package Rakudo.Metamodel.Representations;
import java.util.HashMap;
import Rakudo.Metamodel.Hints;
import Rakudo.Metamodel.RakudoObject;
import Rakudo.Metamodel.Representation;
import Rakudo.Metamodel.SharedTable;
import Rakudo.Runtime.CaptureHelper;
import Rakudo.Runtime.Ops;
import Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext;
import Rakudo.Serialization.SerializationContext;
/// <summary>
/// This is a first cut implementation of the P6opaque representation.
/// Eventually it's going to need to handle native types too, and we
/// want to get an instance down to a single object allocation if we
/// can. Alas, that's Quite Tricky to write, so for now we just do
/// something easy, but at least with the hints.
/// </summary>
public final class P6opaque implements Representation // C# has sealed
/// <summary>
/// This stores a mapping of classes/names to slots in the event
/// we need to do a lookup.
/// </summary>
protected HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, Integer>> SlotAllocation = new HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
protected int Slots = 0;
/// <summary>
/// This is what an instance of a P6opaque looks like. The SlotStorage
/// is an array where we'll store most attributes, so we can look them
/// up by index. There's also an unallocated spill-over store for any
/// attributes that are added through augment, or in MI cases.
/// </summary>
private final class Instance extends RakudoObject
public RakudoObject[] SlotStorage;
public HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, RakudoObject>> SpillStorage;
public Instance(SharedTable sTable)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a type object that references the given HOW and sets up
/// the STable with a new REPR instance too.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="HOW"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RakudoObject type_object_for(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject MetaPackage)
SharedTable sTable = new SharedTable();
sTable.HOW = MetaPackage;
sTable.REPR = new P6opaque();
sTable.WHAT = new Instance(sTable);
return sTable.WHAT;
/// <summary>
/// Allocates and returns a new object based upon the type object
/// supplied.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="HOW"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RakudoObject instance_of(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject what)
if (SlotAllocation == null)
ComputeSlotAllocation(tc, what);
Instance object = new Instance(what.getSTable());
object.SlotStorage = new RakudoObject[Slots];
return object;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the object is defined, which boils down to "is
/// this a type object", which in trun means "did we allocate
/// any storage".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public boolean defined(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object)
return ((Instance)object).SlotStorage != null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets an attribute.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object"></param>
/// <param name="ClassHandle"></param>
/// <param name="Name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RakudoObject get_attribute(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, RakudoObject classHandle, String name)
Instance I = (Instance)object;
// Try the slot allocation first.
if (SlotAllocation != null && SlotAllocation.containsKey(classHandle)) {
HashMap<String, Integer> classAllocation = SlotAllocation.get(classHandle);
if (classAllocation.containsKey(name)) {
return I.SlotStorage[classAllocation.get(name)];
// Fall back to the spill storage.
if (I.SpillStorage != null && I.SpillStorage.containsKey(classHandle))
HashMap<String,RakudoObject> classStore = I.SpillStorage.get(classHandle);
if (classStore.containsKey(name))
return classStore.get(name);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the attribute, using the hint if possible.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object"></param>
/// <param name="ClassHandle"></param>
/// <param name="Name"></param>
/// <param name="Hint"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RakudoObject get_attribute_with_hint(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, RakudoObject classHandle, String name, int hint)
Instance I = (Instance)object;
if (hint < I.SlotStorage.length)
return I.SlotStorage[hint];
if (I.SpillStorage != null && I.SpillStorage.containsKey(classHandle))
HashMap<String,RakudoObject> classStore = I.SpillStorage.get(classHandle);
if (classStore.containsKey(name))
return classStore.get(name);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object"></par /// <param name="ClassHandle"></param>
/// <param name="Name"></param>
/// <param name="Value"></param>
public void bind_attribute(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, RakudoObject classHandle, String name, RakudoObject value)
Instance I = (Instance)object;
// Try the slot allocation first.
if (SlotAllocation != null && SlotAllocation.containsKey(classHandle)) {
HashMap<String, Integer> classAllocation = SlotAllocation.get(classHandle);
if (classAllocation.containsKey(name))
int position = classAllocation.get(name);
I.SlotStorage[position] = value;
// Fall back to the spill storage.
