// Copyright (C) 2011 Splunk Inc.
// Splunk Inc. licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// License); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.splunk.shuttl.testutil;
import static com.splunk.shuttl.testutil.TUtilsFile.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.RandomUtils;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.archive.BucketFormat;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.importexport.BucketExportControllerIntegrationTest;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.importexport.BucketFileCreator;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.model.Bucket;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.model.BucketName;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.model.FileNotDirectoryException;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.model.LocalBucket;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.model.RemoteBucket;
import com.splunk.shuttl.archiver.util.UtilsBucket;
* Util for creating a physical and valid bucket on the file system.
public class TUtilsBucket {
/* package-private */static final URL REAL_BUCKET_URL = BucketExportControllerIntegrationTest.class
/* package-private */static final URL REAL_CSV_BUCKET_URL = BucketExportControllerIntegrationTest.class
/* package-private */static final URL REAL_SPLUNK_BUCKET_TGZ_URL = BucketExportControllerIntegrationTest.class
* @return A bucket with random bucket and index names.
* @see #createTestBucketWithName(String, String)
public static LocalBucket createBucket() {
return createBucketWithIndexAndName(randomIndexName(), randomBucketName());
private static String randomIndexName() {
return "index-" + RandomUtils.nextInt();
private static String randomBucketName() {
long latest = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
long earliest = latest - (RandomUtils.nextInt(10) + 1);
return String.format("db_%d_%d_%d", latest, earliest,
* @return A bucket with specified index and bucket names.
public static LocalBucket createBucketWithIndexAndName(String index,
String bucketName) {
File bucketDir = createFileFormatedAsBucket(bucketName);
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectory(index, bucketDir);
private static LocalBucket createBucketWithIndexInDirectory(String index,
File bucketDir) {
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectoryAndFormat(index, bucketDir,
private static LocalBucket createBucketWithIndexInDirectoryAndFormat(
String index, File bucketDir, BucketFormat format) {
try {
return new LocalBucket(bucketDir, index, format);
} catch (Exception e) {
TUtilsTestNG.failForException("Couldn't create a test bucket", e);
throw new RuntimeException(
"There was a UtilsTestNG.failForException() method call above me that stoped me from happening. Where did it go?");
* @return A directory formated as a bucket.
public static File createFileFormatedAsBucket(String bucketName) {
File bucketDir = TUtilsFile.createDirectoryWithName(bucketName);
return formatDirectoryToBeABucket(bucketDir);
private static File formatDirectoryToBeABucket(File bucketDir) {
File rawdata = TUtilsFile.createDirectoryInParent(bucketDir, "rawdata");
File slices = TUtilsFile.createFileInParent(rawdata, "slices.dat");
return bucketDir;
* @param parent
* directory to create bucket in.
* @return bucket created in parent.
public static LocalBucket createBucketInDirectory(File parent) {
return createBucketInDirectoryWithIndex(parent, randomIndexName());
* @param parent
* directory to create bucket in.
* @return bucket created in parent.
public static LocalBucket createBucketInDirectoryWithIndex(File parent,
String index) {
File bucketDir = createFileFormatedAsBucketInDirectory(parent);
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectory(index, bucketDir);
* @param parent
* to create the bucket in.
* @return File with the format of a bucket
private static File createFileFormatedAsBucketInDirectory(File parent) {
return createFileFormatedAsBucketInDirectoryWithName(parent,
private static File createFileFormatedAsBucketInDirectoryWithName(
File parent, String bucketName) {
File child = TUtilsFile.createDirectoryInParent(parent, bucketName);
return formatDirectoryToBeABucket(child);
* Creates test bucket with earliest and latest times in its name.
public static LocalBucket createBucketWithTimes(Date earliest, Date latest) {
return createBucketWithIndexAndTimeRange(randomIndexName(), earliest,
* Creates test bucket with earliest and latest times in its name and index.
public static LocalBucket createBucketWithIndexAndTimeRange(String index,
Date earliest, Date latest) {
String name = getNameWithEarliestAndLatestTime(earliest, latest);
return createBucketWithIndexAndName(index, name);
private static String getNameWithEarliestAndLatestTime(Date earliest,
Date latest) {
return "db_" + toSec(latest.getTime()) + "_" + toSec(earliest.getTime())
+ "_" + randomIndexName();
private static long toSec(long time) {
return time / 1000;
* Creates test bucket with earliest and latest time in a directory.
public static LocalBucket createBucketInDirectoryWithTimes(File parent,
Date earliest, Date latest) {
return createBucketInDirectoryWithTimesAndIndex(parent, earliest, latest,
public static LocalBucket createBucketInDirectoryWithTimesAndIndex(
File parent, Date earliest, Date latest, String index) {
String bucketName = getNameWithEarliestAndLatestTime(earliest, latest);
File bucketDir = createFileFormatedAsBucketInDirectoryWithName(parent,
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectory(index, bucketDir);
* Creates test bucket with specified name and random index.
