Package org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework

Source Code of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaLogicalLog$LogApplier

* Copyright (c) 2002-2011 "Neo Technology,"
* Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;

import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.cache.LruCache;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.ArrayMap;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.FileUtils;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.StringLogger;

* <CODE>XaLogicalLog</CODE> is a transaction and logical log combined. In
* this log information about the transaction (such as started, prepared and
* committed) will be written. All commands participating in the transaction
* will also be written to the log.
* <p>
* Normally you don't have to do anything with this log except open it after it
* has been instanciated (see {@link XaContainer}). The only method that may be
* of use when implementing a XA compatible resource is the
* {@link #getCurrentTxIdentifier}. Leave everything else be unless you know
* what you're doing.
* <p>
* When the log is opened it will be scaned for uncompleted transactions and
* those transactions will be re-created. When scan of log is complete all
* transactions that hasn't entered prepared state will be marked as done
* (implies rolledback) and dropped. All transactions that have been prepared
* will be held in memory until the transaction manager tells them to commit.
* Transaction that already started commit but didn't get flagged as done will
* be re-committed.
public class XaLogicalLog
    private final Logger log;

    private static final char CLEAN = 'C';
    private static final char LOG1 = '1';
    private static final char LOG2 = '2';

    private FileChannel fileChannel = null;
    private final ByteBuffer buffer;
    private LogBuffer writeBuffer = null;
    private long previousLogLastCommittedTx = -1;
    private long logVersion = 0;
    private final ArrayMap<Integer,LogEntry.Start> xidIdentMap =
        new ArrayMap<Integer,LogEntry.Start>( 4, false, true );
    private final Map<Integer,XaTransaction> recoveredTxMap =
        new HashMap<Integer,XaTransaction>();
    private int nextIdentifier = 1;
    private boolean scanIsComplete = false;
    private boolean nonCleanShutdown = false;

    private String fileName = null;
    private final XaResourceManager xaRm;
    private final XaCommandFactory cf;
    private final XaTransactionFactory xaTf;
    private char currentLog = CLEAN;
    private boolean keepLogs = false;
    private boolean autoRotate = true;
    private long rotateAtSize = 25*1024*1024; // 25MB
    private boolean backupSlave = false;
//    private boolean slave = false;
    private final String storeDir;
    private final LogBufferFactory logBufferFactory;

    private final StringLogger msgLog;

    private final LruCache<Long, TxPosition> txStartPositionCache =
        new LruCache<Long, TxPosition>( "Tx start position cache", 10000, null );

    XaLogicalLog( String fileName, XaResourceManager xaRm, XaCommandFactory cf,
        XaTransactionFactory xaTf, Map<Object,Object> config )
        this.fileName = fileName;
        this.xaRm = xaRm; = cf;
        this.xaTf = xaTf;
        this.logBufferFactory = (LogBufferFactory) config.get( LogBufferFactory.class );
        log = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass().getName() + File.separator + fileName );
        buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( 9 + Xid.MAXGTRIDSIZE
            + Xid.MAXBQUALSIZE * 10 );
        storeDir = (String) config.get( "store_dir" );
        msgLog = StringLogger.getLogger( storeDir);

    synchronized void open() throws IOException
        String activeFileName = fileName + ".active";
        if ( !new File( activeFileName ).exists() )
            if ( new File( fileName ).exists() )
                // old < b8 xaframework with no log rotation and we need to
                // do recovery on it
                open( fileName );
                open( getLog1FileName() );
                setActiveLog( LOG1 );
            FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile( activeFileName ,
                "rw" ).getChannel();
            byte bytes[] = new byte[256];
            ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap( bytes );
            int read = buf );
            if ( read != 4 )
                throw new IllegalStateException( "Read " + read +
                    " bytes from " + activeFileName + " but expected 4" );
            char c = buf.asCharBuffer().get();
            File copy = new File( fileName + ".copy" );
            safeDeleteFile( copy );
            if ( c == CLEAN )
                // clean
                String newLog = getLog1FileName();
                File file = new File( newLog );
                if ( file.exists() )
                    fixCleanKill( newLog );
                file = new File( getLog2FileName() );
                if ( file.exists() )
                    fixCleanKill( file.getPath() );
                open( newLog );
                setActiveLog( LOG1 );
            else if ( c == LOG1 )
                String newLog = getLog1FileName();
                if ( !new File( newLog ).exists() )
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Active marked as 1 but no " + newLog + " exist" );
                currentLog = LOG1;
                File otherLog = new File( getLog2FileName() );
                if ( otherLog.exists() )
                    if ( !otherLog.delete() )
                        log.warning( "Unable to delete " + copy.getName() );
                open( newLog );
            else if ( c == LOG2 )
                String newLog = getLog2FileName();
                if ( !new File( newLog ).exists() )
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Active marked as 2 but no " + newLog + " exist" );
                File otherLog = new File( getLog1FileName() );
                if ( otherLog.exists() )
                    if ( !otherLog.delete() )
                        log.warning( "Unable to delete " + copy.getName() );
                currentLog = LOG2;
                open( newLog );
                throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown active log: " + c );


    private void instantiateCorrectWriteBuffer() throws IOException
        writeBuffer = instantiateCorrectWriteBuffer( fileChannel );

