Package com.clarkparsia.explanation.test

Source Code of com.clarkparsia.explanation.test.AbstractExplanationTest

// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC. <>
// This source code is available under the terms of the Affero General Public
// License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of
// proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification:

package com.clarkparsia.explanation.test;

import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mindswap.pellet.PelletOptions;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.SetUtils;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDatatype;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLVariable;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary;

import com.clarkparsia.owlapiv3.OWL;
import com.clarkparsia.owlapiv3.SWRL;
import com.clarkparsia.owlapiv3.XSD;

* <p>
* Title:
* </p>
* <p>
* Description:
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008
* </p>
* <p>
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC. <>
* </p>
* @author Evren Sirin
public abstract class AbstractExplanationTest {
  static final String        BASEPATH  = "file:data/";
  static final OWLOntologyManager  manager    = OWL.manager;
  static final URI        ontologyURI  = URI.create( "" );

  protected boolean        classify;

  private OWLClass        A, B, C, D, E, F;
  private OWLObjectProperty    p, q, r;
  private OWLDataProperty      dp, dq, dr;
  private OWLIndividual      a, b, c, d, anon1;
  private OWLDatatype        dt;
  private SWRLVariable      x, y;
  private SWRLVariable      dx;

  public AbstractExplanationTest(boolean classify) {
    this.classify = classify;

  public void createEntities() {
    A = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "A" );
    B = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "B" );
    C = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "C" );
    D = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "D" );
    E = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "E" );
    F = OWL.Class( ontologyURI + "F" );

    p = OWL.ObjectProperty( ontologyURI + "p" );
    q = OWL.ObjectProperty( ontologyURI + "q" );
    r = OWL.ObjectProperty( ontologyURI + "r" );

    dp = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "dp" );
    dq = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "dq" );
    dr = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "dr" );

    a = OWL.Individual( ontologyURI + "a" );
    b = OWL.Individual( ontologyURI + "b" );
    c = OWL.Individual( ontologyURI + "c" );
    d = OWL.Individual( ontologyURI + "d" );
    dt = OWL.Datatype( ontologyURI + "dt" );

    anon1 = OWL.AnonymousIndividual( "anon1" );

    x = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "x" );
    y = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "y" );

    dx = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "dx" );

  public void testInconsistencyExplanations(int max, OWLAxiom... explanations) throws Exception {
    testInconsistencyExplanations( max, new OWLAxiom[][] { explanations } );

  public void testInconsistencyExplanations(int max, OWLAxiom[]... explanations) throws Exception {
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf(OWL.Thing, OWL.Nothing), max, explanations );

  public void testExplanations(OWLAxiom axiom, int max, OWLAxiom... explanations) throws Exception {
    testExplanations( axiom, max, new OWLAxiom[][] { explanations } );
  public void testExplanations(OWLAxiom axiom, int max, OWLAxiom[]... explanations)
      throws Exception {
    Set<Set<OWLAxiom>> explanationSet = new HashSet<Set<OWLAxiom>>();

    for( OWLAxiom[] explanation : explanations ) {
      explanationSet.add( SetUtils.create( explanation ) );

    testExplanations( axiom, max, explanationSet );

  public abstract void testExplanations(OWLAxiom axiom, int max,
      Set<Set<OWLAxiom>> expectedExplanations) throws Exception;

  public abstract void setupGenerators(Collection<OWLAxiom> ontologyAxioms) throws Exception;

  public void after() {
    for( OWLOntology ont : manager.getOntologies() ) {
          manager.removeOntology( ont );

   * Test that entities appearing in annotations only can still be used in
   * explanation requests.
  @Ignore("This test is not valid anymore since annotation subjects do not carry type information")
  public void annotationOnlyEntity() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.Thing ), OWL.comment( B, "Annotation only class" ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( B, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0] } );

