/*(C) 2007-2012 Alibaba Group Holding Limited.
*This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Authors:
* junyu <junyu@taobao.com> , shenxun <shenxun@taobao.com>,
* linxuan <linxuan@taobao.com> ,qihao <qihao@taobao.com>
package com.taobao.tddl.common;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.taobao.tddl.common.config.ConfigDataHandler;
import com.taobao.tddl.common.config.ConfigDataHandlerFactory;
import com.taobao.tddl.common.config.ConfigDataListener;
import com.taobao.tddl.common.config.impl.DefaultConfigDataHandlerFactory;
* ���ij־û����ݵĸ�����
* @author linxuan
public final class ConfigServerHelper {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConfigServerHelper.class);
public static final int SUBSCRIBE_REGISTER_WAIT_TIME = 30000;
public static final String DATA_ID_PREFIX = "com.taobao.tddl.v1_";
public static final String DATA_ID_TDDL_SHARD_RULE = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_shardrule";
public static final String DATA_ID_REPLICATION_SWITCH = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_replication.switch";
public static final String DATA_ID_DBINFO_DBROLE = "com.taobao.dbinfo.dbrole.v1";
public static final String DATA_ID_DB_GROUP_KEYS = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_dbgroups";
* syncServer����ҵ���б����ĸ����ã��������ÿ��ҵ��ID����������һ��TDatasource�������ʼ��replication
public static final String DATA_ID_REPLICATION = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_replication";
* ��־���ռλ������ҵ��ID������־���syncServer��ID����Ϊ���ҵ����ܹ���һ����־��
public static final String DATA_ID_SYNCLOG_DBSET = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_synclog.dbset";
public static final String DATA_ID_SYNCLOG_DBWEIGHT = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_synclog.dbweight";
* ����;ֲ��Ĺ�ϵ��Ȩ�������ֲ��ԣ�
* 1. ÿ��dbIndexһ��Ȩ��dataId������Ϊ��dbIndex��Ͻ���Ȩ������
* 2. һ��TDataSource(һ��Ӧ��)һ��Ȩ��dataId����������dbIndex��Ȩ������
* 3. ���߶��У�ͬʱʹ�ã�dbIndex��Ȩ�����ã�����Ӧ�õĴ��ȫ��Ȩ������
* ����2
* һ��TDataSource(һ��Ӧ��)һ��Ȩ��dataId�� {0}:Ӧ������appName,��IC
* ���ݸ�ʽ��
* slave_1=R10W10,R20W0
* slave_3=R10W20,R20W10
* slave_5=RW
* master_0=RW
public static final String DATA_ID_APP_DBWEIGHT = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}.dbweight";
* ÿ��dbIndexһ��Ȩ��dataId
* {0} Ӧ������appName,��IC
* {1} dbIndex��TDataSource��dataSourcePool��key
* ���ݸ�ʽ��
* dbindex_0=R10W10,R20W0,R10W0
public static final String DATA_ID_GLOBAL_DBINFO = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}.global.dbinfo";
public static final String DATA_ID_TDDL_CLIENT_CONFIG = DATA_ID_PREFIX + "{0}_tddlconfig";
public enum TDDLConfigKey {
statKeyRecordType, statKeyLeftCutLen, statKeyRightCutLen, statKeyExcludes, StatRealDbInWrapperDs, //
StatChannelMask, statDumpInterval/*��*/, statCacheSize, statAtomSql, statKeyIncludes, //
//add by junyu
* ����Ӧ�õķֿ�ֱ�����
public static Object subscribeShardRuleConfig(String appName, DataListener listener) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_TDDL_SHARD_RULE).format(new Object[] { appName });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ����Ӧ�õ����ݿ�Ȩ������
public static Object subscribeAppDbWeight(String appName, DataListener listener) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_APP_DBWEIGHT).format(new Object[] { appName });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ����Ӧ�õ��и�������
public static Object subscribeReplicationConfig(String appName, DataListener listener) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_REPLICATION).format(new Object[] { appName });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ����Ӧ�õ��и��ƿ���
public static Object subscribeReplicationSwitch(String appName, DataListener listener) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_REPLICATION_SWITCH).format(new Object[] { appName });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ������־������
public static Object subscribeSyncLogDbConfig(String syncServerID, DataListener listener) {
if (syncServerID == null || syncServerID.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ������������ID��syncServerID");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_SYNCLOG_DBSET).format(new Object[] { syncServerID });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ������־��Ȩ������
public static Object subscribeSyncLogDbWeight(String syncServerID, DataListener listener) {