  private LogBuffer instantiateCorrectWriteBuffer( FileChannel channel ) throws IOException
        return logBufferFactory.create( channel );

    private void safeDeleteFile( File file )
        if ( file.exists() )
            if ( !file.delete() )
                log.warning( "Unable to delete " + file.getName() );

    private void fixCleanKill( String fileName ) throws IOException
        File file = new File( fileName );
        if ( !keepLogs )
            if ( !file.delete() )
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Active marked as clean and unable to delete log " +
                    fileName );
            renameCurrentLogFileAndIncrementVersion( fileName, file.length() );

    private void open( String fileToOpen ) throws IOException
        fileChannel = new RandomAccessFile( fileToOpen, "rw" ).getChannel();
        if ( fileChannel.size() != 0 )
            nonCleanShutdown = true;
            doInternalRecovery( fileToOpen );
            logVersion = xaTf.getCurrentVersion();
            long lastTxId = xaTf.getLastCommittedTx();
            LogIoUtils.writeLogHeader( buffer, logVersion, lastTxId );
            previousLogLastCommittedTx = lastTxId;
            fileChannel.write( buffer );
            scanIsComplete = true;
            msgLog.logMessage( "Opened [" + fileToOpen + "] clean empty log, version=" + logVersion, true );

    public boolean scanIsComplete()
        return scanIsComplete;

    private int getNextIdentifier()
        if ( nextIdentifier < 0 )
            nextIdentifier = 1;
        return nextIdentifier;

    // returns identifier for transaction
    // [TX_START][xid[gid.length,bid.lengh,gid,bid]][identifier][format id]
    public synchronized int start( Xid xid ) throws XAException
        if ( backupSlave )
            throw new XAException( "Resource is configured as backup slave, " +
                "no new transactions can be started for " + fileName + "." +
                currentLog );
        int xidIdent = getNextIdentifier();
            long position = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
            LogEntry.Start start = new LogEntry.Start( xid, xidIdent, position );
            LogIoUtils.writeStart( writeBuffer, xidIdent, xid );
            xidIdentMap.put( xidIdent, start );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new XAException( "Logical log couldn't start transaction: "
                + e );
        return xidIdent;

    // [TX_PREPARE][identifier]
    public synchronized void prepare( int identifier ) throws XAException
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        assert startEntry != null;
            LogIoUtils.writePrepare( writeBuffer, identifier );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new XAException( "Logical log unable to mark prepare ["
                + identifier + "] " + e );

    // [TX_1P_COMMIT][identifier]
    public synchronized void commitOnePhase( int identifier, long txId, int masterId )
        throws XAException
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        assert startEntry != null;
        assert txId != -1;
            LogIoUtils.writeCommit( false, writeBuffer, identifier, txId, masterId );
            cacheTxStartPosition( txId, masterId, startEntry );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new XAException( "Logical log unable to mark 1P-commit ["
                + identifier + "] " + e );

    private synchronized void cacheTxStartPosition( long txId, int masterId,
            LogEntry.Start startEntry )
        if ( startEntry.getStartPosition() == -1 )
            throw new RuntimeException( "StartEntry.position is " + startEntry.getStartPosition() );
        txStartPositionCache.put( txId, new TxPosition( logVersion, masterId, startEntry.getIdentifier(),
                startEntry.getStartPosition() ) );

    // [DONE][identifier]
    public synchronized void done( int identifier ) throws XAException
        if ( backupSlave )
        assert xidIdentMap.get( identifier ) != null;
            LogIoUtils.writeDone( writeBuffer, identifier );
            xidIdentMap.remove( identifier );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new XAException( "Logical log unable to mark as done ["
                + identifier + "] " + e );

    // [DONE][identifier] called from XaResourceManager during internal recovery
    synchronized void doneInternal( int identifier ) throws IOException
        LogIoUtils.writeDone( buffer, identifier );
        fileChannel.write( buffer );
        xidIdentMap.remove( identifier );
        // force to make sure done record is there if 2PC tx and global log
        // marks tx as committed
        fileChannel.force( false );

    // [TX_2P_COMMIT][identifier]
    public synchronized void commitTwoPhase( int identifier, long txId, int masterId )
        throws XAException
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        assert startEntry != null;
        assert txId != -1;
            LogIoUtils.writeCommit( true, writeBuffer, identifier, txId, masterId );
            cacheTxStartPosition( txId, masterId, startEntry );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new XAException( "Logical log unable to mark 2PC ["
                + identifier + "] " + e );

    // [COMMAND][identifier][COMMAND_DATA]
    public synchronized void writeCommand( XaCommand command, int identifier )
        throws IOException
        assert xidIdentMap.get( identifier ) != null;
        LogIoUtils.writeCommand( writeBuffer, identifier, command );

    private void applyEntry( LogEntry entry ) throws IOException
        if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start )
            applyStartEntry( (LogEntry.Start) entry );
        else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Prepare )
            applyPrepareEntry( (LogEntry.Prepare ) entry );
        else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Command )
            applyCommandEntry( (LogEntry.Command ) entry );
        else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.OnePhaseCommit )
            applyOnePhaseCommitEntry( (LogEntry.OnePhaseCommit ) entry );
        else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.TwoPhaseCommit )
            applyTwoPhaseCommitEntry( (LogEntry.TwoPhaseCommit ) entry );
        else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Done )
            applyDoneEntry( (LogEntry.Done ) entry );
            throw new RuntimeException( "Unrecognized log entry " + entry );