   * Test that entities appearing in annotations only can still be used in
   * explanation requests.
  public void annotationOnlyDuringMUPSEntity() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.Thing ), OWL.subClassOf( B, A ),
        OWL.comment( B, "Annotation only class" ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( B, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[1] } );

   * Test that anonymous individuals as the object of property assertions are
   * translated correctly
  public void anonymousIndividualPropertyAssertion() throws Exception {
    assumeTrue( !(this instanceof JenaExplanationTest) );
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, anon1 ), OWL.classAssertion( anon1, A ),
        OWL.subClassOf( OWL.some( p, A ), B ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

   * Test for built-in datatype
   * Test that entities appearing in declarations only can still be used in
   * explanation requests.
  public void declarationOnlyEntity() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = { OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.Thing ), OWL.declaration( B ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( B, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0] } );

   * Test that entities appearing in declarations only can still be used in
   * explanation requests (in uninteresting ways).
  public void declarationOnlyIrrelevantEntity() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = { OWL.subClassOf( B, A ), OWL.declaration( p ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( OWL.and( B, OWL.some( p, OWL.Thing ) ), A ), 0,
        new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0] } );

  public void disjointRange() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.some( p, B ) ), OWL.range( p, C ),
        OWL.disjointClasses( B, C ) };

    OWLAxiom axiom = OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.Nothing );
    OWLAxiom[] explanation = new OWLAxiom[] {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.some( p, B ) ), OWL.range( p, C ),
        OWL.disjointClasses( B, C ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( axiom, 0, explanation );

  public void disjointRangeSuper() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.some( p, B ) ), OWL.range( p, C ), OWL.subClassOf( B, D ),
        OWL.disjointClasses( D, C ), OWL.subClassOf( A, E ), OWL.subClassOf( B, F ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    // explain disjointness of B and C first so reasoner will cache this
    // result
    testExplanations( OWL.disjointClasses( B, C ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[2], axioms[3] } );

    // explain the unsatisfiability of A and make sure cached results do not
    // interfere with explanation
    testExplanations( OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.Nothing ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] {
        axioms[0], axioms[1], axioms[2], axioms[3] } );

  public void disjointSupers() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, B ), OWL.subClassOf( A, C ), OWL.disjointClasses( B, C ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.Nothing ), 0, axioms );

  public void koalaHardWorkingDomain() throws Exception {
    String ns = "";
    OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntology( IRI
        .create( "file:test/data/modularity/koala.owl" ) );
    OWLClass animal = OWL.Class( ns + "Animal" );
    OWLClass person = OWL.Class( ns + "Person" );
    OWLDataProperty hardWorking = OWL.DataProperty( ns + "isHardWorking" );
    setupGenerators( ontology.getAxioms() );
    testExplanations( OWL.domain( hardWorking, animal ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] {
        OWL.subClassOf( person, animal ), OWL.domain( hardWorking, person ) } );

  public void multipleEquivalentClasses() throws Exception {
    // test cached explanations
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.equivalentClasses( A, C ), OWL.subClassOf( A, D ), OWL.subClassOf( D, E ),
        OWL.subClassOf( B, E ), OWL.equivalentClasses( A, B ),
        // the following axiom is to ensure that we are not in
        // EL expressivity because we want to test CD optimized
        // classifier which cached explanations
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.all( p, A ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( C, D ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0], axioms[1] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( A, D ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[1] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( B, D ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[1], axioms[4] } );

