package controllers;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import models.GeneralParameter;
import models.Member;
import models.NotificationOption;
import models.Setting;
import models.activity.Activity;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
* Base job for mails notifications of last activities
* @author Sryl <>
public class BaseJobNotifications extends Job {
private NotificationOption option;
private static final String PARAM_LAST_NOTIFICATION_PREFIX = "LastNotification";
public BaseJobNotifications(NotificationOption option) {
this.option = option;
public void doJob() {
if (!"test".equals( {
Logger.debug("BEGIN job notifications %s", option);
// Stores job start time
final Date begin = new Date();
// Retrieve LastNotification date
Date lastNotification = getLastNotification();
// Find notifiable members
List<Member> notifiables = Setting.findNotified(option);
if (!notifiables.isEmpty()) {
// Find general Activities to be notified to everyone
List<Activity> general = Activity.notifiablesBetween(lastNotification, begin);
for (Member member : notifiables) {
// Find notifiable activities for Member
SortedSet<Activity> activities = new TreeSet<Activity>(Activity.notifiablesForBetween(member, lastNotification, begin));
// Merge activities for member
if (!activities.isEmpty()) {"Notifying user %s of %d activities", member, activities.size());
Setting setting = Setting.findByMember(member);
Mails.notification(member, setting, activities);
// Set LastNotification parameter
Logger.debug("END job notifications %s", option);
private String getParamLastNotificationKey() {
protected Date getLastNotification() {
String strLastNotification = GeneralParameter.get(getParamLastNotificationKey());
return (strLastNotification == null) ? null : DateTime.parse(strLastNotification).toDate();
protected void setLastNotification(Date value) {
GeneralParameter.set(getParamLastNotificationKey(), new DateTime(value).toString());