    private void applyStartEntry( LogEntry.Start entry) throws IOException
        int identifier = entry.getIdentifier();
        if ( identifier >= nextIdentifier )
            nextIdentifier = (identifier + 1);
        // re-create the transaction
        Xid xid = entry.getXid();
        xidIdentMap.put( identifier, entry );
        XaTransaction xaTx = xaTf.create( identifier );
        recoveredTxMap.put( identifier, xaTx );
        xaRm.injectStart( xid, xaTx );
        // force to make sure done record is there if 2PC tx and global log
        // marks tx as committed
        fileChannel.force( false );

    private void applyPrepareEntry( LogEntry.Prepare prepareEntry ) throws IOException
        // get the tx identifier
        int identifier = prepareEntry.getIdentifier();
        LogEntry.Start entry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        if ( entry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unknown xid for identifier " + identifier );
        Xid xid = entry.getXid();
        if ( xaRm.injectPrepare( xid ) )
            // read only we can remove
            xidIdentMap.remove( identifier );
            recoveredTxMap.remove( identifier );

    private void applyOnePhaseCommitEntry( LogEntry.OnePhaseCommit commit )
        throws IOException
        int identifier = commit.getIdentifier();
        long txId = commit.getTxId();
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        if ( startEntry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unknown xid for identifier " + identifier );
        Xid xid = startEntry.getXid();
            XaTransaction xaTx = xaRm.getXaTransaction( xid );
            xaTx.setCommitTxId( txId );
            xaRm.injectOnePhaseCommit( xid );
            msgLog.logMessage( "Injected one phase commit, txId=" + commit.getTxId(), true );
        catch ( XAException e )
            throw new IOException( e.getMessage() );

    private void applyDoneEntry( LogEntry.Done done ) throws IOException
        // get the tx identifier
        int identifier = done.getIdentifier();
        LogEntry.Start entry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        if ( entry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unknown xid for identifier " + identifier );
        Xid xid = entry.getXid();
        xaRm.pruneXid( xid );
        xidIdentMap.remove( identifier );
        recoveredTxMap.remove( identifier );

    private void applyTwoPhaseCommitEntry( LogEntry.TwoPhaseCommit commit ) throws IOException
        int identifier = commit.getIdentifier();
        long txId = commit.getTxId();
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        if ( startEntry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unknown xid for identifier " + identifier );
        Xid xid = startEntry.getXid();
        if ( xid == null )
            throw new IOException( "Xid null for identifier " + identifier );
            XaTransaction xaTx = xaRm.getXaTransaction( xid );
            xaTx.setCommitTxId( txId );
            xaRm.injectTwoPhaseCommit( xid );
            msgLog.logMessage( "Injected two phase commit, txId=" + commit.getTxId(), true );
        catch ( XAException e )
            throw new IOException( e.getMessage() );

    private void applyCommandEntry( LogEntry.Command entry ) throws IOException
        int identifier = entry.getIdentifier();
        XaCommand command = entry.getXaCommand();
        if ( command == null )
            throw new IOException( "Null command for identifier " + identifier );
        XaTransaction xaTx = recoveredTxMap.get( identifier );
        xaTx.injectCommand( command );

    private void checkLogRotation() throws IOException
        if ( autoRotate &&
            writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() >= rotateAtSize )
            long currentPos = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
            long firstStartEntry = getFirstStartEntry( currentPos );
            // only rotate if no huge tx is running
            if ( ( currentPos - firstStartEntry ) < rotateAtSize / 2 )

    private void renameCurrentLogFileAndIncrementVersion( String logFileName,
        long endPosition ) throws IOException
//        System.out.println( " ---- Performing clean close on " + logFileName + " -----" );
//        DumpLogicalLog.main( new String[] { logFileName } );
//        System.out.println( " ----- end ----" );
        File file = new File( logFileName );
        if ( !file.exists() )
            throw new IOException( "Logical log[" + logFileName +
                "] not found" );
        String newName = getFileName( xaTf.getAndSetNewVersion() );
        File newFile = new File( newName );
        boolean renamed = FileUtils.renameFile( file, newFile );

        if ( !renamed )
            throw new IOException( "Failed to rename log to: " + newName );
            FileChannel channel = null;
                channel = new RandomAccessFile( newName, "rw" ).getChannel();
                FileUtils.truncateFile( channel, endPosition );
            catch ( IOException e )
                log.log( Level.WARNING,
                    "Failed to truncate log at correct size", e );
                if ( channel != null )
//        System.out.println( " ---- Created " + newName + " -----" );
//        DumpLogicalLog.main( new String[] { newName } );
//        System.out.println( " ----- end ----" );

    private void deleteCurrentLogFile( String logFileName ) throws IOException
        File file = new File( logFileName );
        if ( !file.exists() )
            throw new IOException( "Logical log[" + logFileName +
                "] not found" );
        boolean deleted = FileUtils.deleteFile( file );
        if ( !deleted )
            log.warning( "Unable to delete clean logical log[" + logFileName +
                "]" );

    private void releaseCurrentLogFile() throws IOException
        if ( writeBuffer != null )
            writeBuffer = null;
        fileChannel = null;