if (syncServerID == null || syncServerID.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ������������ID��syncServerID");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_SYNCLOG_DBWEIGHT).format(new Object[] { syncServerID });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
* ��������TDDL�ͻ�������
public static Object subscribeTDDLConfig(String appName, DataListener listener) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_TDDL_CLIENT_CONFIG).format(new Object[] { appName });
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
private static String getCallerClassName() {
StackTraceElement[] stes = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
return stes[stes.length - 1].getClassName();
public static Object subscribeDbInofDbRoleDb(DataListener listener) {
return ConfigServerHelper.subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), DATA_ID_DBINFO_DBROLE, listener);
* @return ��һ�λ�ȡ��data������ʱonDataReceiveAtRegister�Ѿ����ù�һ��
public static Object subscribePersistentData(String dataId, final DataListener listener) {
return subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
public static Object subscribeData(String dataId, final DataListener listener) {
return subscribePersistentData(getCallerClassName(), dataId, listener);
private volatile static ConfigDataHandlerFactory cdhf;
private static final long DIAMOND_FIRST_DATA_TIMEOUT=15*1000;
public static Object subscribePersistentData(String subscriberName, String dataId, final DataListener listener) {
cdhf = new DefaultConfigDataHandlerFactory();
ConfigDataHandler matrixHandler = cdhf.getConfigDataHandler(dataId, null);
String datas = matrixHandler.getData(DIAMOND_FIRST_DATA_TIMEOUT, ConfigDataHandler.FIRST_CACHE_THEN_SERVER_STRATEGY); //ȡ������Ϣ��Ĭ�ϳ�ʱʱ��Ϊ30��
log.warn(dataId + "'s firstData=" + datas);
if (datas != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("onDataReceiveAtRegister�׳��쳣��dataId:" + dataId, t);
matrixHandler.addListener(new ConfigDataListener() {
public void onDataRecieved(String dataId, String data) {
log.info("recieve data,data id:"+dataId+" data:"+data);
return datas;
* һ��Util�����������ٸ��Util�࣬�ʷŵ����
* ��Properties�����Properties�ַ�������ΪProperties����
public static Properties parseProperties(Object data, String msg) {
Properties p;
if (data == null) {
log.warn(msg + "data == null");
return null;
} else if (data instanceof Properties) {
p = (Properties) data;
} else if (data instanceof String) {
p = new Properties();
try {
p.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(((String) data).getBytes()));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(msg + "���������͵����ã�" + data, e);
return null;
} else {
log.warn(msg + "������ʶ��" + data);
return null;
return p;
public static void publish(String dataId, Serializable data) {
publish(dataId, data, null);
public static void publish(String dataId, Serializable data, String group) {
//TODO �ij�sdk��ʽ��֧�ֲ���
/*private static Object fetchConfig(Subscriber subscriber) {
try {
Subscription subscription = subscriber.getSubscription();
List<Object> data = subscription.waitNext(10);
if (data == null || data.size() == 0) {
data = subscription.waitNext(SUBSCRIBE_REGISTER_WAIT_TIME);
} else {
List<Object> data2 = subscription.waitNext(SUBSCRIBE_REGISTER_WAIT_TIME);
if (data2 != null && data2.size() != 0) {
data = data2;
return data == null || data.size() == 0 ? null : data.get(0);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
log.error("", e);
return null;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error("", e);
return null;
public static interface DataListener {
* ע��֮������DataObserver֮ǰ��fetchConfig���ܵ�����ʱ�����ø÷�����һ������ҵ���ʼ��ʱ
void onDataReceiveAtRegister(Object data);
* ע��֮��һ�ν��յ����͵���onDataReceiveAtRegister������ϣ�
* ����DataObserver֮���ٽӵ���̬���ͣ����ø÷�����һ������ҵ������ʱ
void onDataReceive(Object data);
public static abstract class AbstractDataListener implements DataListener {
public void onDataReceiveAtRegister(Object data) {
public static String getDBGroupsConfig(String appName) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_DB_GROUP_KEYS).format(new Object[] { appName });
return dataId;
public static String getShardRuleConfig(String appName) {
if (appName == null || appName.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("û��ָ��Ӧ������appName");
String dataId = new MessageFormat(DATA_ID_TDDL_SHARD_RULE).format(new Object[] { appName });
return dataId;