bad" );
        Relationship rel6 = creator.create( key, "one two three hill or something" );
        Relationship rel7 = creator.create( key, "one two other time than this" );
        index.add( rel2, key, rel2.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel1, key, rel1.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel3, key, rel3.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel7, key, rel7.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel5, key, rel5.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel4, key, rel4.getProperty( key ) );
        index.add( rel6, key, rel6.getProperty( key ) );
        String query = "one two three four five six seven";
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContainsInOrder( index.query( key, new QueryContext( query ).top( 3 ).sort(
                    Sort.RELEVANCE ) ), rel1, rel2, rel3 );
    public void testSimilarity()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "similarity", MapUtil.stringMap( "provider", "lucene",
                "type", "fulltext", "similarity", DefaultSimilarity.class.getName() ) );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        index.add( node, "key", "value" );
        assertContains( index.get( "key", "value" ), node );
    public void testCombinedHitsSizeProblem()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "size-npe", LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
        Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();
        Node node3 = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "key";
        String value = "value";
        index.add( node1, key, value );
        index.add( node2, key, value );
        index.add( node3, key, value );
        IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get( key, value );
        assertEquals( 3, hits.size() );
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void testRemoveWithoutKey(
            EntityCreator<T> creator, Index<T> index ) throws Exception
        String key1 = "key1";
        String key2 = "key2";
        String value = "value";
        T entity1 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity1, key1, value );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value );
        T entity2 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity2, key1, value );
        index.add( entity2, key2, value );
        assertContains( index.get( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key2, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        index.remove( entity1, key2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key2, value ), entity2 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContains( index.get( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
            assertContains( index.get( key2, value ), entity1, entity2 );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyNodes() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKey( NODE_CREATOR, nodeIndex( "remove-wo-k",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyRelationships() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKey( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR, relationshipIndex( "remove-wo-k",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void testRemoveWithoutKeyValue(
            EntityCreator<T> creator, Index<T> index ) throws Exception
        String key1 = "key1";
        String value1 = "value1";
        String key2 = "key2";
        String value2 = "value2";
        T entity1 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity1, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value2 );
        T entity2 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity2, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity2, key2, value2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key1, value1 ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key2, value2 ), entity1, entity2 );
        index.remove( entity1 );
        assertContains( index.get( key1, value1 ), entity2 );
        assertContains( index.get( key2, value2 ), entity2 );
        index.add( entity1, key1, value1 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContains( index.get( key1, value1 ), entity1, entity2 );
            assertContains( index.get( key2, value2 ), entity2 );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyValueNodes() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyValue( NODE_CREATOR, nodeIndex( "remove-wo-kv",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyValueRelationships() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyValue( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR, relationshipIndex( "remove-wo-kv",
                LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ) );
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void testRemoveWithoutKeyFulltext(
            EntityCreator<T> creator, Index<T> index ) throws Exception
        String key1 = "key1";
        String key2 = "key2";
        String value1 = "value one";
        String value2 = "other value";
        String value = "value";
        T entity1 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity1, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value1 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value2 );
        T entity2 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity2, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity2, key2, value1 );
        index.add( entity2, key2, value2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        index.remove( entity1, key2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity2 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value1 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
            assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity1, entity2 );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyFulltextNode() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyFulltext( NODE_CREATOR,
                nodeIndex( "remove-wo-k-f", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyFulltextRelationship() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyFulltext( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR,
                relationshipIndex( "remove-wo-k-f", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private <T extends PropertyContainer> void testRemoveWithoutKeyValueFulltext(
            EntityCreator<T> creator, Index<T> index ) throws Exception
        String value = "value";
        String key1 = "key1";
        String value1 = value + " one";
        String key2 = "key2";
        String value2 = value + " two";
        T entity1 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity1, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity1, key2, value2 );
        T entity2 = creator.create();
        index.add( entity2, key1, value1 );
        index.add( entity2, key2, value2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity1, entity2 );
        index.remove( entity1 );
        assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity2 );
        assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity2 );
        index.add( entity1, key1, value1 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertContains( index.query( key1, value ), entity1, entity2 );
            assertContains( index.query( key2, value ), entity2 );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyValueFulltextNode() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyValueFulltext( NODE_CREATOR,
                nodeIndex( "remove-wo-kv-f", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testRemoveWithoutKeyValueFulltextRelationship() throws Exception
        testRemoveWithoutKeyValueFulltext( RELATIONSHIP_CREATOR,
                relationshipIndex( "remove-wo-kv-f", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ) );
    public void testSortingWithTopHitsInPartCommittedPartLocal()
        Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( "mix", LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG );
        Node first = graphDb.createNode();
        Node second = graphDb.createNode();
        Node third = graphDb.createNode();
        Node fourth = graphDb.createNode();
        String key = "key";
        index.add( third, key, "ccc" );
        index.add( second, key, "bbb" );
        index.add( fourth, key, "ddd" );
        index.add( first, key, "aaa" );
        assertContainsInOrder( index.query( key, new QueryContext( "*" ).sort( key ) ), first, second, third, fourth );
        assertContainsInOrder( index.query( key, new QueryContext( "*" ).sort( key ).top( 2 ) ), first, second );

    public void shouldNotFindValueDeletedInSameTx()
        Index<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes( "size-after-removal" );
        Node node = graphDb.createNode();
        nodeIndex.add( node, "key", "value" );

        nodeIndex.remove( node );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            IndexHits<Node> hits = nodeIndex.get( "key", "value" );
            assertEquals( 0, hits.size() );
            assertNull( hits.getSingle() );

Related Classes of org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.TestLuceneIndex

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