    public synchronized void close() throws IOException
        if ( fileChannel == null || !fileChannel.isOpen() )
            log.fine( "Logical log: " + fileName + " already closed" );
        long endPosition = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
        if ( xidIdentMap.size() > 0 )
   "Close invoked with " + xidIdentMap.size() +
                " running transaction(s). " );
            writeBuffer = null;
   "Dirty log: " + fileName + "." + currentLog +
                " now closed. Recovery will be started automatically next " +
                "time it is opened." );
        char logWas = currentLog;
        if ( currentLog != CLEAN ) // again special case, see above
            setActiveLog( CLEAN );
        if ( !keepLogs || backupSlave )
            if ( logWas == CLEAN )
                // special case going from old xa version with no log rotation
                // and we started with a recovery
                deleteCurrentLogFile( fileName );
                deleteCurrentLogFile( fileName + "." + logWas );
            renameCurrentLogFileAndIncrementVersion( fileName + "." +
                logWas, endPosition );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Closed log " + fileName, true );

    private long[] readAndAssertLogHeader( ByteBuffer buffer,
            ReadableByteChannel channel, long expectedVersion ) throws IOException
        long[] header = LogIoUtils.readLogHeader( buffer, channel, true );
        if ( header[0] != expectedVersion )
            throw new IOException( "Wrong version in log. Expected " + expectedVersion +
                    ", but got " + header[0] );
        return header;

    StringLogger getStringLogger()
        return msgLog;

    private void doInternalRecovery( String logFileName ) throws IOException
    { "Non clean shutdown detected on log [" + logFileName +
            "]. Recovery started ..." );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Non clean shutdown detected on log [" + logFileName +
            "]. Recovery started ...", true );
        // get log creation time
        long[] header = readLogHeader( fileChannel, "Tried to do recovery on log with illegal format version" );
        if ( header == null )
   "Unable to read header information, "
                + "no records in logical log." );
            msgLog.logMessage( "No log version found for " + logFileName, true );
            boolean success = FileUtils.renameFile( new File( logFileName ),
                new File( logFileName + "_unknown_timestamp_" +
                    System.currentTimeMillis() + ".log" ) );
            assert success;
            fileChannel = new RandomAccessFile( logFileName,
                "rw" ).getChannel();
        logVersion = header[0];
        long lastCommittedTx = header[1];
        previousLogLastCommittedTx = lastCommittedTx;
        log.fine( "Logical log version: " + logVersion + " with committed tx[" +
            lastCommittedTx + "]" );
        msgLog.logMessage( "[" + logFileName + "] logVersion=" + logVersion +
                " with committed tx=" + lastCommittedTx, true );
        long logEntriesFound = 0;
        long lastEntryPos = fileChannel.position();
        LogEntry entry;
        while ( (entry = readEntry()) != null )
            applyEntry( entry );
            lastEntryPos = fileChannel.position();
        // make sure we overwrite any broken records
        fileChannel.position( lastEntryPos );

        msgLog.logMessage( "[" + logFileName + "] entries found=" + logEntriesFound +
                " lastEntryPos=" + lastEntryPos, true  );

        // zero out the slow way since windows don't support truncate very well
        while ( buffer.hasRemaining() )
            buffer.put( (byte)0 );
        long endPosition = fileChannel.size();
            long bytesLeft = fileChannel.size() - fileChannel.position();
            if ( bytesLeft < buffer.capacity() )
                buffer.limit( (int) bytesLeft );
            fileChannel.write( buffer );
        } while ( fileChannel.position() < endPosition );
        fileChannel.position( lastEntryPos );
        scanIsComplete = true;
        log.fine( "Internal recovery completed, scanned " + logEntriesFound
            + " log entries." );

        if ( xidIdentMap.size() == 0 )
            log.fine( "Recovery completed." );
            msgLog.logMessage( "Recovery on log [" + logFileName + "] completed." );
            log.fine( "[" + logFileName + "] Found " + xidIdentMap.size()
                + " prepared 2PC transactions." );
            msgLog.logMessage( "Recovery on log [" + logFileName +
                    "] completed with " + xidIdentMap + " prepared transactions found." );
            for ( LogEntry.Start startEntry : xidIdentMap.values() )
                log.fine( "[" + logFileName + "] 2PC xid[" +
                    startEntry.getXid() + "]" );

    // for testing, do not use!
    void reset()

    private LogEntry readEntry() throws IOException
        long position = fileChannel.position();
        LogEntry entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, fileChannel, cf );
        if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start )
            ((LogEntry.Start) entry).setStartPosition( position );
        return entry;

    private final ArrayMap<Thread,Integer> txIdentMap =
        new ArrayMap<Thread,Integer>( 5, true, true );

    void registerTxIdentifier( int identifier )
        txIdentMap.put( Thread.currentThread(), identifier );

    void unregisterTxIdentifier()
        txIdentMap.remove( Thread.currentThread() );

