package controllers;
import models.Member;
import models.ProviderType;
import models.Role;
import models.auth.LinkItAccount;
import play.Play;
import play.libs.Crypto;
import play.libs.Crypto.HashType;
* By default, the login page will accept any login/password. To customize it
* application has to provide a Security provider which extend LinkItSecure.Security
* class
* LinkIt authentication (not OAuth!)
* @author agnes007
public class Security extends Secure.Security {
public static final String ADMIN = "admin";
public static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
LinkItAccount account = (LinkItAccount) LinkItAccount.find(
ProviderType.LinkIt, username);
// Retrieve salt from configuration
String salt = Play.configuration.get("application.salt").toString();
String passwordHash = Crypto.passwordHash(password + salt, HashType.SHA256);
return (account != null && account.password.equals(passwordHash));
public static boolean check(String profile) {
if (isConnected()) {
Member user = Member.findByLogin(connected());
if (ADMIN.equals(profile)) {
return user.hasRole(Role.ADMIN_SESSION)
&& user.hasRole(Role.ADMIN_MEMBER)
&& user.hasRole(Role.ADMIN_PLANNING)
&& user.hasRole(Role.ADMIN_SPEAKER);
return user.hasRole(profile);
return false;
static void onDisconnected() {