public static LocalBucket createBucketWithName(String name) {
return createBucketWithIndexAndName(randomIndexName(), name);
* @return bucket with real splunk bucket data in it.
public static LocalBucket createRealBucket() {
return copyBucketWithUrl(REAL_BUCKET_URL);
* @return create csv bucket with real splunk data.
public static LocalBucket createRealCsvBucket() {
LocalBucket realCsvBucketCopy = copyBucketWithUrl(REAL_CSV_BUCKET_URL);
File csvFile = UtilsBucket.getCsvFile(realCsvBucketCopy);
BucketFileCreator bucketFileCreator = BucketFileCreator.createForCsv();
return bucketFileCreator.createBucketWithFile(csvFile, realCsvBucketCopy);
public static LocalBucket createRealSplunkBucketTgz() {
LocalBucket realTgzBucketCopy = copyBucketWithUrl(REAL_SPLUNK_BUCKET_TGZ_URL);
File tgzFile = UtilsBucket.getTgzFile(realTgzBucketCopy);
return BucketFileCreator.createForTgz().createBucketWithFile(tgzFile,
private static LocalBucket copyBucketWithUrl(URL bucketUrl) {
try {
return createTempCopyOfBucketFromDirectory(new File(bucketUrl.toURI()));
} catch (Exception e) {
TUtilsTestNG.failForException("Could not create bucket", e);
return null;
private static LocalBucket createTempCopyOfBucketFromDirectory(
File realBucketDir) throws FileNotFoundException,
FileNotDirectoryException {
File copyBucketDir = createDirectoryInParent(createDirectory(),
copyDirectory(realBucketDir, copyBucketDir);
return new LocalBucket(copyBucketDir, "index", BucketFormat.SPLUNK_BUCKET);
private static void copyDirectory(File from, File to) {
try {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(from, to);
} catch (IOException e) {
.failForException("Couldn't copy: " + from + ", to: " + to, e);
* @return {@link Bucket} that is "fake-remote". It's not really archived some
* where, but the object represents a bucket that is remote.
public static RemoteBucket createRemoteBucket() {
try {
return new RemoteBucket("/path", "itHasAnIndex",
getNameWithEarliestAndLatestTime(new Date(), new Date()),
} catch (Exception e) {
TUtilsTestNG.failForException("Could not create remote bucket", e);
return null;
* @return {@link Bucket} with a tgz format
public static LocalBucket createTgzBucket() {
File bucketDir = createDirectory();
try {
new File(bucketDir, randomBucketName() + ".tgz").createNewFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
TUtilsTestNG.failForException("Could not create tgz file.", e);
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectoryAndFormat("index", bucketDir,
public static LocalBucket createRealReplicatedBucket(String index,
File parent, String guid) {
LocalBucket realBucket = TUtilsBucket.createRealBucket();
String replicatedBucketName = replicatedBucketName(realBucket, guid);
File bucketDir = realBucket.getDirectory();
File renamedDir = new File(parent, replicatedBucketName);
int filesInBucket = bucketDir.listFiles().length;
assertEquals(filesInBucket, renamedDir.listFiles().length);
try {
return new LocalBucket(renamedDir, index, realBucket.getFormat());
} catch (Exception e) {
TUtilsTestNG.failForException("Could not create bucket", e);
return null;
* @return bucket that has the bucket name of a bucket created with Splunk
* clustering bucket replication.
public static LocalBucket createReplicatedBucket(String index, File parent,
String guid) {
Bucket bucket = createBucket();
String finalBucketName = replicatedBucketName(bucket, guid);
File dir = createDirectoryInParent(parent, finalBucketName);
return createBucketWithIndexInDirectory(index, dir);
private static String replicatedBucketName(Bucket bucket, String guid) {
String replicatedBucketName = bucket.getName().replaceFirst("db", "rb");
return replaceEverythingAfterEarliestTimeWithIndexAndGuid(
replicatedBucketName, Math.abs(new Random().nextLong()), guid);
public static String replaceEverythingAfterEarliestTimeWithIndexAndGuid(
String bucketName, long newBucketIndex, String guid) {
String bucketIndex = new BucketName(bucketName).getIndex();
int idx = bucketName.lastIndexOf(bucketIndex);
String removedIndex = bucketName.substring(0, idx);
return removedIndex + newBucketIndex + "_" + guid;
public static LocalBucket createReplicatedBucket() {
return createReplicatedBucket(randomIndexName(), createDirectory(),
public static LocalBucket createReplicatedBucket(String guid) {
return createReplicatedBucket(randomIndexName(), createDirectory(), guid);
public static LocalBucket createBucketWithIndex(String index) {
return TUtilsBucket.createBucketInDirectoryWithIndex(createDirectory(),