     * If the current thread is committing a transaction the identifier of that
     * {@link XaTransaction} can be obtained invoking this method.
     * @return the identifier of the transaction committing or <CODE>-1</CODE>
     *         if current thread isn't committing any transaction
    public int getCurrentTxIdentifier()
        Integer intValue = txIdentMap.get( Thread.currentThread() );
        if ( intValue != null )
            return intValue;
        return -1;

    public ReadableByteChannel getLogicalLog( long version ) throws IOException
        return getLogicalLog( version, 0 );

    public ReadableByteChannel getLogicalLog( long version, long position ) throws IOException
        String name = getFileName( version );
        if ( !new File( name ).exists() )
            throw new IOException( "No such log version:" + version );
        FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile( name, "r" ).getChannel();
        channel.position( position );
        return channel;

    private void extractPreparedTransactionFromLog( int identifier,
            FileChannel log, LogBuffer targetBuffer ) throws IOException
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( identifier );
        log.position( startEntry.getStartPosition() );
        LogEntry entry;
        boolean found = false;
        while ( (entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, log, cf )) != null )
            // TODO For now just skip Prepare entries
            if ( entry.getIdentifier() != identifier )
            if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Prepare )
            if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start || entry instanceof LogEntry.Command )
                LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, targetBuffer );
                found = true;
                throw new RuntimeException( "Expected start or command entry but found: " + entry );
        if ( !found )
            throw new IOException( "Transaction for internal identifier[" + identifier +
                    "] not found in current log" );

    private LogEntry.Commit extractTransactionFromLog( long txId,
            long expectedVersion, ReadableByteChannel log, LogBuffer targetBuffer ) throws IOException
        // Assertions in read?
        Map<Integer,List<LogEntry>> transactions =
            new HashMap<Integer,List<LogEntry>>();
        LogEntry entry;
        TxPosition txPosition = txStartPositionCache.get( txId );
        LogEntryCollector collector = txPosition != null ?
                new KnownIdentifierCollector( txPosition.identifier, targetBuffer ) :
                new KnownTxIdCollector( txId, targetBuffer );
        LogEntry.Commit commitEntry = null;
        while ( (entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, log, cf )) != null && commitEntry == null )
            if ( collector.collect( entry ) )
                if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Commit )
                    commitEntry = (LogEntry.Commit) entry;

        if ( commitEntry == null )
            msgLog.logMessage( "txId=" + txId + " not found in log=" + expectedVersion, true  );
            throw new IOException( "Transaction[" + txId +
                    "] not found in log (" + expectedVersion/* + ", " + prevTxId*/ + ") " +
                    "current version is (" + this.logVersion + ")" );

        if ( targetBuffer != null )
            LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( new LogEntry.Done( collector.getIdentifier() ), targetBuffer );
        return commitEntry;

    private void assertLogCanContainTx( long txId, long prevTxId ) throws IOException
        if ( prevTxId >= txId )
            throw new IOException( "Log says " + txId +
                    " can not exist in this log (prev tx id=" + prevTxId + ")" );

    public synchronized ReadableByteChannel getPreparedTransaction( int identifier )
            throws IOException
        FileChannel log = (FileChannel) getLogicalLogOrMyself( logVersion, 0 );
        InMemoryLogBuffer buffer = new InMemoryLogBuffer();
        extractPreparedTransactionFromLog( identifier, log, buffer );
        return buffer;

    private ReadableByteChannel wrapInMemoryLogEntryRepresentation( List<LogEntry> entries )
            throws IOException
        InMemoryLogBuffer buffer = new InMemoryLogBuffer();
        for ( LogEntry entry : entries )
            LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, buffer );
        return buffer;

    public synchronized void getPreparedTransaction( int identifier, LogBuffer targetBuffer )
            throws IOException
        FileChannel log = (FileChannel) getLogicalLogOrMyself( logVersion, 0 );
        extractPreparedTransactionFromLog( identifier, log, targetBuffer );

    private LogEntry.Commit extractLogEntryList( long txId, LogBuffer targetBuffer ) throws IOException
        long version = 0;
        ReadableByteChannel log = null;
        TxPosition txPosition = txStartPositionCache.get( txId );
            if ( txPosition != null )
                // We have log version and start position cached
                version = txPosition.version;
                log = getLogicalLogOrMyself( version, txPosition.position );
                // We have to look backwards in log files
                version = findLogContainingTxId( txId )[0];
                if ( version == -1 )
                    throw new RuntimeException( "txId:" + txId + " not found in any logical log "
                                                + "(starting at " + logVersion
                                                + " and searching backwards" );
                log = getLogicalLogOrMyself( version, 0 );
                long[] header = readAndAssertLogHeader( buffer, log, version );
                long prevTxId = header[1];
                assertLogCanContainTx( txId, prevTxId );
            return extractTransactionFromLog( txId, version, log, targetBuffer );
            if ( log != null )

    public synchronized ReadableByteChannel getCommittedTransaction( long txId )
        throws IOException
        InMemoryLogBuffer target = new InMemoryLogBuffer();
        extractLogEntryList( txId, target );
        return target;

    public synchronized void getCommittedTransaction( long txId, LogBuffer buffer )
            throws IOException
        extractLogEntryList( txId, buffer );

    public static final int MASTER_ID_REPRESENTING_NO_MASTER = -1;

    public synchronized int getMasterIdForCommittedTransaction( long txId ) throws IOException
        if ( txId == 1 )

        TxPosition cache = txStartPositionCache.get( txId );
        if ( cache != null )
            return cache.masterId;

