* cb2java - Dynamic COBOL copybook parser for Java. Copyright (C) 2006 James
* Watson
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass
* Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package net.sf.cb2java.copybook;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import net.sf.cb2java.Values;
import net.sf.cb2java.types.Element;
import net.sf.cb2java.types.Group;
import net.sf.cb2java.types.SignedSeparate;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.analysis.DepthFirstAdapter;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ABinaryUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AComp1UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AComp2UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AComp3UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AComp4UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AComp5UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ACompUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ADisplay1UsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AFixedOccursFixedOrVariable;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AFunctionPointerUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AIndexUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AItem;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ALeadingLeadingOrTrailing;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ANationalUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AObjectReferencePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AOccursTo;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.APackedDecimalUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.APictureClause;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.APointerUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AProcedurePointerUsagePhrase;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ARecordDescription;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ARedefinesClause;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ASequenceLiteralSequence;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ASignClause;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.ASingleLiteralSequence;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AThroughSequenceLiteralSequence;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AThroughSingleLiteralSequence;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AValueClause;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AValueItem;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.AVariableOccursFixedOrVariable;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TAlphanumericLiteral;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.THighValues;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TLowValues;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TNulls;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TNumber88;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TNumberNot88;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TQuotes;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TSpaces;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.TZeros;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.node.Token;
import net.sf.cb2xml.sablecc.parser.Parser;
* This class handles the hard part of the parsing work. It captures all the
* parsing events of the sablecc parsing classes and marks up Item instances for
* each field definition
* @author James Watson (adapted from Cb2XML project)
class CopybookAnalyzer extends DepthFirstAdapter {
Values values = new Values();
private Parser parser;
private Item document;
private Item current;
* Creates a new instance with the given parser and name
* @param copyBookName the name to give this copybook
* @param parser sablecc parser instance
CopybookAnalyzer(String copyBookName, Parser parser) {
document = new Item(values, true);
document.name = copyBookName;
current = document;
this.parser = parser;
* getter for XML document
public Copybook getDocument() {
return (Copybook) document.getElement();
* enter copybook, set up XML DOM and root element
public void inARecordDescription(ARecordDescription node) {
// TODO begin
* exit root element, save XML as file
public void outARecordDescription(ARecordDescription node) {
// TODO end
private void walkTree(Item item) {
item.getElement().setSettings((Copybook) document.getElement());
for (Iterator i = item.children.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Item child = (Item) i.next();
if (child.redefines != null) {
((Copybook) document.getElement()).redefine(child.redefines, child.getElement());
} else {
((Group) item.getElement()).addChild(child.getElement());
* check for comments before these Tokens and add to XML
public void caseTNumberNot88(TNumberNot88 node) {
public void caseTNumber88(TNumber88 node) {
public void checkForComments(Token node) {
List list = (List) parser.ignoredTokens.getIn(node);
if (list != null) {
Iterator i = list.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String s = i.next().toString().trim();
if (s.length() > 1) {
* main elementary item enter item, set up Item object
public void inAItem(AItem node) {
Item prevItem = current;
current = new Item(values, false);
current.level = Integer.parseInt(node.getNumberNot88().toString().trim());
current.name = node.getDataNameOrFiller().toString().trim();
if (current.level <= 77) {
* end of parsing the element?
public void outAItem(AItem node) {
public void inARedefinesClause(ARedefinesClause node) {
String dataName = node.getDataName().getText();
current.redefines = dataName;
public void inAFixedOccursFixedOrVariable(AFixedOccursFixedOrVariable node) {
current.occurs = Integer.parseInt(node.getNumber().toString().trim());
public void inAVariableOccursFixedOrVariable(AVariableOccursFixedOrVariable node) {
current.occurs = Integer.parseInt(node.getNumber().toString().trim());
current.dependsOn = node.getDataName().getText();
public void inAOccursTo(AOccursTo node) {
current.minOccurs = Integer.parseInt(node.getNumber().toString().trim());
public void inAPictureClause(APictureClause node) {
current.picture = removeChars(node.getCharacterString()
.toString().toUpperCase(), " ");
for (int i = 0; i < current.picture.length(); i++) {
char c = current.picture.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case 'A': /* alpha */
case 'B': /* space */
case 'X': /* number or alpha */
case '/': /* '/' */
case ',': /* ',' */
current.isAlpha = true;