  public void ruleTest1() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.classAssertion( b, B ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .classAtom( B, x ) ) ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( B, x ), SWRL.propertyAtom( p, x, y ),
            SWRL.classAtom( B, y ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL.classAtom( C, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0], axioms[3] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, C ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest1b() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.classAssertion( b, B ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ),
        SWRL.rule( ontologyURI + "rule1", true, SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ) ),
            SWRL.consequent( SWRL.classAtom( B, x ) ) ),
        SWRL.rule( ontologyURI + "rule2", SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( B, x ), SWRL
            .propertyAtom( p, x, y ), SWRL.classAtom( B, y ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .classAtom( C, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0], axioms[3] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, C ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest2() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subPropertyOf( q, p ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, q, b ),
        OWL.classAssertion( b, B ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.propertyAtom( p, x, y ), SWRL.classAtom( B, y ) ),
            SWRL.consequent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest3() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.inverseProperties( q, p ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( b, q, a ),
        OWL.classAssertion( b, B ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.propertyAtom( p, x, y ), SWRL.classAtom( B, y ) ),
            SWRL.consequent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest4() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .classAtom( B, x ), SWRL.classAtom( C, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 1, axioms );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, C ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest5() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.propertyAtom( p, x, y ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .classAtom( A, x ), SWRL.classAtom( B, y ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 1, axioms );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( b, B ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleTest6() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ),
        OWL.classAssertion( b, B ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( OWL.some( p, B ), x ) ), SWRL
            .consequent( SWRL.classAtom( C, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, C ), 1, axioms );

  public void ruleBuiltinTest1() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 9 ) ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ), SWRL.propertyAtom( dp, x, dx ),
            SWRL.lessThan( dx, SWRL.constant( 10 ) ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .classAtom( B, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

  public void ruleBuiltinTest2() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 9 ) ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.classAtom( A, x ), SWRL.propertyAtom( dp, x, dx ),
            SWRL.greaterThan( dx, SWRL.constant( 5 ) ), SWRL.lessThan( dx, SWRL
                .constant( 10 ) ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL.classAtom( B, x ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

  public void ruleBuiltinTest3() throws Exception {

    SWRLVariable y = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "year" );
    SWRLVariable m = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "month" );
    SWRLVariable d = SWRL.variable( ontologyURI + "day" );

    OWLDataProperty year = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "year" );
    OWLDataProperty month = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "month" );
    OWLDataProperty day = OWL.DataProperty( ontologyURI + "day" );

    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( "2009-01-02", XSD.DATE ) ),
        SWRL.rule( SWRL.antecedent( SWRL.propertyAtom( dp, x, dx ), SWRL.builtIn(
            SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary.DATE, dx, y, m, d ) ), SWRL.consequent( SWRL
            .propertyAtom( year, x, y ), SWRL.propertyAtom( month, x, m ), SWRL
            .propertyAtom( day, x, d ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, year, OWL.constant( 2009 ) ), 1,
        new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0], axioms[1] } );

  public void userDefinedDatatype1() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 9 ) ),
        OWL.equivalentClasses( B, OWL.and( A, OWL.some( dp, OWL.restrict( XSD.INTEGER, OWL
            .maxExclusive( 10 ) ) ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

  public void userDefinedDatatype2() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.and( OWL.max( dp, 1 ), OWL.some( dp, OWL.restrict(
            XSD.INTEGER, OWL.minExclusive( 10 ) ) ) ) ),
        OWL.equivalentClasses( B, OWL.and( OWL.min( dp, 1 ), OWL.all( dp, OWL.restrict(
            XSD.INTEGER, OWL.minExclusive( 5 ) ) ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

  public void userDefinedDatatype3() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 9 ) ),
        OWL.equivalentClasses( B, OWL.and( A, OWL.some( dp, dt ) ) ),
        OWL.datatypeDefinition(dt, OWL.restrict( XSD.INTEGER, OWL
            .maxExclusive( 10 ) ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms );

  public void datatypeEnumeration() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion(a, dp, OWL.constant(1)),
        OWL.propertyAssertion(a, dp, OWL.constant(2)),
            OWL.equivalentClasses(A, OWL.some(dp, dt)),
            OWL.datatypeDefinition(dt, OWL.oneOf(OWL.constant(1), OWL.constant(2), OWL.constant(3))) };


    testExplanations(OWL.classAssertion(a, A), 0
        new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0], axioms[2], axioms[3] }
        new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[1], axioms[2], axioms[3] });
  public void transitiveProperty() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.transitive( p ), OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( b, p, c ), OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.value( p, c ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( b, A ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[2], axioms[3] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 0, axioms );