        LogEntry.Commit commitEntry = extractLogEntryList( txId, null );
        if ( commitEntry != null )
            return commitEntry.getMasterId();
        throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to find commit entry in for txId[" +
                txId + "]" );// in log[" + version + "]" );

    private ReadableByteChannel getLogicalLogOrMyself( long version, long position )
            throws IOException
        if ( version < logVersion )
            return getLogicalLog( version, position );
        else if ( version == logVersion )
            String currentLogName = getCurrentLogFileName();
            FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile( currentLogName, "r" ).getChannel();
            // Combined with the writeBuffer in cases where a DirectMappedLogBuffer
            // is used, on Windows or when memory mapping is turned off.
            // Otherwise the channel is returned directly.
            channel = logBufferFactory.combine( channel, writeBuffer );
            channel.position( position );
            return channel;
            throw new RuntimeException( "Version[" + version +
                    "] is higher then current log version[" + logVersion + "]" );

    private String getCurrentLogFileName()
        return currentLog == LOG1 ? getLog1FileName() : getLog2FileName();

    private long[] findLogContainingTxId( long txId ) throws IOException
        long version = logVersion;
        long committedTx = previousLogLastCommittedTx;
        while ( version >= 0 )
            ReadableByteChannel log = getLogicalLogOrMyself( version, 0 );
            ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate( 16 );
            long[] header = readAndAssertLogHeader( buf, log, version );
            committedTx = header[1];
            if ( committedTx < txId )
        return new long[] { version, committedTx };

    public long getLogicalLogLength( long version )
        File file = new File( getFileName( version ) );
        return file.exists() ? file.length() : -1;

    public boolean hasLogicalLog( long version )
        return new File( getFileName( version ) ).exists();

    public boolean deleteLogicalLog( long version )
        File file = new File(getFileName( version ) );
        return file.exists() ? FileUtils.deleteFile( file ) : false;

    public void makeBackupSlave()
        if ( xidIdentMap.size() > 0 )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "There are active transactions" );
        backupSlave = true;

    private class LogApplier
        private final ReadableByteChannel byteChannel;

        private LogEntry.Start startEntry;
        private LogEntry.Commit commitEntry;

        LogApplier( ReadableByteChannel byteChannel )
            this.byteChannel = byteChannel;

        boolean readAndApplyEntry() throws IOException
            LogEntry entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, byteChannel, cf );
            if ( entry != null )
                applyEntry( entry );
            return entry != null;

        boolean readAndWriteAndApplyEntry( int newXidIdentifier ) throws IOException
            LogEntry entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, byteChannel, cf );
            if ( entry != null )
                entry.setIdentifier( newXidIdentifier );
                if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Commit )
                    commitEntry = (LogEntry.Commit) entry;
                    msgLog.logMessage( "Applying external tx: " + ((LogEntry.Commit) entry).getTxId(), true );
                else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start )
                    startEntry = (LogEntry.Start) entry;
                LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, writeBuffer );
                applyEntry( entry );
                return true;
            return false;

    private long[] readLogHeader( ReadableByteChannel source, String message ) throws IOException
            return LogIoUtils.readLogHeader( buffer, source, true );
        catch ( IllegalLogFormatException e )
            msgLog.logMessage( message, e );
            throw e;

    public synchronized void applyLog( ReadableByteChannel byteChannel )
        throws IOException
        if ( !backupSlave )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "This is not a backup slave" );
        if ( xidIdentMap.size() > 0 )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "There are active transactions" );
        long[] header = readLogHeader( byteChannel, "Tried to apply log with illegal log format" );
        logVersion = header[0];
        long previousCommittedTx = header[1];
        if ( logVersion != xaTf.getCurrentVersion() )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to apply version " +
                logVersion + " but expected version " +
                xaTf.getCurrentVersion() );
        log.fine( "Logical log version: " + logVersion +
            "(previous committed tx=" + previousCommittedTx + ")" );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Applying log version=" + logVersion +
            " (previous committed tx=" + previousCommittedTx + ")", true );
        long logEntriesFound = 0;
        LogApplier logApplier = new LogApplier( byteChannel );
        scanIsComplete = false;
        scanIsComplete = false;
        while ( logApplier.readAndApplyEntry() )
        scanIsComplete = true;
        msgLog.logMessage( "Apply of log version=" + logVersion + " successfull, " +
                logEntriesFound + " nr of log entries found.", true ); "Log[" + fileName + "] version " + logVersion +
                " applied successfully." );

    public synchronized void applyTransactionWithoutTxId( ReadableByteChannel byteChannel,
            long nextTxId, int masterId ) throws IOException
        if ( nextTxId != (xaTf.getLastCommittedTx() + 1) )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to apply tx " +
                nextTxId + " but expected transaction " +
                (xaTf.getCurrentVersion() + 1) );
        msgLog.logMessage( "applyTxWithoutTxId log version: " + logVersion +
            ", committing tx=" + nextTxId + ") @ pos " + writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition(), true );
        long logEntriesFound = 0;
        scanIsComplete = false;
        LogApplier logApplier = new LogApplier( byteChannel );
        int xidIdent = getNextIdentifier();
        long startEntryPosition = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
        while ( logApplier.readAndWriteAndApplyEntry( xidIdent ) )
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = logApplier.startEntry;
        if ( startEntry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unable to find start entry" );
        startEntry.setStartPosition( startEntryPosition );
//        System.out.println( "applyTxWithoutTxId#before 1PC @ pos: " + writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() );
        LogEntry.OnePhaseCommit commit = new LogEntry.OnePhaseCommit(
                xidIdent, nextTxId, masterId );
        LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( commit, writeBuffer );
        Xid xid = startEntry.getXid();
            XaTransaction xaTx = xaRm.getXaTransaction( xid );
            xaTx.setCommitTxId( nextTxId );
            xaRm.commit( xid, true );
            LogEntry doneEntry = new LogEntry.Done( startEntry.getIdentifier() );
            LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( doneEntry, writeBuffer );
            xidIdentMap.remove( startEntry.getIdentifier() );
            recoveredTxMap.remove( startEntry.getIdentifier() );
            cacheTxStartPosition( nextTxId, masterId, startEntry );
        catch ( XAException e )
            throw new IOException( e.getMessage() );