case 'N': /* national */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("national data not yet supported");
case 'E': /* exponent */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("E in picture String not yet supported");
case 'G': /* ??? */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("G in picture String not yet supported");
case 'P': //decimal position?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("P in picture String not yet supported");
case 'C': /* CR - credit */
case 'D': /* DR - debit */
/* skip R */
case '.': /* decimal position */
case 'V': /* decimal position */
case '$': /* '$' */
case 'Z':
case '9':
case '0':
case '+':
case '-':
case '*':
public void inASignClause(ASignClause node) {
if (node.getSeparateCharacter() != null) {
current.signSeparate = true;
public void inALeadingLeadingOrTrailing(ALeadingLeadingOrTrailing node) {
current.signPosition = SignedSeparate.LEADING;
public void inATrailimngLeadingOrTrailing(ALeadingLeadingOrTrailing node) {
current.signPosition = SignedSeparate.TRAILING;
//======================= USAGE CLAUSE ==========================
public void inABinaryUsagePhrase(ABinaryUsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.BINARY;
public void inACompUsagePhrase(ACompUsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL;
public void inAComp1UsagePhrase(AComp1UsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL_1;
public void inAComp2UsagePhrase(AComp2UsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL_2;
public void inAComp3UsagePhrase(AComp3UsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL_3;
public void inAComp4UsagePhrase(AComp4UsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL_4;
public void inAComp5UsagePhrase(AComp5UsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.COMPUTATIONAL_5;
public void inADisplay1UsagePhrase(ADisplay1UsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("display-1");
public void inAIndexUsagePhrase(AIndexUsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index");
public void inANationalUsagePhrase(ANationalUsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("national");
public void inAObjectReferencePhrase(AObjectReferencePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("object-reference");//, node.getDataName().getText());
public void inAPackedDecimalUsagePhrase(APackedDecimalUsagePhrase node) {
current.usage = Usage.PACKED_DECIMAL;
public void inAPointerUsagePhrase(APointerUsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pointer");
public void inAProcedurePointerUsagePhrase(AProcedurePointerUsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("procedure-pointer");
public void inAFunctionPointerUsagePhrase(AFunctionPointerUsagePhrase node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("function-pointer");
// ======================= 88 / VALUE CLAUSE ==========================
public void caseTZeros(TZeros node) {
current.value = values.ZEROS;
public void caseTSpaces(TSpaces node) {
current.value = values.SPACES;
public void caseTHighValues(THighValues node) {
current.value = values.HIGH_VALUES;
public void caseTLowValues(TLowValues node) {
current.value = values.LOW_VALUES;
public void caseTQuotes(TQuotes node) {
current.value = values.QUOTES;
public void caseTNulls(TNulls node) {
current.value = values.NULLS;
public void caseTAlphanumericLiteral(TAlphanumericLiteral node) {
current.value = values.new Literal(node.getText());
public void outAValueClause(AValueClause node) {
current.value = values.new Literal(node.getLiteral().toString().trim());
public void inAValueItem(AValueItem node) {
// String name = node.getDataName().getText();
// curItem = new Item();
// curItem.element = document.createElement("condition");
// // curItem.element.setAttribute("level", "88");
// curItem.element.setAttribute("name", name);
// prevItem.element.appendChild(curItem.element);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a value item' not yet supported");
public void outASingleLiteralSequence(ASingleLiteralSequence node) {
// if (node.getAll() != null) {
// curItem.element.setAttribute("all", "true");
// }
// Element element = document.createElement("condition");
// element.setAttribute("value", node.getLiteral().toString().trim());
// curItem.element.appendChild(element);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a single literal sequence' not yet supported");
public void outASequenceLiteralSequence(ASequenceLiteralSequence node) {
// Element element = document.createElement("condition");
// element.setAttribute("value", node.getLiteral().toString().trim());
// curItem.element.appendChild(element);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a sequence literal sequence' not yet supported");
public void outAThroughSingleLiteralSequence(AThroughSingleLiteralSequence node) {
// Element element = document.createElement("condition");
// element.setAttribute("value", node.getFrom().toString().trim());
// element.setAttribute("through", node.getTo().toString().trim());
// curItem.element.appendChild(element);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a through single literal sequence' not yet supported");
public void outAThroughSequenceLiteralSequence(AThroughSequenceLiteralSequence node) {
// Element element = document.createElement("condition");
// element.setAttribute("value", node.getFrom().toString().trim());
// element.setAttribute("through", node.getTo().toString().trim());
// curItem.element.appendChild(element);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a through sequence literal sequence' not yet supported");
private String removeChars(String s, String charToRemove) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, charToRemove, false);
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
return b.toString();
* This is for DOM post-processing of the XML before saving to resolve the
* field lengths of each node and also calculate the start position of the
* data field in the raw copybook buffer (mainframe equivalent) recursive
* traversal. note that REDEFINES declarations are taken care of as well as
* the OCCURS declarations
int getPosition(String name) {
List children = document.getElement().getChildren();
for (Iterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Element testElement = (Element) i.next();
if (testElement.getName().equals(name)) {
return testElement.getPosition();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no element named '" + name + "'");