  public void propertyChain1() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subPropertyOf( new OWLObjectProperty[] { p, q }, r ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ), OWL.propertyAssertion( b, q, c ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[1] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, r, c ), 0, axioms );

  public void propertyChain2() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subPropertyOf( new OWLObjectProperty[] { p, q }, r ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ), OWL.propertyAssertion( b, q, c ),
        OWL.equivalentClasses( A, OWL.some( r, OWL.Thing ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), 0, axioms );

  public void inferredSubProperty() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subPropertyOf( p, r ), OWL.subPropertyOf( r, q ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, r, b ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] {
        axioms[0], axioms[2] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, q, b ), 0, axioms );

  public void multipleDatatypeRange() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.range( dp, XSD.BYTE ), OWL.range( dp, XSD.NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER ),
        OWL.range( dp, XSD.NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER ), OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.min( dp, 1 ) ),
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 0 ) ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] {
        axioms[1], axioms[2], axioms[3], axioms[4] } );

  public void subPropertiesOfFunctionalDataProperty() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.functional( dp ), OWL.subPropertyOf( dq, dp ), OWL.subPropertyOf( dr, dp ),
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dq, OWL.constant( 1 ) ),
        OWL.classAssertion( a, OWL.some( dr, XSD.INTEGER ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dp, OWL.constant( 1 ) ), 0, new OWLAxiom[] {
        axioms[1], axioms[3] } );
    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, dr, OWL.constant( 1 ) ), 0, axioms );

  public void simpleSubClass() throws Exception {
    // this test case is to check the effect of classification and caching
    // on explanations. the last axiom is to ebsure the EL classifier will
    // not be used
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, B ), OWL.subClassOf( B, C ), OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.all( p, B ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( A, C ), 0, axioms[0], axioms[1] );
  public void simpleType() throws Exception {
    // this test case is to check the effect of realization and caching
    // on explanations. the last axiom is to ebsure the EL classifier will
    // not be used
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.classAssertion( a, A ), OWL.subClassOf( A, B ),
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.all( p, B ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.classAssertion( a, B ), 0, axioms[0], axioms[1] );
  public void simplePropertyAssertion() throws Exception {
    // this test case is to check the effect of hasObviousPropertyValue
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ), 0, axioms );
  public void subPropertyAssertion() throws Exception {
    // this test case is to check the effect of hasObviousPropertyValue
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.propertyAssertion( a, p, b ), OWL.subPropertyOf( p, q ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.propertyAssertion( a, q, b ), 0, axioms );
  public void functionalPropertyInMaxCardinality() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.functional( p ), OWL.subClassOf( C, OWL.min( p , 2 ) ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( C, OWL.Nothing ), 0, axioms );

  public void expressionInDomain() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.some( p, B ) ), OWL.domain( p, OWL.or(C, D) ),
        OWL.disjointClasses( A, C ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( A, D ), 0, axioms );
  public void expressionInRange() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.some( p, B ) ), OWL.range( p, OWL.or(C, D) ),
        OWL.disjointClasses( B, C ), OWL.disjointClasses( B, D ) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );
    testExplanations( OWL.subClassOf( A, OWL.Nothing ), 0, axioms );
  public void differentFromAndFunctionality() throws Exception {
    OWLAxiom[] axioms = {
        OWL.functional(p), OWL.propertyAssertion(a, p, b), OWL.propertyAssertion(a, p, c),
            OWL.propertyAssertion(a, p, d), OWL.differentFrom(b, c), OWL.differentFrom(c, d) };

    setupGenerators( Arrays.asList( axioms ) );

    testInconsistencyExplanations( 0, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0],
      axioms[1], axioms[2], axioms[4]}, new OWLAxiom[] { axioms[0],
      axioms[2], axioms[3], axioms[5]} );

Related Classes of com.clarkparsia.explanation.test.AbstractExplanationTest

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