if (I.SpillStorage == null)
I.SpillStorage = new HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, RakudoObject>>();
if (!I.SpillStorage.containsKey(classHandle))
I.SpillStorage.put(classHandle, new HashMap<String, RakudoObject>());
HashMap<String,RakudoObject> classStore = I.SpillStorage.get(classHandle);
// if (classStore.ContainsKey(Name)) // redundant on a HashMap
// classStore[Name] = Value;
// else
classStore.put(name, value);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the attribute, using the hint if possible.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object"></param>
/// <param name="ClassHandle"></param>
/// <param name="Name"></param>
/// <param name="Hint"></param>
/// <param name="Value"></param>
public void bind_attribute_with_hint(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, RakudoObject classHandle, String name, int hint, RakudoObject value)
Instance I = (Instance)object;
if (hint < I.SlotStorage.length)
I.SlotStorage[hint] = value;
else if ((hint = hint_for(tc, classHandle, name)) != Hints.NO_HINT && hint < I.SlotStorage.length)
I.SlotStorage[hint] = value;
if (I.SpillStorage == null)
I.SpillStorage = new HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, RakudoObject>>();
if (!I.SpillStorage.containsKey(classHandle))
I.SpillStorage.put(classHandle, new HashMap<String, RakudoObject>());
HashMap<String, RakudoObject> classStore = I.SpillStorage.get(classHandle);
// if (ClassStore.ContainsKey(Name)) // redundant on a HashMap
// ClassStore.put(Name, Value);
// else
classStore.put(name, value);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if we have a hint for the given class and name, and if
/// so returns it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ClassHandle"></param>
/// <param name="Name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int hint_for(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject classHandle, String name)
if (SlotAllocation.containsKey(classHandle) && SlotAllocation.get(classHandle).containsKey(name))
return SlotAllocation.get(classHandle).get(name);
return Hints.NO_HINT;
public void set_int(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, int Value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot box a native int");
public int get_int(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot unbox to a native int");
public void set_num(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, double Value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot box a native num");
public double get_num(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot unbox to a native num");
public void set_str(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object, String Value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot box a native String");
public String get_str(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject object)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type of representation cannot unbox to a native String");
private void ComputeSlotAllocation(ThreadContext tc, RakudoObject WHAT)
// Allocate slot mapping table.
SlotAllocation = new HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
// Walk through the parents list.
RakudoObject currentClass = WHAT;
int currentSlot = 0;
while (currentClass != null)
// Get attributes and iterate over them.
RakudoObject HOW = currentClass.getSTable().HOW;
RakudoObject attributesMeth = HOW.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, HOW, "attributes", Hints.NO_HINT);
HashMap<String, RakudoObject> localBoxInt1 = new HashMap<String, RakudoObject>();
localBoxInt1.put("local", Ops.box_int(tc, 1, tc.DefaultBoolBoxType));
RakudoObject attributes = attributesMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, attributesMeth, CaptureHelper.FormWith(
new RakudoObject[] { HOW, currentClass },
localBoxInt1)); // new HashMap<String, RakudoObject>() { { "local", Ops.box_int(tc, 1, tc.DefaultBoolBoxType) } }));
RakudoObject attributesElemsMeth = attributes.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, attributes, "elems", Hints.NO_HINT);
int attributesElems = Ops.unbox_int(tc, attributesElemsMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, attributesElemsMeth,
CaptureHelper.FormWith(new RakudoObject[] { attributes })));
RakudoObject attrAtPosMeth = attributes.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, attributes, "at_pos", Hints.NO_HINT);
for (int i = 0; i < attributesElems; i++)
// Get the attribute, then get its name.
RakudoObject attr = attrAtPosMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, attrAtPosMeth, CaptureHelper.FormWith(
new RakudoObject[] { attributes, Ops.box_int(tc, i, tc.DefaultIntBoxType) }));
RakudoObject nameMeth = attr.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, attr, "name", Hints.NO_HINT);
String name = Ops.unbox_str(tc, attr.getSTable().Invoke(tc, nameMeth, CaptureHelper.FormWith(
new RakudoObject[] { attr })));
// Allocate a slot.
if (!SlotAllocation.containsKey(currentClass))
SlotAllocation.put(currentClass, new HashMap<String, Integer>());
SlotAllocation.get(currentClass).put(name, currentSlot);
// Find the next parent(s).
RakudoObject parentsMeth = HOW.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, HOW, "parents", Hints.NO_HINT);
HashMap<String,RakudoObject> localBoxInt2 = new HashMap<String,RakudoObject>();
localBoxInt2.put("local", Ops.box_int(tc, 1, tc.DefaultBoolBoxType));
RakudoObject parents = parentsMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, parentsMeth, CaptureHelper.FormWith(
new RakudoObject[] { HOW, currentClass },
localBoxInt2)); // new HashMap<String,RakudoObject>() { { "local", Ops.box_int(tc, 1, tc.DefaultBoolBoxType) } }));
// Check how many parents we have.
RakudoObject parentElemsMeth = parents.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, parents, "elems", Hints.NO_HINT);
int parentElems = Ops.unbox_int(tc, parentElemsMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, parentElemsMeth,
CaptureHelper.FormWith(new RakudoObject[] { parents })));
if (parentElems == 0)
// We're done. \o/
Slots = currentSlot;
else if (parentElems > 1)
// Multiple inheritance, so we can't compute this hierarchy.
SlotAllocation = new HashMap<RakudoObject, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
// Just one. Get next parent.
RakudoObject atPosMeth = parents.getSTable().FindMethod(tc, parents, "at_pos", Hints.NO_HINT);
currentClass = atPosMeth.getSTable().Invoke(tc, atPosMeth, CaptureHelper.FormWith(
new RakudoObject[] { parents, Ops.box_int(tc, 0, tc.DefaultIntBoxType) }));