//        LogEntry.Done done = new LogEntry.Done( entry.getIdentifier() );
//        LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( done, writeBuffer );
        // xaTf.setLastCommittedTx( nextTxId ); // done in doCommit
        scanIsComplete = true;
// "Tx[" + nextTxId + "] " + " applied successfully." );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Applied external tx and generated tx id=" + nextTxId, true );
//        System.out.println( "applyTxWithoutTxId#end @ pos: " + writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() );

    public synchronized void applyTransaction( ReadableByteChannel byteChannel )
        throws IOException
//        System.out.println( "applyFullTx#start @ pos: " + writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() );
        long logEntriesFound = 0;
        scanIsComplete = false;
        LogApplier logApplier = new LogApplier( byteChannel );
        int xidIdent = getNextIdentifier();
        long startEntryPosition = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
        while ( logApplier.readAndWriteAndApplyEntry( xidIdent ) )
        scanIsComplete = true;
        LogEntry.Start startEntry = logApplier.startEntry;
        if ( startEntry == null )
            throw new IOException( "Unable to find start entry" );
        startEntry.setStartPosition( startEntryPosition );
        cacheTxStartPosition( logApplier.commitEntry.getTxId(), logApplier.commitEntry.getMasterId(), startEntry );
//        System.out.println( "applyFullTx#end @ pos: " + writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() );

    private String getLog1FileName()
        return fileName + ".1";

    private String getLog2FileName()
        return fileName + ".2";

    public synchronized void rotate() throws IOException
        String newLogFile = getLog2FileName();
        String currentLogFile = getLog1FileName();
        char newActiveLog = LOG2;
        long currentVersion = xaTf.getCurrentVersion();
        String oldCopy = getFileName( currentVersion );
        if ( currentLog == CLEAN || currentLog == LOG2 )
            newActiveLog = LOG1;
            newLogFile = getLog1FileName();
            currentLogFile = getLog2FileName();
            assert currentLog == LOG1;
        assertFileDoesntExist( newLogFile, "New log file" );
        assertFileDoesntExist( oldCopy, "Copy log file" );
//        System.out.println( " ---- Performing rotate on " + currentLogFile + " -----" );
//        DumpLogicalLog.main( new String[] { currentLogFile } );
//        System.out.println( " ----- end ----" );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Rotating [" + currentLogFile + "] @ version=" +
                currentVersion + " to " +  newLogFile + "from position " +
                writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition(), true );
        long endPosition = writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition();
        FileChannel newLog = new RandomAccessFile(
            newLogFile, "rw" ).getChannel();
        long lastTx = xaTf.getLastCommittedTx();
        LogIoUtils.writeLogHeader( buffer, (currentVersion + 1), lastTx );
        previousLogLastCommittedTx = lastTx;
        if ( newLog.write( buffer ) != 16 )
            throw new IOException( "Unable to write log version to new" );
        long pos = fileChannel.position();
        fileChannel.position( 0 );
        readAndAssertLogHeader( buffer, fileChannel, currentVersion );
        fileChannel.position( pos );
        if ( xidIdentMap.size() > 0 )
            long firstEntryPosition = getFirstStartEntry( endPosition );
            fileChannel.position( firstEntryPosition );
            msgLog.logMessage( "Rotate log first start entry @ pos=" +
                    firstEntryPosition );
        LogEntry entry;
        // Set<Integer> startEntriesWritten = new HashSet<Integer>();
        LogBuffer newLogBuffer = instantiateCorrectWriteBuffer( newLog );
        while ((entry = LogIoUtils.readEntry( buffer, fileChannel, cf )) != null )
            if ( xidIdentMap.get( entry.getIdentifier() ) != null )
                if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start )
                    LogEntry.Start startEntry = (LogEntry.Start) entry;
                    startEntry.setStartPosition( newLog.position() );
                    // overwrite old start entry with new that has updated position
                    xidIdentMap.put( startEntry.getIdentifier(), startEntry );
                    // startEntriesWritten.add( entry.getIdentifier() );
                else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Commit )
                    LogEntry.Start startEntry = xidIdentMap.get( entry.getIdentifier() );
                    LogEntry.Commit commitEntry = (LogEntry.Commit) entry;
                    cacheTxStartPosition( commitEntry.getTxId(), commitEntry.getMasterId(), startEntry );
                    msgLog.logMessage( "Updated tx " + ((LogEntry.Commit) entry ).getTxId() +
                            " with " + startEntry.getStartPosition() );
//                if ( !startEntriesWritten.contains( entry.getIdentifier() ) )
//                {
//                    throw new IOException( "Unable to rotate log since start entry for identifier[" +
//                            entry.getIdentifier() + "] not written" );
//                }
                LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, newLogBuffer );
        newLog.position( newLogBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() );
        msgLog.logMessage( "Rotate: old log scanned, newLog @ pos=" +
                newLog.position(), true );
        newLog.force( false );
        setActiveLog( newActiveLog );
        if ( keepLogs )
            renameCurrentLogFileAndIncrementVersion( currentLogFile,
                endPosition );
            deleteCurrentLogFile( currentLogFile );
        this.logVersion = xaTf.getCurrentVersion();
        if ( xaTf.getCurrentVersion() != ( currentVersion + 1 ) )
            throw new IOException( "version change failed" );
        fileChannel = newLog;
        msgLog.logMessage( "Log rotated, newLog @ pos=" +
                writeBuffer.getFileChannelPosition() + " and version " + logVersion, true );

