* Copyright (C) 2011 Christos Tsilopoulos, Mobile Multimedia Laboratory,
* Athens University of Economics and Business
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of
* the BSD license.
* See LICENSE and COPYING for more details.
package eu.pursuit.client;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import eu.pursuit.core.Event;
import eu.pursuit.core.Event.EventType;
public class BlackadderWrapper {
private static boolean USERSPACE = true;
private final long baPtr;
private boolean closed = false;
private static boolean configured = false;
private static BlackadderWrapper instance = null;
public static void configureObjectFile(String path_to_so){
configured = true;
public static void setUserSpace(boolean userspace){
USERSPACE = userspace;
public static BlackadderWrapper getWrapper() {
if(instance == null){
instance = new BlackadderWrapper(USERSPACE);
return instance;
private BlackadderWrapper(boolean userspace){
throw new IllegalStateException("Shared library not set. Call static method BlackadderWrapper.configure() first");
int user = userspace? 1 : 0;
baPtr = create_new_ba(user);
public void publishScope(byte[] scope, byte [] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_publish_scope(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void publishItem(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_publish_item(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void unpublishScope(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_unpublish_scope(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void unpublishItem(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_unpublish_item(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void subscribeScope(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_subscribe_scope(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void subscribeItem(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_subscribe_item(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void unsubscribeScope(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_unsubscribe_scope(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void unsubscribeItem(byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions) {
c_unsubscribe_item(baPtr, scope, prefixScope, strat, strategyOptions);
public void publishData(byte[] scope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions, byte[] jData) {
c_publish_data(baPtr, scope, strat, strategyOptions, jData, jData.length);
public void publishData(byte[] scope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions, ByteBuffer buffer) {
c_publish_data_direct(baPtr, scope, strat, strategyOptions, buffer, buffer.capacity());
public Event getNextEventDirect() {
EventInternal e = new EventInternal();
long event_ptr = c_nextEvent_direct(baPtr, e);
EventType type = EventType.getById(e.getType());
Event retval = null;
retval = new Event(type, e.getId(), e.getData(), e.getData().capacity());
retval = new Event(type, e.getId());
retval.setNativeMemoryMappings(this, event_ptr);
return retval;
public void deleteEvent(long event_ptr) {
c_delete_event(baPtr, event_ptr);
* package protected for a reason
* */
void close() {
closed = true;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
/* native methods */
private native long create_new_ba(int userspace);
private native void delete_ba(long ba_ptr);
private native void c_publish_scope(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_publish_item(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_unpublish_scope(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_unpublish_item(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_subscribe_scope(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_subscribe_item(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_unsubscribe_scope(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_unsubscribe_item(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte[] prefixScope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions);
private native void c_publish_data(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions, byte [] dataBuffer, int length);
private native void c_publish_data_direct(long ba_ptr, byte[] scope, byte strat, byte[] strategyOptions, ByteBuffer buffer, int length);
private native long c_nextEvent_direct(long baPtr, EventInternal e);
private native void c_delete_event(long baPtr, long event_ptr);