    private void assertFileDoesntExist( String file, String description ) throws IOException
        if ( new File( file ).exists() )
            throw new IOException( description + ": " + file + " already exist" );

    private long getFirstStartEntry( long endPosition )
        long firstEntryPosition = endPosition;
        for ( LogEntry.Start entry : xidIdentMap.values() )
            if ( entry.getStartPosition() < firstEntryPosition )
                assert entry.getStartPosition() > 0;
                firstEntryPosition = entry.getStartPosition();
        return firstEntryPosition;

    private void setActiveLog( char c ) throws IOException
        if ( c != CLEAN && c != LOG1 && c != LOG2 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Log must be either clean, " +
                "1 or 2" );
        if ( c == currentLog )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "Log should not be equal to " +
                "current " + currentLog );
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[4] );
        bb.asCharBuffer().put( c ).flip();
        FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile( fileName + ".active" ,
            "rw" ).getChannel();
        int wrote = fc.write( bb );
        if ( wrote != 4 )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "Expected to write 4 -> " + wrote );
        fc.force( false );
        currentLog = c;

    public void setKeepLogs( boolean keep )
        this.keepLogs = keep;

    public boolean isLogsKept()
        return this.keepLogs;

    public void setAutoRotateLogs( boolean autoRotate )
        this.autoRotate = autoRotate;

    public boolean isLogsAutoRotated()
        return this.autoRotate;

    public void setLogicalLogTargetSize( long size )
        this.rotateAtSize = size;

    public long getLogicalLogTargetSize()
        return this.rotateAtSize;

    public String getFileName( long version )
        return fileName + ".v" + version;

    public boolean wasNonClean()
        return nonCleanShutdown;

    private static class TxPosition
        final long version;
        final int masterId;
        final int identifier;
        final long position;

        private TxPosition( long version, int masterId, int identifier, long position )
            this.version = version;
            this.masterId = masterId;
            this.identifier = identifier;
            this.position = position;

    private static interface LogEntryCollector
        boolean collect( LogEntry entry ) throws IOException;

        int getIdentifier();

    private static class KnownIdentifierCollector implements LogEntryCollector
        private final int identifier;
        private final LogBuffer target;

        KnownIdentifierCollector( int identifier, LogBuffer target )
            this.identifier = identifier;
   = target;

        public int getIdentifier()
            return identifier;

        public boolean collect( LogEntry entry ) throws IOException
            if ( entry.getIdentifier() == identifier )
                if ( target != null )
                    LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, target );
                return true;
            return false;

    private static class KnownTxIdCollector implements LogEntryCollector
        private final Map<Integer,List<LogEntry>> transactions = new HashMap<Integer,List<LogEntry>>();
        private final long txId;
        private final LogBuffer target;
        private int identifier;

        KnownTxIdCollector( long txId, LogBuffer target )
            this.txId = txId;
   = target;

        public int getIdentifier()
            return identifier;

        public boolean collect( LogEntry entry ) throws IOException
            boolean interesting = false;
            if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Start )
                List<LogEntry> list = new LinkedList<LogEntry>();
                list.add( entry );
                transactions.put( entry.getIdentifier(), list );
            else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Commit )
                if ( ((LogEntry.Commit) entry).getTxId() == txId )
                    interesting = true;
                    identifier = entry.getIdentifier();
                    List<LogEntry> entries = transactions.get( identifier );
                    entries.add( entry );
                    writeToBuffer( entries );
            else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Command || entry instanceof LogEntry.Prepare )
                List<LogEntry> list = transactions.get( entry.getIdentifier() );

                // Since we can start reading at any position in the log it might be the case
                // that we come across a record which corresponding start record resides
                // before the position we started reading from. If that should be the case
                // then skip it since it isn't an important record for us here.
                if ( list != null )
                    list.add( entry );
            else if ( entry instanceof LogEntry.Done )
                transactions.remove( entry.getIdentifier() );
                throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown entry: " + entry );
            return interesting;

        private void writeToBuffer( List<LogEntry> entries ) throws IOException
            if ( target != null )
                for ( LogEntry entry : entries )
                    LogIoUtils.writeLogEntry( entry, target );

Related Classes of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaLogicalLog$LogApplier

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